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The Mating Frenzy: Werewolves of Montana Book 10

Page 15

by Bonnie Vanak

  There were good memories, too. He needed to focus on those.

  “Tell me about her.” Taking his hand, she tugged him toward the water. “Talk to me, Kieran. After my father died, the only way I could cope was to talk about him, to let the grief ease with the good memories.”

  Tightness eased inside his chest. This strong female who had so much thrown at her had a level of compassion he’d seldom seen in the Winter Kingdom. They walked in the low surf as he began, in a halting voice, to tell her about his beloved sister.

  “Kiera was everything to me. We were very close. I was the older brother who made sure she was safe.” He sat on the sand, Ella beside him, taking his hand. Her touch grounded him, eased the piercing grief. “When she was born, Kiera was very frail and they weren’t certain she would live. So I when I grew old enough to understand, I became quite protective of her.”

  He fell silent for a moment. And then he felt Ella’s warm palm over his hand. “I’m so sorry. How did she die?”

  Tightness curled in his chest all over again. He rubbed it, wishing the ache would go away. But the pain was welcome at times, because it connected him to his sister.

  “After our family was killed, she clung to me. But my duties took me away from her and I knew if she found a mate, she would be content. There were no other jaguar shifters in the Winter Kingdom, so we came here to the Skin world, to find one. We were deep in a jungle in South America when Skin hunters saw her in her jaguar form, and shot her. I had been up in a tree, scouting the area because I scented humans, but she insisted on staying on the ground. She died in my arms, gasping my name.”

  Tears glinted Ella’s eyes. “Kieran, I’m so sorry.”

  “She’s been gone for more than two hundred years.” He wiped his own eyes and the salt water stung them. Just salt spray, he tried to assure himself. But he knew better.

  Two warm arms encircled him. For a moment he rested against her, relishing the touch. He was a tactile creature, who adored sensuality. But right now, he needed the simple comfort of a hug that showed someone else cared about him.

  “When I was tasked to protect you, I vowed I would not fail you as I failed her. It’s imperative that you accept your nature and your abilities, Ella. Soon as you shift into a wolf, you become less vulnerable to evil because you will have natural defenses.”

  She lifted her head, looking troubled. “And what if I can’t?”

  “You can. It’s inside you. Tonight, when the moon is full and we go to Adrian’s house for the party, your wolf will be released.”

  A slight smile touched her mouth. “Sounds like a hell of a party. Who’s invited?”

  “Shifters.” He touched her cheek, needing the contact between them. “When the moon is ripe, the beasts will gather and release their magick. It may get quite wild, but know this, I will be there with you.”

  As he wrapped his arms around her, wishing he could never let go, she asked the one question he dreaded.

  “Will you always be there for me, Kieran?”

  “Always.” He closed his eyes, knowing the damnable truth. “As long as I can.”


  Ella wasn’t certain about the party they were attending. She seldom socialized and didn’t know if she’d fit in.

  Not at a party filled with werewolves.

  That night, Kieran drove them to an exclusive, gated community that looked like the upscale neighborhoods she’d seen in Colorado.

  The security guard looked normal as he checked Kieran’s ID and let them through the gate. The homes, all with plenty of green space between them, looked normal. And the street lights, elegant sconces hanging overhead, looked normal, too.

  And here she was supposed to turn into a wolf? It was like saying that she could fly.

  Then again, she knew her encounter on the beach with those creatures had been pure instinct driving her. She had not thought. Had done nothing more than react, a reflexive action as one would cover their head to protect it from flying objects.

  Kieran pulled into a long, curved drive before an impressive two-story mansion. Lights blazed within. He parked and shut off the engine and then turned to her, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. She smoothed down the floral silk dress with a nervous hand.

  “You look lovely,” he said softly. “Remember, Ella-mine, if you get scared, breathe deep. Your wolf needs to come out and everything that transpires tonight is normal, for shifters, especially Lupines.”

  He got out and opened the door for her. Taking a deep breath, she took his hand and let him lead her to the front door.

  A butler in a severe black and white tuxedo greeted them and took her purse. Seeing him made her relax a little. Surely a pack of wild werewolves wouldn’t have a butler.

  Maybe this was all role playing. Like gamers did.

  The butler escorted them into the living room in the back. He gave a funny, formal bow.

  “The alpha is patrolling the grounds. Please enjoy yourselves.”

  Ella stared after the butler as he departed. “Odd fellow.”

  “He’s a Lupine. Smells just fine,” Kieran told her.

  As if that were reassuring? Ella dragged in a deep breath. But all she smelled was Kieran’s delicious scent of spices and crisp winter snow.

  Kieran’s gaze narrowed. “I must meet with Adrian. I’m the only cat shifter here, and there are protocols to be followed. You’ll be safe. Darcy’s around.”

  “Maybe she’s disguised herself as a fly, hiding from Adrian.”

  The big cat dropped his voice. “She’s probably searching for the ruby crystal ball. She’d better watch it. With an alpha, she could turn herself into a mosquito and he would find her, if he so wishes.”

  Kieran dropped a quick kiss on the cheek and vanished among the crowd.

  Ella amused herself by examining her surroundings.

  The house had cathedral ceilings, with skylights in the living room. An enormous wood entertainment set featured a wide screen television and shelves filled with DVDs. There was even a gaming console. Curious, she examined the titles on the shelves. Not being a gamer, she had never heard of these titles, but they all featured battles and war. One was called “Hunting prey.”

  If these people were werewolves, they certainly loved their games.

  Sturdy, masculine leather furniture in the living room was accented by whimsical paintings of wolves. Wolves playing, hunting, snarling.

  Fascinated, she looked at the oils, and then her gaze riveted on a painting discreetly hung in an alcove. Ella went toward it. A furious blush ignited her body.

  In the artwork, a white female wolf bent her head submissively as a larger, white wolf mated behind her. The male wolf was snarling, in the throes of some savage sexual grip, and the female bared her teeth.

  She felt a presence next to her and realized it was Darcy. Odd. She had not heard her, but something nudged her into realizing her former cat stood behind her.

  Dressed in biker leathers, Darcy held a glass of milk. The sight amused Ella.

  “Milk? At a cocktail party? Are you showing your cat side, Darce?”

  “Milk is safer than liquor. I don’t trust Adrian not to spike it to lower everyone’s inhibitions. There are some Lupine visitors here who are shy.”

  Good to know. “I’ll stick to bottled water.” She pointed to the painting. “What is this?”

  “Adrian calls it ‘Wild & Free to Love,’” Darcy told her. Her one-time pet rolled her eyes. “He had it commissioned from a famous Lupine artist. Two members of his pack posed for it.”

  How did you respond to something like that? “Uh, I guess it’s more fun than nude modeling for an art class.”

  A high laugh fled Darcy. Then she drained her milk and set the glass down on a nearby table holding some kind of fertility statute. The bronze statue had an elongated face and a penis thinner and longer than a pencil.

  Darcy touched the erect penis. “I remember this. Adrian got it from an art gallery and wanted to gi
ft it to me. I told him to keep it. He said I could use it to put my rings on it. He loved the idea of cock rings.”

  Ella laughed. “He sounds like a scamp.”

  “He’s always trying to seduce me and get me to become his mate. But I need my freedom.” Darcy looked troubled. “And Adrian is a purebred alpha who needs a Lupine mate.”

  “Do you ever think about settling down?”

  A wistful longing entered her friend’s green gaze. “I do. But it’s not possible. It would be nice to have friends, at least. I don’t have any.”

  Darcy playfully cuffed Ella, reminding her of the times when she’d done that as her pet and wanted her attention. “Except for you. Being your pet was the greatest assignment I’ve had. I’m sorry it’s over. Hope we can still stay friends.”

  “Of course.” Ella hugged her. “You were my best friend, Darcy. Some days I thought I’d lose my mind if not for you. I’m still trying to adjust to this business of shapeshifting and magick.”

  Darcy smiled. “You won’t need me any longer. You have a different kind of kitty watching over you. A big, protective one. He may be ferocious, but he’s a softie deep inside. I can tell that about males.”

  Her former cat glanced around. “I’m off to find the ruby crystal ball. Wish me luck.”

  Winking, Darcy bounded off, leaving Ella on her own. Well, she was here to watch and learn, so she might as well mingle. Ella wandered into the kitchen, which was larger than her entire house. State-of-the-art stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and an island dominating the center. People milled about, laughing and talking.

  It all seemed so ordinary.

  In the dining room, Adrian had set out a large buffet filled with all kinds of delicious hors d’oeuvres. Ella selected a canapé.

  Two sets of sliding glass doors led outside from the massive living area. Both were opened to the cool night. She walked through one and found herself on a wide lanai bordered by a tranquil swimming pool. At least four people were in the pool, playing a game of water volleyball.

  And Darcy and Kieran thought this would turn her into a werewolf?

  Restless herself, she bypassed the pool to walk on the soft grass outside the bricked patio. Trees ringed the property, stretching out their branches like ghostly arms. Ella shivered. This… seemed more the wildness she’d expected.

  “Wow, it’s big,” she murmured.

  “Three acres of land. Quite private.”

  She jumped at the deep voice behind her. Goodness, the man was quiet.

  Well over six feet tall, he had black hair cropped short, and wore an elegant black silk tuxedo. His cheekbones and face were aristocratic and covered with beard scuff, but his dark gaze held mischief.

  Ella remembered her manners and stuck out her hand. “You must be Adrian. I’m Ella.”

  He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, held it for a moment. “Ella. A pleasure.” Then he kissed her knuckles, his day beard slightly abrading her skin, and released her hand.

  Definitely a scamp.

  “You have a nice house. Lots of land,” she said lamely, uncertain how to converse with this intimidating man who was supposed to be a pack leader. He looked more like a CEO than a werewolf.

  He smiled and the smile seemed a warning. “We require privacy for our rituals. They get rather…intense.”

  Adrian glanced at the full moon. “And speaking of which, it is time.”

  With the grace of his jaguar, Kieran approached, his long-legged stride eating up the space between them. He stopped a few feet away, saying nothing, only watching Adrian.

  Kieran and Adrian regarded each other for a long moment. Both their gazes narrowed. Amused, Ella waited. It was like two wrestlers sizing each other up.

  “Wolf,” Kieran growled.

  “Jaguar,” Adrian responded. “State your reason for being here.”

  “I am present to ask permission for the shifting rite for Ella, my charge.”

  Adrian inclined his head. “She is welcome to participate in the ritual. You are as well…cat…as long as you leave my females alone. If you dare to sniff any out, there will be consequences.”

  The alpha narrowed his gaze. “I will not hesitate to invoke violence.”

  “I will not be the one to initiate it, wolf. But I will protect what is mine.”

  Circling each other, they fisted their hands, dark gaze locked to dark gaze. Any minute now they would attack each other.

  Some party.

  “Okay, enough with the posturing.” She held up a hand. “No cat and wolf fights here, tonight. Let’s play nice.”

  Kieran gave a slow smile. “I am not nice, Ella-mine. But for you, I will stand down. Know this, wolf. I can rip your throat out if you turn against me or mine.”

  “Try,” Adrian said softly. “You even attempt to interfere between myself and Darcy, I will tear you to shreds.”

  “Darcy can handle herself.”

  “I claim a formal mating with her.” Adrian bunched his fists. “You leave her alone. Find your own kind to fuck.”

  Kieran blinked, and then laughed. “Is that what this about? I have no desire for Darcy. She is a friend. Fucking her would be like fucking my sister. We are working together for Ella.”

  Judging from the way Adrian relaxed, Darcy had been his primary concern. “Very well. Ella is welcome, as are you.”

  “Fuck you wolf.”

  Adrian flipped the finger and smiled. “Back at you, cat.”

  The alpha strode off. Ella shook her head. “Boys will be boys. But seriously?”

  Kieran took her elbow. “We are not boys, but males protecting our own. Come, Ella. It’s time to prepare for the ceremony.”

  If things had been normal before, they were totally bizarre now.

  Dressed in identical dark blue robes, each guest was required to wear a half face mask. Most of the guests wore masks replicating a wolf. Darcy had opted for the owl mask, while Kieran donned a jaguar mask.

  Ella chose a wolf mask.

  Wearing a dark blue robe, she joined the others on the grass outside the pool enclosure. The silk underside of the robe caressed her naked skin. She felt wild and free, her inhibitions slowly vanishing.

  Kieran and Darcy both assured her no harm would come to her during the ceremony.

  Maybe there was some odd ritual Adrian would conduct. She hoped she wouldn’t be required to do anything embarrassing.

  They gathered around in a circle. Adrian lifted his hands to the sky. “Honored Danu, creator of us all, bless us shifters as we gather tonight to celebrate our wildness. We bare our true selves before you.”

  They disrobed and dropped the masks. A little shy, she did the same, fumbling with the laces on the heavy velvet robe.

  A tingle rushed down her spine. Ella closed her eyes, letting the night wind whisper against her bare flesh. She felt the robe puddle at her feet, heard Kieran’s reassuring whisper to relax and open herself to the possibility of the unreal.

  There was magick in this world.

  There was fantasy.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Adrian had turned into a large, black wolf. Others gathered around him. Gray timber wolves, some large and dominating, others smaller.

  Next to her Kieran shifted into his jaguar form. He sat on his haunches, panting, looking at her. Such a magnificent beast. He got up, nudged her closer to the black wolf.

  Ella felt no fear, though she was nude and surrounded by animals that could shred her to ribbons. She squatted down and touched the black wolf’s head. He looked at her steadily.

  She felt a funny sensation in her tummy, as if she were on a roller coaster and descending a steep hill. Then Kieran nuzzled his face against her left hand. Anchoring her. She knew him.

  Everything seemed to explode, her nerves screaming with pleasure/pain as she gasped, trying to fight it.

  Several wolves gathered around her, rubbing against her, whining, as if urging her to join them.

  And then she surrende
red, willing herself to the night. Ella stretched out her arms, letting the magick rush through her.

  All her senses rushed like a roaring river. The sharp, brief pain became pleasure and then suddenly, she was aware of everything.

  She opened her mouth to scream and a low howl came out.

  Several others howled with her.

  “Hey, what happened to me?” She glanced down. Four legs, fur, and all her senses on overdrive as if someone had pumped her full of adrenalin.

  The large black wolf standing before her snapped up his head. Growled. Then Adrian shifted back into his Skin form. Nude, he stood before her, hands fisted, expression dangerous.

  “You can talk in Lupine form. No normal Lupine can do that. Only a Lupine from the Dark Kingdom. I do not tolerate Others with that magick near my people. I will not allow you to harm them.”

  A growl rumbled from his throat. Yeah, she might be a wolf, and he was in his human form, but Adrian was alpha, pure steel and power, and nothing to mess with in either form. Ella took two steps backward, not lowering her gaze, but not being stupid, either.

  Suddenly Kieran bounded up to her, his big, muscled body tense. Blocking her view of Adrian, the jaguar snarled at the Lupine pack leader.

  Adrian did not budge. “Impressive, cat. I can take you on, but tonight is not for fighting. You did not tell me she was a Lupine from the Dark Kingdom.”

  Kieran shifted into his human form. Ella blinked, her wolf scenting him still, but feeling out of sorts and confused. She growled at both of them. And then Kieran dropped beside her, stroking her fur. “It’s okay, Ella. I’m here to protect you. Against threats…and…”

  He looked at Adrian and growled. “Those who pose a threat.”

  “She is dangerous, cat. I will not risk dark magick in my pack. Dark wolves are dangerous and too inclined to turn to evil in this world. They are tempted to display their magick whenever they please. I have young Lupines and fragile elders who cannot defend themselves.”

  The alpha glared at Kieran. “I will defend my people to the death. I vowed to never allow a dark creature near them.”


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