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Wolf Me Baby

Page 9

by KB Winters

  Aleksis turned to glance back at him. “No. I definitely like her better.” She turned and Kayla and I exchanged amused looks. Aleksis walked up to Kayla and linked an arm through one of hers. It was almost as if the two of them were sisters with their equally golden-hued locks. “Now tell me everything about the future husband.”

  I shook my head in amusement as Kayla and Aleksis walked slowly away. When I felt a hand slide into mine, I looked over to see Nicholas’ equally amused expression. “Your sister seems like a handful.”

  He snorted. “You have no idea.” We followed after the duo and I couldn’t help but admire the rest of the restaurant’s décor.

  “Your sister really decorated all this?”

  “Yes. As much as it sometimes pains me to say, she has excellent taste,” Nicholas replied, his lips twisting into a half smile. “When she graduated high school, she went straight to culinary school over on the East Coast and then studied in Italy for a year. Our parents were pretty upset she didn’t want to take over the family business so they cut her off.”

  I blinked in surprise. “Wow. They didn’t support her being a chef?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I’d already gone my own way as did my older brother, so Aleksis was kind of their last shot at having one of us take over the business. When she declined, I guess they’d had enough. Our parents are kind of…important…in our own community. It was a scandal for a while there. Shifters tend to have a pretty long life span though, so I’m sure they’re planning to foist the responsibility off on one of the future grandchildren.”

  I blinked. This was news to me. “When you say long life spans, what do you—”


  I felt Nicholas tense beside me at the sound of a new voice. I looked up at him in concern, but his gaze wasn’t focused on me.

  “Oh fuck.” Aleksis’ words were enough to make me turn to follow his gaze until it fell on a woman I’d never seen before.

  Her hair was as dark as my own, but where mine hung down straight and—in my opinion—limp, hers was thick and wavy with a sheen that I could only dream of. Her eyes were a clear blue and her lips were highlighted with a deep maroon tint. She had pale skin, but flawless, like churned milk and her tall frame had curves I could never even hope to achieve. She was everything I ever wanted to be—an upgraded version of darkly beautiful.

  Nicholas’ grip on my hand tightened until it bordered on painful. He turned to glare at Aleksis. “What the hell?”

  She put her hands up and ducked her head slightly. “Don’t look at me. I did not know she was here or even invited.”

  I looked over at Kayla who seemed to be as confused as I was. “Is there a problem?” she asked. Her voice was quiet and I realized we were near the long table where we’d be sitting. A quick glance over showed most of the guests already seated with some of them glancing over at us in confusion.

  “No problem,” Nicholas bit out. He looked quickly at Kayla and gave her a small smile that did not reach his eyes. “I didn’t realize you knew the Donovan’s.” He tilted his head over at the other woman. “Rebecca and I were…friends.”

  The way he said it made it abundantly clear that the two of them hadn’t been just friends. Kayla glanced at me quickly before looking back at Nicholas. “I…didn’t know that. She’s Ben’s cousin, that’s why she’s here.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh.” This was a new development that I wasn’t sure I liked, but I also didn’t want to make things any more awkward than they already were. I looked over at Rebecca and fixed a smile on my face. “It’s nice to meet you, Rebecca.”

  She smiled and nodded at me. “Likewise. I heard Nicholas had a girlfriend, but I didn’t realize it was someone so…normal.”

  Nicholas went from being still, to almost vibrating and I swear I could hear him growling under his breath. Aleksis’ eyes narrowed as she looked at Rebecca, and I knew right then that Rebecca had to be a shifter.

  And the question remained…who was she to Nicholas?

  Chapter Seven

  “I’m sorry.”

  I let the sound of Nicholas’ apology wash over me, but I didn’t otherwise acknowledge it. I was still swimming in my own sea of insecurity after an abrupt start to dinner. Not only had I met Nicholas’ sister, I’d also met what had to be an ex-girlfriend of his who was definitely a step up to me in the looks department. I hadn’t even had the chance to freak out about seeing my own ex, Zack, at the other end of the table.

  I wanted to hide behind Kayla like I used to hide behind my mother’s dresses, but I knew I couldn’t. I needed to be strong and show my asshole ex that I was not holed up somewhere pining for his love, and I needed to show Nicholas’ ex that her comment about me being normal hadn’t affected me either.

  “Are you okay?”

  I looked over at Nicholas. He leaned in close shielding both of our exes from view. His eyes were serious as if he wouldn’t hesitate to protect me. How did I manage to get lucky enough to have someone like him in my corner? It was almost as unbelievable as some of the plot lines I put in my novels, but it was real life, especially considering how unattractive I felt after seeing Rebecca.

  “We can leave if you need to,” he continued, breaking me from my musings. “I know Kayla would understand if you needed to leave and I have no problem explaining it to—”

  “No,” I replied cutting him off. I smiled and put my hand on his thigh. “I’m okay; really. I don’t want to ruin the night for Kayla. She is already stressed out enough as it is.”

  “I think she’d understand. I mean, she seemed to feel as awkward about everything as we did, and Aleksis ran out of here faster than I’ve ever seen her move in any form.”

  I nodded. “She would, but I still don’t want to even put her in that position. It’s only tonight and tomorrow that I have to be around Zack and then after that I won’t have to see him again. If I do, I’ll be thin, attractive and completely unaffected by his presence.”

  Nicholas put a hand on top of my own pressing it softly into his thigh. “You already are attractive, River, and while you might not be model skinny, your curves are warm and more than a little enticing.” His eyes shifted and his gaze slid down to my lips. “I can hardly bring myself to keep my hands off you as it is.” He said it so flippantly as if he had no doubt it was true.

  I swallowed thickly and glanced around the table. A few of the other women were looking at us—some with confusion and others with more than a little envy. Most people were laughing and talking to the other guests and completely oblivious to the way my breathing had sped up with Nicholas’ words.

  “Let them see.”

  “What?” I brought my gaze back to him. His eyes had left my lips and were now locked onto my own. “Let them see what?”

  “How much you own me.” His hand squeezed mine tightly. I could feel the muscles of his thigh tensing and releasing as if he were holding himself back from something. “You’re the most enchanting woman I’ve ever met and not just for your looks, but for your mind. You are smart and quick. You could probably think circles around any of these other women and not even break a sweat.” He brought our hands up then and my breath stuttered to a halt. He dipped his head down and brushed his lips across the back of my hand. “You’re beautiful and you’re good. Any man who could willingly give you up is a fool.”

  I breathed out a sigh and let my lips curl up in a small smile. “Nicholas…” My voice trailed off as I gazed at him. What could I say to that? I had no words. If not for the sound of glass being flicked, I would have gladly sat there staring at him for hours. As it was, he brushed his lips again over my knuckles before drawing my hand back to rest on his thigh.

  “I think they are going to do the toast now,” he said with a pleased looking smile. I licked my lips before turning to look at the head of the table just in time to hear the tinkling of glass sound off again. Zack was standing, and though it still pained me, I forced myself to look at him. The warmth of Nichola
s’ hand was comforting as well and gave me the strength I needed to not wince when Zack’s gaze landed on me. Other than a slight widening, he didn’t show any other recognition. That burned—but I forced myself to be calm.

  “As you all know, we are here to celebrate the marriage of two amazing people,” he said with a smile. Despite the fact that I could objectively say he was handsome, I felt no other need to pay him any attention. He’d seen me, and didn’t even look like he regretted letting me go. The closure I’d been looking for would never happen, and I was a fool for thinking it ever would.

  I let my mind wander while he continued to speak, and instead, focused on Kayla. Her joy was palpable and the look of love that she and Benjamin shared was inspiring. When everyone lifted their champagne flutes to toast, I mechanically did the same. Still, as the minutes flew by, I felt the need to get away from the table for a moment just so I could breathe. I stood up from my chair and placed a hand on Nicholas shoulder to halt him when he moved to follow.

  “I’m okay,” I said with a smile. “I just need to use the ladies’ room to touch up my makeup a bit.” He didn’t look totally convinced, but nodded and relaxed back into his chair. I picked up my purse from the table and nodded at the others before turning in the direction of the doorway. The conversation was still going on around me as I walked through the door. My eyes readjusted to the soft lighting in the main dining hall as I scanned the room.

  “Looking for the bathroom?”

  I jumped at Aleksis’ voice coming from right beside me. I turned my head and rolled my eyes at her gleeful expression. “You and Nicholas are the worst. I’m going to have to get bells for you two just to hear you coming.”

  She giggled. “Our mom used to say the same thing when we were kids.”

  “Poor woman,” I replied with a much more genuine smile. “Hey, which way is the bathroom?”

  She smiled widely at me and pointed to her left. “Head straight back and take a right when you get past the curtains.”

  “Thanks.” I started to head in the direction she’d pointed.

  “You’re good for him.”

  I paused abruptly at her words. “What?” I turned again to glance at her over my shoulder. Her smile had turned less wicked and fonder.

  “Nicholas,” she replied. “He’s always really serious, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders, but I’ve noticed a change in him over the past couple weeks. He smiles more and smells more content. You’re good for him.”

  My heartbeat sped up at her words. “I don’t think it was anything special that I did.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “You’re right, it’s nothing you did. It’s just you.”

  I swallowed thickly—my tongue feeling three sizes too big. I couldn’t think of anything to say in response to her claim. Was I making Nicholas happier? I knew he’d enjoyed sleeping with me, but I didn’t know about him being happy just because of my existence. My focus turned outward again when I felt her small hand push my back.

  “Go to the restroom. Don’t leave my big brother waiting. He’s probably missing you already.” Aleksis gave me another wide smile before turning and walking away. I turned back and continued on my path to the ladies’ room. I was in shock at the matter-of-factness of her words. Surely, she was mistaken?

  I entered the bathroom and shuffled over to the sink mirror. Looking into it, I saw nothing extraordinary about my reflection. I was the same Plain-Jane that I’d always been. My eyes didn’t sparkle and I didn’t appear any more attractive than normal. My makeup looked nice for sure and the dress hugged my ass nicely, but I was no raging beauty. I was just…me. With that last thought, I shook my head and turned away to enter one of the stalls.

  “Wow, she definitely knows how to decorate,” I said to myself as I took in the décor. The stall walls went all the way to the floor lending it an air of privacy. The door itself was also a real door and the knob was translucent with gold trim around it. I briefly wondered how much it could have cost to do all of this, and I resolved to try to subtly ask Aleksis about it when I saw her again. I doubted that I’d have anywhere near her budget, but it was always fun to bounce décor ideas off someone else and the restaurant was impeccably furnished.

  I finished my business quickly and enjoyed the lavender scent of the soap provided. With one last glance at my makeup and hair, I steeled myself to get through the rest of this rehearsal dinner without worrying about anything. It was Kayla’s day and I refused to make her feel anything other than happiness and excitement about it. I was her best friend, and that was the least I could do for her. I pulled open the restroom door and stepped out. I wasn’t expecting the door to the men’s room to open at the same time and startle me.

  “Oh, excuse me…” My voice trailed off when I saw Rebecca and Nicholas. His face was flushed which is the only thing I took in before I turned away and moved swiftly out of the enclave.


  I ignored his shout as my heart beat frantically. All I could hear was the pulse of blood rushing through my ears. How stupid could I have been to think I belonged here? I wound through the guest tables gunning for the exit. I couldn’t handle going back into the rehearsal room, not even for Kayla—not for anybody.

  “Hey! Did you find the—” Aleksis’ voice cut off as she saw me, but I refused to slow down. I caught a flash of her confused expression as I breezed by her. When I finally reached the outside, I took in a large gulp of air and bit down on the sob that threatened to undo me. I had to hold it in until I could get home and fall apart.


  With a jolt, I propelled myself forward thanking whoever would listen that I’d brought my purse with me. I was regretting now the fact that I’d ridden with Nicholas, but I knew that if I could get to the next street over, I’d probably find a cab or an Uber to get home.

  “Why are you being like this, River?”

  I didn’t slow down. I knew if I stopped moving away, I would no doubt crumple into a heap at the thought of what I’d just seen. It had never been more apparent that I just did not belong by Nicholas’ side until now.

  “River, just stop.” A hand gripped my wrist halting my motion. I didn’t turn around. I held myself tense in preparation for a fight. “Will you please just look at me?”

  “I can’t,” I answered finally, cursing at the meek quality of my voice. I didn’t want to be this way—this heartbroken girl again, but I just couldn’t bring myself to be angry or to lash out at him.

  “Why not?” Nicholas’ grip held me fast, but he didn’t pull me to face him and for that small gesture I was glad. Looking at him would have destroyed the tenuous hold I had on the tears that threatened to fall.

  “Because there is nothing for me to say.” I swallowed against the lump in my throat at the knowledge of what I had to do. “You and I were never meant to be together; I can see that now.”

  “How can you say that?” I felt him shift to the side of me and I turned my head the other way to keep him from my gaze. “Why won’t you just look at me?”

  “Because if I look at you I won’t be able to do what needs to be done, and it has to. You aren’t…we aren’t compatible, Nicholas. You come from a world that I was never meant to know about. Nothing in my life could have ever prepared me for meeting someone like you.”

  “Someone like me?” His voice was pitched low with a thread of hurt that I instantly wanted to soothe. I opened my mouth to follow, but no sound came out. As much as I hurt to think of what I saw, I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him by implying he was anything less than human.

  “It’s not about you being a shifter, Nicholas,” I answered truthfully. “It’s about you being promised to another girl. It’s about you breaking the very thing that keeps your secret safe for someone like me.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he hissed. He moved quicker than I could follow his hands darting up and cupping my cheeks before I could even gasp in surprise. His crimson gaze seemed to glo
w as he glared into my eyes. “Scream at me—call me a monster if you must, but don’t you dare imply that you are anything other than perfect for me.”

  “Nicholas,” I whispered in shock. My nerves were fraying with each moment I looked at his earnest face.

  “Yeah, I was promised to another.” I closed my eyes against his words. “But it’s not how you think.”

  “How could it not be how I think, Nicholas?” I clenched my hands into fists at my side as I fought against the need to grip him tightly.

  “Because it happened when I was young—my balls hadn’t even dropped yet. It was before I knew my dick was for more than just pissing. I had no choice thanks to two families who decided that a union of power meant more than the happiness and well-being of their children—”

  “But you two dated,” I said interrupting him. I opened my eyes slowly. “You dated and fell in love with her even after learning all of that.”

  “No,” he said resolutely. “We dated yes, but I never loved her—not even close.”

  “I don’t understand.” I shook my head within his grip. “How could you not love someone as beautiful and successful as her?”

  “Because I yearned for something more out of life. I always felt there was someone out there—someone meant just for me. My wolf knew it too which is why he was never settled around her, but with you,” he said, his voice growing quiet. One of his hands slip up until his fingers were sliding through my hair. I couldn’t help my sigh of pleasure at feeling his strong hand touching me so gently as if I were something precious.

  “With me?” I asked, my voice equally as soft.

  “With you, my wolf is content. With you, I feel complete.”

  I parted my lips on a sigh and this time I didn’t flinch when his lips brushed against mine. I brought my hands up finally to grip at his lower back.

  “I don’t understand this feeling you have,” I answered truthfully. “I don’t completely understand this feeling I have. I’ve felt love before—I’ve been in love before, but it was never like this.”


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