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Billionaire' s Revenge

Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  “Well, given your vast experience of women…who am I to argue?” She was not sure why she felt the need to respond with such acidity, however he only laughed back, her chin lifting mutinously. “Very true, Bella”, he chuckled ,“I always knew you were smart…takes some women a long time to realise that” She knew that he was baiting her, but his words angered her, Sara clamping her mouth closed so that she would not say anything she would later regret.

  With another laugh he led her to the large dining room table, two places set together, the placing intimate. As he pulled her chair out for her to sit his head leant in. “Nothing to say Sara?” A tremor ripped through her as his hot breath fanned against her ear.

  “What is the point of prodding a serpent?” she bit out before she could hold back the words, his small laugh this time sending a shiver through her as he moved to his chair. Almost immediately Edith Clark appeared, wheeling in a tray as she placed dishes before the two. Sara thanked the older woman, commenting on how delicious the chicken smelled, the housekeeper giving her a large grin.

  Once more alone, she lifted her fork, her previous assertion of not being hungry disappearing as she bit into the first morsel, her eyes closing with pleasure. Darius gave a soft laugh as he poured blood red wine into her glass. “I do like a woman who enjoys her food”, he smiled, his nose wrinkling up in displeasure “If I have to sit beside another woman who thinks that a lettuce leaf qualifies as a meal…” A sigh escaped him as she laughed, “I think Angela tried that diet once…just made her moody” Darius gave her a playful look. “How could you tell?” Sara was unable to hold back the laugh as she nodded her head, her sister’s moods legendary when she was not getting her own way.

  To her surprise she found herself enjoying the meal, Darius charming and funny, Sara reminded of the way he had been when they first knew each other. Both took their time, talking between courses as they enjoyed Edith Clark’s delicious homemade pie before ending the meal with coffee. When finished, he led her outside to a small covered area, the sky now black, covered in the tiny pinprick lights of the many stars, stars not visible in the city. The only sound to break the silence was the soft singing of the cicadas, and Sara found herself giving a content sigh, no doubt helped by the second glass of wine she was enjoying.

  “It is very peaceful here” she mused softly as Darius nodded beside her. “I grew up in the Italian countryside…I like peaceful” Sara looked over at him in surprise. He had never been one to talk about his past; many of the girls in the office tried asking lots of personal questions to him, all of which he brushed off with an easy flirtatious comment.

  “Is Italy beautiful?” she asked softly. He looked thoughtfully at her, his fingers running around the stem of his glass “Yes. Very beautiful, but when you were as poor as my mother and I … not an easy life” Sara held his eyes, sensing that he was sharing something with her he was not comfortable talking about. She took a drink, needing to break the moment as she frowned softly. “Where is your mother?”, she asked softly, his lips tightening as he paused, Sara wishing that she had said nothing “I’m sorry…it is none of my business…it is just that I know nothing about you yet …” Her voice trailed off as he leant forward slightly in his chair beside her. His eyes focused on the floor as he talked his tone emotionless.

  “My mother died”, giving a half-smile as she made a small sound of sympathy, his voice growing harder. “Don’t be sorry Sara. She was never going to win any mother-of-the-year awards” Silently, Sara knew exactly what he meant, the memory of her mother’s plan to see her become pregnant sending a bolt of anger through her once more. “When I was fifteen my mother told me that she had left some food in the cupboard and that a friend of hers would come by to give me a job as a general labourer. Then, new boyfriend in hand she left. I never saw her alive again”

  “She abandoned you!” Her horrified cry saw him give a smile “It is my experience that women prefer to enjoy themselves than put their children first”, his tone full of a cold anger, a part of Sara softening to him. “Maybe you have just been hanging out with the wrong women”, she murmured softly as he looked over at her. “I very quickly found that I was better off without her. Didn’t have to worry about the never-ending procession of ‘uncles’ she kept bringing home. She cared more about being single than looking after me…and I see it all the time”, his tone again hard. “No… Given a choice a woman will always put her own needs first. Even you Sara, you agreed to my demands because you know that the fallout of your brother-in-law’s actions and your sister in custody would make you and your family social outcasts”, a small sound of disgust leaving him.

  Sara bit down the retort that sprang to her lips, instead taking another sip of the delicious wine, finding it hard to swallow the liquid at the unjustness of his words. She kept silent, holding down the truth. There were some things that he definitely did not need to know, because if he did he would use them against her and he already had enough power. For several moments the two sat in silence, both lost in their own thoughts before he stood.

  “Wow…didn’t realise it was so late” Sara’s eyes flicked to the clock which read eleven, frowning that three hours had passed so quickly. “I have an early morning meeting…so time for bed” As he stood his hand reached for hers. “I…I am not really tired right now”, she muttered nervously, “If you don’t mind I will find a book and read…”

  He smiled, a predatory sexy smile, his head shaking. “I don’t remember saying I was tired either. There are other things you can do in bed”, once more finding himself fascinated by the way she flushed, her hand trembling in his. “I…I see”, her only comment as she allowed him to lead her back up to their room. Stood by the side of the bed she had been unsure as he smiled, moving into the bathroom first.

  Sara dropped onto the softness, a small groan leaving her. During her mammoth shopping trip, she had not even considered what she would wear at night, the realisation hitting her that she had nothing, her heart pounding furiously within her breast. She slipped into the large walk-in closet, quickly finding a t-shirt of his, her teeth savaging her lip as she returned to the room, just as he emerged from the bathroom, his eyes looking pointedly at the clothing she held tightly in her hands.

  “We forgot to buy any nightclothes…and I…I can’t sleep without something…would you mind if I borrowed this?” Darius shrugged softly. “If it makes you more comfortable…I prefer not to wear anything myself” This thought had seen the very blood within her veins bubble furiously as she slid past him into the bathroom herself. “T…thank you”, her voice full of relief.

  Minutes later she returned wearing the t-shirt which fell to her knees. Darius sat on the small couch, wearing similar silk bed pants as the previous evening, checking emails on his phone. Raising his head, his look was filled with heat as his eyes slid over her

  “Wow…how is it possible for you to look so sexy in everything?” his words full of appreciation as he stood moving towards her.

  She gulped, swallowing the nervous lump which rose to her throat. He was stunning. Her eyes again drank in his bronzed broad shoulders, his muscled torso leading down to his slim waist and hips, unable to avert her eyes, mortified to see the knowing smile which rose to his lips. Reaching out, his hand lifted her chin, angling her head to look up at him. She held back the groan seeing how far her eyes had to travel to meet his, his eyes sweeping down over her face lingering on her lips, his expression sensual. To her shame she had been unable to prevent the way her body swayed against him, his mouth smiling approvingly as his arm slid around her waist. His mouth dropped to cover hers, the kiss more of a caress of his lips against her, Sara tasting his hot breath; the desire swamping her to rise up and deepen the kiss.

  Sara was filled with self-disgust as her body shuddered, her arms flying around his neck. “I find you disgusting and immoral”, she whispered, Darius’ seductive return half-laugh sending tremors through her. “No more than I do you”, he replied, before his
arm hauled her in harder, his mouth grinding down on hers, her response lost as she kissed him back.

  With a low resonating growl deep in the back of his throat one of his hands gripped his t-shirt which she wore pulling it over her head in one smooth motion, Sara giving a small sigh as their warm flesh once more connected. His arousal dug into her belly as he lifted her from her feet, Sara wrapping her legs around his waist, the hardness of him stroking her erotically as they moved, her fingers raking through his thick glossy hair as Darius strode forward towards the bed.

  Together they spilled onto the soft mattress, a confusion of limbs, their bodies writhing against the other. “You are so beautiful Sara”, his words enflaming her already heightened need for him as she gave a shuddering sigh, her fingers sliding down his sides to slip under the silk bed pants. His long groan empowered her, Sara grasped the silky material pushing it as far as she was able, the musky scent of him immediately bombarding her senses.

  Grasping him within her hand, Darius shifted to allow her to hold him, his hips moving against her hold on him a ragged tortured moan leaving him as he took her wrists. “Stop…stop Sara”, his voice uneven as he pulled her arms above her head, his mouth reclaiming hers, the kiss demanding. His lips moved down to her tightened nipple, the dusty pink bud sending searing hot sensations of need to pool between her legs. A long moan left her as he flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin before nipping it with his teeth, her exhale of breath causing him to chuckle, the sound reverberating against her body only adding more intensity to his actions.

  All the while his hands caressed her skin, sliding along her stomach to rest between her legs, Sara writhing against his hand, remembering the previous night and the pleasure his fingers brought. Groaning, she tried to pull her hands free, his tightening around her wrists to keep them above her head, another laugh leaving his lips as she squirmed helplessly.

  “Tell me you want this”, his sensual voice fanned the already tightened nipples, Sara groaned as a tremor forced its way through her. She wanted to tell him to go to hell, not to give him what he wanted, but his tongue once more sliding against the puckered bud made her gasp, the word “Yes” torn from her lips.

  Two fingers instantly slid deep within her, a long groan leaving her as she opened her eyes, finding his looking intently at her. Swallowing, she stared back at him, her look full of need as he caressed her, stroking so deep within her pulsating body Sara biting on her lower lip to keep from begging him to make love to her, not having to as the sentiment was written so strongly on her features.

  As her eyes slowly started to close once more, Sara again felt the waves rise, felt the heat swirling around her stomach before her head was thrown back, her mouth crying out as the heat exploded, travelling to every part of her body, her head growing hazy as pure sexual pleasure pervaded every part of her, not aware as she bucked against his hand, begging for him to stop; the intensity almost painful.

  Stilling, she laid spent, every limb filled with a languorous heavy contentment. Darius, sliding back up, reclaimed her mouth, finally releasing her wrists, Sara unable to move them as he kissed her so softly, so tenderly. For some unknown reason, she wanted to cry, the feelings swirling within her so wonderful, so peaceful, she was shocked and confused by them. Finally, she had been able to move, her still shaking arms moving around his neck. Pulled back he stared down into her eyes, eyes still full of surprise and warmth.

  “You really are beautiful Sara”, his soft words only added to the thrashing emotions swirling alarmingly within her, the small tear which wound its way down her cheek caught on his tongue as he licked her, a shudder running through her at this small touch. “I…I never knew it could be like this”, she whispered, Darius smiling gently. “It isn’t always”, he admitted softly, as her eyes flew to his, neither willing to examine the reason why their reaction to the other was so intense.

  Once more his mouth covered hers, his tongue sliding along the soft underside of her tongue, Sara surprised at the way her body instantly was shocked into awareness. Her hand caressed his cheeks as she kissed him back. “It is going to be a very long night Sara”, he whispered against her mouth as she once more felt herself sink back into him, her head nodding in agreement.

  Groggily opening her eyes the next morning, Sara moaned as her stiff limbs complained, a small smile curved her lips at knowing why. That he was a skilled lover was most definitely not in doubt, but she had not realised just how much stamina the man had, their lovemaking continuing into morning. Darius was nowhere to be seen; she sleepily recalled that he informed her the previous night that he had an early morning meeting, surprised at her disappointment of his not being there.

  Looking at the time, she groaned, shocked that she would have slept so long, a chuckle rising to her lips “‘That man is going to kill me”, she thought, another more wicked one adding “‘but what a way to go”, aware as she laughed out loud at her wanton thoughts. Being Darius Garelli’s mistress had its benefits she thought, before another pushed its way into her mind, her mouth becoming more serious.

  Edith offered to bring her breakfast in the dining room, but smiled warmly as a nervous Sara asked softly if she could remain in the kitchen, her promises not to get in the way bringing a huge grin on the other woman’s face. “It would be nice to have some company”, she declared breezily, joining Sara for some tea as the younger woman demolished a full breakfast before giving a groan.

  “I am going to get fat on your cooking Edith”, her eyes twinkled, “but it is sooooo good” Edith laughed back. The backdoor opening heralded the arrival of Edith’s husband John, a kindly happy man who gave Sara a hearty handshake. “Darius asked me to show you the cars when you have a moment…said you would want one to get about”

  Sara raised her eyebrows in surprise, delighted that he remembered her request from the previous evening. “He also had this delivered for you, said you were to keep it on you at all times”. Sara opened the box which was slid across to her; a large smile filled her features seeing the top of the range smart phone within. She pulled it out, playing with all the buttons and options as the other two shook their heads.

  “Can’t get the hang of those things”, Edith declared as she once more moved over to the sink. “Get no privacy these days” Sara held down the comment that this was the whole point of giving the phone to her. He wanted her at his beck and call 24/7 and now she had no excuse not to be where she was told to be. Still looking at the phone she had not minded as she downloaded ringtones and synched it with the contact lists on her other phone. Holding down the laugh as she placed the device in her bag she knew that she truly was a geek.

  Looking at her watch she frowned, jumping to her feet. She had an appointment at two, one that she could not miss. Making a mental note to drop in to see her mother while she was out, knowing that the older woman would otherwise use her absence as an excuse to visit her, especially when she realised where Darius Garelli lived. John led her to a large garage, Sara making an appreciative whistle as the ‘estate’ cars came into view. She only ever owned a car once, a small sedan which was ten years old and prone to breaking down and she wandered around the luxurious sport and muscle cars, her teeth savaging her bottom lip.

  “They are …big”, she finally managed as John gave a small laugh, before moving to the very back of the garage. “What about this one? Darius bought it for an old lady friend of his”, pausing at the realisation of what he said, his features flushed with embarrassment as Sara gave him a reassuring smile “It is OK John, Darius is a man of the world”, instantly seeing the look of relief on the kindly man’s face as he opened the door to the small yellow sports car.

  “This is much more of a woman’s car Miss”, he spoke. “Sara”, she corrected, John giving her a grin back. “Why don’t you take her for a spin?” he said softly as another door on the other side of the garage opened, Sara nodding enthusiastically.

  The car was a dream to drive and she felt glamorous as she
drove to her appointment. Dressed in designer slacks and top, Sara looked amazing, instantly seeing the difference in the way she was treated by all but the most important person she was there to meet. This made her feel better, her mind softly musing as she drove the car to her mother’s house - perhaps she could pull it off after all.

  Pulled up outside the colonial home which her mother and father had owned all of her life, she groaned, spotting her sister’s car, tempted to drive off. However, with a sigh she knew that she would need to speak to them, needing also to check on any progress from the detective. The choice was also taken out of her hands as the front door opened and an excited David charged towards her. She only managed to get out of the car as he launched himself into her arms, his small hands encircling her neck.

  “Aunty Sara!” his voice so full of genuine pleasure at seeing her, as she scooped him up into her arms, hugging him tightly making loud squeezing noises as he giggled hysterically.

  “Oh my God…look at you!” Angela’s voice was stunned, Sara placing the small boy back on his feet. “Are those new clothes? Who did your hair? Where did you get the car?” The questions all tumbled from her open mouth as she stared at her younger sister. Sara moved inside, her voice clipped. “Yes they are new clothes…can’t remember the name of the stylist … and where do you think?” her answers short and direct as she glowered at her sister. With that she moved into the kitchen where she knew she would find the other woman, her welcome smile not hiding the glint of greed as her eyes swept down her youngest daughter.

  “You look wonderful darling”, she gushed, moving forward and pulling Sara in for a hug. Angela gave a derisory laugh as she threw herself onto one of the stools lined against the island in the centre of the room. “You seem to have slotted right into the role of mistress”, her voice vindictive as she sneered nastily. Sara turned on her, “You forget why I am there at all, and the clothes are not for my sake…they are for his”


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