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Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)

Page 15

by Joanne Wadsworth

  The intensity of the moment shook him and he grasped her hips, rocked them even harder together until her tight channel swamped him in such sweet pressure as she hugged him all the way to his balls.

  “Duncan, I cannae hold on any longer.”

  “Neither can I. Let go. I’m right here with you, always with you.”

  “In this need we are the same.” She cried out her pleasure, her inner channel pulsing around his cock and with no choice left to him, he came hard and fast, his seed shooting to her core as he shattered right along with her.

  Hell, he couldn’t move, his limbs so heavy and his body saturated with pleasure. ’Twas as if she’d drained his life’s blood and not on the battlefield but on the hard floorboards of her grandparents’ cottage. Such control she wielded over him and always would.

  With her slumped on top of him, he ran one hand down her back and over her long, loose locks. The silky brown strands slid between his fingers. “Ella,” he murmured in her ear, “I have no desire to beat down your spirit and control you.”

  “I’m aware.” She lifted up a touch, both her breasts now swaying free and her forest-green skirts bunched between them. “Let us return to the plan we made at the inn. We’ll both head to Dunscaith, Ivor as well since you said he came with you. You’ll both don hooded cloaks and Grandma and I will compel any unwanted attention away from you both. We’ll remain at Dunscaith for no longer than is absolutely necessary.”

  “I can agree to that. We’ll be in and out, as quick as we can.” He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth back to within an inch of his. “Kiss me again, and dinnae stop.”

  “If I kiss you”—she pressed her fingers to his mouth—“we’ll never get off this floor.”

  “The bed is fairly close and I’m certain I can make it there.”

  She giggled and shook her head. “My grandparents are due back at any moment. I told them all about you, although no’ of your fae blood. Unfortunately though, they’ve guessed all the same. They know I’d never wed a man unless a bond had formed between us.”

  “They’re aware we’ve spoken handfast vows, that you chose to run from me?”

  “Aye.” She rolled off him, flipped her skirts back down as she lay on her back and stared at the planked ceiling, an inquisitive look on her face.

  “What are you thinking?” He eased onto his side, slid the sleeves of forest-green gown farther down her arms and palmed her breasts. Head bent, he licked each pebbled tip and reveled in the taste of her. Like a fine wine, he wanted to get drunk on her and gently, he suckled one aureole deep inside his mouth then moved to the other and flicked the tip with his tongue.

  “Duncan?” Lashes fluttering down, she moaned.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “About naught but you at the moment. You always scramble my thoughts.”

  “My laird?” A knock and Ivor’s voice echoed through the door. “My lady’s grandparents have returned from Kinloch harbor with three mounts and wish to ensure their granddaughter is well. They also dinnae seem very surprised to find us here.”

  “We’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Tell them I’m well, Ivor. Very well.” Ella lifted her sleeves embellished with golden embroidery back up her arms, slipped her breasts inside the bodice and as she sat up, adjusted her golden girdle at her waist.

  He pushed to his feet, straightened his own clothing and offered her a hand. “I seem to be falling into your plans with far more ease than I thought possible during my trek here. Can I ask if you’ve compelled me since my arrival?”

  “I’ve compelled naught of you.” Laughing, she reached up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’ve simply seen reason, which is what happens to a man when he discovers his mate talks sense.”

  “When do you wish to leave for Dunscaith?” He detested losing this precious time with her, but with this fine weather, Gavin would be on the move and they needed to reach the MacDonald’s stronghold as soon as possible.

  “Once you’ve had a short rest.” She traced her thumbs under his eyes. “I dinnae care for these black circles and you need to be at your most alert while journeying across MacDonald land. We’ll depart closer to dusk. Traveling the roads during the dark will also ensure less notice is drawn to you and Ivor. There will be no harm in waiting a few more hours. Do you agree?”

  “Aye, agreed.” He rubbed against her, surrounded himself in her delicious womanly scent. Sweet vanilla swirled around him and his cock twitched and rose back to life. “I want to be buried deep inside you again.”

  “I want that too, but for now, come and meet my kin.” She towed him to the door and swished out into the main room.

  Next to the fireplace, an elderly man with thick hair and a beard sat in an unusual chair, the base made of two half-moon shaped wooden wedges attached to the legs. Chair creaking, he rocked back and forth, his hands curled around the smooth wooden armrests and his gaze moving from Ella to him and back to Ella again. In dark trews and a brown tunic, the man nodded as if what he saw pleased him. “You’re Duncan, I take it?”

  “Aye, and I apologize for my unannounced arrival.”

  “Think naught of it.” He waved his concern away. “My granddaughter appears content now, no’ as anxious as she did this morn upon her arrival. Your man, Ivor, explained your trek here to us. Welcome to our home, Duncan. I’m Ewen.” He gestured to Ella’s grandma sitting at the table, her gray hair piled high upon her head and her blue woolen skirts fluffed around her. “This is my wife, Marie.”

  “’Tis good to meet you both.”

  “’Tis lovely to meet you too, Duncan.” Marie offered him a wide smile.

  “Duncan and I have spoken.” Ella crossed to her grandpa, popped a kiss on his cheek then popped another on her grandma’s cheek as well. “Both he and Ivor will be traveling with us to Dunscaith, both with a hooded cloak to disguise themselves. Grandma, you and I will need to compel any unwanted attention away from them both should they garner any.”

  “Aye, that I can easily do.” Marie nodded.

  Ewen rocked back and forth in his chair. “We’ll need to secure another two mounts for the ride. ’Twill be easily enough done though.”

  “We’ve decided to leave at dusk and travel the roads during the dark of night. Less notice will be drawn to us if we do.” Ella glanced at Duncan. “Are you hungry, my stubborn one?”

  “Famished.” He winked at her and she blushed.

  “Naughty husband. I didnae mean that kind of hunger.” She caught his hand, led him to the bench seat before the table and continued on to the kitchen. “Sit and talk to Grandma while I rustle us all up a meal.”

  “Aye, I would like to speak to them about my birth and how I came to be your husband.” Ivor remained outside so he could do so without the knowledge going any further than the four of them. Ella trusted her grandparents and so too would he. No more secrets. Not with her most beloved kin.

  Eyes alight, Ella picked up the jug and poured cider into four tankards and set the drinks on the table. She rummaged about in the cupboards and laid out platters of food. Bread, cheeses and a selection of meats, a pot of raspberry jam and a tub of honey too.

  She was so at home here, just as he wished for her to be at home at Ardan House, the lady of his keep as she oversaw all. Her grandparents too followed her every move, love shining bright in their eyes. How he wanted to meet her mama and brother as well, to ensure all her nearest and dearest were aware they’d always be welcome at his home, no matter he was a MacKenzie and currently their clan’s greatest enemy.

  The door squeaked open and Ivor eyed him from the doorway. “Is all well?”

  “Aye. We’ll leave at dusk. Rest as you can, but keep a close eye on all outside as well.”

  “Wait a moment, Ivor.” Ella laid slivers of beef on a thick slice of bread, added cheese and a handful of nuts to the side of the plate then handed it to his man along with a drink. “If you need more, retur
n and help yourself. My grandma thrives on keeper her larder full of food, always has plenty for those who might visit.”

  “Thank you, my lady.” With a quick bow to her and then to Marie, he slipped outside with his food and shut the door behind himself.

  Ella squeezed Duncan’s shoulder as she sat, then nudged his tankard closer. “Drink.”

  A compelled command and he sipped his mulled cider, the delectable brew sliding down his parched throat. He licked his lips, the drink both apple-sweet and cinnamon-spicy, but there was something else.”

  “’Tis delicious, dinnae you think?” Under the table, Ella stroked his leg, her fingers sliding around his inner thigh and moving perilously close to his cock which once again ached for more of her touch. “Grandma adds a secret ingredient to the apple cider, one I’m afraid she’ll never spill the details about, although Mama knows exactly how to make it too. Unfortunately, I’ve never learnt.”

  “Then your kin will need to visit us at Ardan House and ensure the barrels are filled with this brew.”

  “They’d like that.” Smiling, she looked deeper into his eyes.

  “We certainly would.” Ewen rose from his rocking chair and settled on the bench seat next to Marie. He slathered a crusty slice of bread with honey and folded it in two, his curious gaze on him. “Tell us all about yourself, yet only speak the secrets you truly wish to.”

  “My twin brother and I both hold fae blood.” The words passed his lips easily.

  “You can trust us, son, just as you trust your mate. No’ a word you speak of this day shall leave our lips.” A firm from Ewen.

  Son? The term rang with endearment, one his father had never even issued with him.

  “My mother’s name was Beth and many years ago she journeyed from the fae village to my father’s keep.” He’d share it all. “At the time Colin MacKenzie desired fae blood flowing within his direct line, but with his betrothal agreement already signed with the daughter of his neighboring clan’s chief, his hope to fulfil that desire remained beyond his reach. Or at least until he caught sight of Beth and chose a rather devious path. He spoke handfast vows with her then once she’d conceived, he had her locked within his chamber and none permitted entry other than one single maid.”

  Ella leaned into his side, rubbed her cheek against his arm.

  He slid his dirk free, cut two slices from the loaf and laid them on their plate. After adding meat and cheese to each slice, he lifted one to Ella’s lips and ensured she took a bite. Looking into her eyes, he murmured, “I wish my mother had never perished in order to give Coll and I life, wish she’d been there to raise us, to teach us all about our Matheson kin, but that was never to be.”

  “She might no’ have been given that chance, but her spirit still lives on in you and Coll, and now we’re wed, I will surely be here to teach you all you wish to know about your Matheson kin. My grandparents will too. Mama and Ethan as well. You need never be alone again.”

  “I dinnae know what I did to deserve you.” Cupping her cheek, he pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “You’re my husband, my mate.” She smiled, the gold flecks rimming her brown eyes lighting with such stunning brilliance. “The only one who’ll ever hold the other half of my soul.”

  “I wish to wed you proper.”

  “I wouldnae mind that either.” Her grin widened.

  “Here, here,” Ewen cheered and Marie clapped. “Duncan, you and your brother are our kin. Never forget that.”

  “Thank you.” Their welcome was one he embraced with all his heart.

  Chapter 10

  “You’re supposed to be resting so we can leave once you have.” At the edge of the meadow where the late afternoon sunshine beamed through the leaves and sprinkled over the ground, Ella unpegged the clothes from the line.

  “I thought we agreed I would, provided you laid down with me.” Duncan’s billowy white tunic, untucked under his tan leather vest studded with steel, lifted in the brisk breeze and gave a delicious glimpse of the twin lines of roped muscle rippling either side of his abs. She wanted to run her hands over his exposed flesh then loosen the ties of his tan rawhide pants which clung to his trim hips and shimmy them down his legs.

  Instead, she sighed and continued unpegging the clothes. “You’ll never get any rest if I join you in bed. Once I’ve brought Grandma’s washing in, I’ll take a nap in their chamber since I could still use a little more sleep.”

  “I’m a man starved for his wife. Have mercy on me.” He caught her around the waist, lifted her off her feet and held her flush against him, her toes dangling an inch from the ground.

  “Put me down, Duncan.” Giggling, she swatted his arm. “And I believe I quenched your thirst upon your arrival.”

  “You didnae quench it nearly enough for my liking.” He twirled her around behind the closest tree then pressed her against the wide trunk and thankfully out of sight of Ivor patrolling the far side of the meadow. Leaning in, he caged her in place, his palms lying flat against the rough bark either side of her head. “I’m in love with my wife, want her with a desperate desire that willnae be abated.”

  “I’m in love with you too, but I need you to be at your clearest of mind as we travel to Dunscaith. Only adequate rest will ensure that.” She jabbed a finger into his chest, tried to give him her sternest look but only failed terribly. “Sheer exhaustion isnae permitted.”

  “Sheer exhaustion sounds divine, particularly if offered at your hands.” Sweetly sensual words whispered in her ear, his breath fluttering strands of her loose hair.

  “Goodness, what am I going to do with you?” She snuck her fingers under the flapping hem of his tunic and stroked over his sides.

  “Keep touching me and we’ll see.” He stroked one finger along the low neckline of her gown.

  “All I want to do is keep you close.” She played with one of his pant ties while overhead, a bird squawked then landed in the canopy and hopped into its nest. All around her the scents of the forest swirled, bringing with it the fresh aroma of pine mixed with the dampness of the earth, although Duncan’s deliciously warm and spicy scent stamped itself over it all.

  “I will always long for you, Ella.” His deep voice rumbled with hunger, his blue eyes darkening with lust.

  She melted against him, her legs all wobbly. All she wanted to do was rip his clothes from him and topple him to the forest floor. “You’ve stolen my heart, Duncan MacKenzie, and I never wish for you to hand it back.”

  “You have mine as well.” Breathing raggedly, he brushed her cheeks with the backs of his hands. “Do you want me right now, the same way I want you?”

  “Aye, but we arenae alone out here. Ivor is close.” She rubbed against the heat of his formidably muscled body. Never could she ever deny him what he truly wished for, and right now that appeared to be her.

  “There is naught more precious than this mated bond and the depth it grows between us.” He bent his head, trailed kisses along her jaw then when he reached her ear, sucked her lobe into his mouth.

  “Well, well, who do we have here?” In a black war coat glinting with studded steel, Gavin MacDonald stepped out from behind a tree. Heavily armed and fully prepared for battle, his claymore sat snugly in his fisted hand while daggers shone from both his wrists. “You spoke of a bond, MacKenzie, the mated bond of the fae I take it? Only how is it such a bond could have formed between the two of you. She’s a Matheson and you’re a MacKenzie.”

  “How one formed is of no concern of yours.” Growling under his breath, Duncan left her behind and advanced on Gavin.

  “Yet I am intrigued all the same.” Gavin charged forward and Duncan slid his sword free and thrust high. Their two blades crashed together, steel slamming hard into steel and the resounding clang echoed all around. “Did you come by way of it through your mother’s line or your father’s line, I wonder?”

  “Again, ’tis of no concern of yours.”

  Across the meadow the roar of two warriors meeting he
ad on boomed toward Ella and she ducked around the tree and clutched her chest. Ivor swung his sword at another MacDonald and the chickens roaming freely near the henhouse squawked and flapped out of the way.

  Nay. She had to halt this fight right—

  “You’re coming with me.” A hand clamped around her mouth and one of Gavin’s men hauled her farther away from Duncan and shoved her up against a trunk. Her head hit hard and black dots hazed her vision. She fought to clear her muddled thoughts. She had to get Duncan’s attention, and she definitely needed to free herself, use her voice to halt this coming battle. Never would she allow blood to be shed here this day.

  “My men and I will dispatch both you and your guardsman.” Gavin spat at Duncan’s feet then slashed again, the two men barely visible through the trees. “Then I’ll gather an even larger fighting force and sail for Ardan House. I shall take your holding for myself since you willnae be there to halt me.”

  “You go too far.” Duncan twirled as another of Gavin’s warriors bounded out and came in on the other side of him. The three fought, Duncan meeting first Gavin’s blow then swinging at the other warrior.

  Her captor dragged her ever deeper into the woods and away. She thrashed and tried to scream, but her shout was naught more than a feeble mumble against his meaty palm.

  A fierce roar reverberated and she just caught a glimpse of Ivor jumping over low scrub and skidding in beside Duncan before she was hauled behind several thick bushes. At least her mate now had aid.

  “Ella!” Duncan’s bellow cut through the forest and sent birds cackling and soaring high into the sky.

  She tried to call out, to fight the thug who’d taken her, but he pinned her to the ground and dropped down on top of her. His fetid breath washed over her, his hand still firm on her mouth as he flipped her skirts. He freed his cock from his pants, grasped his stiff shaft and she writhed, tried desperately to kick him where it ought to hurt.


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