The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series
Page 7
“It’s real.”
I pulled out my sword and pointed it at his lying face. “The thirteenth land is an old fable. Don’t lie to me! If you don’t tell me where my sister is, I swear I’ll kill you.”
He held up his hands in defense. “I swear. It’s the truth. Lord Lucino gave us specific orders on where to take the girls. We had only a few more stops before returning back home.”
“You were specifically told to take my sister?” I paced back and forth, hands trembling. “First, you tell me Daath exists. Then you tell me some lord is kidnapping girls from everywhere. Am I supposed to believe that?” In a rage, I kicked the log next to him.
His eyes widened.
“Lord Lucino is searching for a bride, and he is very particular when it comes to women.”
“Why should I believe you?” I gauged his expression, trying to figure him out.
“Because I have no reason to lie.”
He looked right at me when he said it. I was pretty good at reading people and I almost believed him. “Let’s pretend I think you’re telling the truth. Where is Daath?”
“If I tell you now, you’ll kill me, and you need me alive in order to pass through the barrier.”
Barrier? What is he talking about? My head ached, and I needed to think. It would be a risk trusting him, but what other choice did we have? I could try and locate the kidnapper’s trail, like I did before, but if this man was telling the truth about a barrier…
“Fine,” I said. “You’ll take us to Daath and help me get my sister back.”
“Lord Lucino is very powerful.”
“I don’t care how strong he is. He kidnapped my sister, and for that, he pays.”
“I understand, but trying to go after Lord Lucino is impossible.”
In a flash, I had my sword tip pressed against his throat. “Because of you, my sister is gone. By all rights I should kill you.” I pressed the blade in, nicking his skin. “Do you have family in Daath?”
“Yes,” he whispered.
“Any children?”
“Any happen to be a girl?” He glanced down.
“What would you do if Lucino took your daughter?”
“Same as you.”
“Then we understand each other. I can’t abandon her, no matter what the odds are.”
Jericho nodded slightly. “I’ll escort you to Daath and help you find your sister.”
I pondered his so called oath. I lowered the sword and stepped back. “Remember, if you turn on us …”
Jericho bowed his head. “You have my word.”
Satisfied with his answer, I led Jericho to Derrick. Men grumbled and glared at Jericho. Derrick straightened.
“I know where Jeslyn has been taken,” I said. “Daath”
“That man be telling lies!” Rudy yelled. “Everyone knows Daath’s an old wives tale. They’ve been talking about that hidden land for centuries!”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Derrick grip his sword. “I thought so too, but I believe him,” I said, even though I wasn’t really sure myself.
“You gonna tell me next that legendary guardian is real too?” Rudy scoffed.
“May I say something?” Every man glared at Jericho, as if he’d suggested executing our King.
“You don’t hear about Daath because no one but the guard is allowed to leave, and the entrance is concealed. And yes, the guardian is real, but as long as you bear the seal, you’re safe.” Jericho lifted his sleeve revealing the snake tattoo on his right arm.
“I can’t ask any of you to risk your lives for me,” I said, turning to the men. “You’ve done enough. Derrick and I will go to Crain Village with you; after that, we’ll be on our way.”
Lucas approached me, holding Rudy’s daughter’s hand. “If it wasn’t for you, I never would have found Charlotte.” He glanced at her and squeezed her hand. “I’m indebted to you, and I’m going with you to Daath.”
“Now, now, don’t you be making promises.” Rudy scrunched his bushy face at Lucas. “You’ll be taking my Charlotte back home.”
Rudy raised a hand. “No butts. I need someone I can trust. I’ll follow these lads.”
“Don’t forget about us,” the twins said in unison, grinning at me.
Days ago, we were strangers. Now they’re willing to risk their lives for me.
Deep down, I knew we needed the help, but what if one of them died? More blood and more death. I couldn’t allow them to do that.
“Thank you,” Derrick said, before I could convince them not to come.
I was ready to argue with Derrick when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. “I know what you’re thinking.” He held up a finger. “We need them. This is too big for us, and I’d feel a lot better if we weren’t alone with that guy.”
I knew he referred to Jericho, and Derrick was right: we couldn’t trust him, at least not yet. I had to remind myself who this man was—Jeslyn’s kidnapper.
Chapter Nineteen
I wanted to thrust my sword into Gerard’s pitiful face. “I hope you have a very good explanation as to why my entire caravan is missing!”
He knelt. “We were attacked just before dawn. Lady Lucy informed us she had taken care of our pursuers. We were unprepared.”
I walked down the red carpet and thought about slicing off his head. “Do not blame Lucy for your incompetence. You are the captain.” I glared down in disgust. The males of this race served little purpose, and they smelled like a mule. “Where are the rest of your men?”
Gerard clenched his fist. “Most of them were killed during the attack. I assume the rest fled. They caught one of the guards, but I made sure he would not be able to speak. Daath’s location is safe.”
“What else do you have to say for your failure?”
“When I realized the battle was lost, I escaped with one of the girls. She―”
Before the words had left his lips, my foot snapped out, nearly breaking the ribs of his frail weasel-like chest. “Coward! You think a girl would redeem you?” I drew my sword. Enough of this.
He buckled, gasping for air. “She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She would make the perfect bride.”
Now, that was interesting. “All right, Gerard. Let’s see this little treasure you’ve brought me. If she is what you say she is, you get to live.”
Slowly, I slid the sword back into its gold sheath, accentuating the sound of its keening blade; a melody that reminded Gerard his folly would not be tolerated. “Take me to her.”
Chapter Twenty
A slow drip echoed off the stone walls. I curled into a ball on the hard wooden cot, trying to convince myself it was all a long dream, one from which I couldn’t wake. They’d put me in a horrid room, covered in dark stone with only a wash pan and a small round window well out of reach. When the suns disappeared, I lay in darkness, listening to the murmurs and cries of other prisoners and waiting for the rays of dawn.
The guards refused to answer any of my questions, and I still didn’t know why I was taken. I wanted Mother and Father, but most of all, I wanted Derrick and wished he would come crashing through the door, rescuing me.
Questions circled my mind. What had happened to Derrick? And my brother? For where one is, so is the other.
Footsteps sounded outside the door, followed by the twist of a key. I rolled over and faced the wall. The guards enjoyed staring, and I refused to give them any attention.
The door creaked open.
“Hello, my lady,” a refined voice said.
This wasn’t one of the guards. Curious, I turned to acknowledge my visitor. I didn’t expect a handsome boy. He stared at me with deep sapphire eyes. His shoulder length hair color reminded me of the pale y
ellow honeysuckles back home. His chiseled features resembled a stone statue, perfectly carved. My gaze drifted to his long velvet robe decorated with intricate gold symbols. Beneath the brocade vest, he wore a silk shirt and from his neck hung a gold medallion of a snake eating its tail.
He glided towards me like a swan on water. I combed my fingers through my hair, smoothing out the wild strands. He sat down on the cot. I was surrounded by the scent of cold winter air.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
I should have replied, but fear closed my throat.
He smiled and held out his hand. “My name is Lucino.”
“Jeslyn.” I placed my hand in his, anxious and uncertain.
He gently kissed my hand. I shivered. No man had ever looked at me with such desire—not even Derrick—and it frightened me.
“Hello, Jeslyn.” His smooth voice rang with power.
My hands trembled, and I dug them into my tattered dress.
“Are you feeling well?”
It angered me that he acted so frivolous. I wanted to scream and cry. Did he not realize I was a prisoner?
“I know you’re frightened. I’m not going to harm you.” He peered at my arm. “That’s quite the cut. May I?”
He didn’t wait for an answer and gently lifted my arm, examining the deep scratch running across it. I thought back to my blinded journey, and the trembling fear came flooding back.
“Who did this to you?”
“A man blacker than night. He was in charge of the men who stole me.”
Lucino’s brows slanted down. “Did he do anything else to you?”
I nodded, remembering the last time I saw Derrick, back at the wagon. A single tear slid down my cheek.
“He hit me.”
Lucino wiped my tear. More followed. “Jeslyn, please—be calm. You have nothing to fear from me.”
His pupils dilated, and in their center swirled something like a hurricane. I leaned forward, not trusting my own eyes.
“You are safe,” he said.
Suddenly the fear subsided, the storm from his eyes gone. My stomach grumbled. It had been awhile since I’d last eaten.
He stood, offering his arm. “Come with me. You can eat and bathe. This is no place for a beauty like you. There’s much we need to discuss.”
I agreed, eager to leave this room, eager to bathe. Once I left this prison, I could think of a way to escape.
Outside the enormous wooden structure in which I’d been housed, a black carriage waited, led by two magnificent white horses. I spotted the captain standing next to it and huddled closer to Lucino, seemingly far saner than the dark beast who’d dragged me here.
“Please, wait inside, my lady.” Lucino hoisted me into the carriage, and I climbed in. He closed the door, and I peered through the window. He gestured the captain away.
“Kneel!” Lucino ordered.
The captain knelt and bowed his head. Lucino took out his sword and slashed it across the captain’s face. It happened so quickly, I almost missed it.
“That is so you remember how to properly treat a lady.” Lucino kicked him in the chin, sending him backward.
My heart hammered as I watched Lucino defend my honor, but why would he be so angry with his own man? Did he not order him to take me?
Lucino motioned for the two nearest soldiers and whispered to them. Their expressions turned to shock.
“Yes, Master,” they said, picking up their comrade while Lucino walked back to me.
Upon entering the carriage, Lucino snapped his fingers. The driver whipped the reins, and the horses trotted up the winding road.
I peered at the passing scenery with wide eyes. “Where are we?” I asked.
All my life I’ve dreamed of it being real. Mother had told me the old stories. Daath is the birthplace of our world, a magical paradise. No one else believed Mother’s old tales, not even Calli and especially not Avikar, but I did.
Lush vegetation, greener than a shining emerald, surrounded us. Exotic birds chirped from the brush. Prancing unafraid alongside the carriage was a creature that resembled a deer but smaller and snow white. Delicate flowers larger than a melon weaved with the grass. In the trees lurked black crescent-browed monkey creatures. I pressed against the glass. My breath fogged my view, and I rubbed it away.
I could feel Lucino’s eyes observing me in silence. I shifted in the seat.
“I’m sorry if I stare,” he said. “I have never seen anyone quite as exquisite as you. You are extremely beautiful.”
“Th … thank you.”
“You must have some questions you’d like to ask?”
I slid back and folded my hands in my lap. “Why am I here?”
He sighed and glanced out the window. “It was not supposed to be like this, but my Council is desperate for me to have a wife. You see, I’m reaching that age when a boy becomes a man and I need to be married. Sadly, I haven’t found the perfect girl, and I ceased searching. At the age of twenty-one, I must be wed. It is tradition. Unfortunately, my birthday is in a few weeks. My Council was running out of options and acted hastily. Many girls were taken from their homes.”
He looked at me, genuine concern on his face, and leaned forward. “I am sorry you were kidnapped. If I had known what was happening, I never would have allowed it. They figured if they found girls outside of Daath, one of them might pique my interest.”
I debated the truth of his words.
“The girls were going to be presented to me at the upcoming ball, and I’d have to choose one. I overheard the men talk about you and knew I had to release you from that prison.” He leaned closer and grabbed both my hands.
I wanted to pull them away, but was afraid to anger him. I’d play along, for now.
“All this, anything you seek, could be yours if you marry me, my lady. I don’t need to see any other girls. I know you’re the one.”
With no food in my stomach—and the constant fear and anxiety, I felt dizzy and lightheaded. My mind could not take in a lord’s proposal.
Our destination came into view: a four story white-stoned mansion with spiraled pillars and arched windows. The narrow driveway was set against a perfectly manicured lawn broken with grey statues and geometric bushes. Gardeners tended potted flowers and multi-colored rose arches decorating a myriad of walkways. The workers bowed their heads as we rolled by.
“Welcome to my home,” he said, sweeping his arm out towards the scenery.
When we stopped, the driver opened Lucino’s door. Lucino exited and stretched out his hand to me. I grabbed it and swayed. Bright sunlight beamed down at me, and the heat made my stomach roll. Lucino asked a question, his voice muffled. Brown spots clouded my vision. I gripped Lucino’s hand harder. He said my name, and then I fell.
Chapter Twenty-One
My Lady!” I caught Jeslyn in my arms as she fainted. Her icy blue eyes fluttered open. “Jeslyn,” I whispered with the litheness of a harp. I activated my captivation spell, watching the storm in my eyes reflected in hers, pulling her conscience in, knowing she could not escape. I drew closer, washing my cool breath over her face.
“Sleep, my beauty,” I said. “Sleep, and when you awake, all will be well.”
Her eyes closed, and the serenity of sleep filled her face.
Willis appeared by my side. One of the few competent servants I had; although, his human form did not suit his lanky Reptilian body well. I handed Jeslyn to him. “Take her upstairs to the red room.”
He bowed his head and carried Jeslyn inside. I wiped my hands with the handkerchief under my lapel. Lucy stepped out of the massive doorway and down the stone steps. Passing Willis, she examined Jeslyn and smirked.
“What a delicate face,” said Lucy. “Is she your newest doll?”
I l
aughed. “Ahh, my dear Lucy, that is my future bride!” Lucy raised an eyebrow and I offered her my arm. “Shall we?”
We strolled down the curved walkway leading to the gardens. “Tell me, dear sister. When were you planning on informing me that my entire shipment of females had been intercepted?”
“That’s why I came outside.”
I placed my hand over her arm and squeezed. “Lucy, Lucy, you knew how important this assignment was. And one I expected you to see through.”
“Why can’t you choose one of your many dolls to wed? I have more important things to attend to.”
I stopped and tightened my grip. She winced as I dug my fingers into her skin.
“Securing your rule outside of Daath is the main goal. You know this!” She struggled to pull away but I held her in place.
“I will not be questioned,” I said. “You are under my authority. Do not forget that.”
“And I am your sister. Your fate is the same as mine.”
That was true. The females of our race were only as powerful as the ruling males and we were royal blood. “Then you will listen to my orders. Do we have an understanding?”
A butterfly flew past. I swatted the insect, killing it instantly. “I cannot stand these bugs. I’ll never fathom the obsession humans have with them. They are vile things. Where was I? Oh, yes.” We passed the marble fountain and continued walking.
“In order to appease The Council, I must be married, this you know. The dolls are my private collection. The finest specimens from all of Tarrtainya, and sadly, I cannot tolerate any of them, None of them have the aura I seek. All you had to do was take the girls Romulus instructed and bring them here. Yet, somehow, you managed to fail at such a simple task. If it weren’t for Gerard’s quick thinking, we would be having a different conversation. During our last meeting, you said you took care of the problem. What happened?”
“The spell broke sooner than I planned.”