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Desperate Measures

Page 13

by J.D. Selmser

  Chapter thirteen

  Truth & Consequences

  I felt naked, standing there shirtless as Andersen examined my back. “Who did this?”, he said as he poked at the gashes and bruises. Each time he did, it felt like I was being stabbed and despite trying to hide the pain, it was unbearable. “I really need to call somebody. The school can be held liable for this.”

  “No, because it didn’t happen at school. It happened outside of school and isn’t a school issue.” He didn’t seem to be exactly agreeable on this subject, no matter how much I tried to convince him that if it didn’t happen at school, that it didn’t matter. At least not anything that the school should be concerned with.

  “The abuse doesn’t need to happen at school for it to be a school issue. Many children have died over the years because people thought that it didn’t happen at school so it wasn’t a school problem.” Sighing he asked again, “Who did this to you?” He was sitting on his desk with his arms crossed. “If you don’t want to tell me or can’t, then I will have no choice but to call the police. It’s not just a matter of liability, but my moral values.”

  “I don’t know who did it. That’s the truth.” I wasn’t going to blame anyone since I didn’t really know who was to blame, but I had a good idea that the culprit was sitting outside the door and was ordered by good old uncle Huey. Family first motto and all. I was well aware that I screwed Jason over and that he wasn’t going to be having any happy family reunions for many years to come, but it was too late now.

  ‘Ok then how about why? Do you why they did it?” I was sliding my shirt back on slowly, as he just sat there patiently waiting for me to answer. I could feel a mix of blood and water running down my spine as I pulled the shirt up. It felt like sand paper being slowly drawn against my skin and inside, I felt like my whole body was on fire. “I think I should at least call your uncle and have him bring you to the hospital. Those cuts don’t look deep, but there is always the possibility of infection.”

  “I want you to think about this.”, I was pointing at him like he was a child and I had all the answers. “What did Cliff actually say that got him at the head of the class for the prized desk outside your office?”

  “That they were messing with Kristina’s locker and you tried to make them stop.” Puckering his lips he raised an eyebrow and added, “And that because of what happened, he’d make sure that nobody did it again. The thing that bothers me the most is that he is probably one of the few students that can do it. I mean stop such juvenile behaviour.” I could see it in his eyes. He hated the idea that a student had more control over the order of the school than he did.

  “That is exactly my point. This isn’t just a matter of who stood up for Kristina. It’s why and who I stood up to. These war wounds are just a momento of an internal family struggle.”

  “Stop smiling like you have won some kind of victory Mister Hines. This is a serious matter.” I actually hadn’t realized that I was smiling. I guess even though it hurt like hell, I did see it as my personal victory or maybe it was just the reward I deserved. “Why are you willing to endure so much for this young woman?”

  My mind was screaming, “Because if she kills herself I am going to Hell in a hand basket.”, but thought that it might raise too many questions that I didn’t even know how I would begin to explain. “I didn’t know helping her was going to end up in a beating, but this beating has led to Cliff protecting her.” Staring at him I said, “Let’s just give it three days and if anything happens, we will call the cops then.”

  I didn’t give him time to respond. I opened the door and walked passed Cliff who still sitting there with a stupid grin on his face. Mister Andresen walked into the door way and in a loud booming voice said, “Ok Mister Hines you have three days to do whatever you think that you must do.” I looked back and saw his door close. I can’t imagine what was going through Cliff’s head as he saw me walking away, but it definitely wasn’t anything good.

  I was wandering the halls when the bell rang which was followed a stampede of rushing students all around me. Laughter and chatter bounced all over as mini skirts and clouds of perfume filled the air. I caught a glimpse of Kristina somewhere in the crowd behind me. Her head down with a stack of books in her arms, trying to blend in with the crowd. Most of the people didn’t even notice her as she slithered around them and I guess that was the point of it. Not being noticed meant not being teased, laughed at or taunted. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her glasses seemed to slowly slide down the bridge of her nose. I stopped at her locker and saw a smile pop onto her face as she looked over the frames at me. Though I doubt that it was love, lust or even a crush building inside her. I think that she was just happy to see someone waiting for her. I wondered if it was the first time she’d had somebody waiting for her and didn’t need to panic about it.

  Smiling, she opened the locker door and said, “I have been thinking about you.”

  “Really! So my plan is working.” Yes I was flirting, but it was my strength. A poet quotes romantic crap from the greats like Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘How Do I Love Thee’, the class clown tries to make a woman laugh and then there are those like myself whose greatest talent is that they can flirt and the girl always feels special and smiles.

  Blushing, she tried to hide her face, “Another plan for me. Seems like no matter what I do, you won’t take no for an answer.”

  “It never occurred to me that you would say no. Face it, I am not just another pretty face in the crowd, but I am damn adorable.”

  Kristina seemed happy and sad at the same time as she placed her books into her locker. “Why me? There are plenty of skinny girls.” Rolling her eyes she snorted, “I think that my shadow weighs more than most of the girls in this school and I doubt that you see me as your Miss November. So why me?” She closed her locker and pulled on the lock to make sure that her lock was secured. “So why me? What is so special about me?”

  “Because I need something I can only get from you.” I pointed down the hall and continued, “Out of all the people walking through these halls, you are the only one that shines to me.” Yes I knew I was being charming and her eyes sparkled. Maybe that was all she needed. To feel like she stood out from the crowd.

  “Does anyone actually ever believe that line?”, she said as she stared at the floor nervously. It was one of those questions a girl asks because her mind needs to know the answer, but deep down she would prefer a lie. Whoever said that the truth will set you free probably never wanted to get lost in the fantasy. Despite her secrets and scars, at the end of the day, I think that she was just like the rest of us. She was still in love with the idea of love. The problem was that she didn’t think that she deserved it. If I could make her see and believe, I might just save my soul.

  “Jason I knew that you were into the 4H, but I thought you only liked barnyard cows, not the kind they wrapped a tent canvas around and send to school.” There was the echo of cruel laughter and clapping filling the hall. It was the McAlister twins. Of course it was and just like advertised, they were being complete knobs. The taller one had a grin on his face that made you just want to drop kick him in the face.

  Kristina’s whole attitude changed from sparkling eyes that were removed of sunshine to glossy tear-filled eyes. “I think I should go now.” Her body trembled as she tried to sneak away through the crowd, but of course, there was no way that they would let that happen. “Oh come on Bessie. You don’t need to run home yet, it’s not milking time!”, he bellowed. “That’s not until at least 6 PM.” He was almost tumbling over with laughter as he added, “Moo. Moo.”

  Kristina was about to run away, shamed and embarrassed by the comments. Hell I couldn’t blame her. They had just humiliated her in front of the whole school. He was still laughing, thinking that his abuse was hysterical as I pushed him, sending him backwards smashing into the floor. It wasn’t really a hard push, but enough for him to land on his ass. “I hope
that landing on your brains doesn’t cause too much damage.”, I said as he just stared at me in shock.

  “What the…”

  I cut in, “Damn I was afraid of that. Now at least he gets to ride the short bus.” There was wild laughter as I continued taunting him. We were now in a war of wits and he came unarmed.

  He really didn’t know what to say and I assumed, never expected me to defend Kristina or stand up to him. He was staring around from person to person, red faced with embarrassment and anger. He was getting up, shaking with fury as his brother knocked me from behind, sending me head first against the row of lockers. I ricocheted like a ball off of them and landed back first on the floor. The pain was so bad my stomach starting twisting and churning as the whole crowd started chanting, “Fight. Fight.”

  Anthony seemed to be getting a charge out of it like a child’s toy with brand new batteries. “Oh hell yes there is going to be a fight.”, as he stood up fists locked, ready to fight. “Hell yes.”, and the crowd backed away, making room for the battle. Of course I knew that I was going to get the worst of this and in retrospect, taunting him wasn’t my strong suit, but it was too late now. I was beginning to wonder if Jason’s name was going to be on my next list. I smiled as the thought of me being forced to live my life six days at a time until I had removed all the names from my list ran through my mind. It would take me longer than a normal lifetime to do it.

  “What are you smiling at Hines? I am going to beat you like a dumb bitch.”, Anthony screeched. He was so angry, yet that smile made him do a second take as he tried to decide if maybe I thought that I could take him. Of course, like the jungle school was, he couldn’t back down now.

  Andersen stepped out from the crowd and calmly said, “Is there a problem here?” Everybody stopped and the whole hall was silent. “Unless the bunch of you want to spend your time in detention, I would move along.”

  I looked around, but Kristina was gone. Things didn’t quite go as planned, but then again, why wouldn’t karma throw another obstacle in the way? I was starting to think that I was being punished for my crimes from another life.

  “Well explanation as to what happened?”, Mister Andersen asked.

  Anthony smiled, “Oh Sir, we were horsing around. I guess that it got a little wild. That’s all.”

  “Now that seems to be happening a lot lately. Horse play getting a little wild, I mean.” He was steering us towards the office and mumbled, “Now what am I going to do with you cousins? Always fighting like cats and dogs in some kind of power struggle.”

  Anthony who obviously had been in these position before seemed to know exactly what to say. “No Sir it’s not a family power struggle. I swear we were just playing around and it got a little rough. It’s not like we were going to have a real fight. We are family after all.”

  These assholes were related to Jason too. Genetics must have held a grudge with the Hines clan. Seems like the whole family had the moral values of a rattle snake. Made me wonder if Jason was as nice as I thought. Sure Kate liked him, but I think until Kristina was manhandled and raped by one of them, she liked the whole family. Things were getting more and more complicated by the minute. I was so screwed right from the start and didn’t even know it. Damn karma.

  As Mister Anderden reached his office, he looked at Cliff and muttered, “It looks like you have been dethroned Mister Hines. Prince Jason here has claimed the throne right out from under you.”

  Cliff pounded on the top of the desk like it was a drum, “Well it is a family tradition after all. I am just happy to know that such a well-mannered and deserving young man inherited my place in the world.” He was leaning back smiling, “It does the heart proud.” Smiling he asked, “And what did you do Jason?”

  Anthony muttered, “He forgot his place.”, with a big smile on his face, “But I think we can put him back into it again.”

  “Oh really Mister McAlister. I thought you said that you were just horsing around? Now boys, I think you should stand here against the wall while I make some phone calls and decide how I am going to deal with you. My school is not meant to be your personal battleground and I will be damned if Miss Harris is going to be punished because of it. God damn!”, he said as he closed the door behind him.

  We were standing against the ugly green wall staring at Cliff who seemed to be taking too much joy from the situation. "What the hell happened?", he asked with eager interest. "I mean Tony, I know that you like to fight, but with Jason? You bonehead.”, he said pointing at me, “What is it about this little tramp that you won’t back down? Are you tapping that?" It was that cocky smile and the twinkle in his eyes that made me want to kick the desk over with him in it.

  Anthony was just grinning ear to ear, shrugging like an idiot. I know that they were both waiting for me to answer, but for once, I didn't know what to say. I had a story worked up for Anderson, but I didn't think it would work on them. "Well out with it. I want to know what would make somebody who wouldn't even say boo to a girl suddenly start defending her and don't think that you aren't going to be judged by the family. Blood is blood after all and the last time I looked, she wasn't family."

  "Nope she isn't. From where I am standing, she is better." Cliff's eyes went cold as he pounded on the top of his desk while Anthony just crossed his arms, still smiling.

  "A common whore is better than a Hines? Is that what you are saying?" His knuckles cracked as he made fists. I watched the veins in his arms twitch like snakes. "Better than a Hines. I should kick your ass Jason."

  "Well if whipping the hell out of me didn't work last night, I wouldn't be surprised if kicking my ass doesn't work either."

  Now I expected to see some kind of remorse in Cliff's eyes or at least a vague I told you so look, but it was just confusion. Standing up, he towered over me and I was sure he was going to start throwing fists right there and then. It was Anthony's face that concerned me though. It didn't look confused about what I was saying. He was beaming with pride and seeing Cliff's anger made his smile grow even wider.

  "What are you mouthing about? You are acting like the girl’s guardian and everyone else in the world is against the poor innocent creature. Girls like that are cheap and easy."

  His anger was apparent as he grabbed hold of my collar and drove me into the wall. A forced groan shot out as soon as my body hit the wall. My eyes were watering as a small stream of tears fell from my left eye. Nothing I could do to stop it. "What the hell is wrong with you? You are acting like some punk ass bitch."

  Driving into him, I sent him flying back onto his desk then he fell forward onto the floor. My body was shivering and it felt like someone was drilling into my head. Staggering to my feet, I ran towards the bathroom, throwing up on the floor. I just laid there light headed and the quivering in my stomach wouldn't stop.

  "Do you have the flu or something?" I was just lying there waiting for the world to stop turning as a distraught Cliff said, "I will call the school nurse."

  "Don’t do it! Give me a minute and I will be fine." I pleaded from the cold hard floor.

  Kneeling beside me, Cliff lifted me up. "What’s going on? This isn't you. Talk to me."

  Either Cliff was a great actor or dumb as an Ox because he seemed more concerned than I could have ever imagined. Picking me up, he dragged me to the sink where I started to wash everything off my face. With a giggle he asked, "What did you do? Shit yourself?"

  Irritated I snapped, "No dumb ass. It’s blood."

  "Blood! From what? It’s like all over your ass dude." He lifted my shirt and all he could manage to mutter was, "WTF!" Pulling back insulted, he pointed at me, "You think I did that?"

  Still trying to recover from the pain, through my clenched teeth I snapped, "Do you want to know what I remember Cliff? Do you really want to know? Well I remember hearing that’s what you get for turning on the family!" Throwing the wet puke covered piece of paper towel at the white metal garbage can, I added, "Yes so I sudden
ly think that family sucks."

  "Whoa dude. Step back and think about this. I haven't said two words to miss fancypants since she moved here and if I really wanted to beat your ass, I'd use the guns. Not whip you like a dog. Besides uncle Huey told us all not to come anywhere near her because of what she accused Chris of."

  "Chris! He's the rapist?" I said more from surprise than anything else. "Chris. Really?"

  Cliff clamped onto me twirling me around fist cocked, ready to knock me out. "If you make me choose between my little brother and you, he wins, always." I just stood there waiting. He had the size advantage and the strength to beat me into next week, but he stopped. "You didn't know did you?" It was the look in his eyes that told me this was the first time he'd ever even considered it.

  He stepped back and leaned against the wall. "Now he might have got mixed signals, but he's not like that. You know Chris. She sent him pictures. He showed me them. He said she was always sending him pictures and telling him all the things that she liked and had done. Nasty stuff. It’s no wonder he got confused. You know Chris. He's not a bad kid."

  I walked over and sat beside him on the floor. "How does a girl send him pictures if she hasn't got a computer or a cell phone?" It hadn't occurred to me until now just how easily a childhood mistake could follow someone. Not just Kristina, but now Chris. Of course it didn't make what Chris had done to her any better. It just meant that it was all out in the open.

  "Are you sure about the computer and the cell phone? I mean she might not tell her aunt about having it."

  "I am sure. The pictures that she is famous for are from a childhood mistake. That I promise you."

  "I need to think.", was all he said as he left me there sitting against the wall. Of course, I figured one way or another, this day wasn't going to end well for me. As he opened the door, he looked back, "Tell your friend that nobody will bother her again."


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