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Agent of the Realm?

Page 38

by Andur

  “I don't think you should go anywhere. You are as pale as a sheet of paper,” Marcus says with concern in his voice. He reaches for my forehead to feel my temperature. Though his limited medical knowledge makes it nothing more than a nice gesture.

  My mother's sceptical gaze turns towards me. She studies me for several moments, thinking of possible reasons for my state. “You just need a good boning. That's all. Have you made sure to suck on his life force, Sweety?”

  Her bluntness baffles me. I steady myself by using Marcus as a crux and turn my attention towards Mom. “No? Why should I? In fact, I am trying to avoid leeching off of him. You always told me that I've to stay in control as much as possible. Otherwise I would end up sucking my partner dry. Though the succubus inside me makes that hard from time to time and I end up doing it anyway. Not dry I mean… just a little comatose.”

  Dad whistles and turns away, pretending to polish his nails.

  Mom squints her eyes at me as if I am stupid as fuck. “What do you think was the amulet for? Do I have to give you the 'birds-and-the-bees-speech' for succubi?” Then she launches into a pretty demeaning speech, explaining the whole succubus reproduction process. And if I haven't felt stupid for going easy on Marcus before that, then I am surely doing so by the time she is done.

  When she is finished I try not to scream. I guess with the amulet there wasn't a reason to hold back with my partner. It was meant to protect him.

  We've taken turns in using the amulet, which was exactly the wrong thing to do. The amulet is meant just for Marcus, so that it would restore his life force while I can take as much as I please. And if I can suck as much as I want without tiring him, then there is no need for me having an amulet. Sucking the life force out of another being restores a succubus just as well as having an amulet.

  “I feel so stupid,” I mumble, glaring at the ceiling. “But why haven't you told me that this whole pregnancy issue could be over and done with within days!?” I look at my mother, giving her the evil eye.

  She huffs and gestures with her hand. “You have to forgive me. While you were still small and cute I had you locked in my study with all those books about my research. I honestly thought that the obvious thing to do, would be to educate yourself about the biology of your own body. It's so basic that I've never really thought about testing you on the subject. How often have you been through the reincarnation process? What did you do during all that time!?”

  I feel myself turning red with embarrassment. I sneaked out to spy on all the family members? We've a big family, so there are a lot of dirty secrets to unearth. “I suppose I must have overlooked the document with that particular knowledge. Who would have thought that it would work so different than for everyone else?” I answer, a little miffed. And why am I to blame? Everyone else has normal pregnancies? So why are succubi an exception of the rule?

  68. ~Information.~

  “Friends show their worth in times of trouble, not in happiness.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  “Love, you are in special circumstances. Just let me deal with the matter in your stead. I promise to handle it carefully.” I follow Seria down the alleyway. It's the same one I brought her to several weeks ago. At this location we can meet up with some people who have contacts to the underworld.

  She shakes her head. “It's fine as long as I can siphon off some life energy every now and then. You just have to stay close and let me do the talking. You may learn a thing or two about dealing with shady characters.” She quickens her steps, aiming for a sturdy looking door. It belongs to the average looking building in front of us.

  I follow her, not very pleased about the fact that I've to play bodyguard. If she gets sick with someone who wishes her ill close by, she has no way to defend herself. And there is the baby to think about. Elona's speech baffled me a little to be honest. I had no idea that access to someone's spirit form could have such drastic effects. Though the pregnancy thing seems more like a result of the special ability that comes with being a succubus.

  Succubi can leech on the life force of other organisms, preferably male, and use this power to accelerate their own metabolism. This results in increased strength, speed and healing. The trick is that a baby is apparently considered as a part of the body, so it also benefits from the accelerated metabolism, resulting in a very short pregnancy. Of course that's only the case if the succubus in question has enough life force at hand.

  I shudder, imagining the natural consequence of Seria's circumstances. If we aren't careful, we will end up with a football team of children in no time. I take pride in the fact that I consider myself as a good father. Okay, maybe I am not the best father figure. Though there are certainly worse role models.

  Nonetheless, the thought of having a horde of little Serias to control isn't exactly my idea of a good life. We've to be very careful when it comes to that. Maybe two or three children? I can live with that. But definitely not more.

  There is a magic number to this. One child means that you have to take constant care of it because it feels lonely otherwise. They seek attention. Two children are playmates for each other, which means that the parent doesn't have to play with them constantly. Everything above that number increases a parent's work and requires attention, because children also cause trouble and have to be educated.

  My train of thought is interrupted when Seria reaches the door. She stops and knocks politely. After a few moments, a shutter in the door opens and someone mumbles something incomprehensible from the other side. Seria doesn't seem to be fazed by the rude tone in the person’s voice. “Hi! I am Seria, an old friend of your boss. I've to speak with Don.”

  “Go away. We don't deal with little chicks,” the voice answers and the shutter snaps closed.

  Seria's reaction follows without hesitation. She takes a stance and digs one heel into the ground. Then she delivers a lazy slap to the door, creating a nice, little dent in the shape of her open palm. The scene would have been comical, taking her earnest preparation into account. The result paints another picture. The whole door breaks out of the wall, frame and all. A part of the wall crumbles, creating a huge hole and burying whoever was guarding the entrance.

  Yep, just like the last time she visited them. I've a feeling that the people who are running this business aren't really Seria's friends. More like victims who can be easily intimidated into doing her bidding. I wonder why she bothers to pay them personal visits, a phone call should be sufficient. I doubt that they forgot her previous visits. Is it just the fact that she likes to destroy their door? Do they have an ongoing contest? I noticed that the new door was sturdier than the old one.

  The hole grants me vision of a small room with a desk inside. A scrawny guy with the aura of an accountant is manning the seat at the desk. He gapes in dismay at the hole in his office. “You again! What's going to happen on your next visit? Will you take down the entire building?”

  “Hi. Yes, it's me again and I need to speak with Don. And no, I think I'll settle for the room. Taking down the building is reserved for when I am angry. Today I am just frustrated.” She walks past the accountant without sparing him a second glance. The fact that he waved her through is completely beside the point. I suppose he did it to save at least some of his dignity.

  I follow on her heels, wincing as I walk over the iron door. The bouncy motion of the heavy piece of iron lets me know that someone is buried beneath it. At least the muffled moaning means that he is still alive.

  We enter Don's office and Seria sits down in the chair opposite of a figure who did his best to look like some old-school Mafia boss. I regard the rest of the office with a keen eye. The walls are full with folders and stashes of documents. If all of this is linked to illegal activities, then raiding this place would be a jackpot to the DF.

  Don regards me with a wary expression, but then he turns his attention to Seria and puts on a fake smile. “Su
ch a happy encounter. I am always glad to get visited by a well paying customer like you. It always covers the cost for a new door. What can I do for you.”

  Seria answers with an equally fake smile. “Perseus escaped his prison. We want him back. He surely had help to go into hiding after his escape.”

  Don purses his lips. “Perseus, the first prince, was in prison? I've never heard about that.”

  She smiles and chuckles. “Of course you did. You are a good information broker. If you weren't, I would have shut down your business a while ago. But as it is, you are ending more trouble than you create. So why don't you work with authorities for once. In the end it will be to your benefit. Isn't business always better without war and destruction?”

  He scratches his stubby cheek and regards us with raised eyebrows. “It's true that organized crime benefits from chaos... but war means that there is so much chaos that organized crime becomes a moot point. Bad for business in other words. So if I provide you with the information, then you will turn a blind eye on my little business.”

  Seria looks towards me and I shrug. It's true this fellow's information about the hideouts in the Tandeen district was good. We would have never found the portal if he hadn't provided us with a list of possible locations. “Haven't I been doing that since Seria used you to search for the spirits' hideout?”

  Don nods and rolls with his office chair to the wall to his right. He pulls a folder from a stack of documents and opens it. Then he browses through the documents inside it and a few seconds later he presents five sheets of paper to us. “The usual payment?”

  Seria smiles. “Of course.”

  He hands the documents to Seria and I take a look over her shoulder. The documents are files with personal data. Name, photo, crime record and abilities, it's like a curriculum vitae for criminals.

  “Find those five guys and squeeze them for information.” Don rolls back to his place behind the office table. “I don't know where they are now, but they are linked to Perseus's escape. They are always working together and just yesterday someone hired them anonymously. Right after the prison went into shutdown. A coincidence? Maybe. But unlikely. Their speciality is underground operations, so there is a high chance that they are on a certain someone's payroll.”

  Seria nods appreciatively. “Then we won't bother you any longer.”

  “Queen, you never bother me. But my accountant may hold a grudge if you keep destroying our reception room.”

  69. ~Observe.~

  “It glints with arcane truths to those who know how to glimpse them.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  They think that I am weak. Just because of a little puking and a few mood swings they go all protective on me. Marcus especially. I'll show them that they are all wrong. I am the goddess of life and death. I am Seria. Not some weak little maiden who is in need of protection.

  My parents are Order and Chaos. Can anyone even imagine what it means to be forever a child of such dysfunctional parents? Finding a way through their laboratories is akin to defeating a high level dungeon. And their workplaces aren't even under any form of security. I've had the honour to be caught up in their security installations one time too often. One doesn't become good at sneaking around overnight. I learned the hard way and that means pain.

  I take the binoculars away from Marcus and glance through them, observing the lonely house which is situated on a small hill amidst a seemingly endless cornfield. It took us a while to find this place, which is literally somewhere between nowhere and no man's land. If I wasn't seeing it for myself, I wouldn't believe that such a rural area exists in this realm. The next town is over two hundred kilometres away. This house is the perfect place for a secluded hermit, or someone who doesn't want to be found.

  We would've never located this place without Don's help, a hefty dose of luck, and the stupidity of our foes. Ok, I admit, they weren't stupid. Just a little lazy when it came to their credit transactions. One of our friends had a personal account on the federal bank. Of course, it wasn't under his real name. He wouldn’t have deserved his job if he had made it that easy for us. But Don's nice, little document mentioned that it is one of the team’s fake accounts which is often used to move money around.

  Having a helping hand in the underworld pays off.

  Using our influence to access the bank account was a piece of cake. And who would have thought that the most recent transaction to purchase this house wasn't connected to their newest mission? So far we've identified all five members of the team which is supposed to assist Perseus. We managed to take a good peek at each of them while they were moving around the house, or left it to run an errand.

  But no Perseus so far.

  “Are you sure that we aren't mistaken? We've watched them for half a day and Perseus hasn't shown himself. I suspected that he would rather hide himself in a whorehouse, sandwitching himself between the two bustiest women he could find.” Marcus grumbles from my side.

  He uses my silence to continue. “I mean... what does he hope to accomplish out here? Is he gunning for something big? Or does he simply intend to hide until we forget about him? He doesn't strike me as the type.”

  I bite my lower lip and use the binoculars to check on the positions of our teammates. Everyone who was able to, decided to help us in this mission. It's serious overkill to bring that many divines just to apprehend a single man. Our parents, my grandparents and my oldest brother decided to join the fray, making it eleven people. We didn't dare to bring anyone who couldn't hold his own in a fight against Perseus. If Marcus is right, then his brother is seriously unhinged. In case that Perseus goes all out, we might have to kill him anyway.

  Apprehending a higher immortal is always a matter of how far the person in question is willing to take it. There is no question that we brought enough fighting power to subdue Perseus. Though if he channels enough power, he may burn himself out like a light bulb. In fact, battles between divinities often end in one side or the other overusing their powers. We might have almost limitless access to mana, but that doesn't mean that our minds can channel so much power without making a grave mistake sooner or later.

  Either that, or one side manages to cheat, finding a way past the enemy's defences.

  “He has to be in the house, hiding. The fact that his minions are doing their best to shield the house from all forms of scrying magic is enough to justify a raid,” I mumble.

  Marcus and I are holed up on the road which is leading to the house. It may look like we are standing in the open for everyone to see, but Marcus did a fine job in blocking our mana emissions with his wards. Not that we create that much energy noise to begin with. Additionally, I put up a little spell which bends the light around us. Our relatives are hiding through similar means. The fact that I know where they are, just means that they intentionally gave their position to us. After I've checked on all the positions of our teammates, I lower the binoculars.

  “I still think that your grandfather was a little too innovative about his concealment. We've to do something soon, or our prey will become suspicious. And have I mentioned that this whole scenery looks a lot like a trap? I haven’t seen a single lookout. They are acting as if there isn’t a single chance in hell that they get found.” Marcus squints his eyes at the dark cloud which is hovering above the house like an omen of doom.

  I purse my lips and inspect Ishaan's cloud. The ice giant used his frost magic to force the water in the air to condense, concealing himself and his wife inside a thick cloud. I suppose that Tisha took the job of hiding their presence.

  Clenching my teeth, I return my attention to the house. Whatever Perseus is up to, I have to face him. I would never admit it openly, but when he managed to twist my mind to his will, he created a chink in my armour. An armour I always thought impenetrable. I have to face him and withstand whatever sick power he is using. Otherwise I’ll always doubt my own abilities. />
  I shiver and draw in a deep breath. Then I turn to face Marcus, looking deep into his grey eyes. “I don’t think there is a point in waiting any longer. Either it’s a trap, or it’s not. We’ll not get any results if we don’t walk in there and get some answers.”

  70. ~Messed up.~

  “They cease to exist.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  After we gave the signal to attack, Charles opened the negotiations with a silvery orb of power. The spell flicked away from his open palm and impacted the house on the small hill. The resulting explosion utterly annihilated the building, flinging pieces of burning debris in all directions. Earth and stone is thrown through the air like projectiles, forcing us to shield ourselves.

  No, the king of Newerth didn't intend to go easy on his son.

  From the corner of my eyes, I notice a body tumbling through the air. One of Perseus's hired guns was caught off guard. Not that knowing about the attack would have helped him. Charles interwove an array of counterspells with his attack. There is no doubt that someone below divine level wouldn't be able to defend himself against such an attack.

  That said, I think we can tick the five goons from our list. Good thing that I didn't even bother to memorize their names.

  When the rain of debris stops the lifting smoke reveals a nice view on the utter devastation of Charles’s attack. The house is gone and in its stead is a huge crater, Perseus hovering in its centre. He summoned his aura, protecting himself from the attack with sheer power.

  The rest of his minions are nowhere to be seen. He didn't protect them. So either the other four were flung away like their comrade and I simply didn't notice them, or they were torn to pieces.


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