Wolf Me Baby

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Wolf Me Baby Page 11

by KB Winters

  “Would you like to come to my apartment?”

  My eyes snapped open at Nicholas’ question. I looked over at him in surprise and saw his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. “Are you sure? Aren’t wolf dens like super special and private?”

  He chuckled and looked over at me. “Wolf dens? Please don’t tell me you put that in your books.”

  I flushed scarlet. “Maybe. It’s not like I had a subject expert to consult.”

  “Right,” he said. He moved his right hand and placed it on my leg. “Sorry for laughing. To answer your question, no I do not have a wolf den, but I do have a condo that I love. I’d love it even more if you were in it.”

  I pursed my lips trying not to smile. “I suppose since you asked so nicely.” His laugh made me smile and I felt some of the previous boldness creeping into my mind. “Do you mind if I ask you some other wolf shifter related questions?” I placed my hand on his leg in a mirror of his.

  “Sure, as long as you don’t want to know what can kill us.”

  “I’d assume the same thing that can kill everyone else, but that’s not even remotely close to a question I want to ask.”

  “Okay,” Nicholas said. He turned on his signal light and merged into traffic. “Shoot. Ask me whatever it is you want to know.”

  “Great. So, question number one. Are shifter men hairier than regular men?”

  “Yes and no? I think it depends on the guy for sure, at least when in human form. It might depend on the type of shifter though. I’m only really familiar with wolf shifters.” He glanced over at me. “Do you like really hairy men?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t care either way. That is interesting though. I didn’t know there were different types of shifters. Anyway, question number two. Do you have a knot?”

  The car jerked when Nicholas did, and I had a moment when my heart stopped at the thought of us crashing. “What the hell? Why would you think I have a knot?”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of me. “I read it in another author’s book about werewolves and apparently real wolves and dogs have them so I thought I’d ask.”

  “I think you would have noticed a bulbous growth on my cock after last night,” Nicholas said smiling at me.

  “Do you have one in your wolf form?”

  “No, I—you know…I’m not actually sure,” he said in awe. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I quickly raised my hands up.

  “Oh no. I am so not checking your junk while you’re getting wolfy with it. As much as I enjoy your human form, bestiality is so not my forte.”

  He laughed and I was momentarily glad that I’d amused rather than insulted him. I was still trying to figure out where the line was in regards to acknowledging his wolf and its place in our budding relationship.

  “Don’t worry. Although I talk about my wolf as if he is a second part of me, the truth is you can’t separate me and the wolf. He is me and I am him. The man doesn’t go away when he changes to wolf and the wolf doesn’t go away when I’m human either.”

  I gulped. “So you are always a predator.”

  His eyes flashed crimson when he glanced over at me. “Absolutely.”

  “What do I smell like to you right now,” I blurted out. My body had tightened at his words. I swore I was developing a Pavlovian response to him flashing his eyes at me. It turned me on quicker than ever.

  “Sex,” he hissed. “You smell like you’re so wet for me.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. He was right of course. I was wet. Still, there was something I wanted first. I just needed to work up my courage enough to go after it. We drove in silence for a while. Seconds and minutes ticked by as I concentrated on the warmth of his muscular thigh underneath my hand. A buzzing feeling similar to what I’d felt earlier was slowly building beneath my skin and I squeezed lightly just to feel the strength of Nicholas’ thigh. It was as if his slacks weren’t even there. The heat radiating upward burned like fire and I felt like it seeped into me from our point of contact. I couldn’t help but lick my lips as I glanced at his lap. I knew what lay there, a thick molten prize that I wanted inside of me. I moved my hand until I could gently brush my fingers back and forth against his inner thigh.

  “River,” Nicholas said with a smile. I ignored him and continued sliding my fingers in random patterns across his skin. The shiver I was rewarded with gave me a heady feeling. I loved that I could affect him so much and I had no plans of stopping.

  I’d always wanted to do what I had in mind—giving a blow job in a car. Maybe it was a latent exhibitionist desire of mine. All I knew was that I wanted to give in to it right now. I heard Nicholas inhale sharply through his nose, but his focus, save a glance or two at me, remained steadfastly on the road. I was fine with that. I simply slid my hand up higher on his thigh until I could feel the telltale hardness of his cock. This time, Nicholas took a shuddering breath through clenched teeth as if determined to ignore my actions. I withdrew my hand and unbuckled my seatbelt.

  “What are you doing?”

  I ignored his question in favor of turning towards him and leaning over until my head was comfortably in his lap. The gear shift was a little uncomfortable where it was digging in my side, but the warmth of his thigh underneath my chin and the manly smell of his skin more than made up for any discomfort. Without bothering to answer him, I leaned forward and mouthed at Nicholas’ thick cock through his trousers.

  “Fuck,” he hissed. I ran my teeth lightly around the outline of his cock when he looked down at me. His eyes seemed to glow slightly pink in the dark and with each pass of car lights, they lit up the way most animals did. While I thought it was interesting, it wasn’t as interesting as driving him crazy, so I focused back on the task at hand. I blew out cool air over his now damp crotch and almost giggled when the car jerked.

  “Fuck, you are going to be the death of us both.”

  “But what a way to go,” I said cheekily before leaning back in and rubbing my chin gently against him. His cock pulsed and I brought one hand up to unbutton his slacks so I could truly taste my prize. It wasn’t as easy as people make it out to be, and with only one hand I could barely get the force I needed to pull down the zipper. I heard Nicholas groan before two hands came down and finished unzipping his pants. I looked up at his needy expression with a smile.

  “Such a gentleman,” I crooned. I put my hand back down. “Are you going to help feed it to me too?” I pitched my voice deceptively sweet, and I knew from the way his thigh muscles tensed that it had done the trick. One of his hands came down on the back of my neck while the other descended again dipping into the open vee of his trousers and pulled his thick cock from beneath his black briefs. His smell was intoxicating and my mouth watered from needing to taste him.

  I slowly licked my lips again as my gaze zeroed in on him. The hand that was at my neck squeezed lightly before guiding my head gently towards him. While I appreciated his need to be gentle with me, it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted rough. I wanted hair pulling. I wanted to feel the push of his cock against my tongue, and I wanted to feel the phantom thickness of him in my throat every time I swallowed.

  “Don’t be so gentle.”

  He groaned roughly at my words and when I looked up from the corner of my eye, I could see that his eyes had once again turned crimson. I parted my lips on a moan and waited expectantly for him to give me what I wanted. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait too long. When I felt the brush of his slippery head against my lips, I parted them wider and curled them around my teeth. Slowly but steadily Nicholas fed the length of his cock into my mouth. The warmth of it had me moaning until I was too full to do even that. The weight of it on my tongue was heavy and the uncompromising hardness made me want to draw down further until I was choking on it. Something inside of me wanted to consume Nicholas, and I set out to make him forget anything or anyone who came before.

  The want inside of me was almost frightening with how absolute it was. When his cock sli
d back out from between my lips, I whined and when it slid back in I sighed with relief. His hand on the back of my neck slid up and into my hair as he slid me on and off his cock. I swallowed around him, loving how wet I got him. My legs pressed together as a bolt of heat hit me at my core.

  “Fuck, look at you,” he said with a groan. “You look so sweet and innocent, but really you just want my fucking cock in you, don’t you, baby?”

  I whined in my throat and tried to nod. I couldn’t believe he was still driving, and I resolved to push things even further—so, I hummed. Right there on his cock.

  “Jesus!” Nicholas shouted. His hips jerked up unexpectedly making me gag, but I kept going. I slid my lips down a little further until the head of his cock tickled my throat. I had to fight down my gag reflex, but I loved every second of it. Tears started to prick at my eyes and I wasn’t sure if it was because of my effort with sucking his cock or from the sheer amount of want that flowed through my body. Never had I ever wanted to suck someone’s cock so badly. I’d always been partial to spitting, but now, I found myself wanting to taste him and feel him coating my tongue.

  Nicholas’ hand tightened in my hair as if he knew everything I was feeling and thinking. It was a punch in the gut to realize there was someone who wanted me as much as I wanted him, and I began to rub my legs together in order to get some relief for the building ache between my thighs. I let the hand in my hair handle the rhythm, and instead, concentrated of keeping my teeth from bringing things to an abrupt end. The slick slurping sounds were obscenely loud and drowned out the sounds of any cars passing us by. I don’t know how long I floated there nursing heavily on his cock, but I knew that I’d never been happier. Then Nicholas’ mouth seemed to catch up with his thoughts.

  “You look so fucking good like this,” he gasped. “Your lips are stretched out so wide around my cock. I just want to come down your throat and mark you so everyone knows you’re mine.”

  I groaned at the thought of everyone else knowing he’d claimed me. The sound was distorted thanks to the stretch of his thick cock. It wasn’t a dainty sound—it was filthy and spoke of my need to be filled until there was nothing left.

  “Shit, you suck my cock so well.” Nicholas grunted. His hips were now moving upwards in small jerks as if he were trying to control himself. I didn’t want that—I didn’t want him in control of his urges. I wanted him wild and rough. I wanted him to lose control and scream out his pleasure so that everyone would know I’d given it to him.

  My body was on fire and I found myself keening with each thrust of his cock. My own body jerk in sympathy as our movements grew frenzied. I could hear Nicholas’ breaths coming out in short bursts as the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. I hummed loudly sending multiple vibrations onto his cock.

  “River,” he gasped above me as his hips pressed up. The hand in my hair gripped tighter until it was almost painful and it sent another bolt of arousal through my turned on body. Suddenly, Nicholas let out a hoarse cry and his cock twitched in my mouth before shooting out a flood of warmth. I groaned at how hot it felt, but opened my throat letting it slide down inside of me. My mind was desperately screaming out, ‘I love you’ as my body was caught up in the pleasure. Unbelievably, I felt my own body on the edge of coming, untouched, and I squeezed my eyes shut and furiously rubbed my upper thighs together.


  The sound of that whispered word and the final jerk of his hand in my hair was like setting off a spark, and I screamed around his still pulsating cock as my cunt clenched and released throwing me into an unforgettable climax. Sparks shot out from behind my eyelids, and I was barely aware of Nicholas’ softening cock as it slipped from my mouth. My jaw was wonderfully sore and my body was still twitching as I came down from my own high.

  I’d never experienced such pleasure before and I knew then that I was ruined. Lying in Nicholas’ lap with my tongue still coated in his jizz and my own juices probably staining the back of my dress, I realized I needed to find a way to make Nicholas mine, permanently.

  We pulled up to my house and I moved over, wondering if the wetness between my thighs had made a mess on his car seat. Was that something that could easily come out of upholstered fabric? I didn’t know, but I did note the slight flaring of Nicholas’ nostrils after my motion. The signs of him being something other than purely human were there, now that I knew what to look for.

  I could recall quite a few times of him doing the same thing when we were exercising and now I knew the flaring of his nostrils was him smelling me. It was definitely sexy to know how much he liked my scent. It wasn’t something I’d spent any time worrying about before. Of course, I showered daily, but I never bothered with perfume unless for a special occasion. I still had the last bottle of perfume Kayla had given me from two years ago. She’d always joked that I didn’t need perfume, but I could admit I just didn’t think much about it. It wasn’t as if I had an abundance of date requests anyway and neither my editor nor my agent cared about what I smelled like unless I was having a book signing. For them, it was all about the deadlines and I liked it that way.

  “I’m sorry about tonight.”

  I brought my attention back to Nicholas. His head was turned and he was looking at me with guilt clear in his eyes. I had the sudden image of a white wolf hunched over with its tail between its legs in supplication. “For what?”

  “For not telling you about my fiancée, and for even allowing myself to get stuck in a situation with her that would make you doubt my feelings for you.”

  Feelings? I thought to myself. I didn’t say it out loud though. Instead I said, “It’s okay. You had to meet my ex as well and at one point I did think I was going to marry him, so I suppose we’re even.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Oh? You really were thinking of marrying the private school, popped-collar style reject?”

  I choked out a laugh at his description at Zack, mostly because it was so completely accurate. Zack had always been what we called a ‘prep’ whereas I was far more casual in my skinny jeans or sweatpants. Sometimes I’d wondered if we were too mis-matched, though now I supposed the answer to that was more than obvious.

  “Seriously,” Nicholas continued. “What did you see in him?” He reached over and brushed the back of his hand over my cheek. Just that simple touch made me shiver and he continued as if he was afraid he’d offended me with his question. “No pressure. If you don’t want to talk about it then you, of course, don’t have to.”

  I reached up and caught his hand in mine with a smile. “It’s fine, of course you can ask.” I angled his hand more until it cupped my cheek and pressed into it. “I suppose I found him charming in an arrogant type of way. I liked that he was secure in himself since I was so not secure in myself. I mean, things weren’t perfect and sometimes he did act like a spoiled brat, but I figured most guys were like that.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he said with a snort. My smile turned into a smirk as I pinned him with my gaze.

  “I’m sure if I called up Aleksis she could probably tell me lots of stories about you being a brat.”

  “Well sure, when we were kids.” He swallowed when I continued to steadily look at him. “What? I mean, I suppose I have my moments that could be considered…immature.”

  “Mmhmm,” I hummed. I turned my head to nuzzle my lips against his palm. The sound of his breath hitching gave me pleasure, and I did it again when his fingers flexed in my grip.

  “Seriously. I’m as responsible as they come, and I definitely don’t walk around with a stick up my ass thinking the world owes me something.”

  “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel about Zack?” I joked. I brushed a soft kiss over his palm before bringing his hand down into my lap. When I looked back at his eyes, his expression looked glazed and his lips were parted open a little. I was having so much fun that I decided to push him a bit more. “I will say he was pretty good in bed though. He was still rather arrogant and a
t times I’d had to remind him that I needed pleasure too and guide him to where I ached.” I brushed my other hand across the bottom of my short dress. “Still, sometimes after I’d have to pleasure myself just to stop the buzzing need that was so close underneath my skin.”

  “If he were half the man he thought he was, your pleasure would’ve come first and foremost.” His words were strangled and I swore I could see the glint of two long teeth between his lips. Nicholas’ eyes were fastened down to my lap where I was still brushing the fingers of my free hand across the fabric of my dress. The sound of skin and fabric rubbing together was shockingly loud in the otherwise silent car.

  “Oh?” I asked coyly. I shifted my legs again feeling the slick stickiness that I’d definitely need to clean off before getting into bed. “All men aren’t like that?”

  His gaze traveled like a caress up my body, and I could feel my nipples harden beneath the thick fabric of my bra. “No.” His eyes looked pinkish in the weak light of the streetlamp outside of my car window.

  “Hmm, okay.” My clipped answer seemed to catch him off guard and I used his slack expression of surprise against him. I pulled my hand from his and quickly reached for the door handle. “That’s good to know.” I opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car.

  “Wait, what?” I heard Nicholas call behind me. The sound of his door quickly opening and shutting made me smirk. I turned my head to look at him as he came around the front of the car.


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