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Claimed by Three

Page 17

by Rebecca Airies

  “Okay, but at the first sign of drooling, I’m pulling you out of there.” Teague wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Oh good, I get to watch all day long.” She leaned into him and then glanced up. A wicked grin curved her lips.

  “Maybe another time, baby. We can’t stay in one place too long. It would be inviting danger.” Kassius grinned.

  “Yeah, ruining my fun gives you joy,” she said.

  “Baby, we’ll show you fun when we get home.” Berenger’s gaze swept from head to toe but lingered on her breasts.

  They continued walking through the tents. They didn’t stop to admire any of the wares. Teague wished he could let her have some normalcy and time doing things she enjoyed. He knew they wouldn’t be able to remain here long. She deserved some time to laugh and relax.

  When they arrived at the activities area, he looked around the various sectioned-off spaces. None of them were crowded. In some cases, the contests were only beginning. The races, which ran at the same time every year, wouldn’t begin until tomorrow.

  “Where do you want to go first?” Teague asked.

  “Over there with Julie.” She pointed to a ring marked off for wrestling.

  The official matches hadn’t started. Two men sparred inside the cordoned-off square. They were probably practicing for the matches later that night. Sephanie’s black-haired friend stood at the corner of the square and watched the two contestants grapple.

  Julie turned as they approached. She smiled and stepped away from the divider to greet Sephanie. Seph rushed forward and hugged her friend.

  “I’m surprised to see you here,” Julie said. She looked from Sephanie back to the ring. “They don’t mind you watching the men?”

  “Oh, we’ve come to a no-drooling consideration, and we probably won’t be here that long.” Sephanie grinned.

  “How long do you think that will hold?” Julie raised a brow and let her gaze sweep over all three men.

  Teague met her blue eyes with a smile. It wasn’t the looking that immediately made him deny Sephanie. The thought that she might want one of those men infuriated him, causing his muscles to tense in readiness. Her explanation eased most of that, but still he knew himself enough to know he wouldn’t be able to stand there and watch her eyeing other men for long.

  “I think they’ll want to go fairly soon, but I’m not sure which one will pull me away first. Next year, we’ll have to make time to come here together without men.” Sephanie shot a grin over her shoulder.

  “Not happening, Seph. You probably won’t be in any kind of danger this time next year, but you aren’t coming here without us.” Kassius put a hand on her shoulder.

  “See. Their good intentions will fade quickly. Let’s hope next year their control over their macho side is better.” Sephanie laughed.

  “Teasing woman.” Kassius wrapped his arm around her. “You enjoy our macho side.”

  “In the right setting, I love it.” She shrugged.

  They stayed ringside for a while, watching the two men practice. Sephanie and Julie talked easily. Teague loved seeing Sephanie relaxed. It was a change from the tenseness he’d seen tightening her muscles in the past few days.

  “Seph, I’m going to get you and Julie something to drink. I’ll be back soon.” Berenger stepped forward and brushed his fingers over her cheek.

  She smiled and leaned into the touch. “That sounds good, Berenger. Thank you.”

  He left. Teague stepped up to get closer to their woman. He grazed her fingers with his. Without hesitation, her fingers slipped over his palm and curled, holding on to him. She responded so openly to them. Her emotions were easy to read as they crossed her face. She cared for them. Knowing she felt something strong made her resistance to a more permanent connection frustrating.

  “I think I see a little drool there. Maybe it’s time to investigate another match.” Kassius’s voice lowered but easily carried to Teague.

  “I think you’re in the mood to go somewhere more active. If you do, that’s all right. No drool in sight. These particular men are a little lean for me, but the—” Her words came to an abrupt halt when Kassius’s hand settled over her mouth.

  “Don’t push your luck, baby. We’re letting you watch. I don’t want to hear what you appreciate about them.” Kassius glared down at her.

  Teague agreed with that. If possible, he’d keep every other male away from her, but it wasn’t exactly feasible. She wouldn’t go along with complete restriction to the vineyard. It would probably be the quickest way to lose her. He’d deal with his insecurities, because she belonged with them.

  She pulled Kassius’s palm off her mouth. “All right, but are you ready to go somewhere else?”

  “We can move after Berenger gets back.” Teague looked over his shoulder. It shouldn’t have taken long to get a couple drinks and return. What was holding him up?

  “Where would you like to go next? Is there something you watch while you’re here?” She turned to get a glimpse of Kassius behind her.

  “How about we go over and watch the start of the strength trials?” Kassius hugged her against him.

  “Where did he go for these drinks?” Sephanie tried to lean to the side and look behind them, but Kassius held her against him.

  “Probably the next row. He should be back by now.” Kassius glanced at Teague.

  “I’ll go see what’s delaying him.” Teague got the message. He released her hand and took a step away from them.

  “We’ll go see.” Sephanie elbowed Kassius in the stomach.

  Kassius’s breath whooshed from him. She slipped from his loosened hold. Teague clamped his lips shut to stop himself from laughing. He wouldn’t argue with her. She might enjoy being tied up and ordered what to do during sex, but outside of that time, she had a definite bossy streak.

  “Let’s go find him, then. You can yell at him if you want when we discover what distracted him.” Teague held out his hand.

  She nodded, and her palm settled against his. He tightened his fingers around hers and tugged her toward the path between the tents where he thought Berenger had gone.

  “I’m going as well.” Kassius walked up beside them.

  “We’ll be back soon,” Seph called over her shoulder to Julie.

  “I’ll be here.” Julie’s voice reached them.

  They walked into the small corridor between two tents. As they came out of it, Teague looked left and right. He didn’t know which stall Berenger had chosen. There should be one close either way. He looked for a tall black-haired man. At first he didn’t see anyone resembling Berenger.

  Then he saw a dark-haired man near a light purple stall. He was edging away from a blonde woman. Even with the woman halfway turned toward them, Teague easily recognized her. Lillie Malone. She glanced their way. Teague didn’t know if she saw them, but she crept closer to Berenger.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Teague peered over at Sephanie. He hoped she hadn’t noticed Lillie and Berenger. He could steer her in another direction and give Berenger time to walk away from Lillie. But he was too late. Her eyes narrowed, and her hand fell away from his.

  Damn. He felt anger and fear rising in him. Berenger should have gotten away from Lillie. Teague didn’t know how Sephanie would react to seeing Berenger with that woman.

  Sephanie stalked ahead of them. Her body was stiff. It went tighter the moment Lillie threw her arms around Berenger and planted her lips on his. Berenger dropped the two cups he held. His hands planted at Lillie’s shoulders, but he obviously hesitated to shove her away from him.

  Sephanie showed no such reluctance. She strode the last few steps between them, grabbed Lillie’s shoulder, and pulled her away from Berenger. Lillie stumbled back. When she faced Sephanie, a smile crossed Lillie’s face.

  “Oh, hello. Berenger and I were just…talking.” Lillie slanted a sly glance at Berenger as if they shared some secret.

  “Please, I’m not stupid or that reactive. What you did w
as assault a man, nothing more.” Sephanie shook her head. “I know how it looks and feels while he’s holding someone. What happened with you wasn’t close.”

  “You’d love to tell yourself that, but after what you saw, I don’t think you’ll ever be able to trust them. Anytime they’re not with you, you’ll always wonder if they’re with me.” Lillie put a hand on her hip. “They want me.”

  “No, we don’t want you.” Teague frowned. They’d never given her any indication they wanted her in their lives.

  “Did your daddy tell you that? From what I saw, the only thing on Berenger’s mind was getting you off him.” Sephanie eased between Lillie and Berenger.

  Neither Lillie nor Sephanie acknowledged that he’d spoken. Teague looked from one to the other. Maybe they were so focused on each other that nothing else penetrated.

  “They will be mine.” Lillie stamped her foot.

  “Unfortunately, sweetheart, a relationship isn’t something your daddy can buy you. Why don’t you take your crazy little self off?” Sephanie made a shooing motion with her hands. “And Lillie, I will be watching for more of your pranks. Careful, or you’ll get caught.”

  Lillie gasped. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you go around spreading rumors about me and my daddy will make sure you’re thrown in jail.”

  “Lillie, we’re with Sephanie. We don’t feel anything for you.” Kassius eased closer to Sephanie.

  Teague didn’t know if he bought the innocent routine, but he wished Sephanie had held back her suspicions. She could have made herself more of a target than ever. On top of that, it might cause them trouble later. He wouldn’t put it past Derek Malone to use a situation like this if he thought it would help him achieve his goal.

  Although he agreed with Kassius making their position clear, he doubted it had made an impression with Lillie. She was intent on Sephanie.

  “Why don’t you go tell your daddy, then? I’m sure he’ll be more interested in anything you have to say than anyone here would be.” Sephanie glared at Lillie. Her body tensed, and she watched Lillie as if she expected the woman to physically attack her.

  “You’ll be gone from their lives soon. Remember this the next time you see them with me.” Lillie lifted her chin.

  “Sweetheart, if you’re with them, they’ll have more than enough problems. Their friends might insist on hospitalization to make sure they’re in their right minds.” Sephanie shrugged. “If they’re stupid enough to take you, that’s their problem.”

  “I’ll have them.” Lillie glared at Sephanie and stormed away from them.

  “Damn.” Teague took a deep breath and turned his attention to Berenger when Lillie was gone. He would rather face a situation such as this after they had Sephanie fully committed to them.

  “How did she manage to delay you?” Kassius asked.

  Teague could hear the tightness in the other man’s voice and guessed he worried about Sephanie’s reaction. Would she think there was something between them and Lillie? Did she believe they’d lied to her? The questions and uncertainty were as bad as any reaction she might have.

  Berenger scowled at Kassius. “I was getting the drinks, turned around, and there she was.”

  “And you couldn’t find a way around Lillie?” Teague wished Berenger could have avoided the woman.

  “You three couldn’t seem to do that when you were together. You expect him to do something none of you could do before.” Sephanie glared at Teague and then at Kassius.

  “Thank you, Sephanie, but it’s not necessary. They’re right. I should have gotten rid of her.” Berenger put a hand on her shoulder.

  “How? I don’t think a blunt Go away, you diseased daughter of a bastard is going to work with her.” Sephanie exhaled heavily. “She’s determined, and I don’t think it’s because she is attracted to you three.”

  “How about we talk about this on the way home?” Kassius held out his hand.

  “Already?” Sephanie grimaced.

  “That scene will attract attention. I don’t want anyone to get a chance to attack you.” Kassius nodded.

  “Well, we need to go tell Julie we’re leaving. We can’t disappear and allow her to wonder what happened,” Sephanie said. Her voice flattened, and her mouth turned down at the corners.

  “We will.” Teague exhaled at her easy agreement. Kassius was right. The encounter might draw trouble to them.

  It didn’t take long to find Julie and explain to her they were leaving because there had been a scene. Julie seemed to understand their urge to protect Sephanie and promised to talk to Sephanie later.

  They walked to the Duce. Teague hated to cut the outing short. She needed the opportunity to relax and enjoy herself. The day hadn’t gone like they’d planned, but then again, they’d known they might leave early. She’d agreed to go along with them at the first sign of danger, but here there was no overt danger.

  Berenger helped her into the vehicle and climbed in after her. Teague climbed into the pilot’s seat. Kassius paused at the side of the skimmer.

  “I have to help work my booth. I’ll be home soon.” Kassius reached in and gave her hand a squeeze.

  Teague knew Kassius wanted to come with them, but he had to at least go talk with the people working for him. When Kassius walked away, Teague looked back and saw Berenger making sure Sephanie’s belts were secure before he took her hand in his.

  “Are you ready to talk? Why did you immediately start on Berenger after you saw Lillie cornered him?” She folded her arms across her chest. Her eyes were locked on Teague.

  Teague grimaced. “We were irritated she’d managed to detain him, but in my case, I was also concerned about how you’d react. I didn’t want you to think we were playing some kind of game.”

  “You don’t think I can recognize a setup if I see one? I wouldn’t doubt she had someone watching for the moment one of you left me.” Sephanie rolled her eyes. “She didn’t do anything but stay in his way until we arrived.”

  “I thought you’d believe I was interested in her.” Berenger smiled at her and leaned down to brush his lips over her cheek.

  “I give you credit for more intelligence than that, Berenger. If you planned to do something behind my back, I’m sure you wouldn’t do it while I’m waiting on you to bring me a drink. You wouldn’t take the chance someone would come looking for you and you’d be discovered. On top of that, you’re not stupid enough to do it in such a public spot.” She lifted her chin.

  “I wouldn’t do that at all, but thank you,” Berenger said.

  “I’m happy you’ve come to trust us.” Teague focused as he took the skimmer up to entry height.

  While Teague hadn’t said “but,” it hung in the air. Sephanie looked at Teague.

  “That tone sounds familiar. There’s something after ‘you’re happy,’ isn’t there?” Sephanie tone was distinctly suspicious.

  “Who else has that tone?” Berenger asked.

  “My brother, my father. Usually it amounts to something similar to That’s good, but you haven’t thought this through.” She barely glanced at Berenger. Her attention remained on Teague.

  Teague silently cursed. Those weren’t the words that would be used. What they had to say would come off close enough. Teague thought it was necessary to say something. Sephanie might have given Lillie an idea, but he hoped to avoid making her angry. Since she’d admitted she trusted them, he couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to get her agreement to move in with them.

  “Maybe this will sound that way, but perhaps we should be cautious of who we accuse,” Teague said slowly.

  “I’m not afraid of her or her daddy. I don’t know if you are, but both of them can take their attitudes and—” She stopped before Berenger’s palm cupped over her mouth.

  “He’s not afraid of either of them. That’s not why he brought up the subject.” Berenger exhaled slowly as he removed his hand so she could talk.

  “Then why is he trying to caution me about
what I say?” She narrowed her eyes on Berenger.

  “We don’t know who attacked you. You could have given her, and thus her father, ideas. They don’t need the extra help.” Teague’s voice hardened, and his hands tightened on the controls.

  Teague hoped to keep the issue logical and unemotional. They all wanted to protect her, and her argument with Lillie might have put her in more danger.

  “Do you have any other crazy people who’ve been in your life lately? I know I don’t have any in mine. The paint and the box are Lillie’s style. Impulsive and juvenile. The other, well, I have no idea, but those two instances fit her.” She shrugged.

  Teague felt his lips twitch at her words. “She’s a pest. I don’t think she has the motivation to do it. Until now, she’s never made a claim to indicate she was interested in us. I don’t know if she’s involved in this.”

  “She is the woman who found you two times and stayed close enough for others to believe she was with you. She stalked you, even if you don’t see it.” Sephanie leveled a doubtful glare on Teague. “On top of that, she seems to hate me on general principle. Don’t know why, but she’s always doing or saying something calculated to antagonize me anytime she’s nearby.”

  Teague grimaced. When he thought about those nights, Lillie’s appearance did seem suspicious. Still, he couldn’t see Lillie taking the chance of ruining her life. Especially when they’d given her no reason to believe they wanted her. Her father, on the other hand, was known for his ruthless behavior and was on the suspect list. Teague wasn’t disregarding Sephanie’s suspicions, but the risky behavior seemed at odds with what he knew of Lillie. If Lillie had any involvement, the investigation into her father should provide some hint of it.

  “I don’t think Lillie would be involved in any attacks,” Berenger said slowly.

  “Why? Why couldn’t she be involved?” Sephanie’s tone was scathing.

  Berenger groaned, obviously not willing to answer that. From her attitude, Sephanie wouldn’t like it or agree. Teague decided someone had to say something.

  “She’s…” Teague searched for the right words but couldn’t come up with any.


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