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Ice Men of North Dakota [Dakota Heat 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 21

by Leah Brooke

  Once she made it to the top, she went into Mason’s room and opened one of them, her heart pounding furiously to see the large box of condoms on top. With hands that shook, she reached in and pulled it out of the bag, only to find an identical box underneath it.

  And another.

  And another.

  Four huge boxes of condoms.

  She took all of them out and placed them on the bed surrounding the bag, staring at them. Her stomach muscles tightened and a lump formed in her throat that she couldn’t get rid of no matter how many times she swallowed.

  Seeing four huge boxes of condoms spread out on the bed, she inwardly cursed the rush of insecurity.

  Surely, what they had was more than sex.

  Wasn’t it?

  Disgusted with herself, she placed one of the boxes on Mason’s nightstand, and picked up the others, pausing as she looked down at her phone.

  She glanced toward the doorway as a plan began to form in her mind.

  Maybe she could learn something more about Lisa and the mysterious shooter’s plan if she spoke to her boss.

  Keeping an eye on the doorway, she hurried across the room, wincing at the tug to her thigh. She’d always been a fast healer and the stitches had begun to pull.

  Making a mental note to ask Barrett about it later, she dialed the office number. While waiting for someone to answer she dumped out the contents of the bag.

  Cursing when her call went to an answering machine, she jabbed the disconnect button and blew out a breath.

  Damn it. Why the hell didn’t anyone answer?

  Something was very wrong. He wouldn’t have closed his business.

  Lisa was right. He’d disappeared.

  Blowing out a breath, she set her phone aside and studied the assortment of bottles and tubes on the bed in amazement.

  Creams and lotions of every kind, including body lotions, hand creams, shampoos, conditioners, and an assortment of body washes lay scattered all over the bed.

  It appeared the men planned for her to stay for a long time.

  Lifting her head, she stared toward the doorway, the surge of emotion too strong to deny.

  She’d fallen in love with them. All four of them. It didn’t seem possible.

  They were all so different in some ways, and yet so similar in others.

  She couldn’t get over her fear, though, that if something went wrong with one of them, it could all fall apart.

  Getting over one lover would be difficult enough.

  Getting over losing all four of them would be impossible.

  * * * *

  Quinn paced the study, glancing at Barrett. “I’ve been on the phone with Marsh, and we’ve come up with a theory.”

  Barrett shrugged out of his coat and lowered himself into the overstuffed leather chair in the corner. “I’d be interested in hearing it.”

  Quinn frowned. “What’s wrong? Ever since you came in with Kendra, you look like you’ve been kicked in the gut.”

  Barrett smiled, still looking a little dazed. “She confided in me. She came to me because she wanted to talk to me about something.”

  Clenching his jaw, Quinn glanced toward the closed door, wishing she’d come to him. “I’ve been on the damned phone. What did she want to talk to you about?” Barrett’s obvious pleasure couldn’t be mistaken, and Quinn didn’t care for the knot of jealousy that he hadn’t been the one she came to.

  Barrett waved a hand, glancing toward the door. “We’ll talk about it later. I want to hear what Marsh had to say, and this theory.”

  Quinn sighed and perched himself on the corner of the desk. “When I talked to the sheriff, he admitted that he and Kendra had been talking in the clinic, and he commented on the fact that all of us seemed unusually interested in her.”

  “Hell.” Barrett scrubbed a hand over his face. “That made her a weapon to use against us.”

  “Exactly.” Gritting his teeth, he moved to the window, his stomach knotting in fear for Kendra. “We think they’re planning to get to her and use her as leverage against us.” Quinn closed his eyes, remembering the boxes of condoms he’d ordered, and how fast word spread in a small town. “Everyone is going to know that she’s important to us. A lot of people saw us with her at the diner, and we ordered creams and shampoos and stuff just for her.”

  Turning to look at Barrett, he smiled. “Marsh thinks we’re crazy, by the way. He said that we’d never be able to share her without killing each other.”

  Barrett’s brow went up. “You told him?”

  Quinn shrugged. “Of course. I’m sure as hell not ashamed of it. You know, sometimes, I think we’re crazy. I’m jealous as hell that she came to you instead of me.” Shrugging, he looked away. “I’m not comfortable with her yet, and I know she feels it.”

  “Of course she does. I think that issue with her sister and brother-in-law has left her feeling very much alone.” Barrett smiled. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she gets more outgoing and comfortable with us every day.”

  Quinn nodded, remembering how her eyes had sparkled when she’d teased him earlier. “I noticed.” Restless, he got to his feet and started pacing again. “She belongs here.”

  He glanced at the closed door again. “They have to be watching her. They’re going to look for a way to get to her. If they take her, they’ll use her against us.”

  Barrett stood, his own restlessness apparent. “Nothing else makes any sense. This guy wants his money, and Edelson has disappeared. He even closed up the office.”

  Quinn spun. “How did you know that?”


  Quinn listened, frowning as Barrett told him about the phone call Kendra had while he’d been locked in the study. “I just don’t know why they would target Kendra—unless Edelson pointed them in her direction.”

  “He probably did.” Barrett grabbed his coat, went to the door and opened it, looking back. “He’s desperate and in a panic. He can’t come up with the money and is trying to find a way to repay what he owes.”

  “By making Kendra bait.”

  “Exactly. As crazy as it sounds, nothing else makes any sense. They want to use her. That’s why whoever shot at her deliberately missed. He’s playing with her. They’re up to something, and until they show their hand, the only thing we can do is keep her close and protect her.”

  Quinn’s body tightened, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. “I hate sitting here waiting for something to happen. I’d rather go after them myself. Marsh made some calls and found out from the local cops that Edelson borrowed money from a smalltime hood named Gus Scali. Scali is ambitious and wants to make an example of Edelson. He threatened him when he couldn’t pay. Edelson got scared and filed a police report, but he came in a few days later, looking terrified, and said he wanted to retract it. It sounds like Scali found out and got to him. Marsh faxed a picture from one Scali’s previous arrests, but Gus appears to have dropped off the face of the earth, too.”

  Barrett smiled at the sounds of Kendra moving around the kitchen, clearly anxious to get back to her. “Edelson must be scared to death. He really needs money, and if he’s giving out Kendra’s phone number, we have to assume that he gave it to Scali. Make some copies of his picture and we’ll post them around. I want everyone to know who we’re looking for.”

  Quinn smiled coldly. “I’ve also faxed a picture to Sid. He said it was the same guy he saw at the clinic. He’s on the lookout for him, and said he’ll call if he sees him.”

  Barrett nodded. “Good. If you hear anything else, let me know. I’d like to have a little chat with him myself.”

  “Join the club.” The threat to Kendra had Quinn tied up in knots. The thought of her getting hurt twisted him up inside, and intensified the feeling of possessiveness he’d never experienced with a woman.

  Kendra belonged here.

  He couldn’t even imagine the ranch without her now.

  Hell, he’d fallen in love with her.


nbsp; Scrubbing a hand over his face, he listened to her giggle and Barrett’s deep voice coming from the kitchen.

  Falling in love hadn’t been in his plans, but it appeared he had no choice.

  Kendra had stolen a heart he hadn’t even realized he had.

  And he would kill to keep her safe.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Still warmed by Barrett’s attention earlier in the day, Kendra watched the men eat their dinner, smiling at their incredible appetites. She’d made double the amount she’d figured they’d eat, thinking she’d have enough left over for lunch the next day.

  Apparently not.

  They dug into the lasagna and garlic bread as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks, and even helped themselves to the big salad she’d prepared.

  Mason finished his second helping and reached for another, eyeing her plate. “You ready for some more, darlin’?”

  Kendra looked down at her plate, hiding a smile as she scooped more onto her fork. “I’m fine. One serving is enough for me.”

  Barrett smiled faintly and held out his plate, reaching for her with the other. “Put some more on here for me, Mace. It’s delicious. By cooking like this, she’s sealed her fate. There’s no way we can let her go now.”

  Kendra shivered at the slide of his hot hand inside her sweat shirt and up her back. “I don’t see how you can eat so much, especially after the beef stew and biscuits you had for lunch.”

  Mason finished filling his plate and placed it in front of him before reaching for Barrett’s. “Ranching is hard work. Plus, now we come home to a woman who’s demanding in bed.” Winking, he handed Barrett’s plate back to him. “Gotta keep our energy up.”

  Kendra’s face burned, but she didn’t answer right away, taking another bite as she weighed her words, unable to stop thinking about Lisa. “It’s your fault. Why haven’t any of you ever brought a woman here?”

  Barrett shared a look with her, the knowledge of what she was thinking in his eyes. “We like our privacy, and I’ve never had any intention of getting involved with another woman.” He reached out to pat her hand. “I’m not an easy man to live with and figured I’d had my chance.”

  Grant shook his head. “You and me both. But, I had a marriage from hell. I never want to go through that crap again.” When Kendra stiffened, he reached for her hand. “Until I met you.”

  Releasing her hand, he dropped his fork onto his plate and sat back. “My wife married me for the money.”

  Kendra blinked. “Oh.” Looking from one to the other, she felt her face burn. “I hope you don’t think the same thing about me.”

  Grant smiled. “If I thought that, I never would have slept with you.”

  She looked from one to the other, surprised to find them all staring at her.

  Barrett touched her hand. “I told them about the phone call you got today.”

  Glancing at Grant, Kendra sent a questioning look at Barrett, who shook his head imperceptibly. “Good. I saw the picture that Quinn got, too.”

  Grant eyed her steadily. “It doesn’t surprise me that Lisa found her way into this. She seems to know how to find trouble. My ex-wife can’t be trusted. Don’t believe anything she says.”

  No longer hungry, Kendra gathered her plate and silverware and rose from the table. “She was right about one thing. If one of you gets hurt, it’ll be my fault. You shouldn’t have brought me here.”

  Her stomach clenched every time she thought about it, and as they waited for something to happen, the tension in the house grew by the day.

  By the hour.

  She looked at each of them in turn, trying to imagine what it would be like if one of them took a bullet for her.

  Tears burned her eyes, and suddenly, she just wanted to be alone.

  Straightening, she turned toward the table. “Why don’t all of you just finish your dinner? I’m going up to take a bath.”

  Ignoring their searching looks, she hurried up the stairs, wincing at the pull to her stitches.

  A sob escaped as she reached the landing.

  She had to get out of here. She had to find some way to take Mason, Barrett, Grant, and Quinn out of the equation.

  Wiping her eyes, she cried out in surprise when a massive arm caught her around the waist from behind.

  Barrett’s lips touched her ear, his growl sending a shiver of fear through her. “That’s enough. Don’t you fucking struggle with me, or I swear, I’ll turn you over my knee and paddle your ass so hard you won’t sit down for a week.”

  Kendra sucked in a breath. “Just leave me alone. I want to be by myself for a while.”

  She couldn’t think when they were around, and needed to come up with some kind of plan.

  “No.” Lifting her high against his chest, he carried her into his room and set her on her feet. He stripped her out of her clothes, his eyes tortured. “I don’t know what kind of fool idea you have in your head, but I can almost hear the wheels turning.”

  Before she knew it, Kendra found herself flat on her back in Barrett’s huge bed, watching with trepidation and excitement as he stripped out of his clothes.

  “Where are the condoms?”

  Kendra gulped, forgetting to breathe and unable to look away from the sight of hard, sleek muscle in front of her. “Um, in your nightstand.”

  Mesmerized, she gulped again, her nipples tingling and her pussy clenching as her gaze moved over his wide shoulders. She lost precious time admiring him, and not until he cursed and bent to retrieve the box he’d dropped did she realize that now was the time to make her escape. Jumping from the bed, she raced for the door, yelping in surprise when she ran into something hard and solid.

  “Whoa! Where do you think you’re going?” Grant caught her against him. “Not that I mind finding a warm, naked woman throwing herself in my arms.”

  Barrett rose to his full height, the large box of condoms in his hand. “I figured she’d make a run for it. She’s in a temper. She took off right after saying that she’d blame herself if something happened to one of us, so she’s probably trying to figure out how to do this without us.”

  Grant turned her in his arms, pressing his body against her back, holding her still with an arm around her waist. “Not gonna happen, honey. I swear, Lisa knows how to manipulate people. Don’t let her come between us.”

  Her breath hitched when Barrett tossed the box of condoms to the bed and he moved toward her.

  His cock, thick and long seemed to harden more with every step he took.

  Gulping again, she stared, unable to take her eyes from it. “I, um—oh!”

  The feel of Grant’s hands sliding up to cup her breasts, lifting them as if offering them to Barrett. Running his thumbs over her nipples, he pressed his cock against her back. “You won’t have the chance to escape. You’re our prisoner, and we’re not letting you out of our sight.”

  Crying out at the tug to her nipples, Kendra struggled to remain upright as her knees turned to rubber. “Oh, God.” Fascinated that Barrett’s cock jumped, Kendra pressed her thighs together against the incredible ache.

  Her heart pounded furiously as desire rushed through her veins, every inch of her body alive with awareness as she stood naked between them.

  Barrett lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You try to sneak away, and I’ll paddle your ass. Trust, remember?”

  Surrounded by their hard bodies, and the heat pouring from them, Kendra found it hard to think. “Damn you.”

  There was something very naughty about being naked with two men, an experience so intense she shook.

  Without breaking eye contact, Barrett bent close, glancing up at Grant. “Leave us alone for a bit.”

  Grant ran a hand down her belly, his eyes dark with need. “I think the rest of us are going to clean up the kitchen and then get cleaned up ourselves. We’ll be waiting downstairs.”

  Kendra missed Grant’s warmth as soon as he released her, but it was immediately replaced with Barrett’s.

  She heard the door close as Barrett wrapped his arms around her and lifted her high against his chest. “Barrett, you don’t have to do this.”

  “Do what? Take you?” He carried her to the bed and gently lowered her, covering her body with his. “I most definitely do. I’ve tried to be patient, but I can’t wait any longer. That sad look in your eyes tears me up inside.”

  He took her mouth in a kiss that somehow managed to be tender and possessive at the same time.

  Parting her thighs, he made a place for himself between them, the heat from his flat stomach pressing against her slit. Lifting his head, he stared down at her as he rolled on a condom. “Christ, you’re so tiny. So delicate.”

  Knowing what had happened to his wife, Kendra gathered him closer, not wanting him to be afraid of hurting her. “Oh, Barrett.” Her breath caught when he entered her, her pussy walls quivering as she struggled to adjust to the thick heat stretching her.

  Shocked at his size, and the feel of such a large man covering her, Kendra fought a momentary surge of panic, one that disappeared when he groaned and bent his head to kiss her.

  Bracing himself on his elbows, he moved inside her, his wide shoulders blocking out everything else and cocooning her in a warm intimate world for just the two of them.

  Her nipples burned against his chest, and she couldn’t help gripping his shoulders to rub herself against him. “I’m not delicate or fragile, Barrett.” She gasped as he slid a callused palm over her nipple. “I want everything you have to give.”

  Barrett’s deep groan rumbled against her nipples. “I can tell by the way your pussy’s clamping down on my cock. Your nipples need some attention, don’t they, baby.”

  She wanted desperately to heal him—to heal all of them. Wrapping her legs around him, she gripped his shoulders, rocking her hips as the need for him became unbearable. “I want you so damned much. You’re a fucking doctor. You know what you’re doing to me.”

  His soft chuckle, both warm and erotic washed over her, his slow steady strokes driving her wild. Shifting his weight, Barrett slid deeper. “And you’re a woman. You know damned well what you’re doing to me.”


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