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Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet

Page 74

by Stacey Brutger

  When one of his hands slipped free from where he had latched onto the rim of the pool, she paused and raised a brow at him.

  He scowled, his eyes flashing up to hers, then noted her pointed look and immediately replaced his hand, practically squirming in his seat. Then he gave her an extra-sexy smile in challenge that made her pulse flutter wildly, and she found herself inching forward.

  When he opened his legs so she could get closer, she scowled at him. “Clever kitty.”

  His grin widened, not in the least bit ashamed about using his body and her desire against her.

  “More.” It was both a plea and a demand.

  Raven placed her hands on her hips, then slowly slid them down her sides, dragging the pants with her, giving him an up close and personal view of her breasts. She turned as she struggled to wiggle out of her pants, the wet denim making it a chore, and she nearly fell into the tub when he groaned.

  “Sweetheart, you’re killing me.” His voice was strangled.

  Raven straightened abruptly, then blushed at the hunger in his gaze as she realized what kind of a show she must have given him.

  “Allow me to help?” He didn’t move while he waited for her reply, but she had the impression that he was seconds away from pouncing.

  She nodded, unable to speak as she watched droplets of water trickle down the contours of his chest and washboard abs, her throat suddenly bone dry. When he lifted a hand and crooked a finger at her, she found herself moving toward him, needing to touch him—needing to be touched.

  When she was close enough, he struck, his arm lashing out to snag around her waist. He drew her forward until she was seated on his knee, wrapped in his warm leather scent that made her want to curl herself around him and snuggle close. He gathered her legs, cradling her in his lap as he swept off her pants, then dutifully presented them to her.

  Despite his charm, she felt his claws drag gently against her skin, telling her he was so on edge he could scarcely contain himself. The khakis he wore were an insignificant barrier between them, and she was conscious of two hundred pounds of muscle wrapped around her.

  She leaned forward and nuzzled his neck, dragging her lips up along the strong column of his throat, until she could whisper into his ear. “Hands.”

  At the gentle admonishment, his hands hastily dropped away and landed back on the edges of the tub, where tiny cracks splintered along the porcelain as he tried to hold himself back. As a reward, Raven shifted in his lap, settling her legs on either side of his hips, and she sucked in a sharp breath at the intimate contact.

  He inhaled harshly, each breath expanding his chest just enough to brush lightly against her breasts.

  “Kiss me.” It was a demand.

  Raven raised a brow at him, ignoring the way her pulse pounded. “For not being the one in charge, you’re sure bossy.”

  “Who said I’m not in charge?” His smile was slow to form. “I have you exactly where I want you…naked in my arms.”

  Raven smothered her laugh at his smug tone. “Or do I have you exactly where I want you?”

  He responded with a rumbling purr, sending tingles shooting down her spine directly to her core.


  She wanted more.

  She must have said it out loud, because Durant grabbed her hips, pulling her tight against him, then shot to his feet, wading deeper into the water until nothing surrounded her but him. He dragged her deeper, as if wanting to make sure she didn’t change her mind and try to escape.

  There was nothing human in his expression. Raven was worried that if she moved she would set him off, and she shivered, imagining what he might do next.

  “Durant.” She spoke in a soothing tone, whispering his name, allowing her fingers to trace lightly against the skin of his side from ribs to hip. “Come back to me.”

  The door slammed open, smacking the wall so hard the handle became stuck in the sheetrock.

  Rylan stood in the doorway, his eyes pure black, his fangs exposed. Though he didn’t need to breathe, his chest heaved under the strain of his emotions.

  Durant whirled, thrust her behind him, and roared in challenge, rising to his full, glorious, half-naked self, giving her an eyeful of his strong shoulders, the corded muscles of his back, down to the delicious view of his very firm, toned ass covered by a thin layer of wet khakis.

  She peered around Durant, ignoring his growl, and gave Rylan a tentative smile, pretending that she wasn’t bare-assed naked. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Come here.” He held out his hand in demand, and Durant scowled, stepping in front of her.

  Raven rolled her eyes, and spoke to the ceiling. “Yeah, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “He’s not in control. You’re not safe.” Rylan’s boots scuffled against the floor as he began to circle them, but Durant turned, deliberately keeping himself between them, the testosterone in the room reaching explosive proportions.

  She wasn’t sure if he was afraid she would be snatched away from him or, if, as she suspected, he was trying to protect her modesty.

  “He’s not going to let you take me.” Raven sank lower into the water. “What would you suggest?”

  “I don’t suppose you would let me restrain him.” Raven peered around Durant to see Rylan crack his knuckles, moving his head side to side, bones cracking.

  “Durant.” She carefully set her hands on his back, allowing her nails to dig in a little in annoyance. “Kiss me.”

  He tensed, so she knew he was listening. She stood and wrapped her arms around him, letting her hands rest low on his stomach. “Do you want to kiss me again?”

  The tiger cocked his head, turning toward her just enough so he could glance at her, as if suspecting a trap. The outrage and anger in his eyes faded a little, replaced by curiosity.

  “You don’t want to hurt me, do you?” He scowled, and she saw the humanity bleed back into his face. “Then sit. Rylan isn’t going to take me away.”

  He glanced at the vampire as if he didn’t believe her.

  Rylan scowled, but gave a small, grudging nod, then reached over and quietly shut the door.

  Durant didn’t move for a full minute, but finally turned and headed for the opposite side of the pool from Rylan. He grabbed her arm, spinning her until Rylan was presented with her back, and she’d swear if he had a shirt, he would have covered her up. Instead of allowing her to follow, he kept his grip on her arm and dragged her behind him, reverting to a complete caveman.

  Though he wasn’t in his tiger form, Raven could practically feel his tail twitching in agitation. He sat, but instead of focusing on her, he glared over her shoulder at Rylan.

  Raven wanted to smack them both. Instead, she dove under the water and swam toward the edge of the pool…away from both of them. She didn’t get more than a foot away when a hand grabbed her ankle and resolutely dragged her backward.

  Raven came up sputtering, rising only enough to lift her head out of the water, using both her hands to drag her hair out of her face. “What the hell!”

  If anything, Durant’s scowl was even more fearsome. “You were leaving.”

  “Yeah, two dickheads kind of ruin the mood. You guys seemed to want to be alone.” She rolled her eyes and made to swim to the end of the pool again when Rylan began unbuttoning his shirt, then dropped it on the floor. He leaned against the edge of the tub, systematically taking off his shoes and rolling down his socks.

  “What are you doing?” She stopped short, embarrassed by the way her voice wavered at the end.

  Without answering, he swung his legs over the side of the pool and slid into the water so smoothly the surface didn’t even ripple. He then leaned back and rested his arms along the rim.

  “Turn around.”

  The lazy tone was deceptive.

  Raven hesitated, worried about the hard edge to him. “What are you doing?”

  “You can’t be trusted alone with him.” He turned toward Durant, his face relaxing into a h
ard grin. “The instant he steps out of line and disobeys, you will join me.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock.

  Then she stared at him for a full minute before realizing he was serious.

  She finally closed her mouth, then glanced at Durant.

  Instead of being furious, Durant gave a single nod of male understanding.

  Raven wanted to be pissed at them, but she was through with denying what she wanted. She’d claimed them a long time ago. It was time to show them what they meant to her.

  “Turn around,” Rylan ordered again.

  Raven obeyed, turning until she faced Durant.


  She hesitated until she saw the heat rekindle in Durant’s eyes. Very slowly, she stood, shivering as she saw him avidly track the water trickling down her body like she was a goddess rising from the sea.

  “Lift your hair off your neck.” Raven shivered at Rylan’s husky tone. Instead of feeling awkward about following his commands, she was relieved that she didn’t have to worry about what to do next. She was lifting her hair when she saw Durant reach for her.


  Raven bit back a curse, nearly turning to glare at the asshole, her whole body tingling, almost able to feel the phantom touch against her skin.

  “I didn’t say touch her.”

  Durant gritted his teeth. To her shock, he dropped his arms and sat back. “My turn.” He narrowed his eyes on Rylan, then gave a smug smile. “Turn around.”

  Raven could only stare at Durant in surprise, and he lifted a single brow in challenge. “Don’t worry, little one. His control is even shakier than mine. It won’t be long before you’re back in my arms again.”

  His smile turned evil as he glanced over her shoulder. When his eyes flickered back to her, his face softened. “Nothing happens that you don’t want. He might not show it, but he wants you just as badly as the rest of us—and he’s just as terrified of hurting you.”

  Raven whirled in shock, not sure she believed him. Rylan had always kept his distance from her. She thought it was because he craved her blood, but now she wondered if it was more.

  Rylan didn’t say a word, he was too busy staring at her hungrily to notice.

  “Walk forward and stop when you’re standing between his legs.”

  Raven didn’t hesitate, trusting them with more than her life—she trusted them not to bruise her heart.

  She stopped in front of Rylan, suddenly very conscious of her nakedness. To his credit, his eyes didn’t drop from her face, the hunger there making her breath catch.

  And it was hunger for more than just her blood.

  “Turn around.”

  Raven nearly whimpered at the command. Her skin was beginning to ache, craving to be touched. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, going a little light-headed at his spicy scent, and her mouth watered.

  She turned slowly, curling her hands into fists to keep them from shaking.


  Her eyes popped open in surprise. “Huh?”

  “Sit.” Durant rose lazily to his feet, water swirling around his hips as he strode toward them.

  To her embarrassment, she plopped down rather inelegantly.

  And couldn’t have been more shocked to find herself in Rylan’s lap. He was fully aroused, his breathing ragged in her ear. His wet jeans were rough against her backside, the shocking contrast ratcheting up her need for skin-on-skin contact.

  Instead of another order, Durant’s next move was completely unexpected. He dropped to his knees in front of her.

  “Open her legs.”

  Rylan’s hands settled onto her hips, then skimmed lightly down the top of her thighs. Her hips arched, seeking more, but the dratted man didn’t deviate from his orders. Her legs fell open without any prompting. Rylan didn’t remove his touch, brushing his hands up and down the sides of her legs from knees to her hips.

  “Lean back.”

  Raven obeyed rather pathetically fast, her breath catching at the almost furnace-like heat of Rylan’s skin. With a guttural groaned, he leaned closer and ran his lips along the nape of her neck.


  Rylan froze, a growl vibrating in his chest. When he lifted his head, she bit back a whimper at the loss, unable to keep from squirming in his lap.

  “Move between her thighs, but don’t touch her.” Rylan’s words sounded like a husky whisper in her ear, and she wasn’t sure she was breathing anymore.

  Durant obeyed without hesitation. Being sandwiched between them made her blood sing in her veins, and she barely resisted the urge to yank him closer.

  “Raven.” When Rylan nudged her, she realized that he must have called her more than once. “Unbuckle his pants.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart skipped rather erratically at the thought of touching Durant so intimately. His jaw was clenched tight, not in anger but in anticipation. She touched his abs, traced the muscles, not caring that she wasn’t following Rylan’s orders to the letter.

  What were they going to do?

  Kick her out?

  When she reached the waistband of his pants, Durant sucked in a sharp breath, granting her easier access. She wrestled with the button for a second before it slipped free. When she grabbed the zipper, she was very conscious of the impressive erection straining the front of his pants, and ever so slowly lowered the metal tab.

  Rylan leaned forward, not allowing her to retreat. He dragged his hands up the insides of her thighs, forcing her to keep her legs open. Though a muscle jumped in his jaw, Durant didn’t protest, observing the movement closely with gleaming golden eyes.

  “Reach into his shorts and cup the length of him.”

  Raven peered up at Durant, waiting for him to protest. Instead, he watched her expectantly, hunger making the angles of his face sharper. Taking a deep breath, she slipped her hands inside his boxer briefs. Big. Warm. She could barely get her fingers around him, and her mouth watered.

  The instant she touched Durant’s flesh, Rylan slid his hands all the way up her leg and brushed lightly against her core.

  Her grip tightened, and Raven and Durant groaned at the same time. Durant thrust into her hands, and Raven shifted her hips at the same time, seeking more as pleasure swirled inside her.

  “Kiss her breasts.”

  Durant didn’t hesitate, capturing the tips of her breasts hungrily, his mouth rough enough to make her squirm for more. There were too many sensations to process, and she clutched the back of his head with one hand, needing something to anchor her.

  With each pull of his mouth, she tightened her grip at the base of his shaft, then ran her hand up to the tip of him, only to do it all over again. Rylan didn’t stop exploring her, his fingers dancing over her core, then pulling away much too soon. His other hand reached up to capture her other breast, plucking at her nipple, setting every nerve ending on fire.

  With every roll of her hips, she could feel Rylan’s answering thrust at her back.


  Both men hesitated at her plea, and she nearly whimpered.

  Rylan leaned over, his husky voice whispering in her ear. “We are yours to command.”

  “I want you.” She pressed back against him, while tightening her grip on Durant. “Please.”

  Both men shuddered.

  Rylan stopped touching her, and she nearly begged until she felt him run his hands down her legs, cupping the backs of her knees and draping her legs over his, leaving her completely exposed.

  Durant didn’t hesitate to take his cue, roughly shoving down his pants and taking himself in hand. She watched, fascinated as he ran his fingers up and down his length before guiding the tip to her entrance.

  Rylan concentrated his attention on her breasts, his lips nibbling on her neck.

  While she was distracted by Rylan, Durant didn’t hesitate to thrust lightly into her, then pulled back much too quickly. Then he thrust again, and then again, moving deeper each time,
stretching her, until he was able to seat himself inside her fully.

  Raven nearly strangled on a groan.

  She’d swear the men were communicating somehow, determined to drive her insane. When Durant began to thrust into her in earnest, she grabbed his hips, unable to help it as she sank her nails into him. Instead of distracting him, the small bite of pain seemed to encourage him, and his strokes intensified.

  Not to be outdone, Rylan released one of her breasts, then reached down, using his fingers to touch her intimately, driving her to a peak she wasn’t sure she was prepared for. She reached behind her, cursing when she felt his jeans, then went to work unsnapping the waistband. She shoved the denim aside in her urgent need to touch him. When the length of him settled into her hands, they both groaned, and her grip turned brutal. His thrusts became erratic, as if he was unable to help himself, and she loved that she was able to shatter his ironclad control.

  The rest of the world fell away, leaving nothing but Rylan, Durant, and the wild pleasure coursing through her system faster and faster. Lights flashed behind her eyes, blinding her to everything but them.

  Just as her body tightened, Rylan sank his fangs into her neck.

  And her world exploded.

  She heard Rylan grunt, while Durant growled, both men still moving against her.

  She knew the moment they reached their release, their pleasure triggering a second one in her so powerful her vision turned black. When she roused, she was cradled between both men, their hands running soothingly down her body.

  She wasn’t sure if it was to comfort her or claim possession.

  She didn’t care.

  She lifted her head, then cupped Durant’s face and kissed him deeply. To her shock, she felt him harden inside her. Instead of taking advantage, he pulled back, giving her a rueful grin before carefully easing away.

  “I’ll get you some dry clothes.” He stood, kicking off his shoes and easily slipping the rest of the way out of his pants before climbing, unashamedly naked, out the tub and disappearing into the bedroom.

  When she couldn’t stand the silence, she turned. Rylan took her mouth in a brutal kiss, maneuvering her body toward his until she was sitting sideways in his lap. When he lifted his head, she gasped for air.


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