heavy, 104, 107
high-tech, 347
Japan competition envisioned, 97
machine tools, 159, 177, 348
See also industry
Manchuria (Northeast China)
banditry in, 34, 40–41
Korean migration to, 16–17
warlords in, 17, 21, 27, 28
Kim Il-sung’s ancestral home at, 7, 33, 189, 205
Mangyongdae Revolutionary School, 189, 191, 471–472
Kim Jong-il and, 191, 208, 239, 372, 383–384, 471
Mansfield, Mike, 138
mansions, palaces and villas, 196–198, 277, 294–295, 322, 499, 507, 687, 689
Mansions Special Volunteer Corps, 198–202, 275, 277, 309–310, 312–316, 318, 340, 356, 580
Mao Zedong
and Korean War, 66–68, 78, 81–82
Lin Biao case, as cautionary lesson to Kim Il-sung on succession, 192
“people’s war,” as Kim Il-sung model, 98
sex life compared with Kim Il-sung’s, 199
“march of hardship” (term for 1990s hard times), 517, 573
markets, 404–405
farmers’, 104, 359, 662
Pyongyang, 667
M*A*S*H, 86
mass mobilization, 154–155, 272, 322, 335, 474
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph, 74
to North Korea, 91
to South Korea, 57, 90
ideological conformity resulting, 91
labor shortage and, 158
in children’s play, 689
costs to economic development, living standards, 124, 133, 396, 449, 505
defensive, offensive motivations, 124, 126–127
domestic opposition to, 243
Kim Il-sung renunciation of, just before
death, 506
1960s beginning, 121
1970s, 133
military budget, 99, 368, 455–456
military dictatorship, under Kim Jong-il, 485
“military-first” ideology, 516
Communist Manifesto jettisoned in, 665–666
offering guns and butter, 656
military-industrial complex
North Korean, 666
U.S., 84
militia, 99
minerals, 51, 58, 63–64, 124, 176, 366. See also energy; gold; uranium
mines and mine workers, 303, 388, 412, 429, 503, 505, 559, 561, 563, 567, 569
assignment of discharged infantrymen, 527, 530
as source of armed uprising, 527
missiles, North Korean, 635–637
comprehensive agreement, 658–659
opposed by U.S. advocates of Star Wars, 659
exports for foreign currency, 658
long-range, 635, 639
as negotiating card, 636
nuclear-capable, 445–446, 495
model workers. See Stakhanovism
money, heightened lust for, 518
Moon Ik-hwan (South Korean dissident), 625
Moranbong watch factory, 182
Mun Il-bong (finance minister), 661
museums, 8, 126, 327, 330, 353–355
music, 170–172
opera, 253–254
rock, 172, 356, 432
South Korean songs, 331, 432
Myohyang, Mount, 353, 506
Nam Chung (banished to mining camp; defector), 564–565, 621–625
Namsan School, 211–212, 383–384, 471
national character, 8, 19, 220, 257, 343, 344, 370–371, 544, 550, 561. see also Confucianism; face; xenophobia
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 86
neutralization, of Korean Peninsula, 99, 100, 149
news media, 6, 219, 227, 368, 523
silenced by energy shortage, 517
Nixon, Richard M., 137
Non-Aligned Movement, 137
North-South talks
July 4, 1972, joint communiqué, 137
June 2000 summit, 634, 646, 648–652, 655
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
withdrawal from, 488
nuclear umbrella
Russian, 123, 124, 444
U.S., 113, 443, 457
nuclear weapons, U.S., 114, 436, 513
capability as threat, 98, 125, 411, 437, 443–444, 664–665
in Pueblo crisis, 129, 131
removal, 442–446
See also Korean War: nuclear weapons
nuclear weapons development
crisis of early 1990s, 369, 435–446, 450–452, 456–458
external investment, economic cooperation, blocked due to, 481, 485, 501
delivery systems, 495
as deterrent, 439, 483, 486, 671
compensating for conventional forces cuts, 667
freeze agreement (1994–95), 496–497, 510, 635
inspections, international, 488
as negotiating card, 442, 444
and nuclear nonproliferation structure, 439
preemptive/preventive strike targeting, 444–445, 676
mentioned by U.S. defense secretary, 494
as reunification dowry, 445, 671
Russian freelance scientists’ assistance, 495
second crisis, 657, 659–660, 671–672
“semi-war” footing (1993), 486, 491–492
O Baek-ryong (bodyguard chief; partisan), 239
Obuchi, Keizo, 636
O Guk-ryol (KPA general staff chief), 471
Oh Young-nam (State Security captain; defector), 505–507, 547–548, 691–692
O Jin-u, Marshal, 52, 416, 484, 505, 507
Kim Jong-il’s succession and, 277–278, 293, 491
family’s predicted role in any coup, 521
okwa. See Mansions Special Volunteer Corps
old age and retirement, 159–160
O Mi-ran (actress), 319
one-man rule, 107
Paektu, Mount, 18
as holy mountain of revolution, 7, 233, 349
pilgrimages, tourism, 215
Paek Tu-chin (South Korean prime minister), 99
Pak Hon-yong (communist leader from the South), 55, 72, 82, 95, 213, 301
Pak Nam-ki (chief economic planner), 660
Pak Pong-ju (prime minister), 663
Pak Song-chol (Kim Il-sung’s relative by
marriage; vice-president), 137, 154, 277, 506
Pak Su-hyon (bodyguard; defector), 198, 200, 316, 426–434
pangchang. See music: opera
Park Chung-hee (South Korean president)
assassination of, 151
background in Japanese military, 121
calls for three-way peace talks, 150
as coup leader, major general, 120
human rights and democracy record, 148
as model for economic developers in North, 483, 648, 667, 672–674
Park Geun-hye (daughter of Park Chunghee), 648
partisans (Manchuria guerrilla faction)
economic policies of, 120
educational deficiencies of, 96, 107
loyalty to Kim Il-sung, 95–96
memoirs banned, 242
Panmunjom, 9, 87. See also Demilitarized Zone (DMZ); Pueblo incident
pellagra, 103, 469
Peng Dehuai, Gen., 92
Perry, William, 635, 637, 647
ping-pong diplomacy, 139–140
Pochonbo, battle of, 39–40, 212, 214
population, 139
relocation, mass, 112, 232, 294, 408, 544, 626–627
function, 6
manpower, 262
See also police state; Public Security; State Security
police state, 60, 89, 262
intensification under Kim Jong-il, 397
See also Public Security; punishment; purges; State Security; surveillance
political offenders. See punishment; purges; surveillance
post–Korean Wa
r period (1950s), 93–119
Potemkin villages, 178, 499, 518–519
power, electric, 177
Kim Il-sung’s priority use of, 499–500
Pyongyang system modernized, 662
shortage, 295, 329, 345, 503, 638
and coal mines, 559, 643
easing, 663
propaganda. See culture; indoctrination; Kim
Il-sung: personality cult of; Kim
Jong-il: personality cult of; news
media; subversion, of North Korea;
subversion, of South Korea
prostitution, 188, 201, 458, 590, 623
protest, 344–345, 441, 543, 545–547, 550, 611
Public Security (police), 262, 263–264, 269, 291
Pueblo incident, 128–133, 135, 534
punishment, 290–304
banishment (internal exile), 290, 293, 294, 298, 301–302, 557–558, 614–615, 616–628
without change in social class, 627
commitment to mental institution as, 589
demotion, for remaining dry-eyed after
Kim Il-sung’s death, 508
detention centers, 290–291
execution, 290
of accused spy for South Korea, 549
of agriculture minister, 575, 624
of camp-inmate family for escape try, 609
of coup plotters, associates, 546
of defector attempting to rescue family members, 460
of exhumed corpse, ritual, 575
of father as little son watches, 301
of failed assassin, 695
for hearing gossip about Kim Jong-il’s private life, 687
of official’s wife, at drinking party, for criticizing Kim Jong-il, 287
of personality cult critics, 292
of political prison camp inmates, 299
public, suspended, 631
seen as alienating elite, 648
for sexual promiscuity, 201–202
of Southerners during Korean War, 89
of woman who told authorities she had slept with Kim Jong-il, 318
expulsion, from school or job, 290, 377, 429, 432, 574
house arrest, 293
political prisons and prison camps, 280, 290–291, 293–294, 302–304, 557–558, 560, 562–564, 615
“destroy three generations of a family,” 290, 572, 607, 609
experiments on prisoners, 604
families of spies who fail sent to, 541
guards’ testimony, 604–610
inmates’ testimony, 298–300, 596–600
leniency to families of offenders, new policies, 416, 572, 617, 631
prisoners released (1984–86), 589
production in, 562, 615
short stature of inmates, 609
slow-death camps, 291, 572, 604
uniforms worn in, 562, 609
prison, women’s, 616
prisons, ordinary, 291, 329–330, 562, 611–613
reformatories (labor drill units), 291
revolutionary work classes, 574, 580
purges, 293
of artists and literary people, 171, 240–243
1969–1970, as succession maneuver, 277
1992, of military dissidents, 546, 548, 673
in 1950s, 94–96, 106–107, 109–111, 292
thought examination committees in, 110
capture of, 80
construction in, 119, 295
controls on population and entry, 233, 294, 344, 405, 626–627
priority in distribution of goods, services, electricity, 449, 499–500, 576
rebuilding of, after Korean War, 93, 96
retaking of, 83
showcase role, 295
transportation in, 2, 177, 494
radio, external broadcasts
pending congressional bills regarding, 677–678
receivers capable of tuning in, 6, 368, 379, 423–424, 431–432, 495, 496, 522, 526, 601 (see also subversion, of North
Korea: balloon drops)
Radio Free Asia, Korean-language service, 297, 379, 385, 392, 401, 407, 454, 455, 496, 522, 526, 601
South Korean, 310, 368, 385, 390, 406–407, 420, 422, 424, 432, 570, 584, 600–602
Voice of America, 368, 495–496
Rangoon bombing, 323
Reagan, Ronald, 152–153
regime change
Gang of Four scenario, 492–493
South Korea’s caution, 672
U.S. advocates of, 86, 672–674, 677–678
See also coup d’état
regime collapse, prospects, 433, 440, 449, 454, 457, 478, 494, 503, 522, 553–555, 626, 635, 659, 672, 683–684
belief as political offense, 292, 599
See also Buddhism, Christianity
Republic of Korea (South Korea, ROK) formation of, 62
Respected Mother (omonim), 701–703
revisionism, Soviet and Eastern European, 121, 474, 574, 652
See also co-existence, peaceful; Stalinism: de-Stalinization
Rhee Syngman
Connally remarks abhorred by, 67
economic development lagging under, 100
land reform postponement sought by, 91
northward invasion hopes of, 62, 65–66, 79, 87, 99
overthrown, 104
Republic of Korea proclaimed by, 61
senility, 114
trusteeship opposed by, 54
Ridgway, Gen. Matthew, 84
riots, 54, 56
Ri Ul-sol, Gen., 208
Rivers, Rep. L. Mendel, 129
“rogue state,” 671
Roh Moo-hyun (South Korean president), 675
Roh Tae-woo (South Korean president), 395–396, 440, 465, 476, 480
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 50
Rumsfeld, Donald, 672
Rusk, Dean, 50, 131
sabotage, 6
safety, workplace, 158–159, 174, 438
Samsung, 485, 639
sanctions, 451, 635, 654, 671, 672
savings, household, 164
Sea of Blood, 249–251, 254–255, 272, 327
Sea of Japan (East Sea), 101
second Korean war
factions of commanders, party commissars turning one another in, 520, 526
looting, as fatal KPA distraction in, 520
“one million lives, $1 trillion damages” in, 676
scenarios, 512, 519–520
war plan, U.S.–South Korean, 665
Seoul, 50
first capture of, 72
invaders’ rest-and-celebration stop in, 72
as political center of peninsula, 55
pre-invasion attitudes in, 71
Olympics, 343, 378–379
proximity to DMZ, 87, 513
second capture of, 83–84
sex, courtship and marriage, 164, 169–170, 201–202, 229, 268, 307, 316, 319–320, 340, 401, 538, 580, 581, 583, 618, 620. See also Korean People’s Army: sex
Shin Jong-hui (Kim Jong-nam’s wife), 686
Shin Myung-chul (State Security; defector), 112, 423–424, 594–595
Shin Sang-ok (South Korean film director kidnapped by Kim Jong-il), 326–339
Shu Chung-shin (dancer; defector), 310–314, 366
siesta, 178
Sino-Soviet split, 113, 125, 142–143
small businesses, 663
Smith, Rear Adm. John Victor, 129
smuggling, 155, 581
punishment reduced, during famine, 566
by regime, 574
Socialist Working Youth, League of, 403–404, 579–580
corruption scandal in, 574
shock units, 419
Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 2, 141
Society for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union, 108
Sohn Jong-do, Rev. (Kim Il-sung’s benefactor), 25–28
Sohn Won-tai (Rev. Sohn’s son; Kim Ilsun
g’s childhood friend), 25–26
So Kwan-hui (agriculture minister), 575, 624
songbun, 226. See also family background,
status and
Song Hye-rang (Song Hye-rim’s sister), 687–688
defection, 693
Song Hye-rim (unofficial wife of Kim Jongil; mother of Kim Jong-nam), 686–690, 693–694, 697
Song of Best Wishes, 474–475
“Song of General Kim Il-sung,” 72–73, 88, 214
Song of Paradise, 1–9
South Korea, crises tempting Pyongyang or arousing its hopes, 483 1960, 124 1979, 151 1980, 152 1987, 436
South Korean economic cooperation, 476, 668, 670. See also investment, external: from South Korea; trade, external: with South Korea
South Korean military
budget, 113
troop reduction, 113
Soviet Army
Eighty-eighth Special Independent Sniper
Brigade, 48–51
Korean War planning role of advisors from, 69
troops withdrawal, 1948, 64
Soviet documents, findings from, 54, 57, 66, 81, 106
Soviet Koreans
post-liberation role of, 9, 52
purged, 94–95, 109–111
Soviet Union
cultural influences, 108
disguise of Korean War role, 89
military equipment shipments by, 69
role in liberation of Korea, 7, 50–51, 109
role in North, post-liberation, 51–68, 108
satellite status of North Korea, American assumption of, 115
golf, 348–349, 660
table tennis, 8, 599–600
world tournament (1979), 140–142, 343
Stakhanovism, 57, 96, 159, 252, 359, 475
Stalin, Josef, 558
death of, effects, 86, 106
in Korean War, 81–83, 88
in Pacific War, 50
southward invasion approval by, 62–68
succession problems, as lesson, 266
Stalinism, 8
de-Stalinization, 106–107, 113, 292
See also Kim Il-sung: personality cult: Stalinism as antecedent of
state capitalism, 111, 120
State Security (secret police), 226, 262, 266–269, 291, 297
abuses addressed by regime, 571
hatred of, 297
and regime’s fear of internal threat, 493–494
Third Department (experiments on prisoners), 604
strategic hamlets, 35
subversion, of North Korea
balloon drops, 385, 395, 410, 522–523, 532, 678
as threat justifying national isolation, 125
See also radio, external broadcasts
subversion, of South Korea
after Korean War, 98, 99, 105
before Korean War, 61, 63, 67, 72, 95
from 1960s, 120, 126–127, 133, 152
from 1987, 364–368, 443 1990s, 478, 483, 490, 645–646
Voice of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification, 153
sun, as symbol of Kim Il-sung, 7
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty Page 131