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The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 22

by Eliza Tilton

  Three of the guards fell clutching their throats while the fourth stood looking at them in horror. I missed! I can’t believe I missed.

  The lone guard screamed and ran in my direction. I watched him as he drew closer and closer. When he came in range, I aimed the bow at him, another arrow notched.

  He waved his hands rapidly. “Please don’t kill me. I have a family!”

  Derrick kicked the guy and sent him running into the forest. “Get out of here and tell no one or we will kill you!”

  Jericho and the rest of our group were waiting at the entrance. He handed each of us a black cloak. “Keep your hoods up and stay behind the pillars like we planned. When the eclipse happens, move in.”

  I slid the cloak on. “Don’t forget, Lucino is ours.”

  Hesitation filled Jericho’s eyes. Yesterday we had argued over this for half the afternoon. “Jericho, you promised,” I said, reminding him.

  “Yes, I know. You’ll have your shot. We’ll take care of the rest.”

  We slipped into the temple and broke out into three separate groups, each entering the main hall from different sides. Derrick stayed by me, cautiously walking to the first set of pillars.

  Before us stood twenty or more black robed figures chanting and making strange gestures with their hands. Their bodies lurched back and forth in weird spasms. The runes around the temple glowed an eerie blue. In front of the dark pit knelt Jeslyn, in a white gown, next to a man dressed in all black.


  The priest performing the ceremony chanted in a strange language. The same language Lucy sang in. All three of them were before a black altar with a creature tied to it. It was too far away to discern.

  I heard a low growl next to me. Derrick, staring at Lucino, clenched his fists. The hooded figures chanted louder and began lighting torches on large candelabras around the room. Each lamp changed the rune next to it to blood red.

  Clouds passed over the moon as the moon turned the sky black.

  Arrows descended onto the dark figures who immediately screamed and scattered. I dashed down the steps and towards Jeslyn.

  “Avikar, to your left!” Derrick yelled, slashing one of the robed men with his claymore.

  Lucy. I strung my bow, aiming for her head. Not this time. I shot the arrow, but she moved out of the way. “Jericho!” I pointed at

  Lucy. “Don’t let her sing!”

  Jericho chased after Lucy, who started running out of the main room. Lucino had his arm around Jeslyn. They stood in the center watching the chaos.

  “Jeslyn!” I shouted, running to her, readying my sword.

  Derrick reached her first. He pointed his claymore at Lucino. “Get your hands off her.”

  “Derrick? What’s going on?” Jeslyn stepped out of Lucino’s embrace. “Why are you attacking?” She looked back at Lucino with a confused expression.

  “You are a fool if you think you’re going to escape here with your lives,” Lucino said, pulling out his long sword. “How dare you interrupt us.”

  “Wait!” Jeslyn put her hand against Lucino’s chest. “There’s no reason to fight. This is a misunderstanding.”

  With Lucino busy watching Derrick, I crept to the side and grabbed Jeslyn.

  “Avikar, what are you doing?”

  I held her arm. “Getting you out of here.”

  She shook her head. “This is ridiculous. Someone will get hurt. I’m only getting married. I would’ve sent word, but after I saw you, Lucino had me sent to a preparation house. I planned on finding you after the wedding.”

  “Jeslyn, he’s not human!”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  I didn’t know what had happened to her in the past few weeks, but seeing that shocked expression said enough.

  “Jeslyn, please,” I said, “go with Derrick.”

  She shook her head. “No. You lie. Why would you say that?”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe she was acting like this.

  Derrick moved before I could react. He swung his claymore at Lucino who blocked the attack.

  “What have you done to her?” Derrick sidestepped and attacked Lucino again.

  “I have done nothing,” Lucino grunted, easily fending off Derrick’s vicious swings.

  “Stop it!” Jeslyn screamed, but both of them ignored her.

  “We need to leave, now,” I said.

  She looked at me with sad eyes. “Make them stop, please, Avi.”

  It had been a long time since my sister had asked me for anything. She ordered me around a lot, but nothing like this. It reminded me of days past, when she didn’t blame me so much. I wanted to give in to her, to be the brother that made her smile.

  “I can’t.” It killed me to see her cry. “Jeslyn, you don’t understand. He’s not what you think.”

  Her expression hardened. “I don’t care. I will not watch the two men I care for kill each other.”

  What did she say?

  I should have grabbed her, done whatever I could to stop her from walking away, but her words paralyzed me. I watched her scream at Derrick and Lucino, begging them to stop as they ignored her and continued to fight. The scene unfolded in slow motion. Her cries, Derrick’s loud warrior yell and the fury on Lucino’s face. Jeslyn stepped too close to the fight. I think I screamed her name, horrified at what I knew was about to happen.

  Derrick threw his whole body into the next attack; his sword slashing at Lucino’s left side, right where Jeslyn stood. He realized his mistake, but not soon enough.

  “No!” I sprinted and caught her before she hit the ground.

  “Oh, no, what have I done. Jeslyn …” Derrick dropped to his knees.

  Blood spilled from her side. She gasped and I held her in my shaking arms.

  “Don’t die on me.” I held her close. “You’ll be fine. I’ll get you out of here.”

  “You fools!” Lucino yelled.

  I glanced up and saw a red haze outlining Lucino’s body. He glared at Derrick, who sat on the ground shaking his head in disbelief. Lucino gripped his sword and snarled.

  He’s going to kill him. I ripped the dagger out of its holder and threw it at Lucino. My aim was dead on. He screamed and went to pull out the dagger.

  “Derrick, you have to get her out of here. Find Jericho,” I said.

  Derrick’s face paled.


  He snapped out of his daze and moved.

  The red aura around Lucino vanished. I kissed Jeslyn on the forehead. “Stay alive.”

  She whispered my name, blood trickling out of her mouth. I couldn’t watch the life leave her eyes. I turned away and prayed she would live.

  Derrick gently picked her up and held her in his arms.

  I stood to face Lucino.

  “Go. I’ll take care of him,” I told Derrick. My body shook with fear, adrenaline and rage. I focused on the anger, letting its power fuel me. This creature was the reason my sister was dying. Everything happened because of him.

  Chapter Sixty-Three


  Lucino charged first with a powerful swing that threw me off balance when I blocked. He was stronger than I.

  This was going to be a tough fight. I adjusted my grip on the sword and stabbed forward. Lucino blocked the attack as if swatting a fly. I raised the sword, trying a different technique, and slashed down, stepping to the side at the last second, sending the weapon in an arc to Lucino’s stomach. Lucino blocked.

  Blocking Lucino’s attacks were taking all of my energy and I couldn’t get any swings close to hurting him. I focused on breathing, and tried again, rushing forward. Lucino’s blade pushed the thrust aside.

  Lucino sneered. “Do you honestly think you are going to win?”

  I spit at him. “Whatever it takes, you die today.”
/>   Lucino grunted and twirled his sword around at me with such power it knocked my own blade right out of my hands.

  “It seems I was correct.” Lucino stepped forward, pointing his sword tip at my chest.

  I can do this. I know I can do this. I just need time to think.

  I stepped back attempting to put distance between us. Lucino lunged forward, driving his sword into my shoulder. I cried out in pain.

  “You humans are so weak.” Lucino looked at his own wound. “Your little dagger barely scratched my skin, but it did seem to stop my transformation.” He glanced at the dagger lying on the floor.

  “You’re from The Order. I’ve always wanted to fight one of you.” The Order? Why would he think I’m from The Order?

  “Do you even have skin?” I panted, holding my shoulder.


  His brows narrowed. “So you know the truth.”

  Keep him talking. “Yes, I know what you are and what you plan to do.” I dug my free hand into my pocket, pulling open the bag of marbles.

  “Did you also know there are hundreds of my kind walking among you?”


  Lucino laughed. “Ahh, no, you did not. Of course you wouldn’t know the extent of our reach.”

  My hand grabbed a handful of marbles. A few more seconds. “Why are you here?”

  “Does it matter? Soon, we will rule.”

  “You will never take over,” I said and ran, forcing Lucino to chase me. I threw the marbles at his feet. I checked to see if it had worked and ran straight to my sword, picking it off the ground. I whirled around and saw Lucino smirking as he drove his sword into my stomach.

  He laughed. “You really are a fool.”

  The sword fell from my hands, clanging as it hit the ground. Pain shot through my body and I pressed my hands against my stomach.

  No, this isn’t how this ends. I won’t give up. I won’t.

  Lucino turned his back to me. I looked around for anything I could use to stop him. One of the candelabras stood next to me. With the last of my strength, I hauled the stick at Lucino. The candles ignited his clothes, and he screamed. His arms flailed as he tried to put out the fire.

  Since Lucino wasn’t human, I didn’t know if fire would kill him, or even hurt him. I knew I was dying. The life was already draining from my body, but I wouldn’t rest until I knew Lucino was dead.

  Lucino was close enough to the pit, if I could summon the strength, I could push him over.

  Creator, please, just a bit longer. Help me rid of this filth.

  Grabbing the candelabra, I staggered towards Lucino.

  “Go back to whatever cursed land you came from,” I growled, thrusting the stick into Lucino’s chest, driving him over the edge.

  He fell, his screams fading on the descent. Then the whole temple exploded with a bright light.

  I closed my eyes and waited for death.

  Chapter Sixty-Four


  “I’m so sorry,” Derrick said, his tears falling on my cheeks. “This wasn’t how this was supposed to end. We were supposed to save you.”

  I held his hand. “It was an accident.” I winced at the pain; even talking took all my strength.

  Derrick shook his head. “There has to be something I can do.”

  It wouldn’t be long now. The pain had taken on a numbing effect. Tears filled my eyes. I would never see Calli grow into the woman I knew she’d be and I’d never see Mother and Poppa again. And Avikar … There was so much that needed to be said. I don’t know when we grew apart, maybe after Jimri died, but now there was no more time. No time to talk about the past, or relive the memories we shared. All I had was a moment; a moment that slipped further and further away.

  My eyes fluttered. It was getting harder to keep them open. Above Derrick’s head, I saw a blue light. The butterflies.

  “Derrick, look.” It took all my strength to raise a finger to the blue creature hovering over us.

  His voice dripped with sorrow. “It’s just a butterfly.”

  The butterfly flew down, landed on my chest and then fluttered away. “Follow the butterfly,” I said to him.

  “What? No, Jericho is getting help. I’m not chasing an insect.”

  “Derrick … please, there is a place … a place … it can heal me.” I was losing consciousness. “Please, hurry.”

  Derrick watched the butterfly. He lifted me. “Are you sure?

  You’re certain?”

  I nodded, even though I wasn’t certain, but I hoped.

  Time slipped to and fro. Had hours or minutes only passed?

  I heard my name, a soft whisper on the wind, calling me back from this place of emptiness. I opened my eyes.

  “I think we’re here,” Derrick said, his eyes wide. “What is this place?”

  In the dark, flowers glowed vibrant greens and blues, dotting the enchanted pool.

  “The water …”

  He stepped into the pool. The water rose around me until I floated just below the surface, wading in his arms.

  “Jeslyn.” There was so much anguish in his voice.

  I stared into his eyes, wanting to say all the things I should have.

  “What are those?” he asked.

  The butterflies.

  The blue swarm flew gracefully from the grotto, flying to us. They landed on me, in various spots. Their wings moved slowly as they sat, still and magnificent. A warm tingling spread through my body.

  “It worked,” I whispered, closing my eyes.


  “Jeslyn … don’t, don’t close your eyes. I can’t lose you!”

  “You won’t,” I said, falling into sleep.

  Chapter Sixty-Five


  When I woke, I was lying on the grass. My hands went to my chest where Lucino had stabbed me, and to my surprise, the wound was gone. I looked around. I was alone, except for a tall man in brown robes. I got to my feet and cautiously walked over to the stranger. The ground sunk in with each step. A dense fog clouded everything but the few feet surrounding the stranger and me.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Peace, Avikar.” The man motioned to a nearby stump. “Please, sit.”

  “I don’t have time for this. Where is everyone? Is Jeslyn alive?”

  The man smiled. “Yes, your sister lives. Sit and I’ll explain.”

  I paused before finally agreeing. The man’s scruffy appearance reminded me of my father.

  “Avikar, you are dying. Right now you lie in a bed with a severe fever and you’ve lost a lot of blood.”

  “Lucino is dead. Jeslyn is safe. I’ve done my duty.”

  The man frowned. “That’s all? You did your duty and now your life is forfeit?”

  Nothing mattered now. I fulfilled my oath.

  The stranger grabbed my arm.

  “Hey! What are you―” A bright light flashed and we were in a room. There I was, lying on a bed, Jeslyn sitting on a bed next to me. Derrick, Raven and Jericho sat in the room watching an old man apply compresses to my face.

  Jeslyn sat, crying, Derrick holding her. Seeing her upset, seeing them all upset over me, was crushing. I reached out to Jeslyn, but my hand passed through her. I turned around at the stranger. “Why are you showing me this?”

  “Because you think you are worthless and here are people who love you, grieving for you. Your death will affect them in a way you cannot fathom.”

  I fought back the tears. “What does it matter now? Aren’t I dying?”

  The stranger placed a hand on my shoulder. “Not yet.”

  There was a burst of brilliant light. I shielded my eyes, and when I removed my hand, I was back home at the lake. “What are we doing here?”

  The stranger disappeared,
leaving me alone in the one place I hated the most. I stood by the shore, looking at the calm waters of the lake.

  From far away someone laughed. I turned in the direction of the voice. There running towards me, was Jimri. It can’t be. My knees buckled and I dropped to the ground.

  “Avi, Avi!” Jimri crashed into my arms wearing a dimpled smile.

  I wrapped my arms around him.

  “Jimri, I’m so sorry,” I cried against his shoulder, hugging him as if he’d disappear.

  “Aww, it’s all right. It wasn’t your fault. I slipped on a rock.”

  “I shouldn’t have ignored you. I should’ve been a better brother. I should’ve never let you out of my sight.” I hugged him harder. “I couldn’t save you. I tried, but it was too late.”

  His small hands patted my back. “I know, Avi. You’re my big

  brother. You always watched out for me.” He wiggled out of my grip and grabbed my hand. “You gotta get up.” He tugged on my arm forcing me to my feet. “Time’s running out Avi. You have to go back.”

  I wiped my eyes. “Can’t I stay with you?”

  He pulled me away from the lake. “No, Avi, you have to go back!”

  “Why? What for? I’d rather be with you.”

  “There’s lots of great things. Plus, you’re a hero now. They’ll write stories about you. And that girl Raven, I like her.”

  I managed a smile. “Yeah, I kind of like her too.”

  “It’s time to go, Avi.”

  “Will we see each other again?”

  Jimri’s big dimples smiled at me. “Yup.”

  I knew what it had felt like when Jimri had died. I wouldn’t let Jeslyn go through that. I wouldn’t let her lose another brother, not when I could help it.

  “He’s awake!” Jeslyn leaned over and covered my face with kisses.


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