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The Caelian Cycle Boxed Set

Page 10

by Donnielle Tyner

  He paused, running his hands through his golden hair, causing the tips to point in every direction. I wanted to reach up and feel if his hair was as soft as it looked.

  “I noticed you at the party and maybe it’s because I studied your case last year, but I took notice of your coloring,” he chuckled. “You probably thought I was a stalker, but I stared at you for a long while, trying to figure out why your beautiful golden skin was relevant.” He gently ran his fingers over the back of my hand, and shivers ran up my spine.

  “I thought you were going to attack me at first. You looked angry.”

  His laugh was boisterous and the group by the pool stopped to look before returning to their own conversations. His laugh was musical and it filled me with warmth. I shuddered from the sensation as it settled in my stomach.

  “I have been told that I look angry when I think,” he explained.

  “Duly noted,” I mumbled, while distracted by his full lips. A question popped into my mind and my teeth found my lower lip, nipping at it, “How old are you?”

  Kian looked at me and confusion washed over his face briefly.

  “20.” He smiled at the blush creeping up my neck. His voice lowered, “Is that okay?”

  I coughed and nodded. He wasn’t much older than me, and even if he was, I would be turning eighteen in a few months. It didn’t matter.

  The way his hand felt on mine. The fullness of his lips. No. It didn’t matter.

  I scolded myself for the mental drooling and changed the subject before this particular matter continued down a path I wasn’t ready to take yet.

  “Why have you been following me? Are you going to turn me in?”

  His face pinched as he turned away and removed his fingers from my hand, balling his into fists. “No, I’m not going to turn you in. I worked for your grandfather once and I will never work with his family again.”’ He unclenched his fists and turned to look at me. His face softened and he glanced at my lips, lingering for a moment before returning his gaze back to my face. My teeth found my lower lip again. Kian was making me nervous.

  “When we spoke at the alliance party last week, I was there to meet with someone about a job. Once I figured you out, I had to speak with you. You drew me in and I was fascinated. First, I thought you were a siren, but I realized that wasn’t the case when I got close enough. You were shy when I got close. After I left, I researched your grandfather some more and spoke with my mentor.” I gasped and grabbed his hand.

  “You didn’t…”

  “No. I just inquired about the Koenigs. Let’s get something clear. I will protect you from them. You are unique, and I refuse to allow you to be used by your crazy grandfather. You are safe with me and that is why I’ve been following you. Everything within me wants you to be safe.”

  I nodded and looked down at my hands in my lap. My heart and head were warring with each other, each pulling me in opposite directions. How could I trust someone I had just met? This was the first time we had had an actual conversation that didn’t involve him posturing or causing me to feel uncomfortable or him exposing major family secrets, forcing my Talent to surface out of the blue.

  Plus, he had just admitted to being my stalker.

  Kian coughed and shifted to turn his whole body, edging closer to me, pulling me from my internal debate.


  “After the incident at the mall, I rode with you to the orphanage and spoke with one of the teachers briefly. I helped the Moreau family council clean up the evidence of your outburst, but no one has explained to me what exactly happened.” He looked at me expectantly.

  I explained how I had been Talentless until two weeks ago when his confession about my origins caused me to unlock my hidden Talent. Before I realized it, I had spilled everything from my secret secondary Talent to my insecurities about hurting people.

  Silence bloomed between us and his face contorted to what I knew now as his angry thinking face. Each second felt like eternity as I waited for him to jump up and storm off in anger or fear. He had seen first-hand how dangerous I could be. For some reason, I desired Kian’s acceptance of the total package that is me – including the darkness of my Talent. Each second that passed in silence tore a hole in my heart.

  I watched in awe as his features transformed again and thought to myself how much I enjoyed how expressive his face is. He probably didn’t know I could read him easily now that he had explained his thinking face.

  “You’re smiling.” His gaze lingered on my lips before returning to my eyes.

  “It’s strange how your acceptance feels like the most important thing that matters. I’m struggling with feeling that way, but nevertheless, I’m happy that you haven’t run away in fear.” I shrugged and began to turn away from Kian, embarrassed by my brute honesty. He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me against him.

  “Never,” his husky voice whispered, as he cupped my cheek. His hands were warm and calloused, but his touch was gentle. I relaxed into his hand and closed my eyes. My heart sped up and I decided to give Kian a chance. Stalker tendencies aside, everything he had done had been to help me.

  His thumb brushed my lips and I watched as he licked his own. My lungs forgot to breathe and the sounds of the party muted. There was only Kian and me. A tingling heat flowed through my body, not unlike the vibrations from my Talent, but this was something entirely different. My hands splayed against his chest and I focused on the sensation as he began to lean in.

  Cold air pressed against my face as his body heat was removed. One second he was in front of me and the next he was in between me and the house in a fighting stance. My mind tried to reconcile his sudden absence from my arms with his threatening demeanor aimed at the house. The muscles in his neck bulged as the sound of screams and utter chaos filled my ears as my body adjusted to Kian’s absence.

  “You moved so fast.”

  He stood guard, his hands clenching and releasing as we watched people pour out of the house. Madison’s flaming hair was making a straight path toward us when Kian spoke up.

  “My Talent is strength. Speed is my secondary,” he explained in a rush, surveying the scene behind my friend.

  As Madison approached us, my attention was instantly drawn to the laceration on her forehead. I stood in order to get a closer look, but Kian turned around and grabbed my shoulders.

  “Sadie, do you have any experience in hand to hand combat?”

  I replied to him while focusing on Madison. She was holding a stich in her side and trying to catch her breath. “I have been taking mixed martial arts since I was child.”

  “What is going on, Madison?” I asked, trying to shake the unease from my voice and failing miserably. Madison’s gaze shot to mine, dread haunting her gaze.

  “We have got to get out of here.” She paused for breath. “A group wearing the Koenig family crest has arrived looking for you.” Madison turned to look at Kian. “They’re trained in combat. If I found out that you had anything to do with this, Kian, you will burn.” She drove home her point by allowing her flames to lick up her arms just long enough to capture Kian’s attention.

  “Maddie, he didn’t do this.” I reached out and grabbed her hand. I felt the blood drain from my face. “Did you see Michael and Lacy?”

  Madison touched my arm. “They got out, Sadie.” A loud crash broke through the night and she pulled me beside her and pointed to the cluster of trees. We crept along the fence line double-quick and hid in the thicket, where the surrounding smell of evergreen made my nose itch.

  Kian touched my shoulder and pointed to the fence. He placed his fingers upon his lips, giving us the signal for silence. He crept along the fence line, looking for our escape route.

  A loud crash caused me to jump as men poured out into the backyard, followed by a large man barking orders for the rest to search the backyard.

  The leader was the largest man I had ever seen, and his presence was terrifying. Long hair the color of blood flowed arou
nd his scarred face. Yellow eyes seemed to glow under the artificial lighting as he scanned the area. With every step, the chains wrapped around his chest clanked. His posture was stiff, arms bent framing his heaving chest. With a deep breath, his muscular body shook as his face reddened from frustration. Sweat poured from his forehead and I watched with disgust at the spit that flew from his mouth as he yelled at a subordinate who spoke with him.

  “What’s with the chains?” I whispered to Madison.

  “Shhh!” she replied between clenched teeth.

  Goliath, as I mentally labelled him, roared in aggravation, and the chains flew from his body of their own accord and wrapped around the neck of the man who’d angered him. I slammed my eyes shut to black out the violence.

  Madison’s hand snaked around mine as she pulled me against her and hid her face in my hair. Caelian on Caelian violence was rare and something neither of us had ever witnessed.

  My heart sped up as I heard the thump of a body hitting the ground.

  A hand grabbed my shoulder and I nearly screamed before Kian’s mauve eyes met mine. He pointed at the two men who were closing in on our location. He then pointed behind him and motioned for us to follow.

  We crept toward the farthest corner where the chain link was pulled back. He motioned for us to hurry. As soon as I crossed over, a voice screamed for me to back up. We had been spotted. Time suddenly slowed to a crawl as I watched Madison and Kian crawl through the small space while a group of men came running with weapons I had never seen before.

  Once through, we started to run. Safety was in our reach when Madison stopped.

  “What are you doing?” I screamed.

  “I thought of something to slow them down. Keep running! I’ll meet you at home.” She turned and ran back to the fence, her arms aflame. Madison’s retreating form was glowing like an avenging fire goddess. Kian pulled me away.

  “We have to keep going. Trust her,” Kian grunted, as he wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me to his back. Kian took off running and my fingers tightened in response. I struggled to find purchase on his thin t-shirt before I gave up and grasped the solid muscles of his shoulders. Wind ripped through my hair and I squeezed my arms and legs tighter, hiding my face in his neck.

  I didn’t know how long he had been running before he stopped in an alleyway and helped me off his back. His breaths were labored, both from running with another person on his back and from using his Talent. My legs were weak from holding on to Kian. They wobbled for a few seconds before buckling under my weight. I stumbled back against the wall, pushing against the cold brick with my entire weight in order to keep from falling.

  Kian was in front of me in a flash and cupped my face between both hands. His eyes were searching, asking questions his voice couldn’t. He stepped closer, pressing his body flush against mine, filling me with his heat. His hot breath brushed against my cheek as he leaned in and touched his forehead to mine.

  Everything about Kian was intense, and for a brief moment I freaked out about where to put my hands, but the thought was cast aside as soon as it had arrived when his nose brushed against mine with a heart-stopping tenderness. With breathless urgency, he slid his hands through my hair and cupped the nape of my neck. All thoughts became superfluous but one. I want him. Sparks danced along my body where his fingers caressed my skin, forcing the heat to rush downwards. It settled in my stomach and filled it with an aching need.

  His mouth crashed into mine with a driving force that made me gasp. I focused on the sensation of his lips as his greedy mouth took bold possession, pouring all the passion and worry he was feeling into the kiss. When I opened to him he groaned and pressed his body firmly against me, deepening the kiss. Stripping away all of my restraint.

  My hands explored the planes of his powerful physique as they made their way up to his neck, as his caressed their way down, tickling my ribs before he rested them on my hips. My arms circled his neck and I caressed the short hair on the base of his neck. His fingers tightened in response and he pulled me even closer before dragging his mouth from mine.

  We stood there nose to nose, both struggling for breath. Once my heart slowed to a normal pace, I pulled his face back from mine and rubbed my fingers over his closed eyelids.

  “Hey,” I whispered.


  Vibrations from my pocket tore me away from his intense stare. “My phone.”

  Kian nodded and turned to lean his shoulder against the wall. I raised my eyebrow at him when his arm stayed firmly on my waist.

  Missed calls and texts filled my phone from Madison, Lacy, and Michael. I skimmed the texts and they were all the same, wondering where I was and if I was safe. I replied to all letting them know I was alive and still with Kian.

  Kian nodded toward my phone. “Ask Madison if the orphanage is secure.” I sent the text. Not two seconds later, my phone buzzed with her reply that Mrs. LaMotte was waiting for my return and she was losing her patience with each passing second that I wasn’t on school grounds.

  “Guess I need to get you home.” His fingers were drawing patterns on my stomach that glowed with heat.

  “Yeah.” My voice was not entirely steady and when he moved away, my entire body mourned the absence of his heat. Kian pressed a hand against my lower back with heart-stopping tenderness and lifted his other arm, guiding me out of the alley. We walked in comfortable silence back to the orphanage. When we arrived at the gate, I turned to say goodbye, but he pushed his way through.

  “I think it’s time I spoke with Mrs. LaMotte about your safety.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “You don’t think I’m safe here?”

  He grunted and we both turned toward the building where Mrs. LaMotte, Madison, and Rebecca were standing in the open door. Butterflies danced in my stomach at the thought of those men getting inside the orphanage and hurting my friends.

  Once we reached the group, Madison and Rebecca wrapped me in fierce hug. As I was sandwiched between my two best friends, Kian swaggered up the stairs to Mrs. LaMotte with a determined look on his face.

  “Kian, it’s a pleasure to meet you again. Thank you for bringing Sadie home safe and sound.” Mrs. LaMotte sized Kian up, noting the swelling of his lips. Her glare traveling with unnerving thoroughness to examine mine, frowning at what she saw.

  Kian noticed Mrs. LaMotte’s displeasure and stood straighter. “We need to talk.”

  “Follow me,” Mrs. LaMotte motioned to everyone, but she kept her unrelenting stare focused on me. Heat rushed to my face as I stepped behind the others.

  Kian leaned back and whispered, his eyes sparkling mischievously, “don’t forget to call your friend.” He winked before turning to follow the others.

  A smile curled on my lips as I dialed Michael’s number.

  I could see myself falling hard for him, and for the first time since Liam’s death, I didn’t feel guilty. A part of me wanted to fall for Kian.

  Chapter 13

  The five of us had been squeezed into Mrs. LaMotte’s small office for hours trying to come up with a plan and were getting nowhere. Everyone agreed that something had to be done, but no one could agree on the method.

  “Can’t we do this another day?” I moaned. The enormity of the evening was pressing down on me and I was exhausted. Every inch of my body ached from the stress of learning that I was officially being hunted, and my mind wasn’t much better. All thoughts were swimming through honey, and my responses were a few seconds later than normal.

  “Yes,” Mrs. LaMotte spoke up, shifting her angry glare to Kian. He was the most outspoken about my predicament. He wanted me to go into hiding before the hunters sent by my grandfather caught up to me. “We can meet tomorrow afternoon in the Talent training room.”

  Madison and Rebecca hopped up to leave, eager for rest. Before exiting the door, Rebecca leaned in and whispered, “Don’t be long. We will be talking.” She wagged her eyebrows provocatively while flicking her eyes between Kian and me.
  I groaned. The passionate kiss Kian and I had shared was amazing. It left me raw and I didn’t know how to process anything, especially how I felt about Kian or about the kiss. Except how much I wanted to do it again. My face was aflame with the thought of his firm lips against mine. His sudden presence in my life was jarring, and he hadn’t subtly placed himself in my world. He had kicked the door open and set up shop.

  “I don’t like this,” Kian grunted. His husky voice was raw. “They shouldn’t have known she was at the party tonight, yet they showed up. There are too many variables. By now they probably know where she lives.”

  Mrs. LaMotte rubbed her eyebrows and released a long, slow breath. Kian was getting under her skin and she was on the verge of losing her temper. “Mr. Kian. Even if they know of her whereabouts, they cannot come after her at a family sponsored orphanage. It’s illegal.”


  Mrs. LaMotte’s hands flew in the air as her voice dropped to a dangerous level. “Why are you here? Sadie has people in her life who are more than capable of helping her. What do you gain by being here?”

  Whoa. In less than a breath, Mrs. LaMotte had said aloud the questions I had never had a chance to voice. Butterflies danced in my stomach as icy fear of what he was going to say spread throughout my body. I swung my restless gaze to Kian and he had on his angry thinking face again.

  “My reasons for helping Sadie are between the two of us.” Kian stood, rising to his full six foot height, and crossed his arms. His sinewy muscles twitched as he clenched and unclenched his hands in aggravation. “As to what I gain, nothing. No one is paying me to be here. I am here for Sadie and her alone.”

  “But you don’t even know me,” I whispered. Mrs. LaMotte smiled at Kian as she laid her hand on my shoulder in comfort. The action was odd, but strangely welcome. Not once in my life had she attempted to comfort me, yet the warmth from her touch reached my heart, filling it, strengthening it.


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