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Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1)

Page 13

by J. C. Cliff

  Lying on my side while resting my arms underneath my head as a pillow, I watch Quinn sleeping. I listen to the different types of birds chirping and singing in the early morning hour as I gaze on him with fondness. He's truly got me spellbound. Besides his looking so peaceful, almost angelic, he has this boyish look to him in his sleep. Small streams of sunlight sneak in through the top of his tarp, highlighting the dark stubble along his jaw. I want to reach out and stroke those bristly hairs, see if they are soft under my touch. While I’m at it, I'd kiss those supple, full lips of his, too. They look too damn inviting to pass up. He always looks too sexy for his own good, even when he's sweaty and dirty.

  My mind is going down a road it shouldn't, and I glance upward to avoid further temptation. The early morning light is filtering in from the tops of the trees. I’m guessing it’s probably about six. Like a magnet, I find my gaze drifting back over Quinn's body. I can't help it; the man is all consuming.

  Judging by the map, he says we’ve got a few more days of hiking before the road ends, and then I figure we’ll wind up going our separate ways. It saddens me; I never want our time to end. I know six days isn’t a lot of time to get to know someone, but I feel as if I've already known him for a long time. I’ve never felt more safe, secure, and cherished in all my life. My sleeping pattern will never be the same either. I’ve gotten used to being wrapped up in the warmth and strength of his arms every night. Even Kimber curls herself over my feet every night as she settles down to go to sleep with us. At first, I felt claustrophobic, but now I feel as if I won’t be able to sleep without them.

  Not only that, he hasn’t made any significant sexual advances on me since the first morning we woke up together. I wish he would, there are times I think I'm going to implode if he doesn't take me. Sometimes, I think he’s going to make a move, but he never does. I’ve noticed the way he steals glances at me when he thinks I’m not looking, and when he’s up close and personal, I can sense his desire for me. He's confusing me, I’m constantly getting mixed signals from him. Just when I think he’s going to lean in and kiss me, he always pulls away at the last minute. It leaves me frustrated and disconcerted at the same time, and I wonder what has him holding back.

  Last night was extra tough to stop kissing him. He gets me so twisted up inside that I can't think straight, and I yearn for more. I wanted to give myself to him so badly last night, no matter the consequences. I know he wakes up hard. I’ve felt his erection pressed up against me most every morning. Ever since our first kiss, it’s all I’ve been able to think about. Well, that and the way he was all over me, wanting to ravish my body. He was wild, full of fire and passion, and my belly dips every time I think about where his fingers had been.

  He often tells me how beautiful I am, and how much he wants me so I have to think maybe he respects me as a person. It's all I can come up with because I know he’s a womanizer, but his show of respect makes me want to give myself to him all the more. I let out a contented sigh as I think about how much he’s become a part of my life. He's smart, incredibly handsome and full of virility, and yet he can be so tenderhearted and full of humor.

  My lips spread into a small grin, thinking back on some of the quick wit he’s thrown my way over the past week. It's so cool to be this close to him as he sleeps, and I can secretly study him without him knowing. My fingers itch to run themselves over his full lips, but I don't. He needs his sleep. I’ve woken him up every night, and I don’t think he goes back to sleep easily.

  Unexpectedly, he stretches his arms out to the side and stirs awake. As if I'm a missile seeking target, his eyes immediately lock onto me. He rolls over, props his head up with his hand and then leans over me. His eyes are bed-roomy, soft and dreamy as he gives me the sexiest smirk ever. Does he even know he’s this sexy? His lips twitch and if I'm not mistaken, his erection is pressing against my thigh. I can’t help but be affected by his distinct masculinity, and those eyes of his turn me inside out every time.

  I’ve been totally busted for ogling him while he slept. Heat creeps up the side of my neck, lighting a fire to my ears. I take a deep breath and roll over onto my back, closing my eyes to hide from his stare. I can feel him hovering over me, and I can’t take it. “What?” I ask in mock irritation.

  He slips his hand past the hem of my shirt, well…his shirt. His hand comes to rest over my bare stomach. His touch sends an electrical pulse right through me, and I can’t seem to take in a breath. My eyes flip open and my heart stops in its tracks. His blue eyes shimmer with mirth as he hovers over my lips with an all-knowing grin.

  He creates this sensation inside of me that I have never felt before. He tilts his head to the side, studying me briefly, which causes me to blush more. “What’s going through that mind of yours?” he asks in a deep, sexy morning voice. His hand stays put, but his thumb begins to lightly caress over my navel. I swallow hard against the sinful sensations he’s creating in me, all from a simple touch. I can’t find my voice, and between his touch and close proximity, he’s beginning to embarrass me, so I look away.

  “Hey.” His voice is full of concern as he gently shakes my side to get my attention. I turn back to look at him, and he huskily asks, “Where’d you go?”

  Where’d I go? To Drool-land. Back to that first morning when I could feel your fingers deep inside my slick sex. His cerulean eyes blaze with heat mere inches from my face, and I feel the exact moment the electrical charge changes between us. His eyes flick to my lips, and I lick mine in anticipation.

  “I want to kiss you so bad,” he murmurs. “I shouldn’t want to, but I can’t help it.” I don’t know why he shouldn’t want to kiss me, but I stay silent. “Stop me,” he softly demands as he slowly closes the distance. I'd be a fool to stop him, so I wait with bated breath until his lips gently press themselves to mine.

  For all that is holy, as simple as his kiss is, it undoes me in ways I’ve never thought possible. It’s sweet, gentle, and light. Slightly parting my lips, I kiss him back and he turns hungry, taking advantage of my willingness.

  I whimper when his tongue slips past my lips and traces long, sexy circles around mine. His fingers slowly graze a burning trail across my stomach toward my breasts, causing my lower belly to flutter. I pray to God he doesn't hold back this time. I'm ridden with days of pent up desire. I thread my fingers through his short hair, pulling him into me, willing him not to stop this time.

  He skims his fingers underneath my bra, and then lifts the material over the swell of my breasts. I’m a wanton mess, and I’m thrilled when he takes it a step further and rolls his upper body over mine, leaving no space between us. I open my legs, making room for him to settle his erection right where it belongs. His bulge presses against my heated sex, and I thrust my hips into him, showing him what I want.

  “You’re not stopping me,” he chastises in a low, husky murmur between kisses.

  He plucks my nipple with his fingers as I whisper half-heartedly, “Stop.”

  “You don’t mean it,” he raggedly breathes. He’s right; my stop means go, and I mean full speed ahead. His erection presses against my opening with delicious force, and my brows pinch together in ecstasy as his body causes me to shudder with hunger.

  He works his tongue in and out of my mouth, only stopping to nip my lower lip occasionally. “You should be off limits,” he growls.

  “Why?” I bite his lower lip, getting him back.

  “Because I’m no good for you.”

  “Oh, I think you’re good for me,” I whisper, just before I raise my head, thrusting my tongue back into his mouth. Our kiss turns into molten lava, sending a direct message to my core. I'm soaking wet for him. My hips move upward, forcing his cock to press harder against my heat, my sex clenching with need. My clit rubs against his pelvis, and I'm about to explode. God, he feels so damn perfect.

  He groans, and it's not a sexy groan; it's one of obvious reluctance, and then he breaks our heated kiss. He rests his forehead against mine, br
eathing heavily. “Girl, you’ve got me on fire. I don't think I’ve ever wanted anyone more than I do you.” He gently shakes his head, and I can sense him physically and mentally warring within himself.

  I decide to help him out a little bit with his decision by bringing my lips to his. Seductively, I use my tongue to dance over his lips before I kiss down the side of his neck, nipping at his corded muscles. I slip my hand down to his erection, giving him a firm squeeze. “You should totally be doing this,” I breathe over the shell of his ear.

  A rough, manly growl emits from the back of his throat. He’s one hundred percent alpha male, sexy, and totally turned on. I rub my hand up and down the length of his cock, stopping to squeeze his thickness every now and then. Excited he's not stopping me this time, I wrap my legs around his waist, showing him how much I want him.

  “You’re not playing fair,” he heatedly whispers between kisses.

  “Who said life was fair?” I’m practically begging him with everything I have to take me. At this point, I don’t care if I’m a one-night stand. My passion is running too high to care, I’m burning up for this man.

  He closes his eyes as if he’s in pain and curses under his breath. “I’m having a hell of a time trying to resist you.” But yet he’s stopped, and he's refraining from going any further.

  “I don’t...I don’t understand.” Hurt lines my voice. Why is he trying to resist me?

  “I know you don’t, baby,” he says with sorrow. He lifts his head, his eyes still swirling with need, and gives me a soft smile. He gently strokes my cheek with his thumb in the most loving, compassionate way, and I melt. “It’s just…” He shakes his head, as if not knowing how to proceed.

  “Just what?” I ask, not liking the sound of his voice. I remove my hand from around his hard length.

  “I didn’t bring any condoms,” he confesses with an awkward smile. “I mean, I came out here to go hiking, and the last thing on my mind was…well, this.”

  “I’m on the pill,” I shyly admit. “I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true. I have only been with two men my entire life, and I know I’m clean.”

  “Two?” The way he said the number makes me feel inexperienced.

  “Okay, three, but the third one didn’t really count.”

  He smirks at me. “Didn’t count? What does that even mean?”

  I squish my eyes shut in embarrassment. “I don’t really want to go there.”

  “Fair enough, I’ll give you that one, but seriously, we should probably stop.”

  I bite my lower lip, not knowing what to think of him wanting to stop…again. Is this a way out for him? A joke? Maybe I’m not good enough, or…

  “Lexi.” He pulls me from my thoughts, and I stare up into his eyes. “Don’t go there.”

  “Don’t go where?”

  “I want you, Lexi, I’m not going to lie.” He rolls his hips into me, and I stifle a moan. His cock is hard as granite and ready to be unleashed from his pants. “You’ve got me hard as a rock, but it’d be wrong if I rushed into sex with you.” No, no it wouldn’t, I want to argue back. I lay here perplexed as this one-night stand kind of a man leaves me hanging for the third time in a row.

  He smooths the wrinkles from my forehead as he further explains his no-sex theory. “I don’t want it to become awkward if things don’t work out, and we're stuck out here together. When we come together as one, I want us both to be sure it’s for the right reasons. If we wait, it will be all the more special, because it’ll mean it’s the right time.”

  How can this one-nighter of a man be turning me down like this? I want to argue that we only have a few days left together, and right now is the right time; it doesn't get any better than this. “Quinn, I don’t expect anything past this moment,” I assure him.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” His expression turns serious, and his tone confident. “When I make love to you, I want it to be more than a mere fling.”

  “You do?” I ask, confused, because we will be a fling if we’re going to wind up going our separate ways.

  Kimber lets out a low, threatening growl, interrupting our conversation. We both look over at her at the same time. She’s visibly on-guard, with her hair standing straight on end and her ears perked up. Quinn gives her his full attention. His blue eyes are alive and intense as he focuses on the sights and sounds Kimber is trying to alert him to as he scans the forest around us.

  Her low growl is definitely not a light, playful one. It’s downright deep, powerful, and damn scary. A loud snap of broken twigs reverberates through the forest, and my heart stills. “Ow, shit,” a man’s voice grumbles maybe fifty or so yards away.

  “Would you shut up?” another man gripes.

  Quinn scrambles out of the sleeping bag and quickly grabs his pistol. It's the oddest looking pistol I've ever seen. He says it's new technology. I scan the area and can’t see anything for the thick grouping of hardwood trees and pines surrounding us. I wouldn’t have thought anything of this scenario, but Quinn and Kimber's reaction has me on edge.

  I sit up, a bit startled, watching Quinn and Kimber stealthily moving around, and I can detect the tension quickly growing in the air. Quinn hushes Kimber, gives her a few hand signals that I don't understand, and then stands up, looking around into the deep forest. He reaches his hand out to me in a silent gesture for me to get up and go with him.

  Kimber is on his heels as he quickly leads us through the brush and away from our camp. We stay within the camp’s proximity, so we can still see everything; yet, we're far enough away to stay hidden and out of sight. We are all crouched down behind some overgrown shrubs. He signals for Kimber to lay down and stay quiet, and like a good girl, she obeys. Remarkably, she’s eerily quiet.

  My heart pounds in my ears. I’ve been too confused and speechless while watching the events unfold, and when I finally gather my wits to ask what the hell is going on, Quinn cuts his icy blue gaze to mine. I swallow hard as he slowly slices his finger across his throat, clearly indicating I’m to remain silent. His look is fierce; so much so, I’d never want to be on the wrong side of that glare.

  He jerks his head to the left in the direction of our camp at the sound of more snapping twigs. Two broad men come into view, and then stop in the center of our camp. They turn around in a slow circle, as if they’re looking for something, and I’m guessing it was us.

  “This is Alexis' pack, and it looks like she’s got company,” the dark-haired man says to his younger partner.

  “Everything’s right on target.” The younger guy looks around, pointing his pistol at our sleeping bags, as if he’s expecting us to pop out of the fabric.

  “Maybe they went to get water or something.”

  “What do you suggest we do now?” the younger guy asks.

  “I say we hide out close by, wait ’til they come back, and then ambush them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” the younger guy replies. Both men eye our stuff over, but they never rummage through our gear. “I hope this goes off without a hitch, or that Vince guy is going to be pissed. He seems like the unforgiving type.”

  I’m frozen in a state of shock. Oh, my God. What the hell is this? They're looking for me because of Vince! I’ve been discovered! I realize at this point I can never truly escape. Vince can get to me anywhere. An uncontrolled whimper of fear escapes me. I slam my hand over my mouth and look to Quinn, my eyes wide and full of apology for making a sound. His jaw clenches, but he only flashes me a glance, his sights and attention are fully focused on those men.

  The older man kicks some dust into our little fire pit in a show of frustration that we aren’t there. “Yeah, men like him don't do well with mistakes so we don't need to screw this one up. C’mon, let’s go before they come back. I want to be the one to have the element of surprise.”

  They both turn to leave, and before I know it, I’m watching Quinn and Kimber’s backsides. I swear the man must have Native American Indian in his blood by the way he moves
soundlessly and swiftly through leaves and underbrush. I never heard them leave my side. My hand covers my mouth in horror as I watch Quinn tackle the older man from behind, and in the very same moment, Kimber leaps onto the back of the younger guy. Both men simultaneously crash to the ground with screams of surprise, masking the sounds of twigs breaking and snapping from their falling weight.

  Neither one of those men could’ve seen this coming; they never knew what hit them. Quinn flips the man onto his back, and I watch as he raises his fist high in the air and then pummels down against the man’s cheek relentlessly. Quinn is shirtless, and I watch every muscle in his back flex with power as he delivers potent blows, to the point I think he's going to knock the man out any second.

  Both men are thrashing around on the ground, screaming as they try in vain to protect themselves. Kimber has her teeth sunk in deep, biting into the younger man’s arm as she lets out a wicked growl, mauling her enemy. The man's cries are soul-shattering screams for mercy, but he can't shake Kimber off him. It's the most terrifying sight I've ever seen.

  Echoing screams fill the air, depending on who’s getting hit or bitten. The older man, even though he’s a big guy, never stood a chance against Quinn and his strength. A few more violent blows and kicks, and the man is rendered useless. He’s cursing and gasping for air as he rolls around on the ground with his hands wrapped around his gut, but I can't hear him for the younger man’s screams.

  Quinn disarms the man first before turning his attention to Kimber. It takes him yelling at her three times in order for her to back off her attack victim. The guy sits up and rocks back and forth, cradling his arm while howling out against the pain. Blood, lots of blood, is dripping down his arm. The shock of it all starts to register, and I begin to tremble.

  Quinn bends down to grab the man’s pistol, which he’d dropped when Kimber had attacked him, and then he slips the gun behind the waistband of his camo pants. He’s breathing heavily as he points his gun back and forth between the two men, angry as hell.


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