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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3

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by Prenisha Aja


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  1. Kaizlyn

  2. Jaxsyn

  3. Keisha

  4. Whoodie

  5. Chyna

  6. Melo

  7. Jaxsyn

  8. Kaizlyn

  9. Keisha

  10. Jaxsyn

  11. Kaizlyn

  12. Keisha

  13. Jaxsyn

  14. Kaizlyn

  15. Keisha

  16. Chyna

  17. Whoodie

  18. Jaxsyn

  19. Kaizlyn

  20. Melo

  21. Kaizlyn


  About the Author

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  © 2019 Royalty Publishing House

  Published by Royalty Publishing House


  Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the author or publisher. This is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 16+ only.

  Royalty Publishing House is now accepting manuscripts from aspiring or experienced urban romance authors!


  Heroes who are the ultimate book bae: strong-willed, maybe a little rough around the edges but willing to risk it all for the woman he loves.

  Heroines who are the ultimate match: the girl next door type, not perfect - has her faults but is still a decent person. One who is willing to risk it all for the man she loves.

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  Coming Next from ROYALTY!

  Available 5/13!

  Get ready for this EXPLOSIVE release!

  This book is dedicated to everyone who is continuously supporting me through this amazing journey. I still can’t believe that I’m a published author.

  Also, to my friends (Hydiea, Vee, and Kaa), thank you for the extra push. Every last one of y’all are bomb and it’s only up from here.

  And last but not least, my mother, Regina, who is book crazy. She has supported every last one of my releases and I am forever grateful. She goes above and beyond to push my books to others. Thank you, Mommy. I love you.

  -Thank you, God, for it all. Without you I would be nothing.


  There was only so long that such a secret could be kept quiet. Now with the cat out of the bag, Kaizlyn finds herself in disbelief and in harm at the same time.

  Do you think her father would really go as far as to harm her?

  Is there any way possible that they can rekindle their father and daughter relationship?

  Also, with the good comes the bad, so the world says. But Jaxsyn is now living proof that when good news comes, bad things are sure to follow. After being blessed with the good news about his sister, he is caught off guard by a rain of bullets.

  The million-dollar question is, will he survive?

  Will both families take a severe loss of a love one or will the impossible become the possible and they both make it out of their situation and still be able to blossom in their relationship, despite the curve balls life keeps throwing at them?

  In this explosive finale, revenge will be served, more things will come to light and even new love will arise.

  Open this amazing read and see how crazy life can get when you get hooked on a thug’s ways.



  “Please, please open up.” I banged really hard as I looked over my shoulder, terrified. I didn’t know what he was capable of. I didn’t know if his true intentions were to hurt me or even worse, kill me. I didn’t know much about him but just from tonight and all the other times I ran into him, I knew that I hated him.

  Seeing him make his way off of the porch, I rubbed my sweaty palms down my pants and was about to make a run for it. I had no clue exactly where I was going to go, but I knew that I wasn’t just about to stand here and let him get me.

  “Why are you running from your father?” I heard him yell out, and those words disgusted me. They sent chills down my spine and made me feel as if I wanted to gag.

  “Baby, what is going on?” Mrs. Gale, Jaxsyn’s grandma, came to the door wrapped in a black furry robe and before I could even explain to her what was happening, I barged inside, slammed her door shut and locked it.

  My emotions were so high, that I slid down the door and buried my head into my palms. Tears and sweat were mixed together as I tugged at my hair from worry and frustrations. However, I was so happy to have gotten away from him.

  “Baby, is everything ok?” She placed her hand on my shoulder which caused me to raise my head and remember that my grandma was still over there in that house, most likely in danger.

  I jumped to my feet and it was like I didn’t know if I wanted to go right or left. Cry or scream. “My grandma, she’s in danger over there,” I was explaining as her husband made his way from the back of the house, confused as to what was going on.

  “Baby, go get the house phone. We need to call the police,” she spoke calmly to her husband who rushed over to get the cordless house phone.

  Mrs. Gale guided me over to the couch so that I could have a seat.

  “What happened sweetheart?” She sat down next to me, closing her robe tighter then grabbing the phone from her husband.

  The thought of it all caused me to rock back and forth. My eyes were shut, and the tears were still falling. I was shaking my head back and forth because I couldn’t believe how crazy my life was. It was like nothing was going good for me and I couldn’t catch a break. Why did I have to be living a life like this? Why couldn’t it be perfect? Well not perfect, but normal.

  “Kaizlyn, I need you to talk to me, so I know what to tell the cops.” She pulled me out of my thoughts.

  I looked up at her, sniffled and then began to explain. “My father, my grandma’s step-son. He has a gun and he was trying to kill me. He hurt her. He hurt my grandma and I don’t know if she is ok. If she is even still alive,” I explained which was followed by a gut-wrenching scream.

  I held my stomach so tightly as I cried so hard. My body was shaking, my throat was dry, and it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I felt like my world was being turned upside down and that I would never escape this black cloud that always seemed to be hovering over my life.

  “Calm down, baby girl. Everything is going to be ok. The police will be here soon,” Mr. Earnest, Jaxsyn’s grandpa, said as his wife talked on the phone and explained to the police word for word what I had told her.

  I could only hope that my grandma was ok. I could only pray to God that he didn’t take h
er away from me too. If God took her away from me, then who would I have? No one. Would I be forced to go back and stay at the group home, that many never had the chance of escaping until they were eighteen and then they were thrown out into the real world with hardly no guidance and no help? That alone scared me.

  “The police are on their way. All we can do is pray for the best.” Mrs. Gale rubbed my back as I continued to sulk.

  This was so fucked up on so many different levels and I hated that it was me that it was happening to.

  “Can you call Jaxsyn for me? He didn’t answer for me when I called him,” I asked of her, and she nodded and dialed his number.

  She let the phone ring and ring until it went to voicemail. I never knew him not to answer her calls, so that right there was weird. On top of everything that was going on right now, that was the last thing that I needed, for something to be wrong with him.

  Exhaling, I closed my eyes and tried to drown out all of the negative thoughts that were plaguing my mind, but it was easier said than done.

  “He’s not answering but I will keep calling,” Mrs. Gale stammered, and I had to stand to my feet. My anxiety wouldn’t let me sit.

  I stood in the middle of the floor, pacing back and forth as I bit down on my nails. It was like it was taking forever for the police to get here. When I finally heard the sirens getting closer, I walked over to their window, peeled the white sheet curtain back and peeked outside to see the red, white, and blue lights flashing down the street. When I saw them pull up in front of the yard, I felt like I was safe enough to go out there.

  “Wait, let me go first,” Mr. Earnest said, putting his arm in front of me to stop me from exiting the house.

  I stopped, allowed him to unlock the door and head out first. Once the coast was clear, I exited and ran towards the house.

  Even though I probably should have let the police do their job and enter first, I couldn’t deal with the unknown. Not knowing the predicament of my grandmother wasn’t sitting well in my spirit.

  Yanking the front door open, I ran through the house, stepping on everything that was already broken and scattered across the floor. When I burst into my grandma’s bedroom, I was relieved to see that Samuel had fled the scene but to see her on the floor and with blood surrounding her, took me back to a dark place.

  I gasped and covered my mouth as I sunk to the floor. The visions of how I found my mother laying on the floor, with a puddle of blood surrounding her, hit me like a freight train. I literally felt like my heart had stopped beating. My hands were shaking and when I tried to get up off the floor, my legs wobbled like a newborn calf.

  “Ma’am, excuse us.” The police and paramedics rushed in and went over to her.

  It was like I was watching a horror film all over again and I couldn’t bear it. So, I got up and stumbled my way out of the room, leaving them to do their job.

  “Can we talk to you?” A police officer walked up to me with a pen and pad in his hand. Even though I shook my head yes, I didn’t know if I was in the right mental state to even talk but I was going to try.

  “Just so you know, your grandma will be fine. It looked way worse than what it really was.” He gave me a faint smile and I was able to breathe.

  I exhaled and placed my hand over my heart as relief swept over my body. “Thank God.”

  “Well, we would like to know who did this. Can you let me know what happened here?” He looked me directly in my eyes.

  I began to explain everything. I didn’t leave anything out, and I also gave them an in-depth description of Samuel. I wanted them to catch his ass and lock him up. I didn’t feel safe out here knowing that he was still free, somewhere lurking with the chance of attacking us again. I could tell that he was mentally ill and had serious problems deep within himself. He was so set on revenge and there was no telling how far he would take it, and that terrified me. I knew that we could never trust a person like that.

  “Thank you so much for the information. We are going to try our best to capture him, so you and your grandma don’t have to worry,” he let me know as he folded his notepad closed and stuck it into the pocket on the front of his shirt.

  He also gave me a card, with his number and the case number on the front. He then got up and I was left standing in the living room by myself until they came from the back of the house, pushing my grandma on a stretcher.

  Sighing, I folded my arms and followed behind them. I hated to see her like this, but I had to thank God for saving her life.



  “Aye yo, you think that nigga dead?” The only nigga I knew who was dumb enough to come after me, asked the person that was in the car with him.

  I should have known it would be him trying to take me out but little did he know, it wasn’t going to be this fucking easy. There was no way in the fucking hell was I about to go out like some sucker ass nigga. I had too much on the line right now. For one, my sister. If there wasn’t any other reason to make it out this situation, that was numero uno. Real talk.

  “Hell yeah. Come on, ain’t no way that nigga survived all those fucking shots. We made it rain on his bitch ass,” I heard a familiar voice brag, but I had no clue on who it could have been.

  “Should we get out and double check or just leave that nigga? Let his ass rot?” Whoodie was asking questions just how a young nigga his age would. He could fake and shake all day long, but he had a lot to learn about trying to be a boss ass nigga and what it took to make it in these streets.

  He lacked so much knowledge that I had to question who in the fuck was responsible for even teaching this lil’ nigga the little bit of information he had because truth be told, he was dumb as fuck and moved all wrong.

  “Shit, it’s whatever. I’ll get out and check. Just so I can get the gratification of knowing we took out a nigga like Jaxsyn,” the dude who was with Whoodie said.

  I was currently slumped down in my seat. I had managed to survive and all the bullets they had let loose in my car missed me. The passenger side window was currently shattered because of all of the bullets, but I was good.

  I heard the car door slam, followed by footsteps that got closer and closer to my car. Whichever side he decided to make his presence known on, I was going to let him have it. I had my gun secured underneath me and the way I was slumped over, one probably would have thought I was dead.

  “I told you that nigga was a goner,” he boasted as he looked over his shoulder and told Whoodie. He then peered his head into my car and that’s when I let him have it.

  Sending one straight through his dome, giving him no chance of making it out alive. He was now the one slumped over in my car, with blood spilling out of his head, ruining my seats and the inside of my car.

  “What the fuck y’all thought this was?” I said out loud as if he could hear me.

  I then got out of the car and was about to make my way to Whoodie but of course, his scary ass burned off. All I could hear was the sound of the tires screeching against the pavement.

  I took a mental image of the car and the license plate number so that I could handle that nigga when the time came but right now, I needed to get my phone and call somebody to come and burn my car and get me away from the scene.

  Looking over my shoulders, I quickly sprinted back to my car, grabbed my phone and all of my important shit out of the car, and left the scene. I had no clue where I was going but I was getting far the fuck away.

  As I walked, the cold night air hit my face and calmed my burning soul. I wanted to fuck me up a nigga, and I hated that Whoodie was starting to cause way too much hell and steady getting away with the shit.

  Exhaling, I ran my hands down my face and unlocked my phone. There were a whole bunch of calls from my grandma and I figured that it was just her letting me know that Keisha was awake.

  But before I called her back, I first needed to call Ace, Bjay and the crew to let them know to come and clean up this mess that was in the middle of the s

  “Aye yo Bjay, I need you to round up a few of the niggas. Come to the street that’s down from the shop, that’s across from that ol’ ass donut place. Burn my car and everything in it,” I let him know.

  “Bet,” he replied.

  There was nothing else needed to be said. I trusted that Bjay would come and get the job done. Now I needed to call Ace so that he could come and scoop my ass up and take me to the damn hospital where my sister was at. I also had to call my grandma back just in case it was an emergency.

  “My boy, I need you to come scoop me,” I told Ace the moment he answered the phone.

  “Bet. What’s yo’ location?” he asked, and I dropped it to him.

  We ended the call and I went over to a dark alleyway and hid out until Ace pulled up. When Ace arrived, I looked around before I jogged over to his car and got in.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he asked the moment my ass hit the seat.

  “That nigga Whoodie tried to take a nigga out, but I’m too G for that shit.” I looked at him then back at my phone.


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