Finding Mr. Happily Ever After_Edwin
Page 11
Win kept his lips pressed together.
Interesting. She thought he’d want to tell her. “I’d like to know what else you’ve been doing.”
“I tried a little hands-on community service.”
Her breath caught. “What did you do?”
“I asked the corporation’s executive chef to prepare boxed lunches, and I went with some of my staff to give them to the homeless on the streets and in the parks.” Win smiled softly. “I felt as if I made a difference, a small one, and that was more satisfying than I’d realized it would be. I’m not sure where I want to go from here, but it’s a start.”
Her heart burst with pride and affection for this man. “A strong one.”
“I may need your help.”
“Anytime.” She meant that. After all, she worked for his foundation and helping others was her calling.
A muscle throbbed at this jaw. “Do you think…”
She forced herself to breathe. “What?”
“That there’s still a chance for us?” Hope filled his gaze. A longing, too. “I keep making mistakes, but I’m trying to make amends. I miss you, Jazz. So much. Nothing matters without you in my life.”
“I miss you, too, but I don’t see how this can work.”
“You don’t forgive me.” It wasn’t a question. His resigned tone told her he accepted that.
She couldn’t let him remain mistaken. “I forgive you, but I’ll never fit into your world. Given what I’ve seen so far, I’m not sure I want to.”
“That’s fair, and it’s one more thing I like about you, Jazz.”
“I don’t want you to fit in. I want to be a man who you are proud of, who fits into your world. I don’t need to wine, dine, or party with hangers-on. I want to spend every night with you. It doesn’t matter what we do, whether we go out or stay in. I’ve never felt this kind of contentment. Wherever we are together feels like home.”
Jazz felt lightheaded. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, though she wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to. She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “Really?”
“With you, I can be myself.” He half-laughed. “Or rather, I can figure out who that self is. Since I met you, I’m not as sure as I once was.”
She had to be certain. “Appearances are important when you’re a Forrester.”
“Yes. They are to my parents, and I won’t deny they still are to me, but I’m tired of the same people at the same places and events, talking about the same things, and figuring out who to marry to keep all that money with the same people. It’s exhausting.”
That summed up what she’d experienced, and it was as awful as it sounded. “I’m happy to hear you say that, but am I just a novelty for you to see how the other half lives?”
“Not at all. You are my girlfriend. Or were.” He rubbed his face. “I’m making a mess of things again, but that’s what you do to me.”
“Must be my superpowers,” she said, biting back a grin. No matter how hard she’d tried to push Win out of her heart, she couldn’t. “Seriously, though, I know the feeling.”
With his fingertip, he brushed an errant lock of hair off her face, a tender gesture she wasn’t sure he realized he was doing, but tingles exploded inside her. He still made her feel cherished.
“I kept thinking how I chose you, but that’s not true,” he said, his arm returning to his side as he moved closer. “I was so drawn to you there wasn’t any choice. I had to be with you. I still do. I want to be with you. I love you.”
The air whooshed from her lungs. Her nerve endings stood at attention. His declaration swirled through her, embracing her heart. “Win…”
Words failed her.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he said, emotion thick in his voice. “I wanted you to know because I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and I needed to say the words. You showed me what was missing. Not just in my life, but in me. To do better. To…be a better man who deserves love.”
“Oh, Win.” She rested her hand on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart against her palm. “You deserve love.”
So did she.
“Your love?” he asked hopefully.
There was only one answer. She kissed him hard on the lips.
Jazz didn’t expect Win to change overnight or completely, but the small changes he’d made were enough for them to give dating another try. As the weeks turned into a month, and then two, they became closer still. His mother asked her to help plan a party at their estate, so perhaps she was becoming more accepting of her son’s relationship.
One sunny autumn afternoon, Jazz found herself outside an old apartment building with boarded-up windows on the lower floors. She glanced at Brady standing next to her. “Are you sure this is where Win wanted me to meet him?”
“Positive.” Her bodyguard checked his cell phone. “Royce texted. They’re running a few minutes late.”
“Okay.” She was sure Win had a reason wanting her to be here, most likely he was planning to buy more real estate. He’d been asking for her input lately.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Win said from behind her.
She expected a limo to pull up in front, not to see Win, Royce, Xavier, and Olivia walking out of the building’s front door. “What’s going on?”
Her two friends smiled and waved. Olivia looked like she wanted to say something until Xavier gave her a hard look.
“We’ll talk later, darling,” he said to Jazz. “I have my second date with a lovely woman named Sydney, and I don’t want to be late.”
“I’m in a hurry, too.” Olivia was beaming. “I’m meeting friends for drinks.”
With that, the two hurried around the corner.
“Win?” Jazz asked.
He held her hand. “I want to see what you think of this building.”
As he led her into the lobby with its stained, cracked walls and floor, she noticed Royce and Brady didn’t follow them inside.
“This building doesn’t look like much, but imagine a front desk over here.” He let go of her hand, walked to a spot where the tile floor had been torn up, and then pointed to a wall. “A display unit with information about job programs, mental health options, and rehab and recovery groups could go there as well as a bulletin board for community events.”
His words sounded familiar, and then she realized why. Her lips parted. “You read my proposal.”
She’d submitted an idea for a transitional housing project to bring together charity groups and service providers to better facilitate care and programs in a residential facility.
He nodded. “I did, and the foundation’s board of directors and I agree it’s a worthwhile project.”
Excited, Jazz balled her hands into fists. “I didn’t know if anyone had read it.”
“Your insight into affordable housing and medical treatment for those with physical and mental health issues was so on point that none of us could ignore what we needed to do.” He spoke with that all-business tone, but with one difference—the softness in his gaze as he looked at her. “I asked our real estate group to look for property that might work. There’s nothing in the zoning to prevent us from using this building as we want. It’s not on the market, but will be soon unless we make an offer first.”
Joy overflowed. “Oh, Win. I can’t thank you enough.”
“You’re the one with the idea, but before we get too excited, let’s see what you think of this place first.”
Nodding, she surveyed the lobby again. This time, she looked beyond the defects to imagine how the space could best serve others. Win’s suggestions for the front desk and the wall were perfect. “The lobby will work.”
His chest puffed out. “I’m happy you agree. Now let me show you the rest.”
Floor by floor, he expanded on her ideas in the proposal and included ones suggested by his architect. The excitement in Win’s voice was not only palp
able, but it was also contagious.
“The project can make an enormous difference for people if you do this.”
“Not me, Jazz.” Win squeezed her hand. “Us.”
She got the chills. “I like the sound of that.”
“Me, too.” He pointed to a door at the end of the dingy hallway. “There’s one more thing for us to see.”
“I thought we were on the top floor.”
“We are, but there’s a roof with space for a garden and greenhouse.”
She shivered with delight. “You’ve thought of everything.”
He kissed her. “You did. I only used your proposal to find a building that might work.”
As Win pushed open the door, the hinges creaked. Bright sunlight flooded the stairwell, making her blink. She followed him out onto the roof. “Wow.”
“Nice, huh?”
“Perfect.” She spun around, giddy with anticipation for what this building could be—a dream come true. “There’s plenty of room for a garden and greenhouse.” The words burst from her until she needed to take a breath. “We’d need to limit access so residents could only be up here if supervised.”
“An electronic keypad lock will work. That’s an easy fix compared to the other renovations needed.”
Reality hit. “The project will be expensive.”
“Yes, but the money spent will be worth it. Plus, the publicity will increase our exposure with its positive impact on the community.”
She wished he didn’t think of the foundation’s work in business terms, but he was doing better.
“Should we make an offer?” he asked.
His “we” made her want to twirl again. “Yes, please.”
She threw her arms around him and kissed him.
“If that’s the reaction I get, we might have to buy more buildings.”
Jazz laughed, Win joining in.
“There’s one more thing I want you to see.” He led her around to the other side of the stairwell.
A romantic oasis amid the vents and fans had been arranged with three white trellises forming a U-shape. They were draped with white tulle and garlands of fresh roses. Large pots of flowers and bushes sat along the sides.
She inhaled deeply. “This reminds me of the gardens at Fort Tryon Park.”
The special place they continued to return to time and time again.
His smile spread. “It does, doesn’t it?”
“Though there isn’t as comfy an area to sit there.” Throw pillows of varied sizes covered a thick rug. She leaned into him. “This is incredible, Win. Thank you.”
“I thought we should celebrate.”
“Good thinking.” She rested her head against his chest. “The building is almost as wonderful as you are.”
“Only the best for you.”
He led her onto the rug where they sat. A bottle of champagne chilled in a silver bucket nearby along with two glasses, a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries, and a bottle of mineral water.
“Is this why the others were here?” she asked.
“Guilty.” He tucked strands of hair behind her ear. “I could visualize what I wanted, but I needed help pulling it off.”
As she looked around and realized the effort put into making the setting perfect, Jazz’s affection for the man beside her quadrupled. “I’m sure Olivia was all over this.”
Win laughed. “Xavier had to keep her from getting too extravagant.”
“I love it. And I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Win kissed her and then pulled something from beneath a pillow.
“What do you have?” she asked.
He got to his knees and opened a velvet ring box. “Jasmine Michaels, would you do the honor of becoming my wife?”
Jazz gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Her body vibrated with tingles, but she also felt a sense of contentment, of rightness. She belonged with Win.
She lowered her hands, now trembling. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
The flash of relief on his face made her giggle. He exhaled. “Thank you.”
“Were you worried I’d say no?”
“I was nervous, though not as bad as when I asked your mother’s permission to propose.”
“My mom knew about this? Xavier and Olivia, too?”
Nodding, Win removed the ring from the box. “This is from our family collection, but if you’d rather have something else…”
“No.” She stared at the emerald-cut diamond and the band encrusted with smaller diamonds. “It’s perfect. Beautiful.”
He slid the ring onto her finger. “It fits.”
She held out her hand to admire the heirloom. Joy bubbled over. “That means we’re meant to be.”
“I feel that way about us, Jazz. I have since we met, even though things didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped.”
“The bumps make us appreciate the good times more.”
He kissed her. “That’s for certain. Though I hope we don’t run into too many more bumps while planning a wedding.”
“Not just a wedding.” She laughed. “A Forrester wedding.”
Win grinned. “You catch on fast.”
But that raised a question. “How much is your mother going to want to be involved?”
“Considering there hasn’t been a Forrester wedding since my dad’s younger brother remarried over fifteen years ago, more than I’d like, but I’ll try to rein her in so things don’t get too out of hand.”
That was all Jazz needed to hear. “We’ll make it work.”
“We will.” He cupped the back of her head with his hand. “I love you, Jasmine Michaels.”
The love reflected in his gaze matched hers. “I love you, Edwin Forrester the IV.”
Win kissed her—a kiss full of love and magic. Jazz had finally found her Mr. Happily Ever After, and she couldn’t wait to say I do.
What’s next for our intrepid heroine? You won’t want to miss a single installment of her path to happily ever after! Order your copy of the next book in her journey now…
Love is confusing.
Luckily, Jazz Michaels has it all figured out… or so she thinks. At last her wedding day has arrived, and she can’t wait to say “I do.” But when three former fiancés each declare their undying love for her, it’s enough to give any bride cold feet.
The clock is ticking, and if she can’t make a choice before the start of the ceremony, she could lose all four of her great loves forever. Which of these potential husbands is meant to be the other half of her lifelong dream? And whose hearts will she break when taking this final step toward her future?
One bride, four possible grooms, unlimited potential for disaster to strike. Is the man waiting at the end of the aisle the one that’s meant to be Jazz’s forever love? Find out in this addictive series of one woman’s journey to her happily ever after. Order your copy, and start your book binge today!
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About the Authors
USA Today bestselling author Melissa McClone has written over forty sweet contemporary romance novels and been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s RITA® Award. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, three children, two spoiled Norwegian Elkhounds, and cats who think they rule the house. They do!
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Melissa Storm is a mother first, and everything else second. Writing is her way of showing her daughter just how beautiful life can be, when you pay attention to the everyday wonders that surround us. So, of course, Melissa's USA Today bestselling fiction is highly personal and often based on true stories. She never misses an episode of The Bachelor, because priorities.
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More from Melissa McClone
Getting to know my readers is one of my favorite things about being a writer. I usually send twice a month with info about new releases, sales, and giveaways. You’ll get a copy of the first book in my Bar V5 series, HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, for free, when you subscribe at
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Fiancé for the Night
She needs a fiancé—for only one night. But the fake engagement soon spirals into real wedding plans.
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Christmas in the Castle
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