River of Love

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River of Love Page 25

by Melissa Foster

  “Well, we’re not sure yet. I have so much to get organized. I have to find a place to live, babysitting, you know. So much to consider. But he’s letting me work remotely until I figure it out. Oh, and Sam introduced me to his friend Brent, who’s hooking me up with his law partner who handles divorce cases.” She leaned in close and said, “He said his partner would help me pro bono. I couldn’t believe it.”

  Brent moved through the crowd and joined them. “Hey, Faith. Great to see you again.” He leaned in and hugged her. “Nice shirt.”

  She looked down, having forgotten her shirt said Sam’s Girl, and laughed. “Sam’s idea. Brent, this is my friend Vivian.”

  “How’s it going?” Brent gave her a hug, too.

  “Better now,” Vivian said flirtatiously.

  Faith rolled her eyes and noticed that Brent claimed the spot beside Lira. Apparently Vivian noticed it, too, because she elbowed Faith and raised her brows.

  “Your boyfriend really outdid himself.” Brent’s eye skimmed over the crowd.

  Faith followed his gaze and spotted Sam standing by the water with Ty and a group of girls. She expected a spear of jealousy to pierce her chest, but it never came. There was no longer any room in their relationship for such an ugly emotion. Sam lifted his eyes and searched the crowd. She loved him so much she ached with it. His eyes landed on her, and her heart swelled. He blew her a kiss, said something to the group he was with without breaking his visual connection with Faith, and headed in her direction.

  Vivian tugged on her arm, bringing her back to the moment. Brent and Lira had moved on to a private conversation.

  “Remember how adamant I was about you not taking that walk with him?” Vivian said quickly.

  “How could I forget?”

  “He’s turned out to be really good for you. Not only do you seem happier than I’ve seen you in a long time, but when you told me you gave your boss hell for not believing in Sam? That’s new, Faith. You’ve changed, too.”

  Yeah, she’d changed all right. For the better. She wasn’t skittish about their relationship, or untrusting. Sam made her feel loved, and special, and confident in all aspects of her life. They made a good team in every way possible. He moved with deft confidence and a seductive gaze locked on her, despite the many female eyes watching his every move.

  She was unable to take her eyes off of the man who’d renewed her faith in relationships. And maybe even in herself.

  His arm circled her waist as he lowered his cheek to hers and said, “God, I’ve missed you, baby.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, making her heart go all sorts of crazy.

  “I’m glad you made it,” he said to Vivian, before pulling her into a hug.

  Vivian made a dreamy face, eyes to heaven, mouth agape. “I take back everything bad I ever said about you,” she said to him.

  Sam reached for Faith, bringing her to her favorite place, tight against his side. “Do I even want to know?”

  “No,” Vivian and Faith said in unison.

  “I’m going to get a drink,” Vivian said. “I see a super-sexy guy over there who needs ogling.”

  Faith and Sam followed her gaze—to Tex.

  “I have a thing for tats,” Vivian said before making a beeline for Sam’s employee.

  “She’s also on a hiatus from men, so Tex is safe.”

  “Tex is a big boy. I’m not worried.”

  Faith wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and went up on her toes for another kiss. “This is incredible. Are you happy with the turnout?”

  He flattened his palm against her back, holding her close with a devilish look in his eyes. “I’m pleased with the turnout, but even happier that you’re here now.”

  “We got here at five thirty, but it was already packed.”

  “People showed up early. No biggie. Did you have fun with Vivian this afternoon?”

  “Yes, and you know what the best thing is?” Before he could answer, she said, “I was worried about being jealous, but I’m not. Not even a little.”

  “That’s good, because you never have a reason to be.” His eyes shifted to Cole heading their way. Sam draped his arm around her waist again, a smile forming as his brother joined them.

  “Hi,” Cole said, leaning in to hug Faith, then embracing Sam.

  Since the joint apologies the night of the impromptu bonfire at Sam’s house, things had been easy between Faith and Cole at work again, and tension had eased between the two brothers.

  “Hi. Where’s Leesa?” Faith asked.

  “She’s with our mom, Tempe, and Jewel. I swear they’ll be talking about our honeymoon forever.” Cole’s eyes skimmed over Faith’s shirt and then landed on Sam’s with amusement.

  “Got something to say?” Sam challenged.

  “Never thought I’d see the day,” Cole admitted.

  “They were Sam’s idea,” Faith said quickly, as if she needed to explain.

  Cole held his hands up in surrender. “You don’t have to worry about me saying anything. I know better than to make a smart remark about your boyfriend.”

  “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” He’d teased her a few times about Sam unleashing her confidence to superhuman levels, but she knew it was all in fun, because the only people Cole teased that way were those closest to him.

  “I’ll take care of that.” Sam fake punched Cole, who feigned a block and threw his own fake jab.

  Standing up to Cole hadn’t been easy, but she was glad she’d done it. And seeing them horsing around like only family could, she knew their brotherly bond could withstand anything.

  Just like us.

  Chapter Thirty

  SAM MADE THE rounds with sponsors and guests, ensuring everyone got his attention. Lira had done an incredible job of rallying previous sponsors and clients. Groups of climbers and rafters he hadn’t seen in more than four years had shown up, and several signed up for future trips. Sam solidified a handful of new sponsors, and Lira took care of gathering their information. She’d organized online sponsorship forms and set up a table with four laptops where sponsors and guests could sign up. She’d also prepared business cards with the site information to hand out as people left. Sam knew he’d made the right decision by hiring her, and he felt good knowing she and her daughter would have proper insurance and job security.

  As the evening wore on and the crowd thinned, he followed the sound of Faith’s laughter to a blanket by the water, where she was sitting with Vivian, Jewel, Tempe, and Leesa. He made his way over and sat beside her. The girls silenced almost immediately.

  “Did I interrupt?” he asked, chuckling to himself at the furtive glances they were trading.

  “We were talking about you,” Tempe said.

  Jewel smacked her hand. “Really, Tempe? You’re not supposed to tell him.”

  He looked at Faith, who pressed her lips together like she was trying not to laugh. “What did you tell them?”

  “Nothing. Well, not much,” she admitted.

  “She didn’t have to tell us anything. Sam, those shirts? Shannon will get such a kick out of them.” Tempe lifted her phone and clicked off a few pictures.

  He shook his head and laughed, but nothing could dampen this day. He had his girl by his side, a new employee, and the event was a great success.

  “You took her to your cove!” Tempe said as she put her phone away. “That’s huge!”

  “Christ,” he mumbled. It wasn’t a secret, but Tempe was a little too overjoyed with this news. He’d probably hear about it for weeks.

  “I think it’s sweet,” Jewel said.

  “And meaningful,” Leesa added.

  “And romantic,” Vivian said, bumping Faith’s shoulder.

  He felt oddly proud of all those things, each of which he’d teased Nate and Cole about when they’d fallen in love with Jewel and Leesa.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to leave you girls to discuss how incredibly awesome I am as a boyfriend.” He pulled Faith up
to her feet to hug her and her drink spilled down the front of his shirt.

  “Oh! I’m sorry!” She swatted at the mess.

  He reached behind him and pulled it over his head. “Not a big deal. I’ll get a shirt from the office.”

  Faith stared hungrily at his bare chest.

  “Why don’t you come with me?” He looked over his shoulder and said, “I’ll bring her right back.”

  “Yeah, right,” Tempe called after them.

  “I’m so sorry.” Her hand brushed over his damp chest, his abs, and when she looked up at him, he couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss.

  “No, you’re not.”

  They hurried into the office, kissing every few steps. Once inside, their mouths crashed together. Faith’s hands moved over his back, and his moved under her shirt, earning a sexy moan.

  “We can’t do this,” she said as he devoured her neck. “Oh God, that feels so good.” She panted out a few breaths. “We can’t…” He rocked his arousal against her. “Maybe we can.”

  He leaned back and gazed into her lust-filled eyes. She’d become his world. The very air he breathed. Seeing her so torn between satisfying the fire burning between them and doing the right thing reminded him of the million reasons he’d fallen in love with her. She was as careful as she was naughty, and she was his.

  “You’re right.”

  “I am?” Her forehead wrinkled. She hooked her finger into the waistband of his jeans. “You sure?”

  “Not in the least. But you’re probably right.”

  The office door opened and Nate stuck his head in. “Dude—” He closed his eyes. “Sorry, man. I should have knocked.”

  Faith turned beet-red. Sam groaned, gave her a quick kiss, and grabbed a shirt from a shelf in the closet where he kept extras. “It’s cool. We weren’t doing anything.”

  Nate opened his eyes. “I’m really sorry.”

  “I’m going to find Vivian.” She hurried out of the office.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass her.” Nate cleared his throat. “Or cock block you. Pull your shirt down, will ya?”

  Sam looked down at his erection and tugged his shirt on. “Jealous?”

  “Of that worm?” He scoffed.

  “Is that what you’re calling pythons these days?”

  Nate laughed. “A group of guys just showed up. One of ’em’s asking for you.”

  Sam followed Nate out, scanned the area for Faith, and spotted her by the refreshments with Vivian. His mood brightened, as it did every time he saw her.

  “Sammy!” Jacob Warner, a thick-bodied, blond-haired guy who had gone on a few trips with Sam a couple of years ago, shook his hand and pulled Sam closer, smacking him soundly on the back.

  “Warner, how’ve you been? Still climbing?”

  “Hell, yes. When I got the call about the barbecue, I had to come. Man, you changed my life.” His smile reached his dark eyes. “What you said to me after that climbing trip set me free.”


  “HOLY SHIT, FAITH.” Vivian bumped Faith with her elbow, interrupting her conversation with Lira, and pointed up the beach.

  Faith’s eyes locked on Sam. “I know. My man’s hot, isn’t h—” She clutched Vivian’s arm as the man Sam was talking to came into focus, bringing with it a surge of anger and hurt that nearly brought her to her knees. JJ.

  “What is that asshole doing here?” Vivian seethed, already on the move with Faith clutching her arm.

  Faith hadn’t seen JJ since she’d moved, and even though cognitively she knew it was him—the man who’d broken her heart and forced her away from the life she’d spent years building—seeing him there, talking with Sam, didn’t make sense.

  JJ laughed at something Sam said.

  Her brain stumbled. She stumbled. Oh shit. He knew Sam? How? What the hell was going on?

  “I’ve got this,” Faith said to Vivian. She was sure smoke was pluming from her ears, and she didn’t care. He didn’t deserve to be there, with her boyfriend, in her happy place. Anger obliterated hurt, propelling her fast and determined to reclaim her space beside Sam.

  “Man, Sam, that trip changed my life,” JJ said.

  “We had a killer climb,” Sam said.

  “No, man. Not that.” JJ abruptly silenced as Vivian pulled her forward. His eyes filled with confusion. “Faith?” JJ shook his head, as if he, too, was trying to piece together this fucked-up reunion.

  “Hey, baby.” Sam reached an arm around her waist, where he inevitably felt her muscles tighten like concrete. His eyes turned serious. “You okay?”

  JJ’s eyes dropped to Faith’s shirt. “Wait. Sam’s Girl? You two?” He waved a finger at the two of them. “You’re together?”

  “Warner, this is my girlfriend, Faith,” Sam said with the same pride and confidence he always had.

  “You know JJ?” She couldn’t keep the disbelief from her voice.

  Tightening his grip on her, he said, “JJ? As in your ex?”

  “Yes.” They both turned to look at JJ, who had a big-ass grin on his face.

  Anger clenched Sam’s jaw, tightening each of his features as it made its way into his narrowing eyes. “Goddamn,” he muttered. He crossed his arms over his chest, lowered his chin, and stepped toward JJ, planting his legs like columns of strength and creating a barrier between him and Faith.

  “This is freaking ironic,” JJ scoffed. He took a step back and scrubbed a hand over his face. “This can’t be happening.”

  Faith’s mind spun. Why was he here? How did he know Sam? Why didn’t she know he knew Sam?

  JJ locked amused eyes on Faith. “You’re dating this guy? The guy who told me to cheat on you?”

  The air left Faith’s lungs. She stumbled backward, reaching for Vivian.

  “I said a lot of shit back then,” Sam said adamantly. “But I never would have told you—or anyone else—to cheat on a girlfriend.”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t remember hanging out in that bar with one chick under each arm,” JJ spat. “Going on about how monogamy wasn’t natural, and...”

  His words blurred together. Sam told him to cheat? Monogamy’s not natural? She turned away, feeling a fissure make its way down the center of her heart as Vivian guided her away.

  “Faith, wait.”

  Vivian turned to say something, but she must have seen something in Sam, because she let him gather Faith in his arms. God. In your arms. My favorite place. I have so many. All with you. Faith looked into his loving eyes, and for the first time ever, fear looked back at her.

  Seeing Sam’s fear frightened her. Was she making a mistake with him?

  “Did you say those things?” Her voice sounded frail and foreign.

  “Baby, I said all types of things back then, but I never would have told him to cheat. That’s never been a part of who I am. You know that. But could I have said that monogamy wasn’t natural or being tied down sucked?” He searched her eyes as they filled with tears, and the pain in his nearly took her to her knees. “Yes, I could have. I probably did. But that’s not who I am now.”

  Honest Sam. Her Sam. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to the center of his chest. “I need time to process this. You should go back. This is an important event, and people are still here.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  FAITH PACED BY the water’s edge after finally convincing Sam to return to his guests. She wasn’t about to let JJ “the Asshole” Warner ruin Sam’s event, even if she felt like someone had torn her guts out and spread them over the sand, then put them back inside her, gritty and ill fitting. At least she’d kept it together enough to control herself from telling JJ what he could do with that snarky-ass amusement she’d seen in his eyes.

  “Tell me what I can do,” Vivian said for the tenth time in the past half hour.

  Faith sat on the sand, staring out at the water. “Nothing.”

  “You sound so calm. I wanted to haul off and hit JJ for being such a smarmy bastard.”

�That’s why I love you.” Faith pulled her down beside her. “I’m not calm. I’m terrified. And I’m trying to figure out what the hell just happened.”

  She turned toward her best friend, who had been with her when JJ had accidentally texted her an invitation meant for someone else. Vivian had helped her get ready for their clandestine date, which she’d stupidly been elated about. Who wouldn’t be excited to meet their boyfriend at a hotel room? Someone who would have clued in to the fact that he’d told her he was going out of town with his buddies for the weekend. She’d knocked on the hotel room door with a swarm of butterflies in her belly, mentally wondering if this was it. The night he was going to propose. She hadn’t been prepared for the lingerie-clad woman coming out of the bathroom when he’d answered the door in nothing but a pair of boxers, or the feeling of devastation and humiliation when she’d run through the lobby crying, feeling like she’d fallen through a wormhole to a place where nothing made sense.

  Vivian had been her savior, her sounding board, and she’d given Faith the tough love she hadn’t realized she’d needed to pull her shit together and move on.

  “Viv, you’ve seen me and Sam together. Am I looking at us through orgasm-colored glasses?” As she choked out the words, their acidic taste burned all the way to her gut, and she knew her answer. This was nothing like what happened with JJ. And as much as she’d needed Vivian during that awful time, this was different. Vivian was no longer the person she needed to get through this. She could do that. She and Sam. “Wait. Don’t answer that.”

  “How can I not answer? Of course you’re not looking at him through orgasm-colored glasses. I think you found a diamond in the rough with that man. Although”—Vivian bumped shoulders with Faith and pointed to Sam walking up the beach toward them—“I don’t think it would matter what glasses you wore. You can only see him as who he is. He’s been brutally honest with you from the very first time he asked you out, remember? You asked him if he’d already gone through all the women, and he told you there were still a few left.”

  At the sight of Sam closing in on them, Faith’s mind scrambled. Luckily, she didn’t need to think. She remembered every word they’d spoken that night.


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