The Teflon Queen PT 4

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The Teflon Queen PT 4 Page 4

by Silk White

  “He just hopped in a black B.M.W heading north!” Captain Spiller replied.

  “Shit!” Angela cursed as she looked around for a vehicle she could take. Coming down the street was a guy riding a motorcycle. Angela ran out into the street and aimed the gun at the rider. “I need your bike!”

  The rider quickly did as he was told and handed over his bike and helmet. Angela threw the helmet on, hopped on the bike, and dramatically spun her tires as she peeled off.

  “Where is he?” Angela asked as the motorcycle, roared, and vibrated between her legs, as it picked up speed.

  “Make a left!” Captain Spiller’s voice chirped in Angela’s ear piece. Angela quickly made a left and spotted the black B.M.W a few blocks away. Angela weaved from lane to lane as images of Ashley’s bruised and bloodied face kept popping up in her head. Angela rolled on the driver side of the B.M.W and shot out the window. Immediately, the B.M.W swerved over two lanes and gunned the engine.

  Mr. Death made a sharp left turn down a one way street. He didn’t know who the gunman on the motorcycle was but it really made no difference to him. He kept a calm look on his face as he maneuvered the B.M.W with one hand while his other hand rested on his P89 with the silencer attached to the barrel. Mr. Death kept his eyes in the rear view mirror making sure he kept the gunman at a reasonable distance. Mr. Death wasn’t expecting this ambush. He had come to the states to do a job, and the interference was becoming somewhat of an annoyance. Whoever the gunman on the motorcycle was, was soon about to be eliminated.

  Mr. Death quickly stomped down on the brakes, cut the wheel hard to the left. The B.M.W fishtailed spinning around. Mr. Death then quickly threw the gear in reverse and stepped down hard on the gas pedal. He stuck his arm out the window and fired off four shots in rapid succession, while the B.M.W flew backwards in reverse.

  “Shit!” Angela cursed as she leaned to the right and bunny hopped up on the curb to avoid the bullets that Mr. Death sent her way. The motorcycle zoomed down the side walk as Angela stay hunched down low using the parked cars that was lined up alongside the street as her shield.

  Once the gunman on bike was out of Mr. Death’s view, he quickly cut the wheel to the right, stomped down on the brakes, tossed the gear back in drive, and continued on down the street at a high speed. Mr. Death made sharp turn after sharp turn in hopes of shaking the gunman on the bike but it was no use, every time he looked through the rear view mirror, the gunman on the bike was right there.

  Angela aimed her 9mm at the back tire of the B.M.W and pulled the trigger. Seconds later she watched the B.M.W wildly spin out of control, bounced off a light pole, and parked car.

  The motorcycle came to a skidding stop as Angela quickly hopped off the bike and began making her way towards the B.M.W with a two handed grip on her weapon. Angela made it a few feet away from the B.M.W, when suddenly it began to pour down raining. Angela snatched the driver’s door open with her finger wrapped around the trigger of her weapon ready to fire, but paused when she saw that the vehicle was empty.

  “What the fuck?” Angela asked with a confused look on her face. She stood there for a second, trying to figure out where Mr. Death could have gone when she spotted movement out the corner of her eye. To her left, she saw a figure quickly dip inside a rundown looking bar. Angela quickly jogged over towards the entrance of the bar and snatched the door open. She stepped foot in the bar and immediately all eyes were on her. The few patrons that occupied the bar all looked as if they had seen a ghost.

  “Which way did he go?” Angela asked. The bartender quickly nodded towards the back exit. Angela headed towards the back exit and kicked the door open. Through the back door was a dark alley. Angela stepped out the door when a foot came out of nowhere and kicked her gun out of her hands. Another kick was aimed for Angela’s face, but she quickly blocked the kick, held on to Mr. Death’s leg, and rushed him backwards. Immediately, the two went tumbling violently down the stairs and down into the alley. Angela landed on top and quickly began to rain punches down on Mr. Death’s face. One punch landed before he flipped Angela up off of him. Mr. Death made it to his feet, whipped his gun out of its holster with a snap, and fired off two shots in Angela’s direction.

  Pst! Pst!

  Angela dove behind a dumpster as the bullets pinged loudly off the huge metal trash bin. Without thinking twice, Angela pulled out her back up .380. She couldn’t see Mr. Death but she could somewhat pin point his location by the sound of his shoes making contact with the concrete. Angela listened carefully then sprung from behind the dumpster and fired off a shot. With the reflexes of a snake, Mr. Death front flip rolled and came up firing. Angela quickly got back behind the dumpster just as the bullets pinged loudly and ricocheted off of it.

  Mr. Death touched his cheek and his hand came away bloody.

  The shot that Angela fired had grazed his cheek, another inch closer and his brains would have been all over the alley. Immediately, Mr. Death’s competitive spirit kicked and he wanted to show the lady assassin that he was indeed the better assassin. Just as Mr. Death went to move in for the kill, a black van came flying down the alley full speed. Mr. Death had no other choice then to flee the scene. He took off down the alley and quickly bent the corner.

  The black van came to a screeching stop directly in front of

  Angela. The door to the van slid open and Captain Spiller stuck his head out the door. “Get in!”

  Angela quickly hopped in the back of the van as it pulled off dramatically. “Don’t lose him.”

  “I got him,” the driver said with confidence.

  “Where’s Ashley?” Angela asked.

  “She’s being taking to the hospital as we speak,” Captain Spiller told her and left it at that.

  Chapter 9

  I Refuse to Quit

  Mr. Death power walked down the street looking for an escape route. He knew he didn’t have much time from how loud the sound of the sirens were becoming. As he crossed the street, the same black van came spilling wildly out into the street. Mr. Death pulled his P89 from his shoulder holster and fired three shots into the windshield seconds later; he watched the van spun out of control, hop the curb, and crash head first into a building.

  Mr. Death smiled when he saw the van crash into the building. That smile was quickly erased from his face when he heard a voice yell, “Freeze!” From behind him.

  “Drop your!” The officer yelled with his gun train at Mr. Death’s head while his partner backed him up.

  Mr. Death slowly place his gun down on the concrete and put his hands behind his back. The officer quickly cuffed him and roughly forced him to sit on the concrete Indian-style. Mr. Death snapped his thumb out of place and began to slip his hand out of the cuffs while the two officers searched him and waited for back up to arrive.

  “Put this jackass in the back of the car until back up gets here,” the lead officer ordered. His partner roughly grabbed Mr. Death and pulled him up to his feet. Once on his feet, Mr. Death slipped his hand free from the cuffs and chopped the officer in the throat, when the officer reached to grab his throat with both hands; Mr. Death grabbed the officer’s 9mm from his holster and blew his brains out in the middle of the street. Before his body could even hit the ground Mr. Death turned the gun from that officer over to the lead officer all in one quick motion, seconds later his brain popped out the back of his skull like a jack in the box. He gunned the two cops down so easily one would have thought he was playing a video game.

  Mr. Death jumped in the front seat of the squad car and pulled away from the scene just as several other cops cars pulled up to the scene.

  * * *

  Angela and Captain Spiller crawled from the van and refused medical attention. At that moment, Captain Spiller knew that they had just messed up big time. The plan was to eliminate Mr. Death tonight so he wouldn’t be able to go through with his plan but they had failed. Now all they could do was wait until the assassin decided to strike again and hop
e pray that they’d be able to stop him.

  “Now what?” Angela asked with blood trickling from her forehead. She had banged her head hard during the crash.

  “The only thing we can do now is wait,” Captain Spiller said with a defeated look on his face.

  Chapter 10

  Surprise, Surprise

  Lieutenant Banks was awaken from his sleep with a barrel pressed to his head. His eyes snapped open and all that could be seen in them was fear. “Mr... Mr... Mr. Death what are you doing here?” he stuttered.

  “The two women who are they and why wasn’t I notified about them?” Mr. Death asked.

  “The first girl is Ashley and she one of our best agents,” Lieutenant Banks mumbled.

  “And the other chick?”

  “Some chick called the Teflon Queen.”

  “As in thee Teflon queen?” Mr. Death asked. He had heard several stories about the so called Teflon queen; the main story was how she had more lives than a cat. Last, he had heard she was rotting in some prison somewhere unknown. “When she start working for your agency?”

  “She doesn’t,” Lieutenant Banks spat. “That bitch Ashley went over my head and somehow got her involved.”

  “You are being paid a lot of money to make things easier for me, either you do your job or the next time I see you I’ll do mines,” Mr. Death threatened him.

  “I promise something like this won’t happen again,” Lieutenant Banks assured him. “What’s next?”

  “Wouldn’t you love to know,” Mr. Death smiled as he placed his gun back in its holster and made his exit. He didn’t trust lieutenant Banks one bit and planned on killing him as soon as his work in the states were done, just because.

  Chapter 11

  What’s the Plan?

  Captain Spiller and Angela made their way back to Mr. Death’s hotel to look around and hopefully find some clues. Several other officers walked around the room with latex gloves covering their hands. The officers flipped the mattress, looked through draws, and even closets. The only thing they found so far were plenty of weapons and ammunition. Angela walked over towards the safe in the room. “Hey get somebody in here that can open this,” they had searched every inch of the room the only place they hadn’t looked was in the safe. Minutes later, a manager entered the room and handed Captain Spiller a piece a paper that held the combination to the safe on it.

  Captain Spiller slowly pressed the numbers into the key pad and instantly, the safe’s door snapped open. Inside the safe was a folder with a few papers inside. Captain Spiller sat down and began going through the documents. “Jesus Christ,” he whispered, then handed the documents over to Angela so she could look over them.

  Angela glanced at the documents and shook her head in disgust. “He’s going to try to kill the president,” she announced. In her hands were blue prints to every entrance and exit to the White House, along with several photos of the president and the First Lady. “I’ve got to stop him,”

  “How do you plan on doing that?” Captain Spiller asked.

  “I need to be around the president twenty-four hours a day until Mr. Death is either killed or captured,” Angela said.

  “The Secret Service are more than capable of protecting the president,” Captain Spiller countered. He knew that it wasn’t likely that the president would agree to allow Angela to shadow him around twenty four hours a day, but it was worth a try.

  “I need you to get us a meeting with the president before it’s too late,” Angela said in a serious tone. She could tell by her first encounter with Mr. Death that he wasn’t the type of guy to take lightly; he was highly skilled and much disciplined.

  “I’ll do my best,” Captain Spiller said as he noticed Angela heading for the door. “And where do you think you’re going?”

  “To go check up on Ashley,” Angela said, then disappeared out the door.

  Chapter 12

  I’m Sorry

  Ashley laid up in the hospital bed with a defeated look on her face. Her confidence was shot and she felt as if she had let her team down. Most importantly, she had failed in front of her mentor. By her bedside sat Troy. He had been by Ashley’s side all the way through and unlike everyone else, he still believed in her.

  “What you over there thinking about?” Troy asked, snapping Ashley out of her thoughts.

  “About how I let everyone down,” Ashley admitted.

  “Listen we all know this is a rough and dangerous business,” Troy said. “And trust me you’ll get another shot at this guy.”

  “But what if I fail again?”

  “You won’t fail again,” Angela said, stepping into the room. Ashley noticed the fresh scars on Angela’s face and knew that she had indeed caught up with Mr. Death.

  “Did you get him?” Ashley asked.

  “No he got away,” Angela said. “What are your damages looking like?”

  “Broken arm and a few minor bruises, nothing serious,” Ashley flashed a smile. “I kind of feel like I let you down.”

  “That’s nonsense he drugged you and you weren’t in your right frame of mind,” Angela reminded her. She knew that Ashley had the skills along with the brains to take anyone down and complete any mission. “Rest up because I’m going to need your help.”

  “What’s up?”

  “We found documents informing us that Mr. Death is going to try and take out the president,” Angela told her.

  “Do you know when?”

  “No we have no idea,” Angela said honestly.

  “I’m looking forward to running into Mr. Death again,” Ashley said. The way he had easily beat her up and avoided capture was really taking a toll on her mentally.

  “You just focus on getting well and I promise I’ll save some action for you,” Angela said with a wink.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise,” Angela said as she turned and left.

  On the cab ride to her hotel room, Angela had plenty of time to think. She didn’t even have time to enjoy her freedom and the fact that she didn’t have to be told when to eat or when to sleep. Instead, her mind was on Mr. Death, and the way in which she was going to stop whatever his plans. The documents that they obtained from Mr. Death’s hotel room said that the president was the next target. Mr. Death had come to the states to do some serious damage. When Angela had first signed on to help stop Mr. Death, it was business, but not anymore. Mr. Death not only assaulted and hospitalized Ashley but now he was trying to kill the president. This was no longer business for Angela it was now personal. First thing in the morning, Angela and Captain Spiller were headed to Washington DC to take a trip to the White House.

  Angela stepped foot in her hotel room and quickly swept the room to make sure she was alone. She then checked the phone, smoke detector, and anything else that might pose as a bug or listening device. Once she was sure that she had her privacy, Angela quickly stripped down and hopped in the shower. It had been years since she had the pleasure to shower alone and without shower slippers on her feet. Angela let the water run down her face and head. After her shower, Angela walked around her room nude. She wasn’t sure when the next time she would have the opportunity to do something as small as this so she decided to take full advantage of the situation. Angela placed her 9mm on the night stand, laid sloppily across the bed and watched TV until her eyes became too heavy to keep open.

  Chapter 13

  The White House

  The next morning Angela was awoken by a loud heavy knock on her door. Out of reflex, Angela jumped up, grabbed her 9mm off the night stand, and inched her way towards the door. Her bare breast bouncing with each step she took. Angela peeped through the peep hole and saw Captain Spiller standing on the other side of the door. “Hold on let me throw something on real quick,” she yelled as she quickly went and threw her same clothes on from last night.

  Angela opened the door and stepped to the side so Captain Spiller could enter. She noticed that in his hand he carried a duffle bag.

  “You ready to go meet the president?” Captain Spiller asked with a worried look on his face. His appearance told Angela that he hadn’t slept all night. In his hand was a cup from Starbucks.

  “Ready as I’m ever going to be,” Angela replied. Never in a million years would she have thought that she would ever be meeting the president of the United States, let alone trying to save his life.

  “Here I brought you a present,” Captain Spiller handed her the duffle bag. Angela took the duffle bag, sat it down on the bed, and then looked inside. Inside the duffle bag was a bullet proof vest, two Five-seven hand guns, a hunting knife, and a backup .25.

  “Thank you so much,” Angela smiled as she rushed off to the bathroom to strap on her bullet proof vest. She emerged from the bathroom feeling like a new woman. “Ok now let’s do this,”

  * * *

  Captain Spiller and Angela boarded the helicopter and headed to the nation’s capital. During the ride, Angela enjoyed the view of all the cities they passed. During the ride, Captain Spiller repeated over and over that when they arrived at the White House that he was to do all the talking. When the helicopter landed, Captain Spiller and Angela were immediately met by four Secret Service agents.

  “Right this way,” The Secret Service agents said, leading the couple inside the White House. Angela looked on in awe as she got a brief tour of the historic home of all the past Presidents. As she walked past looking at all the history, she knew right then and there that she couldn’t allow the president to be killed.

  The Secret Service agents lead Captain Spiller and Angela into the president’s office. The president sat behind his desk on the phone with three Secret Service agents standing close by.

  When the president was done with his phone call, he stood up, flashed a bright smile, and walked from around his desk. “Hi you it’s nice to meet you,” he said as he shook both Captain Spiller and Angela’s hand. “Now how can I help you two,” he asked as he walked back around his desk and took a seat.


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