The Teflon Queen PT 4

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The Teflon Queen PT 4 Page 3

by Silk White

  Chapter 5

  Ready or Not

  Angela sat on the plane staring blankly out the window. Her mind was telling her that she was making a terrible decision, but her heart was telling her otherwise. Angela loved Ashley like a daughter and planned on doing her best to keep her alive. During the flight, Captain Spiller had given her a file on the man they called Mr. Death and told her everything he knew about the assassin. “So what’s the plan?”

  “We just got word that Mr. Death called an escort service requesting a blonde for the night,” Lieutenant Spiller began. “We’re going to have Ashley dress up like an escort and eliminate the target.”

  “Are you insane?” Angela asked. “I’m not going to sit back and let you send her in on suicide mission.”

  “You have a better plan?” Lieutenant Spiller spat. “I didn’t think so,” he said not giving Angela a chance to answer. “This is the only opportunity we have to eliminate this bastard.”

  “You okay with this?” Angela asked looking over at Ashley.

  “I think I can take this guy,” Ashley said confidently. She sat across from Angela loading her Five-seven pistol. She was confident in her skills and was ready to put them up to the test.

  “I just think it’s really risky that’s all.”

  “Has prison turned you soft?” Lieutenant Spiller said looking Angela up and down. “I thought you were supposed to be the best.”

  “I was the best,” Angela countered.

  “Then start acting like it, damn it!” Lieutenant Spiller barked.

  “Okay that’s enough!” Ashley jumped in. “We all on the same team!”

  Angela rolled her eyes and focused back on looking out the window. From that moment forth Angela decided to just keep her mouth shut, she realized she didn’t have any say so in the matter so voicing her opinion was pointless. As Angela sat staring out the window, she felt Ashley sit next to her.

  “We can take this guy I know we can,” Ashley said as she squeezed into a tight fitting red strapless dress. The plane would be landing in an hour, from the airport she would have to run across town to meet Mr. Death at his hotel room and get the mission started.

  “Ashley I just don’t want you to get hurt that’s all,” Angela said. “I have all the confidence in the world in you, but I’m still a bit nervous. If something happens to you I’ll never be able to forgive myself,” she explained.

  “I’ll be fine,” Ashley smiled as a team of makeup artist began working on Ashley’s face.

  An hour later, the plane landed and Ashley stepped off the plane looking like an entirely different person. The red dress, blonde wig, and all the makeup gave her a stunning look. She turned to Angela. “How do I look?”

  “Like a high priced prostitute,” Angela said seriously.

  Ashley handed her an ear wig. “Here put that on and let me know if you can hear me, testing one, and two.”

  “Can hear you loud and clear,” Angela replied.

  “Okay it’s show time,” Ashley said with a nervous smile.

  “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck, and please know that I’ll only be a couple of feet away,” Angela looked Ashley in the eyes letting her know that no matter what she had her back.

  “This’ll be a piece of cake,” Ashley smiled as she disappeared in the back seat of the awaiting limousine.

  “I hope so,” Angela said as she watched the limousine pull off. She then quickly hopped in the back of the awaiting van along with Lieutenant Spiller, and Troy.

  Chapter 6

  No Turning Back

  All types of thoughts ran through Ashley’s mind as she sat in the back seat of the limousine. Mr. Death was supposed to be the real deal and one of the world’s best assassins; today Ashley would find out just how good she was. A small .22 caliber pistol that was strapped to her inner thigh and a four inch blade that rested in Ashley’s purse were the only weapons that she had. She stepped out of the limousine and entered the five star hotel, the butterflies in her stomach were doing summersaults.

  “Relax,” Ashley could hear Angela’s voice through the ear piece. “Just another day at the office.”

  “I’m nervous and my palms are sweating,” Ashley said as she boarded the empty elevator and pressed the 10th floor.

  “Just relax and know that we are right outside the hotel if you need us,” Angela reminded her.

  “Thanks,” Ashley replied as she stepped off the elevator and proceeded down the hall towards Mr. Death’s room. She reached the room and knocked lightly on the door. Seconds later a Japanese man answered the door dressed in an expensive looking navy blue suit, and covering his hands were a pair of black leather gloves.

  “Mr. Wang?” Ashley asked.

  “Yes I am Mr. Wang,” he smiled while giving Ashley the once over from head to toe.

  “May I come inside?” Ashley asked with a seductive smile.

  “I would like for you to join me for dinner first,” Mr. Death said.

  “That’s fine but you do know that I charge by the hour.”

  “Money will not be an issue,” Mr. Death smiled as he led Ashley down the hall and back onto the elevated.

  “You’re doing real well, just stay focused, and relax,” Angela voice buzzed into Ashley’s ear piece.

  Ashley slid into the passenger seat of the B.M.W and made sure she crossed her leg to show off her heavily oiled calf muscle and part of her thighs. On the ride to the restaurant, Ashley made small talk with the man that she was hired to kill before the night was out.

  Mr. Death and Ashley stepped foot in the fancy restaurant and were quickly escorted to a table over in the cut.

  “Will you be having the usual sir?” The waitress asked in a polite tone.

  “Yes ma’am,” Mr. Death replied with a head nod. He then turned his attention to Ashley. “So tell me a little about yourself.”

  “Well I’m 23 years old; I like to have fun, eat good food, and enjoy myself. Besides that I live a pretty much boring life,” Ashley lied. She was supposed to kill Mr. Death in his hotel room but instead here she was having dinner with him making small talk.

  “You seem like a nice girl why you are out here selling your body?” Mr. Death asked as the waitress returned and sat a bottle of red wine down on the table.

  Ashley shrugged. “I need the money.”

  “Why not get a job?”

  “I have no skills,” Ashley replied.

  Mr. Death went to reach for the bottle of wine, but accidentally knocked his glass off the table. With the reflexes of a cat, Ashley caught the glass before it hit the floor. Her reflexes caused Mr. Death to look at her with a suspicious eye.

  “Here, have some wine,” Mr. Death poured Ashley a glass and slid it in her direction.

  “No thank you,” Ashley declined. She needed to have a clear mind if she planned to pull of the mission at hand.

  “No I insist,” Mr. Death pushed the glass towards her.

  Ashley grabbed the glass and looked in it making sure she didn’t see nothing floating around or fizzling inside the glass. “Are you going to have a drink with me?”

  “I don’t drink,” Mr. Death, answered quickly.

  “Do not drink that wine it’s probably spiked with something!” Angela’s voice chirped through Ashley’s ear piece. Ashley didn’t want to drink the wine but she knew if she didn’t it would surely cause Mr. Death to become suspicious. Going against better judgment Ashley sipped the wine. As the night went on, Ashley continued to sip from her glass while the two enjoyed their dinner. Ashley went to say something when all of a sudden the effects from the wine started to kick in. “Whew!” She huffed.

  “Are you alright?” Mr. Death asked faking concern.

  “This wine is very strong,” Ashley hinted. As the place slowly began to spin.

  “It’s the best wine that money can buy,” Mr. Death said with a smirk. He wasn’t big on trust and always thought that someone was out to kill him, so whenever Mr. Death came t
his restaurant he had the waitress spike the wine with a substance that made whoever drank it incoherent.

  “Excuse me for a second,” Ashley said as she got up and staggered towards the ladies room. “Shit he slipped something in my drink,” Ashley said as soon as she stepped foot in the restroom.

  “Can you see?” Angela’s voice chirped through Ashley’s ear piece.

  “My vision is a little blurry, but I’m okay,” Ashley lied.

  “We’re coming in to get you,” Angela said in a worried tone.

  “No I’m fine I can handle it,” Ashley told her. She wanted to splash some water on her face but didn’t want to ruin her make up in the process. “I’m going to wrap it up here and head back to his room so I can seal this deal,”

  Ashley slowly walked back over to the talk and sat down.

  “Is everything alright?” Mr. Death asked with a normal expression on his face. There was something fishy about the woman that sat across from him he just couldn’t figure out what, but he was sure to get down to the bottom of it.

  “Yes I’m fine,” Ashley put on a fake smile. “I’m ready to get out of here and get my hands on you,” she licked her lips seductively.

  Mr. Death smiled, stood to his feet, then lead Ashley out of the restaurant. Ashley sunk down in the passenger seat of the B.M.W and immediately felt nauseous. She felt that at any second she was going to throw up, the motion from the car was not helping her one bit. Ashley’s vision wasn’t getting any better either which meant that she would have to make her move as soon as she entered the room. She knew she was at a disadvantage now, but felt as if this was her one and only chance to throw a monkey wrench in Abdul’s big plan so she decided to go along with it.

  * * *

  “I think we should pull her from the mission,” Angela suggested. She knew Ashley was a soldier and would rather die in the field rather than be removed from a mission, but now she wasn’t in her right state of mind and that’s what concerned Angela.

  “She said she’s fine,” Lieutenant Spiller said. His main concern was accomplishing the mission at hand.

  “She’s been drugged for God’s sake!” Angela shouted.

  “I said she’s fine!” Lieutenant Spiller barked. “Now that’s the end of it!”

  Chapter 7

  Walking Blind

  Ashley entered the hotel room and immediately kicked off her heels. She wanted to be comfortable and prepared for what she knew was soon to come.

  “Let’s get down to it,” Mr. Death said as he unzipped his zipper, pulled his manhood through the hole, and began stroking it right in front of Ashley.

  Ashley swallowed hard when she looked down at Mr. Death’s nice sized penis. Her mouth instantly began to water along with the sweet spot that was between her thighs. In her line of work, she rarely had time for a relationship, so the site of a nice sized package had Ashley thinking about sampling the product. “I just need a second to freshen up,” Ashely said, then disappeared inside the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, Ashley removed her .22, cocked a round into the chamber, took a deep breath, and then stepped back out the bathroom with a firm one handed grip on her weapon. Ashley tip-toed back out to where she had left Mr. Death standing and pause when she realized he was no longer standing there. The suite they were in was so big, that meant he could have been anywhere. Ashley slowly and cautiously inched her way through the suite until she noticed movement coming from her right. Out of nowhere, a foot kicked Ashley’s gun out of her hand. Before she got a chance to react, Mr. Death landed a stiff jab to the center of her face causing her head to violently snap back, he then grabbed her arm and roughly hip-tossed her. Ashley’s body came crashing down onto the glass coffee table sending glass shattering everywhere. Once Ashley’s back hit the floor, her legs popped up and grabbed Mr. Death’s head in a scissor lock. Ashley tried to strangle Mr. Death with her muscular thighs.

  Mr. Death effortlessly grabbed Ashley’s legs and spun around violently, tossing her upper body into the wall causing her to release her grip. Ashley quickly hopped to her feet and took her fighting stance.

  Mr. Death took one look at Ashley’s fighting stance and smirked. Ashley went to throw a punch, but a kick to the side of her face staggered her. The kick happened so fast that she never saw it coming. Mr. Death slowly walked towards Ashley with his hands down. She threw a series of blows, but none came near to landing, Mr. Death blocked all the blows and landed a stiff closed back hand to Ashley’s face. Ashley attempted to deliver a side kick, but Mr. Death easily side stepped the kick and swept her other leg from up under her. Mr. Death patiently allowed Ashley a chance to get up. Ashley made it back to her feet grabbed her purse from off the couch and pulled out her knife.

  Blood dripped from Ashley’s nose as she slowly inched her way towards Mr. Death. She realized that her skills were no match for the assassin, especially with her not functioning at a hundred percent. Ashley fainted with the knife repeatedly before finally making a move. She tried to jab the knife in Mr. Death’s chest, but he caught her wrist before the blade even got close to touching his skin, with his free hand he landed an open-palm blow to Ashley’s forehead, grabbed Ashley’s knife hand, and snapped the bone at the elbow all in one quick motion.

  “Aaaaaarghhhh!” Ashley yelled in severe pain. Mr. Death followed up with a quick six punch combo that landed in Ashley’s chest and face. His hands moved as fast as lightening, as if he was a star actor in a kung fu movie. Ashley hit the floor hard, rolled over, grabbed her gun from up off the floor and came up firing.


  Mr. Death ran through the hotel room dodging bullets and quickly dived over the couch.

  * * *

  Angela sat in the back of the van listening with a scared and worried look on her face as the violent fight continued to take place in the hotel room. Just from the sound of the battle, Angela could tell that Ashley was on the losing end of the fight. Angela jumped in her seat when she heard Ashley roar with a pain-filled scream.

  “I’m going in!” Angela said as she grabbed Troy’s 9mm from off his waist, hopped out the back of the van, and jogged into the five star hotel. She could no longer sit back and let this continue. Lieutenant Spiller looked over at Troy. “Go after and make sure she’s alright,” he ordered.

  Chapter 8

  What Have I

  Gotten Myself Into?

  Ashley inched her way through the hotel room when she heard the bathroom door slam. She was determined to kill Mr. Death especially after the bad ass beaten he had just gave her. Ashley looked down at her arm and stringed when she saw her bone poking through her stink, she had never experienced this type of pain in her life. Ashley turned the corner and eyed the closed bathroom door.

  “Stay where you are. I’m on my way up now! Ashley heard Angela’s voice through her ear piece.

  “I have him trapped in the bathroom I’m going in!”

  “No wait for me!” Angela pressed.

  Ashley ignored her mentor and continued towards the bathroom. On the silent count of three, Ashley came forward and kicked the bathroom door open.

  In a flash, Mr. Death sprang from the bathroom, grabbed the wrist of Ashley’s gun hand, jammed a sharp five in blade in the pit of her stomach, and twisted the handle. Ashley squeezed down on the trigger repeatedly sending shots through the wall and ceiling until her gun was empty.

  Mr. Death coolly exited the hotel room leaving Ashley in the room to die. Not even breaking a sweat Mr. Death smoothly disappeared in the staircase.

  * * *

  Angela stepped off the elevator with her gun drawn and held it in a steady two handed grip. She knew the man that they called Mr. Death was supposed to be a beast so she made sure she took caution. Angela entered the room and the first thing she saw was Ashley laying in the middle of the floor in a pool of her own blood. She quickly ran over and kneeled down by Ashley’s side. “Hang in there.”

  “I’m fine,” Ashley, flashed a bloody smile. “G
o catch him he took the stairs,” she whispered.

  “I’m not leaving you,” Angela told her.

  “I’m fine,” Ashley repeated. “Go catch that son of a bitch and make him pay for what he did to me.”

  Angela looked down into Ashley eyes and could see the passion behind them. Right on, queue Troy entered the hotel room. “Get her some help I’m going after him!” Angela said as she ran straight for the staircase.

  “Angela!” Captain Spiller’s voice boomed through her ear piece.


  “I have an eye on Mr. Death. I’m going to follow him.”

  Angela emerged from the staircase and sprinted through the lobby. “I’m outside, where is he?”


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