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Just One Kiss: A Black Alcove Novel (The Black Alcove Series Book 1)

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by Jami Wagner

  “I don’t know where they are, but I’ll bring you a case,” she says, holding the door open with her back to us. I grab my cup, placing it inside Kelsey’s empty one, and step back from her. She smiles and heads for the door.

  “Oh there you are,” Sara says, glancing between us. “What are you guys doing in the cooler? Are you crazy? It’s cold in here.”

  As if she were trying to make a point, she shivers. “Ethan, grab a case of Bud bottles while you in here,” she adds quickly before exiting. Kelsey follows right behind her.

  With a grin, I grab the brown box. Sara just caught two people in the freezer and acted like it was no big deal we were hanging out in here. Either they all sneak off for drinks a lot or she is a total space case.

  Warm air hits me and Sara is waiting for me on the other side, leaning with her back against the bar and her arms crossed.

  “Week one, Ethan,” she says, shaking her head. “Seven days and you’re already sneaking into the cooler to do what? Play kiss face with my best friend. This is a real business, Ethan. I would think that after attending those business courses and getting a degree you would have figured that out by now. Behavior like that doesn’t work for me.”

  “Hey, I didn’t plan for that to happen. She was already in there. I had no idea.”

  “And what? You thought you two would just warm each other up?”

  “Sara, it wasn’t like that,” I say with a defensive tone.

  She releases a long sigh before hanging her head in front of her.

  “Look, I kind of had a feeling things with you and Kelsey would, well…I don’t know. I just had a feeling and it turns out I was right.” She looks down and fidgets with her hands. “Kelsey is my best friend and you’re my cousin. Promise me you will get to know Kelsey better before you jump into anything. I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

  Get to know Kelsey better. I will do everything I could to make this happen. And I am not going to waste any time doing it. I want her. I want every part of her.

  There’s just one problem. I still haven’t figured out how am I going to make a relationship with her and get my father off my back?

  “Absolutely,” I say when she gives me hug. Sara heads in Logan’s direction, passing Kelsey as she does so. My view lingers a bit as I watch her rinse some glasses in the sink.

  If I do what my father wants and Kelsey finds out, I’ll never stand a chance with her. If I continue this with Kelsey, I’ll never get the kind of relationship with my father that I want. One has to mean more to me than the other, and it scares me that losing an opportunity with Kelsey weighs on me just as much as strengthening what I have with my father.

  Chapter Twelve


  Come on, come on. Stop talking already.

  I watch in complete creeper fashion until the moment Mrs. Mulligan closes her front door. Then, I quickly head for Kelsey’s. If mornings together are all we have right now, then I am going to make damn sure I am at her house to make breakfast for her every day. I laid awake thinking about my situation a lot last night and I came to a conclusion. I won’t let anything happen to Sara’s bar, and my father isn’t going to hear a word of it because I’m not going to let him find out. I’m going to lie to him. Sara will keep the bar, I’ll end up with Kelsey, and my father will be off my back. It’s the perfect plan.

  Kelsey spots me from the doorstep. That’s one smile I could get used to seeing every day. I take the porch steps two at a time.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey yourself.” She quickly looks away as redness fills her cheeks. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and then gestures for me to come inside. Damn, she’s beautiful.

  “I was thinking, if you have time today, I could cash in that rain check and we could hang out.”

  Hang out, really? Was that my best line?

  “Look Ethan, last night in the cooler was…well, I don’t know exactly. But you didn’t even try to talk to me the rest of the night—I actually think you were avoiding me, and I’m not the kind of girl who likes to play games. Either you like someone or you don’t. If you like them, you act like a normal human being around them. If you don’t like them, don’t lead them on.”

  She crosses her arms, which pushes up her chest. The other day she had a wicked cute “I just woke up” look. Today, she’s completely ready in a pair of blue jean shorts, a pink tank top, and a plaid shirt. Her hair is curled and pulled to side and her soft brown eyes are the best part about her. When I look into them, that’s when I realize I’ve been caught staring. I do nothing to hide my pleased reaction.

  Her hip pops to the side and she rests her hand on it.

  “Really, Ethan? I just gave you the ‘no games’ speech and you chose that moment to check me out.” Kelsey rolls her eyes and starts to open the door. I grab her wrist and turn her to face me.

  “No games. Not this time. I’m sorry. Give me one more chance and I won’t screw it up. Not this time. I promise.”

  Taking in a deep breath, Kelsey’s gaze roams down and then back up my body. I’d be lying if I said those eyes didn’t make every inch of me crave her. When she pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and bites on it, it takes every ounce of self-control not to kiss her.

  “We’ll take it slow.” She nods.

  An ear-to-ear grin takes over my mouth, and I spin for the kitchen. My cooking always wins everyone over.

  “But I have class today, in twenty minutes, so breakfast will have to wait for another day.”

  I stop dead in my tracks and pull myself together before I turn around to let her see the disappointment on my face. Who takes classes at eight in the morning?

  “Can I drive you?”

  “I can drive myself, but thank you for offering.” She heads for the stairs.

  I can’t let her get away this easily. There has to be something I can do to spend more time with her. Today. Not later. I don’t want to wait. If I’m actually going against all the rules my father set, either I’m all in, or I need to back out now.

  “I think…I’ll drive you.”

  Kelsey pauses and looks over her shoulder.

  “And then I’ll pick you up for lunch. Maybe even give you a ride to work. We can tell everyone we decided to carpool.”

  Her lips twitch as she holds back a smile. Finally, she hangs her head in defeat.

  “Give me five minutes.”

  * * *

  I get out of my truck for the third time. This girl has me so worked up I can’t even make the simple decision to sit or stand while I wait for her to get out of class.

  The doors to the Littman Building open and students begin to pile out. I spot Logan first; his six-foot build towers over most everyone. When the crowd clears, my eyes fall on Kelsey. She’s so incredibly petite next to Logan. She’s got her arms crossed over the books in front of her while her hair blows in the wind. Logan nudges her with his shoulder, and she tosses her head back as she laughs. I straighten my stance as jealousy floods me. I want to be the guy who makes her respond that way. Kelsey bumps his shoulder back, and I force myself not to look away. Jealousy is new for me and I don’t like it.

  “Kelsey, Logan, hey,” I say when they are close enough. Her eyes are focused on me now. Yep, I’m here, Logan.

  “Ethan, we were just talking about you,” Logan says and nudges Kelsey again.

  “We were not.” She widens her eyes at Logan and mouths something to him, but I can’t see what.

  Great, they even have inside jokes.

  “Nothing bad anyway.” Kelsey looks back to me and blushes. She does it every time our eyes meet, and every time it makes me want her more.

  “I’m going to head out, but I’ll catch you both tonight at work, right?” Logan gives me a fist bump and then quickly gives Kelsey a side hug before heading in the opposite direction. I know he lives close to campus and walks to class every day, but I still feel a tad bit like a dick for not offering him a ride. Kelsey clears her throat and
then those brown eyes meet mine once more.

  Like I say – I only feel a tad bit bad.


  “So where are we going?” I climb inside Ethan’s truck and he sets my books on my lap after I buckle my seatbelt.

  “It’s a secret.” His face lights up and he closes my door. I watch as he jogs around to the driver side. My stomach starts to flutter immediately when he flashes me a smile from the front of the truck.

  “You’re still a fan of surprises, right?” He starts the truck. “Because if you’re not, then I’m screwed.”

  I let out an embarrassing laugh slash snort at the worried expression on his face. I slap a hand over my mouth and nod with wide eyes. If I keep making noises like that, he might change his mind.


  He backs his truck out of its parking spot and pulls off campus. He takes a right then a left. We pass The Black Alcove and right when I’m about to kill the awkward silence, he slows to a stop in front of Sara’s and my apartment building. When he kills the engine, I know my face reads nothing but confusion.

  “We’re here.” Ethan beams at me. “Wait, I’ll get your door.” He jumps out and again, I watch him jog around the truck to my door. What is he up to?

  My door swings open and he tosses my books from my lap to the now-empty driver’s seat.

  “No studying on this date.” He looks serious. I nod like I have no choice but to do what he says. Ethan slips his hand in mine and gently pulls me from the truck.

  “Wait here.”

  This excited behavior completely baffles me, so I try to sneak a peek at what he’s pulling from the back of his truck. The tailgate slams shut and he looks over the bed with a grin that practically makes me forget how to breathe.

  “You planned a picnic for lunch?”

  He laces his fingers with mine as we cross the street. I’ve lived in this apartment for two years now. Not once can I remember having lunch in the park. This memory with Ethan will be one I never forget.

  “I planned a picnic in the park for our first date.”

  We stop under a tree that provides shade but also has enough sun peeking through the branches to keep us warm. Ethan spreads out the blanket and takes a seat. One by one he takes out sandwiches, bottled water, baked barbeque chips, and a bag of cookies. Next he pulls out some plates.

  “Are you going to sit down or just watch me?”

  A picnic might sound like a cheesy move, but when you’re in the moment and a gorgeous guy is offering you a turkey sandwich with a huge smile on his face that you know you put there, it’s the sweetest moment in world, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next morning came fast, and as I listen to my phone vibrating against the nightstand, I know I can’t avoid my father any longer. It’s been a week and a half since my successful picnic in the park. Every morning I go to Kelsey’s house and make breakfast, I pick her up for lunch, and then we spend almost every night working together. The only way things could get better is if we had a night alone…and if my father would stop calling. I’ve responded via text with things he wants to hear, but I have to answer his calls eventually. I’m avoiding him while I figure out what to say. Texting is much easier.

  “I haven’t found the numbers you need,” I answer in a tone that sounds similar to his everyday one. Cut right to the chase. I don’t care what he has to say anyway. I’ll say whatever it takes to keep my brothers away from Wind Valley.

  “So, you do know how to answer a phone,” he says. He doesn’t sound concerned, only annoyed. “Your brother is packing a bag and leaving today. You can expect him tonight. When he arrives, you can come home. I have different plans for you, ones that don’t require so much responsibility.”


  “That won’t be necessary. I’ve got everything under control here. My lack of response to your phone calls has been due to nothing but hard work to find what you want.”

  Complete silence except for my father’s heavy breathing fills the phone line. I imagine he’s standing in his study in a black suit. He has one hand in his pocket while the other holds a finger just above the end call button for the phone sitting on the corner of his desk. He’ll take his hand from his pocket and drill his fingers against his desk, glancing up to the fireplace and back to his fingers three times before he makes up his mind. I’ve seen him do this more times than I can count. It’s the moment he’s debating whether he’s hearing the truth.

  “If you haven’t found what I need, then you haven’t been working hard enough. You do realize, son, that I can send one of your brothers there to watch over you without taking your spot. Someone to keep you in line while you are there. We don’t know exactly how long Sara will be away, so you need to act fast, and mistakes are something I can’t have you making.”

  “Yes, sir, I understand you could do that. But my sudden appearance after all these years has already raised some suspicion. I think it’s best to hold off on sending anyone else. Drawing attention isn’t what you need right now.”

  At this point everything I’ve said is100 percent bullshit. I know Sara wants to ask more, but she doesn’t. She has always been a big believer in family and she sees nothing but the best in me. If only I could see what she does, maybe I could stop my father. I’m in too deep now. No matter what happens, I’ll end up looking like the bad guy.

  “Just keep going the way you have been, and I’ll make the best decision. Keep your eyes open. You never know how easily things can change.”

  Like always, he doesn’t say good-bye once he’s spoken the last word. An eerie feeling flashes through me. More than likely, he’s still sending one of my brothers. I sure as hell hope he sends Lance, because if he sends Ben, there is no telling what could happen.

  Growing up, Lance always found a way to look out for me. As long as he was at the top of our father’s list, Ben couldn’t have cared less if I was in trouble or not.

  With two fingers I pinch at the nerve between my eyes. What am I going to do? I had this all figured out days ago. Now, my father’s words keep playing in my head.

  Keep your eyes open. You never know how easily things can change.

  I could just let one of them take over. It would be easier, but helping my father doesn’t feel right. I can put it off, my brother won’t. I have to figure something out. Whatever my father has planned isn’t good. And there is only one way I know to protect Kelsey. I have to cut all ties with her beyond an employee/employer relationship until I know what’s he’s going to do.


  The next few days pass in a blur. After about a week, I finally worked up the courage to cook for Ethan. So I woke up one morning to make Ethan a breakfast casserole, but he never showed. The morning after that, another no show. I called him, but he didn’t answer. One morning I went as far as to go over to his house to make sure everything was okay. I know he pretended he didn’t hear me knocking on the door. I’m not crazy. Something’s going on and I want to know what it is. It’s just so incredibly odd to me to just stop talking to someone with no explanation. I want one.

  I deserve one.

  Tonight is Sara’s going-away party, and being held at the BA, it’s the perfect place to run into Ethan and ask him what his deal is.

  I’m back in our apartment getting ready with her. She leaves tomorrow and it plain out sucks. For me. Not her. I slide my feet into the black pumps that I save for special occasions. They don’t happen very often so tonight will make it the second time I have ever worn them. I hope I can remember how to walk in them after I’ve been drinking.

  “Kelsey, hurry up, let’s go! “ Sara hollers at me from down the hall. I check myself one last time in the full-length mirror behind my door. My little black dress hugs my body amazingly, my hair is curled to the middle of my back, and my shoes make my legs look long and lean. Hopefully, this outfit can get Ethan to confess what’s been going on with him. I smile at myself and gr
ab my red clutch off the dresser. This dress better do more than get him to confess—it better grab his attention and hold it there all night long.

  I’ve spent more time than any girl should obsessing over a boy who hasn’t even kissed me yet. After considering forgetting everything that involves Ethan, I came to the conclusion that I’ll just go with whatever he has in mind. I’m not going to initiate anything, but I won’t say no if he brings it up. I like the way I feel when I’m around him. He opens doors, he makes me laugh, he’s got a bit of a romantic side to him, and he always smells good. He’s got a great smile and a great body, which is a huge plus. All the bad just disappears when I’m with him. Any stress I have is gone and nothing could make me happier. Unless, of course, he stops avoiding me. That would totally make me happier.

  “Oh. You look amazing!” Sara squeals. She’s waiting impatiently by the door, wearing a red, ruffled dress that falls to her knees, with nude heels. Her blonde hair is straightened down her back, and she has a black clutch in her hands.

  “You look amazing as well,” I tell her as we lock the door and walk outside. The BA is directly across from our apartment building. Beth, one of the other bartenders, lives in the apartment below us. We usually cut through the park when we walk to work, but not today. Heels and grass just don’t mix very well.

  The entire place is full of people when we arrive. Most are here for Sara while others are regulars. Either way, her eyes begin to fill with tears at all the people who have come to see her off.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” Logan hollers as he leaps up the steps to guide Sara to the bar. She waves over her shoulder at me as they walk away.


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