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First Class to New York

Page 3

by Harmon, AJ


  Janie stood on the sidewalk, shivers going up and down her spine. Was it the cool crisp air or was it Matt’s hand on her body? Either way, her body shivered again and Matt pulled her closer to him.

  “You’re cold,” he whispered in her ear. He quickly removed his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. Her nostrils were filled with his scent and Janie wished she could bottle it so she could smell him whenever she wanted. He stepped toward the curb and there waiting was a magnificent looking white horse and carriage.

  Janie audibly gasped and walked to the horse, its long mane braided with red roses attached to the leather harness. “Well, aren’t you a sweet boy?” she smiled and stroked his nose.

  “Ma’am?” The driver apparently didn’t want Janie fondling his horse and directed her to the open door and foot stool. Matt took her hand and guided her up the step and into the deep red velvet seat and then gracefully slid in beside her. He pulled on the blanket from the seat opposite and covered their laps. Janie was instantly warm and sighed.

  “This is lovely,” she smiled.

  “You ride?” Matt asked, nodding at the horse.

  “No. I just like horses. Dogs too.”

  Matt grinned, thinking back to the Labrador moment in the car on the way to the restaurant. “It’s only a few blocks to the hotel, so sit back and enjoy the ride.” Matt seemed overly pleased with himself. He was grinning from ear to ear. “This is just one way to experience the city at night. There are many others.” He winked at Janie.

  What does that mean? But her attention was turned back to all the lights, the people, the cars, and the smell. It was overwhelming, but wonderful. Janie closed her eyes and leaned her head back and felt an arm behind her. When did he put his arm there? she wondered.


  Before she knew it, they were back in front of the Ritz and the carriage door was being opened. Matt removed the blanket, threw it on the seat, and was up and out on the curb. He graciously offered his hand to Janie, and she immediately felt electricity shoot up her arm at his touch. She took the two steps down to the curb and they walked toward the hotel doors. He stopped, and Janie turned to face him.

  His eyes held her captive and her breath caught in her throat. “It has been really, really nice. Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Yes, it has been….nice,” he grinned. Matt lifted his hand and placed it gently on her cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin. “Very nice.” And with that his head lowered and placed a soft kiss on her other cheek.

  Janie’s eyes closed and she inhaled his scent again. Feeling his warm lips against her skin, she turned her head ever so slightly into his kiss. Matt slowly lifted his head and he stepped back.

  “Ma’am?” The doorman’s voice broke the spell.

  “Goodnight Janie,” he whispered and turned and walked away.


  The sunshine was streaming through the large window and warming Janie as she snuggled with the blanket in the king-sized bed. Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched, feeling the soft cotton sheets on her bare legs. She had slept well. Yesterday had been an eventful and overwhelming day and her body had immediately relaxed and let her sleep once she’d climbed into the luxurious bed.

  Her eyes travelled around the hotel room and came to rest on a black blazer. It hung on the chair at the desk in front of the window. Janie had walked into the hotel and all the way to the elevator before she realized she was still wearing Matt’s jacket. She had gently taken it off her shoulders and hung it on the back of the chair last night, resisting the urge to bury her face in it and drink in his scent.

  Sitting up, Janie continued to stare at the jacket, engulfed in emotion and a single tear fell from her eye. Robert, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

  The familiar music startled her and Janie fumbled for her clutch on the bedside table. Adele’s smooth voice began to sing “Rumor has it she ain’t got your love anymore” and Janie smiled knowing it was her ring tone for Katy.

  “What on earth are you doing calling this early?” Portland was three hours behind New York, which put it………reading the clock next to her it said 7:45, so……….4:45am!

  “I’m on the early shift today.” Katy was an ER nurse. “How was the flight? How is the hotel? How is your view? Having fun yet?”

  Janie chuckled at the barrage of questions. Katy had been her best friend since they began high school. They had gone to prom together on a double date. They had gotten married within 6 months of each other and had their babies just a few months apart. When Katy had divorced just a couple of years later, Janie had been the shoulder to cry on; the supportive friend who instantly despised Katy’s ex-husband, because that’s what best friends do. Their boys had grown up more like cousins and Robert had become Katy’s go-to handyman. And when Robert died, Katy had been the one there at her side, for days and weeks on end, crying and laughing and lying in bed watching movies with her because she couldn’t face the world yet. Katy had been the guardian angel, not pushing, just comforting. Yes, they would be friends forever.

  “Flight was, um, fine. Hotel is heavenly. View is spectacular. And I haven’t been here long enough to be having fun yet.” Janie couldn’t bring herself to tell Katy about Matt. She felt guilty of having this…this… attraction to a man who wasn’t Robert, and if she didn’t say it out loud, then maybe it wasn’t real.

  “First class was just fine?” Katy’s voice was disgusted. “You pay that much money and it was just fine?”

  “No, it was nice,” Janie sputtered. “They served breakfast, a proper breakfast, and the seats were way more comfortable. And I boarded the plane very first.”

  “Well that’s something.” Janie could hear the smile in Katy’s voice. “Well, I have to start my shift but I wanted to make sure that you made it okay.”

  “Yes I made it okay. And I even remembered to text the boys last night to let them know I was here safe and sound. So you can go to work now.” Janie smiled at her friend. She really was the best.

  They said their goodbyes and Janie returned her phone to the bedside table, and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She stood, stretching and feeling the sun through the window again. It was going to be a lovely day and Central Park literally lay at her feet.


  Janie was all but dancing in the bathroom as her phone blasted out Pitbull, her mood much lifted from earlier. A hot shower had always been Janie’s answer to the world’s problems and this morning had been no exception. She had finished her hair, blow dried and in a ponytail, and was putting on her makeup when room service arrived with her breakfast. She answered the door in her robe and the waiter wheeled in the cart. She signed the slip and handed him a tip. Closing the door she turned to face the black jacket again. She needed to somehow return it to Matt. She moved across the room and lifted it from the back of the chair. Resisting the urge once again to bury her nose in it, she felt through the pockets looking for clues to the mysterious and gorgeous Mr. Lathem. Empty. Empty. Empty. Not empty. Janie felt at the inside breast pocket and found the black Amex card and the receipt from their dinner last night.

  The card read Matthew E. Latham, MEL Holdings. Coincidence? thought Janie. I’m guessing that the MEL must be Matt?

  Janie replaced the card back into the pocket of Matt’s jacket and went back to the bathroom and finished applying mascara. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was still baffled why he had asked her to dinner. She really was ‘plain Jane’, always had been. She and Robert had met their junior year of high school. She was on student council, he played varsity tennis. They had geometry and American Lit together, and she had helped him in English and he had helped her in math. Their first date had been to Junior Prom, with Katy and her date. And they had been together ever since. He was the only man she had ever kissed, the only man who had ever seen her naked, and the only man she had ever had sex with. They had both been virgins when they met. Robert had told her she was attractive, and their s
ex life had been active until shortly before he had been diagnosed. But Janie never felt beautiful, sexy or desirable. So again her mind begged the question, why did Matt ask her out?

  Janie headed to the room service cart and lifted the lids from the plates of Eggs Benedict and fresh fruit. The strawberries were skillfully carved to look like roses, almost too pretty to eat. Janie grinned and popped one in her mouth. She took her knife and broke the egg yolk and watched it run down the sides of the muffin. Perfectly poached.

  Taking the last bite she looked down at her clean plate and recalled Matt’s words, “I like a woman who eats!” That must be it, she scoffed.


  Janie opened up the phone book she found in the desk drawer and flipped through to the M’s. MEL Holdings, she mouthed as her eyes scanned down the page and over to the next. Here we go!

  Grabbing her phone, she entered the phone number from the book and waited. After the second ring, a woman’s voice answered, “MEL Holdings. How may I direct your call?”

  “Matt Lathem please.”


  “Mr. Matthew E. Lathem please?” Janie recited his name from the Amex.

  “One moment please.”

  Soft classical sounds came through the phone and then another woman’s voice came on the line. “MEL Holdings. How can I help you?”

  “May I speak to Matt Lathem please?”

  “And what might this be regarding?” came the reply.

  “Well, um, I guess it’s personal,” Janie stuttered. Geez! I just want to return his jacket.

  “If you’ll hold for a moment I’ll transfer you.” The classical music returned.

  “Mr Lathem’s office. How can I help you?” came a more business-like female voice.

  Try the sweet approach this time, thought Janie. “Good morning.” Janie tried to sound cheery. “I was hoping to speak to Mr. Lathem, if he is available please?”

  “And what is the nature of your call ma’am?”

  So much for the third time being a charm!

  “Well, I met Matt, er, Mr. Lathem yesterday, and, um…”

  Startled, Janie all but dropped her phone as a confident knock came at her door.

  “I’m sorry,” Janie managed to say, as she stood and headed for the door. “Can you hang on for just a sec?” Janie opened the door and her mouth dropped open, her eyes widened and she managed to say, rather breathlessly, “Never mind. He’s here.”


  “Good Morning.” Matt smiled that beautiful smile, showing his perfectly straight white teeth. His eyes twinkled and Janie’s breath caught in her throat.

  “I was, um, just trying to, um, call you,” Janie choked, lowering the phone from her ear.

  “You were calling me?” Matt grinned, seemingly very pleased.

  “Well I didn’t give you your jacket back last night and I didn’t know how to get a hold of you, so I looked through the pockets and I found your Amex card and it had your name on it and I guess your company name, so I got the phone book out and when through it and found the name on the card in the book and so I called, but they kept transferring me and then you knocked and so…” Janie was mortified, once again.

  Matt continued to grin, disarmingly handsome and Janie became increasingly uncomfortable. “Let me get it for you,” and Janie whipped around and headed to the desk chair. Matt followed her into the hotel room and closed the door behind him. Janie swung around at the clicking sound of the door and subconsciously grabbed at her robe ties, pulling them tighter. Oh this is not good! Janie warned inwardly. Not good at all!

  “It looks like you took very good care of it. Thank you.” Matt picked up his jacket from the chair and laid it over his arm. Today he wore a dark blue suit, with a crisp white shirt and a yellow and blue striped tie. He looked every bit the successful businessman that Janie now assumed he was.

  “You’re welcome.” Janie chewed on the inside of her cheek.

  “It is a beautiful spring day in New York and you are still holed up here in your robe?” Matt questioned, eyebrows rising, still a slight grin on his face.

  “Well, I had to have a shower and have breakfast.” Janie glanced towards the cart with the empty plates.

  “I see that,” Matt looked at the plates and then back to Janie.

  “How did you know where to find me?” Janie tilted her head curiously.

  “I dropped you off here yesterday,” Matt grinned.

  “How did you know what room I was in?” Janie inquired again.

  “When Ray carried in your luggage he overheard your room number,” he grinned again, obviously thinking himself very smart.

  There was silence as Janie couldn’t think of a thing to say. She was caught off guard, never expecting to have this man in her hotel room, her bed still unmade, her leopard print shoes tossed on the floor. She was totally unnerved. “Well, I’m sorry you had to come and get it.” Janie apologized, nodding at his jacket.

  “Oh, no problem at all.” The words just rolled of his tongue, like silk. His voice was deep and rich and sexy.

  Janie was barely breathing, her cheeks felt warm and there were butterflies in her stomach. But there was something else too. She felt her breasts heaving, her nipples were responding to his voice, betraying her brain that was screaming warnings of danger.

  “You okay?” His voice was soft. He raised his hand and placed it on her cheek. His eyes searched hers.

  What is happening to me? Janie screamed inwardly. She held his gaze, entranced, unable to look away.

  Matt leaned in and Janie licked her top lip, her subconscious ready for what was about to happen. His head tilted and his lips grazed hers. He pulled back slightly and dropped the jacket onto the bed, then placed his hand on her other cheek and bent once more to taste her lips.

  Janie was frozen, her arms still at her side. His kiss was gentle, his soft lips warm and sweet. He tasted like coffee and she was once again filled with his scent. She raised her right hand and placed it on his arm, just above his elbow. It was strong and muscular, yet his hands felt so gentle on her cheeks. She heard him groan and his lips pulled away from her.

  DON’T STOP! Janie’s thoughts surprised her. She was disappointed at his retreat and quickly removed her hand from his arm, touching her fingers to her traitor lips. She dropped her head feeling embarrassed. Matt tilted her head up to him and smiled. “I am sure you have big plans today. I won’t keep you from them any longer.”

  Janie stepped backwards, away from his hands and nodded. “Yes.” She couldn’t find any words.

  Matt turned and took his jacket from the bed and turned towards the door. “Enjoy yourself Janie. You only live once.” And in two strides he was at the door, opening it, and disappearing as it closed behind him.


  Janie stood looking out the window at the blue sky, the green park that lay in front of her. What the hell just happened? Her breath was shallow and those butterflies in her stomach had moved lower, her body responding to Matt like nothing she had experienced before. And all he had done was kissed her. Her fingers rubbed across her lips, closing her eyes she could almost feel him again, soft, warm and wet. She opened her eyes and caught her reflection in the window. She was still in the bathrobe and the embarrassment snapped her back into the present.

  Janie moved to the dresser and pulled out clothes for her adventure in Central Park; jeans, a crisp pink linen shirt, with comfortable flats and a light jacket. Dressing quickly, she shoved her phone and room key into her back pocket, some cash and a credit card along with lip balm into her front pocket and perched her sunglasses on top of her head, tucked behind her ears. She made her way down to the lobby and headed out the front doors into the bustling streets of New York.

  She couldn’t help but grin, feeling like an idiot as she crossed the street headed for one of the many entrances to the park. Every TV show, every movie that she had seen that was set in New York, had become like a video catalog of all she wanted to do an
d see while here, and Central Park topped that list. Words could not capture the excitement she felt setting foot into her very own wonderland.


  Matt strode out of the elevator and purposefully made his way to the woman sitting behind the dark wood desk. “Angela, a woman called here this morning asking for me. I need the phone number she was calling from.”

  Angela looked confused but he continued speaking as he walked to the large wooden double doors that held the plaque with his name on it. “She was speaking to you and said ‘Never mind, he’s here’.”

  Clarity appeared across Angela’s face. “Oh yes, sir. I did speak to her. You want her phone number?”

  Matt turned back to her while opening the large door into his office and nodded.

  “Well, I’ll have to call IT and see if they can locate it.”

  “I don’t care how you do it, just get me the number.”


  Janie had already consumed a giant pretzel, a hot dog and some kind of meat on a skewer. She was thoroughly enjoying the food carts! And walking in the sun was heavenly. It was still a little grey in Portland, as the winter hadn’t quite shaken its hold on the Pacific Northwest, so this was a welcome change. There was lots of green grass with children running and laughing, dogs and their owners playing Frisbee, and young couples sharing a picnic lunch. She had even walked by the skating rink and remembered the movie Serendipity and the magical scene where snowflakes fell on John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.

  Janie purchased a coke and made her way to an empty bench. Popping the top of the can, she leaned back on the wrought iron and sighed. She had walked and walked and she was sure she had only seen a fraction of the park. She pulled her phone from her pocket and flipped through the pictures she had already taken; fountains and water and trees and rocks. It really was a beautiful park.


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