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Dead & Alive (Book 3): Broken

Page 9

by Smith, I. J.

  Letting her go, Frank grabbed Jack’s arm and together they walked away toward the bus door. Bray was in no mood for long goodbyes, everyone already figured out something was wrong and that this was goodbye.

  As he walked past Bray, Frank took his hand and smiled at him; he smiled at Adam and placed his hand on Ryan’s shoulder, to show respect.

  Together Jack and Frank left the bus.

  The bus was parked alongside a large field.

  “In there.” Frank said solemnly, pointing at the park.

  Jack helped Frank through the gates and into the park; he helped him sit down on the overgrown grass.

  Frank sighed in exhaustion, “It’s so beautiful!” he said with a small smile.

  Jack looked around, the sun was beginning to come up, the beautiful sky of yellow and orange light was amazing. Jack looked down to see Frank staring at the sunrise with a smile.

  “When?” Jack asked.

  “Before the Mercy attack, I was stupid and never watched my back,” Frank spoke with a struggle.

  Jack sat down next to him.

  “I’m sorry!” Jack told him.

  Frank looked at him, “You have nothing to be sorry for, I’m the one that failed!” Frank replied.

  “You didn’t fail; these people are alive because of you!” Jack told him.

  Frank smiled. “They are alive, but now you have to take over,” he replied.

  “I realized something, I couldn’t be you and to be honest, I don’t want to be you. Jack you thrive in this world because killing is so easy for you. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s not me,” Frank told him.

  Jack placed his arm around Frank’s shoulders.

  “I once told you that you didn’t want to know my past; I never wanted you to know because joining your team was a fresh start for me. Frank, because of you I felt alive, I found love, I found friends and that was all because of you,” Jack told him.

  Frank looked up at the sunrise.

  “Jack, I don’t want to become one of those things!” Frank told him.

  “I can’t! I can’t!” Jack in his anguish repeated himself.

  “Then go and save as many as you can!” Frank smiled.

  Jack stood up; he helped Frank to his feet.

  “I think I’m just gonna walk,” Frank told him.

  “Do you think there is an afterlife Jack?” He asked.

  “I do!” Jack replied, lying to his friend.

  “Which way do you think I am headed?” Frank asked.

  “Oh you’re going up Frank, unlike me,” Jack joked.

  Frank smiled back.

  “Being honest Frank, God doesn’t want me and the Devil can’t handle me,” Jack joked again.

  Shaking his head with a smile, Jack placed his arms around Frank and hugged him. A surprised Frank placed his arms around Jack.

  Suddenly Frank’s eyes changed to shock, he felt a pain in the back of his neck.

  Jack held his friend, while pushing his knife into the back of Frank’s head.

  “Thank you!” Frank whispered.

  Jack struggled, but pushed the blade in to kill Frank quickly and painlessly.

  Jack was struggling to hold his emotion in; he laid his friend on the ground. Frank’s eyes were still open; Jack ran his hand over Frank’s eyes, closing them.

  “Goodbye, my friend. You rest now.” Jack said sadly.

  Jack took a moment and walked back to the bus, everyone looked at him in silence.

  “Alice, we need to get to the others!” Jack told her.

  Zarina sat in the back sobbing.



  Ray and Zoe leaned against the bonnet of the minivan, they looked out over the Army camp and the swarm of zombies roaming the grounds. Some of the zombies had noticed them and had started pushing against the metal fence in an attempt to reach them.

  The kids were all sleeping; after their ordeal, they were exhausted.

  Ray kept an eye on the horizon, waiting for any sign of Jack and the others returning.

  “They’re going to make it!” Zoe told Ray.

  Looking concerned Ray replied, “I just need my granddaughter back!”

  Zoe could see the fear in Ray’s eyes and decided to change the subject.

  “So you had run-ins with Alina?” she asked.

  Ray looked back at the road.

  “Yes, she attacked us a few months ago, took Kat, myself and Tommy hostage. Jack came after us, we believed Alina was dead,” Ray told her, speaking fast.

  Before Zoe could respond she watched Ray jump to attention as a large vehicle appeared in the distance.

  An excited Ray stood waiting anxiously for their arrival.

  The bus pulled up, people were walking off the bus, and suddenly Jack appeared carrying Kat. A worried Ray ran to them, concerned for his granddaughter.

  “What!” Ray shouted out as he ran to her.

  “I’m OK, honestly I am fine!” Kat reassured him.

  Jack carefully set her down onto her feet. She limped but was able to stand okay. Within seconds, she was hugging her grandfather.

  Jack began to walk away when Ray grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug.

  Bray joined Zoe, they hugged, happy to see each other.

  “You made it,” Zoe whispered to him.

  Letting go of Zoe, Bray spoke, “I made it, but we lost a few.”

  Zoe looked at the survivors that came off the bus, there were barely twenty people.

  “We lost Frank!” Bray told Zoe suddenly.

  With a look of shock in her eyes, she once again placed her arms around Bray to embrace him.

  Adam and Ryan watched as the children were reunited with the others, excitement and sounds of happiness echoed around them. They both watched as Jack walked to the fence of the Army camp and stood opposite the zombies, some of the dead pushed so hard against it that they tore the skin from their arms.

  Adam and Ryan joined Jack.

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind!” Adam stated.

  Jack shook his head, “I do. I think it’s time to share,” he replied.

  A shocked Adam grabbed Jack’s arm, “What are you saying?” he asked quickly.

  “No more secrets!” Jack replied calmly.

  Jack walked away back to the minivan, he stood in front of the vehicle and shouted out, “Everyone, there is something I need to tell you!”

  Everyone stopped and focused their attention on Jack.

  Jack took a moment, there was a pure silence where the only thing that could be heard was the zombies groaning and pushing against the fence.

  “Frank is dead! I know some of you think he failed you, but he didn’t! Frank was attempting to arrange a rescue to get all of you out of this place. He offered his own life in exchanged!” Jack told everyone.

  Before he could continue Bray spoke out, “A rescue, why would he offer his life for a rescue?” he asked.

  Jack’s look turned to anger at Bray, “Let me finish!” he snapped back.

  Looking around, Jack continued. “There is something we kept from everyone, believe me when I say it was kept from you to protect you. Only myself, Frank and Adam know this. The Virus was a weapons test from our own government and not a terrorist attack.”

  The sounds of everyone in shock and angry echoed.

  “Please, you need to hear this!” Adam added.

  Jack continued, “We only found out when we spoke to the doctor back at MI6. Everything happened so fast from there, I found out about Frank trying to arrange a rescue only yesterday. I managed to contact the outside,” Jack stopped, he felt sick to the stomach about what he was about to tell them.

  “The virus has spread. It’s worldwide, and there is no safe place!” Jack told them.

  Everyone began to panic.

  “Please, everyone calm down!” Adam told everyone.

  Bray approached Jack, “I don’t believe this, you should have told us!” Bray told him.
  Jack looked at his friend, “I wasn’t here!” Jack replied.

  Bray looked down, “Sorry!” he replied.

  “So what now?” Ryan asked.

  Jack stepped forward, “There is something I need to do, the people responsible for the outbreak may still be alive, they may have a cure, I don’t know. But I am heading south to find out, first though I am heading out with Bray to look for his family. I suggest the rest of you head north, go to Scotland and try to make it to one of the small islands off the coast,” he told everyone.

  Everyone began muttering amongst themselves.

  Ray joined Jack, “and what about Macleod?” he asked.

  Jack gave a half smile, “I love Elle, I love my lost unborn child and the time will come when I go after Macleod, but right now I need to find a new path!” Jack replied.

  A happy Ray placed his hand on Jacks shoulder.

  “She would be so proud of you.” Ray said to him.

  “I second that!” Zoe spoke out.

  Suddenly a child screamed as the sound of crashing steel echoed out.

  Jack rushed towards the fence of the Army camp which had now collapsed under the weight of the dead.

  Pulling both machetes out, Jack rushed for the coming zombies.

  His blades swung through the air, blood sprayed as they sliced though the flesh and bone of the zombies.

  Adam, Bray, Ryan and Zoe all joined him.

  As the sound of cracking skulls, breaking bones and blood hit the ground, everyone watched as Jack destroyed everything in his path.

  Soon the nearest zombies were dealt with, while more zombies approached from the distance.

  “OK, we don’t have much time!” Jack told everyone.

  Adam stood in Jack’s way, “You’re going after Oasis, aren’t you?” he asked.

  With an angry look Jack replied, “I’m gonna burn it to the ground!”

  Jack moved away towards the bus, “OK, there are weapons onboard the bus; you all need to leave, NOW!” Jack shouted.

  Alice stepped forward toward Jack, “I’m going with you!” she said.

  “I always said the safest place to be is at your side!” Ray added.

  “Looking for my family, I am obviously in!” Bray said.

  “We lost you once, not again!” Zoe spoke.

  “I just wanna kill shit!” Ryan joked.

  Jack watched as everyone agreed that they should stick together.

  Kat limped over to Jack, “We’re family, brother!” she spoke quietly.

  Jack felt a lump in his throat, he felt pride, and he felt honored.

  “Then let’s start our new journey!” Jack said happily.

  Within moments, everyone was on the bus and in the minivan.

  Jack sat in the front of the minivan with Zoe driving.

  “So south then?” Zoe asked.

  “Let’s go.” Jack replied.

  In his mind he could not help but think they were now heading towards their biggest fight yet.

  They drove away, as the zombies emerged from the Army camp.

  In the distance a woman sat on a motorbike, watching the bus and minivan drive away.

  Another bike pulled up beside her.

  “Is it clear?” the man on the other bike asked.

  “No, we need to go round,” she spoke.

  “OK then, the kids are going to be grumpy now sweetheart,” the man replied.

  She looked at him angrily, “MY NAME IS RAVEN!” she replied.

  Thank you for taking the time to read this book.

  Good News,

  Dead & Alive Terror

  Is coming soon!

  Book Series:

  Dead & Alive Survive

  Dead & Alive Sacrifice

  Dead & Alive Broken

  Coming soon Dead & Alive Terror


  Dead & Alive Outbreak

  Dead & Alive Raven

  Coming Soon Dead & Alive Blood

  Contact information:

  Fan Group: Author is very Interractive

  Please remember to review this book, reviews make me abe to continue writing




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