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Claimed by Three

Page 21

by Rebecca Airies

  “Her brother and her family will be on our side. He’ll explain everything to them after he gets her to a safe place.” Berenger groaned when he leaned forward to get a drink.

  “You, Cooper, and the police talked quite a bit.” Kassius felt a heavy knot forming in his stomach. He didn’t like leaving her well-being in some other person’s care.

  “Cooper’s concerned about his sister’s safety. The police are worried. The attackers have moved to physical violence and threats of beatings and more to her. No one plans to take the risk they’ll carry it out.” Berenger clenched his fist. “I’d never forgive myself if they hurt her.”

  Kassius understood Berenger’s fears. The risk of “worse” was the only reason he agreed to this. He’d blame himself if she was hurt that way. So they needed to break their relationship with her as painlessly and cleanly as possible. If they didn’t give her time or reason, Cooper could hustle her to safety before she discovered Berenger’s injuries or thought about why they’d want her away from them. Maybe it would also make earning her forgiveness easier.

  “We’ll have to do this fast, then. News of the assault will spread.” Teague rolled his shoulders.

  “We’ll go back to the house and get her things. If she comes by to get them, she might realize something’s wrong.” Kassius didn’t look forward to this. “We’ll be back after this is done.”

  “These people better be caught fast. She might do something wild in reaction to us backing away from her.” Teague began walking toward the door.

  Kassius couldn’t agree more with the hope they caught the person behind the attacks quickly. Not only because he longed for the chance to make this up to Sephanie, but because the danger to all of them would only increase.

  They’d decided to send her away, and he already missed her. Sephanie belonged to them. Letting her go alone felt wrong, even if it was the right decision.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “He’s in the hospital, Seph,” Cathy said.

  Sephanie looked blankly at the hologram image of her friend Cathy. Pounding echoed in her ears. She only vaguely recognized the fast thrum as her heartbeat. Someone had hurt Berenger, and no one had told her. Not her brother once he’d picked her up and definitely not Kassius and Teague. The betrayal sent pain slashing through her.

  For a moment, she was glad she’d come to the office to take this call. She couldn’t hide her reaction from her brother. The small room offered her a place to think. It gave her privacy to hide her pain and time for her temper to cool, because she didn’t want to hit her brother.

  Cooper had brought her over to the family home, supposedly to speak with their mother about some dinner she intended to have. The lie in that became clear quickly when Sephanie saw her mother’s expression. The pain and possibly some pity in her hazel eyes were clear. Her mother had played along and seemed to be planning a dinner, but the concern and sadness Sephanie saw on the faces of every person present hadn’t seemed right.

  Sephanie began to understand their expressions. They’d known about Berenger’s injury and that more bad news would follow. Cooper wouldn’t have brought her here if Berenger, Teague, and Kassius planned for her to go back to their house. It might be a leap, but somehow, she knew it.

  “How badly is he hurt?” Sephanie asked, and ran a hand through her hair. “Are they allowing him visitors? If I could see and hear him, I’d feel so much better.”

  She’d taken the holo-call because she’d needed time to work out why everyone was acting so strangely. The first words out of Cathy’s mouth explained everything. Cathy had a brother in the Planetary Police, so it didn’t surprise Sephanie she knew the details.

  “He was beaten badly. He has a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a concussion. They’re keeping him at the hospital. Maybe only overnight, but Max didn’t know. He was posted outside, and that’s all he heard. Well, other than Cooper was taking you to your mom’s place.” Cathy shrugged. “Only family, medical professionals, and law enforcement can get in his room. Are you all right? Teague or your brother might be able to get you in. Are you going to see Berenger?”

  “Do you know how severe the breaks are? Is his arm going to heal right?” Sephanie looked at her friend and hoped she had the answers. If Sephanie could, she’d love to go see Berenger.

  “From what Max said, yes, he’ll be fine. No permanent damage. At least that’s good news. You never did say if you’re going to see him.”

  Sephanie agreed that no permanent damage was great news. She licked her lips. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to. They’re planning something, and I don’t think it’s good.”

  Sephanie’s mind turned over what she knew. She didn’t like the answers. They hadn’t told her Berenger was hurt. They’d sent her brother to come get her and take her away from their home on a false family errand. On top of that, her brother hadn’t said a word to her about Berenger’s injury or given her a hint about what they planned.

  “What do you mean?” Cathy frowned and sat forward, bracing her arms on her desk.

  “I think I’m about to be protected by the three men who supposedly mean to build a life with me. Apparently they don’t think I’m smart enough to see obvious danger.” Sephanie’s muscles tightened. She took in a few deep breaths to try to relax. She had to do that, or she’d give in to the urge to run through the house, find Cooper, and yell at him. The other three weren’t there, so her brother would pay for their sins if she lost control.

  “Protected how? And I’m sure they know you’re smart, Seph. They’re probably worried out of their minds about how to keep everyone safe,” Cathy offered.

  “That doesn’t make it right, and that’s only if they are doing this because worry and fear are driving them. Right now, I have no evidence of that.” Sephanie itched to pace, to move, and somehow burn away some of the unease building within her, but this holo-comm didn’t have a swiveling base. Because her parents only used it at the desk, their standard model didn’t have a track function.

  “You’re getting furious, and you don’t know if what you fear is true. Calm down. You can’t think rationally while your emotions are running high.” Cathy leaned forward. Her calm voice turned soothing.

  “The more I think about it, the more I’m certain of it. They’ll put distance between us, break things off because they think I’m in danger if I’m with them.” Sephanie could feel tears burning her eyes. How will they do it? She could only wait and see.

  When she’d begun to suspect Lillie, she’d believed the attackers planned to get her away from Berenger, Kassius, and Teague. She didn’t know why it was so important to keep them apart. Everything directed toward her had started after she’d gone out with those three overprotective jerks. If they decided to take this step, something had convinced them she was in danger.

  “I’m sure if they intend to do that, they mean only to keep you safe.” Cathy reached out as if to touch Sephanie.

  “Keeping me safe is one thing, and I wouldn’t mind that. I wish someone would talk to me about what’s happening and what they plan.” Sephanie exhaled heavily and leaned back in the chair. Regardless of where they expected her to go, she wanted to see Berenger.

  “You know they love you. I know everything has seemed to hit you at once, but take a few deep breaths. There’s no use letting your mind go to extremes until you know what’s happening.” Cathy shrugged.

  “I know they love me. I feel as if everything’s gone out of control.” Sephanie clenched her hand on the arm of the chair.

  “You’ll get through this. Calm down. Take it one thing at a time,” Cathy said.

  Her emotions swung wildly, from relief that Berenger would be all right to dread over what would happen next. Sephanie knew she was getting upset before Kassius, Teague, and Berenger did anything to protect her. After the incident with her brother, she recognized the signs. The distancing and the secrets were red flags for her.

  “Thank you for calling me.” Sephanie attempte
d a smile but could feel her lips twitch, the smile fading away.

  “You’re welcome. Message me if you need to talk.” Cathy smiled at her.

  “I will. Bye.” Sephanie heard her friend say good-bye and closed the hologram link.

  She propped her elbows on the desk and put her head in her hands. Cathy had a point. She needed to calm down and not borrow trouble.

  * * * *

  Sephanie sat with her mother and sister, Natalie, at the table, going over possible food choices for the gathering her mother supposedly planned to organize, when she heard a familiar rumbling voice. She stood, a knot of uncertainty in her stomach, but also happiness beginning to build. She made it to the entry hallway in time to see Kassius thrust her bags into Cooper’s arms.

  Kassius stepped around Cooper and into the house. Teague followed him. Kassius stopped in front of her. His expression was much too serious. This wasn’t going to be good.

  “Kassius. Where’s Berenger? Are you here to join in the dinner-party discussion?” She kept her tone as neutral as possible. She had to know what they were going to do.

  Kassius hooked a finger on his belt. “No. There’s no easy way to say this. There’s been a threat against you. You’re in danger, and you’ll be in danger as long as you’re with us.”

  Sephanie worried her lower lip. She definitely noticed he hadn’t answered her question about Berenger. Was he going to keep that from her? Why would he do that?

  “You’re sure you three can’t keep me safe? That even with my brother’s help, I’ll be in danger?” She tried to remain calm. She knew they wanted to keep her safe but wished they were more open with her about it. The thought that they’d hide Berenger’s injury made her angry.

  “We can’t take the chance that we’ll fail to protect you.” Teague shook his head. “We have to make it look like we’ve broken up with you. The threat to you might go away if you’re out of our lives. Your brother’s going to get you to a safe place until we know for sure.”

  She clasped her hands together in front of her. Whatever had happened to Berenger, it had to be very bad to scare them this much. But damn it, why weren’t they talking to her about him?

  “Don’t you trust me?” She wanted them to tell her. There was no reason for them to keep it secret.

  “Sephanie, we trust you. We’ve got to go if we’re going to make this look like we’re walking away from you.” Kassius reached out. His fingers brushed her cheek.

  She stepped back as anger flashed through her. Did they not trust her judgment enough to tell her everything? “Well, go, but don’t expect me to be waiting for men who can’t trust me enough to tell me the full truth. Tell Berenger that I hope he’s not hurt too badly and that he recovers soon.”

  “Sephanie, we didn’t…” Teague began.

  “Sephanie, we can’t talk any more about it now, but we’re not giving up on this relationship.” Kassius’s voice hardened. “We’ll see you as soon as we catch whoever is behind this.”

  The men left, and she stared at the door as it closed behind them. She wrapped her arms around herself when a cold feeling stole over her. An ache built low in her gut. Her eyes fell to the bags. She couldn’t help but see them as proof of the men’s distrust. It made her feel as if she was disposable, cheap.

  Her throat tightened as she fought to control her emotions. She didn’t know which of her warring reactions would win out. Anger or the sickening sadness building inside her. The storm of feelings threatened to leave her sobbing on the floor in front of everyone. She didn’t want that.

  Cooper turned. “Sephanie, listen. They didn’t think you’d go if you knew he was hurt.”

  “And that’s supposed to make it okay that they kept important information from me.” She started marching away from him.

  Sephanie felt the tears gathering, the burn of the pain ripping through her. She blinked, trying to hold it back. A quiet room. That was all she asked. She wouldn’t cry in front of him or any of the rest of her family, because the emotion was as likely to come out in a raging scream as embarrassing out-of-control sobs.

  “Seph, they’re only trying to protect you.” Cooper grabbed her wrist to stop her from rushing away from him.

  His words decided the matter of which emotion would win. At least for a short time. Anger surged forward as she spun on her brother.

  “They only tried to protect me?” She jerked her hand free, smacked him on the chest, and took a slow step forward. “How? Did they make sure I understood everything that was happening? No, they treated me as if I was a brainless twit to be sent on her way to a safer place. Like I didn’t have any emotions or couldn’t possibly care one of them is hurt.”

  “You can’t be mad at them for keeping you safe.” He stared at her.

  “I’m not angry at them for keeping me safe! I’m mad they didn’t tell me everything. They didn’t include me. Yes, they told me why they were making it look as if they were dropping me, but they didn’t talk to me about Berenger. That’s more important to me than them sending me away. I needed them to be honest with me about it.” She heard footsteps behind her but didn’t look away from her brother.

  “They care about you, Sephanie. They want you safe.” He reached out to cup her shoulder.

  She knew he intended to comfort her, but she stepped away from his touch. He still defended them.

  “Yeah, where was that caring when they decided I didn’t deserve to see Berenger would be all right? I deserve more than that, Cooper.” She put a hand on her hip and waited. He’d probably offer some other damn reason for their behavior.

  “I’d say she deserves more too.” Paine’s voice came from behind her.

  “Paine, they’re the target of the attacks. She can’t stay near them. The men who attacked Berenger threatened her specifically.” Cooper looked over her shoulder.

  “And it’s too fucking hard to sit down with me, talk, and explain it all. Better to get me away from them and drop my things here as if I’m a whore.” Her throat tightened with the emotional pain ripping through her. She realized she was overreacting, but it hurt so much that they’d intended to walk out without telling her about Berenger’s injuries.

  Cooper paled and then reddened. “You are not a whore.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s done. I’m out of their lives.” Her voice quavered. She swallowed, desperate not to cry in front of him. Them. She knew someone other than Paine stood behind her. She could hear the sound of feet shuffling, and it was more than one pair.

  Everything seemed so bleak. She had trusted Kassius, Berenger, and Teague. Her chest tightened on a sob, and her breath hitched. She’d expected better of them. If they didn’t trust her, was there a future for them?

  “Don’t make any decisions you’ll regret, Sephanie,” Cooper cautioned.

  She waved her hand vaguely and lurched away from him. Past Paine, her mother, and her sister. She had to find that room. Her shoulders trembled. She tried to breathe slowly, but her eyes burned. She could hardly see as she hurried down the hallway. Her chest ached as she struggled with the tears.

  She went into the first room she found, a guest room, stopping only to ensure the door closed behind her. The room blurred in front of her when the tears began to flow. She kept moving until her knees bumped into a piece of furniture. She sat and let the drops run down her cheeks.

  Her shoulders shook with racking sobs. She wiped at the tears, desperate to stop the water still streaming from her eyes. Why? The question burned through her mind. Why hadn’t they given her time with Berenger?

  She felt numb after the tears finally dried. Later, she knew she’d feel the hurt and anger again, but at the moment, she welcomed the dull haze. It made it easier to think and deal with the necessary details. She knew everyone worried about her, especially with the threat. Her mind focused on the specifics of the problem in front of her. She needed to wash her face and start moving forward, beginning with finding out where she’d be going.

bsp; Sephanie wandered into the kitchen to find her mother, her sister, her brother, Paine, and Lawson sitting at the table. She didn’t know where Brand, her other brother, was, or maybe they’d forgotten to call him when they’d set up the family meeting. Her mother, sister, or maybe both had been busy while she’d cried. They all had cups of tea in front of them and a couple of platters of food on the table.

  Sephanie took one of the available seats and accepted the cup of tea her mother poured for her. Wrapping her hands around the mug, she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t fool herself this would be easy. This was only the beginning.

  “Where do you intend to take me?” She looked up and sought her brother’s eyes. He would have a plan and already have a location secured.

  “It’s not in the city, and I won’t tell you until we leave. Is what’s in your bags enough for a week or so, or should I send for more?” Cooper met her gaze, his so sober she knew he considered the threat to be more than a possibility.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t pack them.” She shrugged. The thought made her wince, but she refused to linger on the pain. She had to think about getting out of the city. There would be time later to think about everything Kassius, Teague, and Berenger had done and if they could rebuild the relationship. She was sad and angry, but she wasn’t willing to give up on it completely.

  “Why don’t you take a look and see? The bags are still in the hallway. I can get them for you.” Cooper smiled at her.

  “Let her have some time, Cooper. This is all piling onto her suddenly. You’re rushing her.” Her mother scowled at Cooper.

  “It’s all right. If he thinks there is a serious threat, I won’t put any of you in danger.” She forced a smile as if everything was normal but knew she didn’t fool anyone.

  “You should have some time to adjust without being rushed out of here,” her mother said, and reached over to hold her hand.

  “I won’t have you hurt because of the mess following me. I’ll deal with it and get on with my life.” She stood and walked back out into the hallway.


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