Under My Heel

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Under My Heel Page 27

by Michael Anderle

  I’m sorry, Bethany Anne, but I’m not doing anything right now. As far as I can tell, the problem is an issue with the matrix computer in your brain.

  Fuck! Shit almighty. If we can’t figure out how to stop this… wait … wait, it’s gone. Thank God! What did you do?

  Bethany Anne, I keep telling you, I’m not doing anything to cause it, or anything to stop it.

  Both of them were shocked when a third voice entered their conversation.

  >> I apologize; I was testing the capabilities of this computer I am housed within. I will not do such again without first consulting the power source I have inadvertently harmed. <<

  Bethany Anne sat shocked, her whole body going numb as she considered the ramifications of what she thought she just heard.

  TOM, tell me your pulling my leg?

  She was really, really hoping that TOM thought up a great April Fool’s joke. Even if it would be months early.

  Bethany Anne, I’m not in any position to pull anything. That wasn’t me.

  Bethany Anne put her head between her knees.

  Oh, fuck my life.

  Michael’s Notes (Under My Heel - The Kurtherian Gambit 06): Written Feb 2nd, 2016

  Thank you, I cannot express my appreciation enough that not only did you pick up the sixth book, but you read it all the way to the end and NOW, your reading this as well. Since this book is part of a series, I am presuming you have blessed me by reading them all and what a fantastic feeling that is for any author!

  Can you believe I’m writing another one of these in just twenty-two days from the last one? If you believe some on the author boards, this is heresy. If you believe some of the fans, they are wondering what the H#LL is taking me so long?


  This book, that you have just completed (Right? Because if you didn’t and I throw a spoiler (Lance proposed to Patricia) then SHAME ON YOU!)

  Mwuhahahaha… That will teach you not to jump to the end, first.

  My plan is a book about every 30 days. Not that I’ve accomplished that goal yet, they are always earlier than 30 days, but that is my goal. I do expect it to take over 30 days between book 7 (the next book) and the following Book 8. Why? Because I have to (gasp) add a bunch of front matter to ‘catch up’ those who haven’t been reading the series (off with their little pinkies for that).

  We Will Build - Book 8 is what I understand to be called an ‘entry point’ for a reader. A book that allows readers to get into the story without missing too much. If you would like to know the titles for the next few books, check out the very, very end of book 5. I did that whole ‘Marvel ending’ where I added stuff past the credits and the reviews.

  The tales of a newbie author - part six. (Or, what has Michael been up to lately?)

  I’ve worked with some editing help and beta readers for Under My Heel that has been pretty freaking cool, I have to admit. I have written chapters for this book and then at a stopping point, dropped that info to my helping editor who tries his dead level best to clean up my writing. I move his comments back into the main file and then drop a file to the Beta reading group who reviews and finds the huge amount of mistakes I STILL didn’t catch.

  While the beta readers are reviewing, I’m busy writing more story. Beta catches are integrated into the file and I drop the new chapters back out to the helping editor and the virtuous cycle begins again.

  This means that when I was ‘words complete’ (a totally made up phrase by yours truly), the beta team had already completed 11 chapters of review and had the first 20 chapters under review the very next day. They are getting the full manuscript with a first pass completed tonight (48 hours after I completed the story).

  That is FREAKING FAST. I swear, it seems like I completed this story a week ago, not 48 hours ago.

  I explain all of this to let you know that we are all working on an amazing system to turn these books around with a couple of legitimate review passes to catch mistakes in … off the top of my head? About twenty-four days.

  Purchased vs. Kindle Unlimited update. As we go into book six, the Kindle Unlimited side is ahead in gross sales vs. The Kindle purchased group. Income is still 55% Unlimited vs. 45% purchased (after Amazon’s cut). I’m still considering going wide when I hit the 6 month mark with Death Becomes Her. By that time (Early April) I should have the first in the NEXT Arc going which I will have in Kindle Unlimited for three months minimum.

  Then again, Kindle Unlimited has been very good to me. Besides book sales, there have been over a million pages read of the five books so far. My feeling is that at some point, I will have hit all of the KU readers with the first ARC I’m likely to easily attain. Then the KU pages read will go down to where I need to go wide and get the books in front of the people who don’t read Kindle books (I know, your asking, “Who doesn’t read on Kindle?”) It’s mainly Apple iBooks right now. Plus, there are a bunch of non-United States English readers who use their phones as a reading device… Apple reaches these readers very well I’m led to believe.

  Plus, Kobo in other countries.

  But WAIT, Mike, how will I go about getting my Bethany Anne fix if not on KU? All new stories WILL be on KU for 3 months, minimum. One thing I have to consider, is that if I choose to continue ‘All In’ with Amazon I need to believe that the 800 lb Gorilla is looking out for the tiny mid-list author like your’s truly. Right now, they keep dropping the amount they pay for the pages read in KU. I was not involved when it was ‘amazing’ at 0.0058. I came on board at 0.0048 per page (a little under 1/2 a cent). Last month, it went down to 0.0046. I’m ok with this, but if the future is a constant drive to lower and lower amounts, I need to stick a leg out and test the waters at some point elsewhere. Better with the first Arc than the latest Arc, I would think.

  Speaking of surprises in this book (I did, look WAY above at Lance and Patricia getting hitched.) Anyway, I had NO idea that was happening. I hadn’t planned it, I hadn’t considered it in this book. There Lance was, telling the engineering group about building up the base and when he introduces Patricia I was thinking, ‘You B@astard! Your going to propose right in the middle of my scene!’

  I might have teared up while writing. I also might have had to go and find a proper proposal speech online. One of those statements is absolutely true.

  I’m not admitted anything.

  I love the Tabitha addition to Michael’s team. Her comment “Well, slap a bitch and make her howl.” Just cracked me up. I’m worried I might have multiple personalities (no one has ever told me this) because I don’t personally think like this.

  No, truly. You can stop laughing - I’m not joking here.

  The stuff that flies off the keyboard comes from somewhere… deep and mysterious in my unfathomable mind. <— < Author is HOWLING in laughter at that comment. His wife as well if / when she reads this.>

  At the very end of this book I have cut and pasted reviews from book 1 (to date) - I respond and I’m f’ing fun! Still reaching for a minimum of 50 reviews for the books, ESPECIALLY book 1. When we reach 50 on book 1, I won’t be placing review comments in the back of the book. If you would like to forever be captured in (e)print, don’t hesitate to put up your review today! (I’m shilling like a villain ).

  Every single review is a badge of honor I own proudly and thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing them. Occasionally, you drop a note to let me know you put a review on ALL of the books, thank you for that as well.

  I’ve mentioned before, my writing is more escapist. I love a good action story, but more than that I want to engage with the characters. I want to feel what they are going through if possible. I want situations that make me get excited, worried, laugh and say ‘take that, sucka!’ out loud. The challenges faced by the protagonists don’t have to be life threatening, it could be a challenge to ask that special someone out for a date that keeps the story flowing. I’m not re
ally into books that keep you constantly afraid for the characters. If I care about a character, I’ll turn the page, and buy the next book, just to see them reach a personal milestone that is challenging to that character. However; having said all of that action is what drives the story forward.

  Please, if you enjoyed this book give it a good rating on Amazon? Your kind words and encouragement help any author. I will continue to the next story whether you provide an OUTSTANDING review or not. However; it might get done a wee bit faster with the encouragement (wink).

  ** Note: If you would like the $0.99 pre-official-full-price-release message, please sign up on the email list - I’m going to keep doing this for each new release moving forward, so when released early, the price is $0.99 for a minimum of 24 hours **

  If you want to help make the books better and receive an advanced copy, please consider the Advance Team project please catch me on Facebook and let me know your interested.

  You can find book links on my Amazon Author Page here:


  Want to comment on the best (scene, comment, event, shoes or gun for Bethany Anne, weapon Nathan would prefer…you name it) join us on Facebook and hang out with the other pitchfork and matches fans.


  Want to know when the next book or major update is ready? Join the email list - Receive that $0.99 24 hour bonus knowledge in time to SCORE.


  Software used to write this book is Scrivener (Windows and Mac):


  Book Cover Images purchased at PhotoDune.net: http://photodune.net & http://www.dreamstime.com

  (Sometimes better selection on www.dreamstime.com - TKG05)

  Image software to make the cover (Mac): http://www.pixelmator.com/mac/ (1.6 ratio @ 300dpi)

  Image software to make the 3d book Covers: http://www.Adobe.com/photoshop

  3d Template Script: http://www.psdcovers.com

  Thank you,

  Michael Anderle, Feb 2016

  *All credit for me having ANY shoe knowledge goes to my wife, who still works to provide me with even a finger’s amount of fashion sense. Why she asks me to comment on her outfits in the morning still confuses me to this day. Second note, the suggestion to include special canines also came from my wife.

  P.S. ** Rough Translation for Giannini when she spots Tabitha w/ her laptop on her car hood: “How rude! Do you Americans always act in this way in your own country ? Simply placing equipment wherever it suits you?”

  I’m a REBEL, Not listening to ‘The Man’ when I do this… Because I can… Because I can…

  Review Comments

  This is my ‘Middle Finger Salute’ to being told to not say ‘thank you’ to reviewers on reviews. Even if your review isn’t … nice (sniff, sniff).

  But then, if you have made it to book SIX and are reading this far, I doubt that you wrote a one or two star review (back on Death Becomes Her) and continued reading… So I guess this will be for Reviews with three stars and above. If you did put a 1 or 2 star review and are reading the end of this book, what the h#ll?

  Ok, sorry, I just thought that was funny. Let me know on Facebook and I’ll included your review and republish w/ the next version.

  Michael Anderle


  Wow, blending some of my favorite genres and a great way with great pacing, characters and fast release schedule!

  By Amazon Customer on January 13, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I have just finished book 5 (via Kindle Unlimited). This series is great! I have read hundreds of kindle books both purchased and thru unlimited and this is one of the best. By best I don't mean the most meaningful or deep but certainly the most fun in quite a while. These books have cost me a lot of sleep and productivity at work and I love it. I can't put them down! Thank you so much for this series and the great pace of releasing books. Reminds me of P.S. Power at how fast he sends out content!

  Just so people know for their own buying decision. I love 'world building' fiction, urban fantasy, and science fiction. This series blends all three in a very interesting and engaging way. Sometimes you have put up with a slow pace in world building books to account for the tech development and character power advancement but you get that here with great action and cheer to yourself moments. I really love the series so far and can't wait for the next installment! Going to start over and read again from the beginning and hope it holds me over until the next book.

  Thanks again! You are awesome

  (btw, there are some editing issues but to me they are minor and I can read thru them easily. I am pretty impervious to those in good, fast, inexpensive books) I would much rather he spend time on speed and content than get too bogged down in editing. Perfect is the enemy of good!


  Michael - Thank you Amazon Customer ;-) - I have to give a bit of Kudos to P.S. Power myself. It was during his Alternate Places (Mr. Hartley) series that I really ‘felt’ that if I enjoyed a book such as this one, with mistakes etc. etc., that I could probably write a series others might enjoy as well. At least, it gave me the permission to try, which was super important.

  Anytime I’m told (reviews, email, Facebook) that someone has gone back through and read the series again? Priceless! It means I’ve created characters which mean something to you. So, a person or team I would want to be around, is the same sort that you would like to be around. Thank you!


  Five Stars

  By Dot Little on January 14, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  A great read from start to finished. Looking forward to more books from this author.


  Michael - Thank you Dot! Also, I appreciate your dropping by on Facebook and engaging on the page. It isn’t like I stalk or anything (the author is saying no, but his head is nodding yes?) <— Not concerning or anything…

  I hope to keep you entertained for MANY, MANY more!


  Loved this book

  By collegechick88 on January 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Loved this book. That being said there is a lot of editing that still needs to be done. Story a solid 4 stars. Lack of editing took away a star. That being said the author does say that he publishes his books without editing them first. He says he does this so that readers who are eagerly awaiting the next book don't have to wait as long. After the new book is out he goes through and edits previous books. So if lack of editing is driving you nuts try again in a couple of months.


  Michael - Thank you CollegeChick88! You are absolutely right on the previous editing. I have book #3 coming back today from an edit. The problem (which I didn’t understand before) is that my edited books CAN’T seem to get out to those of you who have purchased them before. I’ve tried everything and I can’t figure out how to get an update once I’ve downloaded a book.


  Great story

  By Kris R England on January 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  Will definitely read more of this series. Enjoyed the twists and turns in the story line. Like the writing and a tough female lead character.


  Michael - Thank you Kris! I’m pretty partial to tough females as well. Not that I have anything against tough males, but they are kind of expected a lot of times. I’ve met some pretty tough females in my life that I admire. My biggest issues with some female lead characters is all of the ‘should I do this, should I do that’ questioning. This goes for both male and female leads.


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