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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3

Page 13

by Prenisha Aja

  “Good. Well how we gon’ handle this and you know yo’ girl can’t go,” I told him while raising my brow in speculation as to what in the hell was he going to do with her.

  “Man, I know. Can she just chill in there or we take your car and she can just chill in my ride until we finish doing what we doing?”

  “How you know she won’t snitch?” I asked him.

  I had never questioned shit when it came to Bjay, like I said before, because he didn’t trust everybody.

  “I trust her and if there do be problems I’ll handle it. No questions asked.” He nodded and I shot him a quick nod back.

  While Bjay stood outside of his car, I walked his chick inside of the house. She was nervous as fuck. She looked like she wanted to shit on herself. I didn’t know how my sister was going to take seeing her walk into our house. I knew forgiving someone you didn’t have to see again was one thing, but to have them in your personal space was a whole different ball game.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” Kaizlyn asked with a mug on her face.

  “Listen, she got to chill here until we finish handling some shit. I need y’all to play fucking nice in this bitch. If I come back and my house a mess because y’all was in here fighting, then y’all got to see me,” I let them know. Looking from the two of them, seconds later my sister came hopping into the area we were in with a stale ass look on her face.

  “What is she doing here?” she asked, confused.

  “Like I told Kaizlyn, she gotta be here. My nigga Bjay fuck with her and we got to go handle some shit. Plus, she would be dead if it was left up to me but since you wanted to spare her life, here she is,” I honestly said, which caused ol’ girl to whip her head in my direction.

  “I’m just being honest ma.” I shrugged, leaving all of them standing there to do what females did best.

  They were either going to talk it out, mug each other and go their separate ways or it was going to be more drama, but I didn’t care as long as they didn’t fuck up my shit.

  “How that go?” Ace chuckled, pointing towards the house.

  “As good as it was going to go.” I shook my head as we all piled up in that nigga Bjay’s car and headed to a secluded area.

  “Speak now or forever hold your peace,” I told Whoodie, but I knew that his ass wasn’t in no shape to talk. I had beat his ass so good that his jaw was hanging as if it was being held on by a loose thread. His eyes were swollen, and his teeth were scattered out on the ground, like rocks. I knew he was damn near dead but surprisingly, he held on longer than I thought he would.

  The headlights from Bjay’s car were centered on us, giving us the perfect lighting that we needed.

  “Man, let me just go on and kill this nigga.” Ace pointed his gun.

  “Man, go ahead with your trigger happy ass.” I chuckled.

  Seconds later, there was no gun sound because Ace had a silencer on his shit, but the hole that was in the center of Whoodie’s head was evidence that we had gotten the job done.

  “So, what you want me to do with his body?” Bjay questioned, and I didn’t really care what the fuck he did.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Just get rid of his ass and call Rell if you need to. This shit got a little too sloppy,” I confessed after looking around.

  “Fa’sho,” Bjay replied as he got on the phone with our nigga Rell and let him know what was up.

  Time had ticked by as I stood off and watched as they wrapped Whoodie’s body up in plastic wrap, poured some bleach, acid, and more dirt on the ground, just to try to cover up anything that would link us back to the scene.

  After everything was finished, Rell and Bjay hopped in his car and me and Ace hopped in the car Rell drove to the scene. They were about to go throw his body in a furnace then throw his ashes down the toilet.

  Ace and I still had one more thing that we had to do before we went back home to the girls, and that was to take Sims out. Hopefully he would be sleep, so it would be easy. All we would have to do was sneak in and sneak out.



  I had held on to that voice recording for a few weeks now. I had played it over a thousand times again. Why? I didn’t know. To finally hear him admit to what I already knew was like the moment you jump into a river, but never touch the bottom. You begin to swim up and the closer you feel like you are to the top, the farther away you really are. You can feel yourself losing oxygen and just want to exhale deeply, but you know your lungs will fill with water.

  Oh, but the moment you make it to the top, and are able to exhale and breathe, you feel free. You no longer feel like something was holding you down and draining every piece of you. Sucking all of the air out of you. That’s how I felt. I just felt like I could finally breathe.

  “Now if you want to go to the police station, we can.” My grandma walked over to me and sat down.

  She was finally feeling better. She was back to her old self and I was so happy because deep down, I felt like her condition was going to weigh too heavy on her and be the reason why she left this earth.

  “I know. I know. I just don’t know when the right time will be,” I confessed.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to turn him in, but more so because I was scared to relive all of that. I knew once I gave them this recording that they would dig back into my mother’s case, ask questions again and even more shit that I wasn’t prepared for.

  “Well baby, just let me know and I’ll take you.” She patted me on the leg before she got up and went into the kitchen.

  I sighed deeply and looked down at the papers I had scattered everywhere. School was almost over. I had about two more months and then I would be graduating. Many thought that the closer you got to the end of the year, the easier the shit would get, but no. The teachers were still piling us with homework and giving us work to do, which sucked. The good thing was, I was going to be getting my cap and gown soon. I couldn’t wait to try it on and practice our graduation walk.

  It had taken so much for me to get here. In this mental state that I could think about my mother and not really feel pain. The only thing, though, that was still lingering somewhere in the dark was Samuel, and I didn’t like it one bit. I wish that the police would have found his ass, or maybe even Jaxsyn.

  Sadly, he was very good with hiding out. So, all we could do was be prepared which was why when I stayed at the house with my grandma, we both slept with a gun under our pillows.

  Jaxsyn had showed me a little bit about how to shoot a gun and hold it. My grandma, on the other hand, said she already knew what she was doing and that she was ready to buss a cap in his ass.

  Finishing up my homework, I gathered all of my stuff together and packed it inside of my backpack. I then went to the back to shower. Once I was out the shower, I got my clothes ready for school and went to bed.


  A loud noise had woken me up out of my sleep and I instantly panicked. I grabbed my gun from under my pillow and eased my way out of the room. My heart was racing, and I could literally feel the sweat dripping down my face.


  The sound of a gunshot caused me to sprint towards my grandma’s room and when I got there, Samuel’s body was laying on the ground and blood was leaking from his chest.

  As he laid there, he was still breathing. I quickly hopped over him and went to check on my grandma. She was sitting up in her bed with her gun still pointed. She had a mug on her face and tears were coming out of her eyes.

  “You ok?” I asked her, checking her out from head to toe before I embraced her in a hug.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. But call 911 so they can come get this piece of shit. He lucky I didn’t kill his ass,” she spat angrily.

  I quickly stepped away from her and dialed 911 and told them what happened. When they arrived, the paramedics checked Samuel out and let us know that he would be going to the hospital for his wound. My grandma had shot his ass in the stomach, but it wasn’t severe enough to kill him. Co
me to find out, he would be ok, and they would then be taking him to jail from when he assaulted her and now, he had only added more charges.

  It was like God was knocking all road blocks out of the way when it came to my life. Now all I had to do was meet him halfway. I knew that I couldn’t keep holding on to the recording and not doing anything with it. So, I had told myself that Monday morning I was going to the police station and talking to whoever was over my mother’s case at the time. And once I did that, there would be nothing in my way.

  “Grandma, I’m glad we don’t have to worry about his ass,” I told her once the cops left.

  She gave me the side-eye, and I knew it was because I cursed. “Sorry.” I cut my eyes.

  She laughed as she locked her door and came and sat down on the sofa. “I’m glad we don’t have to deal with that shit no more either. I can finally get a peaceful night’s rest. I had been having a horrible time sleeping because I just knew he would be coming back.” She shook her head as she thought about it all.

  “It’s crazy he came the night Jaxsyn had his boys doing other things,” I stated.

  When Jaxsyn dropped me off earlier, he had let me know that we wouldn’t have the boys outside watching the house, because he was going to have them doing other stuff and to make sure that I had my gun on me. Which I did.

  But that only indicated that Samuel had been secretly watching us like the snake he was. He was just waiting for the right time to strike. It truly disgusted me to know that he was my father. To know that he raped my mother and didn’t care that he was damn near related to her.

  “Grandma, if your husband isn’t my mother’s real dad, then who is?” I asked her, and she looked at me.

  “I knew one day you would ask me this. I actually wanted to show your mother and tell her about her real dad, but I never got a chance to,” she expressed as she got up from the sofa and made her way to her room.

  Moments later, she came back with a shoebox. She sat down, dug through it and took out an envelope. She pulled out a picture that was so old. It was one of the ones that you had to fan in order for the picture to appear.

  “This would have been your grandfather, but he got killed. He was in the streets heavy when we were younger, and you know how that goes.” She shook her head but still managed to smile as she passed me the picture.

  When I grabbed it from her, there my grandma was looking fine as wine and just like my mother. She had long, thick hair and a perfect shape. The man that had his hand wrapped around her was tall and had a hazelnut skin tone. He looked like he definitely ran the streets and I now understood where we got our noses from.

  “Wow, can I keep this?” I asked.

  “Yes baby, just don’t lose it.” My grandma beamed.

  We then left out of the living room and I went into my bedroom and she went into hers. I then laid in bed and called Jaxsyn to let him know what had went on.

  Of course, he was pissed and insisted that he be on his way, but I let him know that we were fine and that he could finish handling whatever business he and his boys had going on.

  When I finally got off the phone with him, I laid in the bed for a few minutes. I literally was only going to get like a good three hours of sleep, and I debated on if I even wanted to stress myself with going to sleep with knowing I had to get right back up.

  “Ughh,” I pouted as I dragged my feet across the carpet.

  Just like I knew, time had sped by and it was now time for me to get ready for school. It was like right when I closed my eyes, I was opening them right back.

  Taking my time, I washed my face, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair back into a low ponytail. I wasn’t doing anything special today, especially after the type of night that I had.

  When I walked out of the bathroom, I damn near jumped out of my skin when I saw Jaxsyn sitting on my bed with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  “Oh my god. How did you get in here?” I placed my hand on my chest and bent over as I tried to catch my breath.

  “The same way that damn perv of a nigga got in here. Y’all need better locks. I’ll have them installed today,” Jaxsyn coolly stated as he sat on my bed all relaxed.

  “You scared the hell out of me.” I finally stood all the way up and walked over to him. I grabbed the coffee out of his hand and took a sip. I needed this.

  “That was the point.” He shrugged before he stood up and walked over to me.

  He grabbed the cup of coffee out of my hand and placed it on the dresser.

  “I need that,” I pouted.

  “And I need you.” He swiftly lifted me up and I eased my legs around him without even thinking.

  “I have to get ready for school though,” I whined, acting as if going to school this morning was that important to me to where I would pass up receiving his love and affection.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.” He smirked, kissing me on the neck and laying me on the bed.

  Since I didn’t have anything but a t-shirt and panties on, Jaxsyn was able to remove my bottoms in a quick, swift motion and dive into my center. The way his lips gently kissed my opening drove me wildly insane. Jaxsyn knew exactly how to do so little but cause a big impact, because my body was going haywire.

  “Jaxsyn,” I moaned out, totally forgetting that we were at my grandma’s house and not his.

  “Shh,” he hummed against my pussy. The vibrations from his voice caused my pussy to thump and get wetter.

  It felt so amazing and to be honest, I was perfectly fine with lying in bed with him all day and missing out on a day of school.



  One month… 2 weeks later…

  “Say mom, what you been up to?” I questioned her.

  I was currently on the phone with my mother, hoping that she would tell me something that I wanted to hear.

  “Currently dealing with something with Ted. It’s some stuff that has come back up about the murder of Kaizlyn’s mother. I’m sorry son. I love you but I gotta get off the phone right now,” she sounded as if she was really under stress. I mean, she wasn’t even that worried about me.

  “Alright Ma.” I hung up the phone and was brought back to my cell.

  I was still in this hell hole for the DWI that I had received. A part of me had wished that my mother would have bonded me out, but she didn’t. When I would call, she would give me this long speech on how I needed to sit in here and think about my terrible decision to get behind a wheel drunk.

  She always explained to me that I was going to have to learn the hard way and that she still loved me despite my terrible decision.

  Then to make matters even worse, the same night that I hit them old folks, I wasn’t expecting to see Kaizlyn or her dude. To see that it was his damn grandparents I hit, had fucked me up in the head. It was a small world and my ass was growing more depressed by the day.

  It was so much shit eating me up on the inside, and I didn’t know if I could keep dealing with all of it. I was ready to get out of here because being here would drive a normal person insane.

  “Hines, you have a visitor,” the guard called me by my last name.

  I got up and closed my notebook. I had been writing down all of my thoughts. If I was to ever leave this earth, I wanted my mother to know that I loved her and that I was sorry that I was such a disappointment in her life.

  Placing the notebook down on my bed, I walked towards the gates and waited for them to open them. When the guard did open the cell, I placed my hands out so that he could place the cuffs on me. He then guided me to the visitation room. I searched around for my mother or even Jade, but neither one of them was present. So, I went and had a seat at the empty table.

  As I sat there, it was like a cold breeze swept over me and I then felt eyes on me. When I turned around, there he was, Jaxsyn.

  He walked over to where I was sitting and sat down in front of me. He seemed to be calm. But I, on the other hand, was sweating bullets. I didn’t know why he was he
re or how he even was able to see me. He wasn’t on my visitation list at all.

  “Wasn’t expecting to see me, huh?” He chuckled while stroking his beard.

  I sat there with the largest lump in my throat. My mouth went dry and my leg was now shaking up and down nervously.

  “How you get in here?” I managed to cough out.

  “I have my ways my nigga, but we not here to discuss me. We here to talk about you.” He pointed at me.

  “What is it?”

  “I know it was you that hit my sister and left her fucking laying out on the ground like she was some type of stray dog,” he growled lowly.

  I could tell that he was pissed off and wanted to do more than just talk. The way his hands sat on the table in fists, to the way his brows arched into a scowl.

  I knew this nigga was nobody to play with and I hate that no matter what, I kept ending up fucking with his family in some way. Fuck.

  “I didn’t mean to though. I swear.” I raised my cuffed hands into the air.

  “Then why the fuck did you leave her?” he hissed, causing me to jump back a little.

  Jaxsyn starred at me before he let out a sinister chuckle.

  “You a pussy boy. I see that now and even though it would fill my damn heart with so much joy to end you myself, I’m not. You won’t last long in here. You’ll either get killed or kill yourself.” He leaned back a little and smirked as if that was a laughing matter.

  I didn’t find shit funny about me being killed. Having to fight niggas off of me or being sneaked if I wasn’t looking over my shoulder.

  The shit was fucked up that I was in this fucked up situation, but I couldn’t blame nobody but myself.

  “Man, Jaxsyn I swear to God. I put that on everything I wasn’t trying to kill your sister. Please spare me my life. Man, please,” I begged as fear came over my body.


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