Wolf Me Baby

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Wolf Me Baby Page 17

by KB Winters

  I breathed deeply to pull in some much needed air into my lungs. The feelings running through me were like molten lava—hot and thick—threatening to pull me back under.

  I was hot under the weight of Nicholas’ muscular frame, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. On the contrary, it was too comfortable and I knew if I didn’t push him away it would be hours before I’d be up again. “We should stop,” I panted out. My voice was breathy and rough as if sandpaper had been dragged relentlessly across my throat. Thankfully, I could see Nicholas struggling as well, and I knew if it were bad for me, it had to be even worse from him. I contemplated asking him what we smelled like then, and though it might lead to even more pleasurable activities, we needed to leave the cocoon of this room and rejoin the wedding party.

  “Good breaks,” he chuckled as he moved on top of me. He put a hand by my head and fluidly pushed himself up without even a grunt. I’d never get over that—the ease at which he moved. It was like gravity had no hold over him. Halfway between sitting up, he cocked his head as if listening to something.

  “What is it?” I asked, turning to look at the closed door. “Is someone out there?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. They’re gearing up to start the ceremony.”

  I sat up quickly, patting my hair and hoping it wasn’t too much out of place. “I need to get out there then.” I had to swallow against the sharp bolt of desire that ran through me when Nicholas slid gracefully from between my thighs. His pants brushed against my inner thighs and the stockings I wore did nothing to mute the feeling. I shivered, but forced myself to ignore it and pull my legs away from him. I swung them around until my feet hit the floor and then pushed myself up to standing. Nicholas followed smoothing a hand across his suit jacket. He didn’t bother to fix his hair and I was a little thrilled. I loved the look of his hair after I’d run my fingers through it, and I definitely enjoyed the thought that others would see his hair and know it was because of me. The possessiveness of my thoughts was new, but I didn’t care to fight against it.

  “You look very smug,” he said. I looked over at his smiling face.

  I felt no desire to deny it. “Wouldn’t you?”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Of course. Trust me when I say that every shifter out there is going to know exactly who put the color to your cheeks.”

  His words served to make my blushing worse, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. “Good.” I brushed my hands down the skirt of my dress. “Ready to go?”

  He smirked. “To the wedding?”

  “Yes, to the wedding,” I huffed in exasperation. I shook my head and smiled. “Get your mind out of the gutter for the next few hours at least.”

  He reached out and wrapped his arm around my waist. I let myself be pulled in and put my hands on his firm chest. He leaned down and softly brushed his lips against mine in a chaste kiss. “I can do that, but after the reception is over, I make no promises.”

  “Good.” I smiled wide and gave him a soft kiss of my own. That was an agreement I could live with.

  Chapter Eleven

  Leaving the room was a bit nerve-wracking. It was almost as if we’d been in a bubble that protected us from the real world. I knew it was silly, but I almost ran back to the safety behind closed doors when I saw the other guests looking in our direction. Nicholas seemed to sense—or more realistically, smell—my apprehension and pulled me closer into his side as he led me to the room where the bridesmaids had gathered. With a quick kiss on my cheek, he left me there, and I was at the mercy of what I thought would be some awkward exchanges with the other bridesmaids. My entire frame of reference for humanity had changed with all of the revelations from the past few days, and I wondered how many of the women I’d met from Benjamin’s fold were actually shifters themselves. Thankfully, none of them did much more than glance in my direction and one woman even gave me a thumbs-up that got me to smile. When I heard the music that marked our entrance, I blocked out everything but getting down the aisle and into my spot without falling on my face.

  The relief I felt at standing in my designated spot was eclipsed by the pride and love I felt when Kayla made her grand entrance. She looked radiant in her chiffon and lace gown. Her hair had been swept back away from her face and framed her like a sunflower halo. She looked beautiful, but even her God-given beauty was eclipsed by her radiant look of happiness. Her smile was wide and I knew by the looks on everyone else’s face that her scent probably displayed that even more. A glance towards Benjamin showed that he felt the same if not more and I felt all of my apprehension melt away. His expression spoke of longing and fierce love as if everything in him loved everything in her.

  I felt my eyes burn in the face of such overpowering love, and I had to glance away in order to keep myself from tearing up and ruining what little makeup I had on my face. I turned my head and sought out Nicholas without even thinking. The expression on his face left me breathless. The same fierce love I’d seen in Benjamin’s expression was front and center on Nicholas’ face as well. His eyes burned a hot crimson and I felt something powerful answer inside of me. Nothing else mattered then—not his investigation of me nor the past. In that moment, as Kayla and Benjamin cemented their love and commitment to one another with vows and ‘I do’, I gave myself over to the indescribable feelings that I’d been fighting for so long.

  ‘I do love you.’

  I thought it as hard as I could and gave myself over to it. I glanced again out towards where Nicholas was sitting willing him to understand what I was feeling. My decision was obvious in the face of the overwhelming love I felt for him. When his eyes widened slightly, I knew that my intentions had been well received and the color of his gaze changed from crimson to a deep garnet. The abrupt sound of clapping broke my gaze and I swallowed as I turned to look where Kayla and Benjamin were kissing sweetly. With a smile, I clapped as well and mentally wished my friend happiness, though I knew she wouldn’t need it. I didn’t have to be a shifter to see how good they were for one another as they walked back down the aisle as husband and wife.

  When it was my turn to follow, I held my groomsmen's arm without truly feeling it. I was numb to the goings-on around me until I found myself standing at the head table with a glass of champagne in my hand. I looked around at the expectant audience and glanced over at Kayla. She was smiling at me with happy tears in her eyes. I turned away with a smile and took a deep breath before speaking.

  “What can I say about Kayla and Benjamin that hasn’t already been said?” I began. My voice shook slightly. I’d never been good at public speeches, but I could power through it for her. “When I first met Kayla, I thought she was an angel. Then I got to know her and realized how wrong I was.” A few people chuckled at my words as did Kayla when I glanced over at her. Her expression had turned mischievous and it made me more comfortable. “She was so much more than that. She went from my friend, to my confident and protector to finally, my sister. Where I was dark, she was light,” I paused for a moment before smirking. “The kind of light that would blind you for stepping out of line and not feel bad for it.”

  I saw our parents, seated at a table close to the main one, chuckling and her father lifted his glass towards me. “She was always fierce and loyal, with the kind of spirit that made you want to be just like her...regardless of whether it led to detention or not.” I looked back over at where Kayla and Benjamin were laughing. His arm was around her shoulders and she was leaning into him. “And when I met Benjamin, I thought for sure that he’d be bowled over. Boy, was I wrong. He brought a strength and a calm to her that didn’t mute anything. Their relationship showed me exactly what a partnership could be and that we aren’t half of a person searching out for the other, but two wholes that make something far greater than ever imagined.”

  Kayla dabbed at her eyes with a napkin, and my eyes burned with unshed tears. I felt as if I were closing the chapter on one part of our lives together, and I knew from her expression that she felt the same. It was scary and so
mehow beautiful all the same.

  “Kayla gave me the strength to fight for what I want, and Benjamin gave the serenity to accept reaching it. The two of them may not be perfect, but they are as perfect for one another as any couple—real or fiction—that I’ve ever known. The love they have for one another far bypasses anything I could ever dream.” With a watery smile, I lifted my champagne flute, vaguely registering when others did the same. “To Kayla and Ben. May your love always shine brightly.”

  The other guests murmured their agreements and we all took a drink of champagne. When I sat down, Kayla leaned forward and wrapped me in a tight hug. I hugged her back just as tightly.

  “I love you, River,” she said softly. I smiled and squeezed her tighter.

  “I love you too Kayla.” I felt Benjamin’s presence before he wrapped his arms around both of us. I giggled at the sight we must be to the other guests when a soft kiss was placed on the top of my head. “Love you too, Ben.” I leaned back and looked up at him. “Be good to my girl. Don’t make me have to sic Nicholas on you.” I winked at him and he chuckled in response before throwing a nod over to where I knew Nicholas was sitting.

  “On that you have my word. Make sure Nicholas understands the same.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla agreed. She brushed her fingers under her eyes. “If he hurts you, he won’t have to worry about any shifters once I get through with him.”

  I laughed, carefully brushing the wetness from my own eyes. I looked over towards Nicholas’ table. He was sitting there with a soft smile on his own face, and he mouthed something at me, though I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

  “He said got it,” said Benjamin answering my unspoken question. “Though from the pheromones you both were putting out earlier, I don’t think we need to worry about any of that.”

  I flushed as Kayla laughed and we all turned back towards the guests as Benjamin’s father stood and clinked the glass to signal his own toast. As much as I tried to pay attention, my gaze didn’t stray from Nicholas and his remained rooted on me as well. Time seemed to have no meaning and it was only with a small push from Kayla that I even caught on to everyone else sipping their drinks after her new father-in-law finished his speech. Music began playing and I rose along with the other guests who were heading to the dance floor. I had no such destination in my mind. My body had never stopped burning for Nicholas and for some reason the feeling felt even stronger the more I was away from him. Like two magnets, we were pulled to one another, and I noticed a few knowing looks from what I assumed were shifter guests. It didn’t bother me in the slightest. All I knew was that I needed to be in Nicholas arms right then and now.

  “Nicholas,” I breathed out. I walked on the outside of the tables hugging close to the wall as I watched him walk slowly to join me. His eyes bored into mine and I saw the clench of his jaw. It was like every one of my senses were heightened to the point of near oversaturation. The sounds were too loud and the dim lights were too bright. His movement to the door leading to the hopefully empty hallway mirrored mine, until finally, I could push the double doors back and steal away into the relatively quiet hallway.

  “River.” The rumble of that voice sent a sharp shiver through me, and I turned slowly until I was again face-to-face with Nicholas. He was holding himself stiff with his arms down at his sides. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted though. What I wanted was his arms around me holding me close. But I also wanted freedom. It was the strangest contradiction of feelings that I’d ever experienced and it made my muscles tense.

  My bosom heaved with each of my breaths and I saw Nicholas’ nostrils flare. He was making no motion to hide what he was now and it thrilled me. When I glanced down, I saw his fingernails were elongated and curved. The thought of how sharp they were should have scared me, but instead, I only felt a perverse need to have them scraping lightly across my skin. When I looked back up at his gaze, I was unsurprised to see his knowing expression. I knew he could smell how turned on I was by his obvious inhuman characteristics.


  “Chase me.”

  Nicholas blinked rapidly at my words. I was a little surprised by them myself as I hadn’t intended to say anything of the sort, but I meant them. Something about his wolfiness called to me and I didn’t feel like helpless prey. I felt like prey, yes, but I also felt immensely powerful. Here was this hauntingly beautiful man with such power and strength, and I reduced him down to baser instincts. It was a heady feeling and one I knew I’d have fun exploring. For now though, there was something I wanted and I needed him to give it to me. Before he could ask me what I meant, I kicked off my heels, sighing out in pleasure at no longer having them on my feet. The small widening of Nicholas’ eyes made me smirk. “If you want me,” I said turning away from him slightly. “Then come and get me.” Before he could say a word, I turned and ran.

  I had no particular destination in mind. I could hear the sound of Nicholas’ shoes against the carpeted floor behind me before the pumping of blood in my ears became loud enough to block it out. I wasn’t stupid. I knew Nicholas could catch me easily. He probably could have caught me before I even started running, but when I glanced over my shoulder, I saw him smiling as he kept pace behind me. His expression was rapturous as we glided through the empty hallways. I was surprised at the lack of people, but only momentarily. The feeling of his fingers brushing against my back pushed me to run faster—faster than I ever had before and I marveled at the new athleticism of my body. I was no match for Nicholas—or any shifter for that matter—but it did lend testament to how far I’d come in my workouts, a fact I was immensely proud of. I could see a door ahead and I wondered where it led to. I stretched a hand out towards the knob, but before I could turn it, a strong arm caught me around the middle and I was yanked back into a hard chest.

  “Caught you.” Nicholas’ rough voice in my ear made me arch back without thinking, and my eyelids slammed shut at the hot breath that skirted across my ear. I was panting from my exertion as I tried to catch my breath.

  “So, what are you going to do with me?” I asked with a smile that he couldn’t see. I felt a second hand come up to tangle in the hair at the nape of my neck. It tugged my hair until I went with the motion. My breath stuttered as my head was bent until I could feel lips against the sensitive, and probably flushed, skin of my neck. The next breath I panted came out with a needy whine, and I reached my hands back to grip his upper thighs.

  “Hmm,” he hummed against me. “What should I do with my prey now that she’s been caught?”

  “No,” I said firmly. I opened my eyes slowly and shifted in his arms. “I’m not your prey.” One of his eyebrows quirked up, I smiled and leaned forward to brush my lips across the bottom of his jaw. “I’m your mate.” His quick intake of air kept the smile on my face as I leaned back to take in his expression.

  Nicholas looked shocked, but his lips slowly curled into a smile. The hand on the back of my neck now slid around to cup my cheek. I copied his earlier actions and leaned into the touch, rubbing my cheek against him. For the first time, I felt a tremor start in his body.

  “Are you okay?” I asked quietly hoping I hadn’t gotten it wrong. When I was swept into his embrace, I let out a loud peel of laughter before throwing my arms around his neck and holding on.

  “I am so okay,” he said finally. His arms were wrapped tightly around me to the point where he lifted off my feet. “I…I need…” His voice trailed off, but I knew what he needed. It was the same thing I needed.

  I leaned my head the scant inches forward that I needed to place my lips by his ear. “I need you to make love to me.” His arms tightened incrementally before he set me back down on my feet. I leaned my head back so I could look at his face. His eyes were their normal indescribable color, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed. I smiled mischievously as I thought about something.

  “What?” Nicholas asked tilting his head.

  “Oh, nothing. I was just wondering…
how fast can you run?” My wicked smile was answered with one of his own, and before I could say another word, I was lifted and thrown over Nicholas’ shoulder. I yelped and grabbed the back of his suit, but I wasn’t scared. I laughed at the feeling of rightness that had come over me, and I knew that Kayla would forgive me for leaving the wedding so soon.

  “Hang on,” Nicholas growled out. I took his advice and gripped his suit tightly, even as I gave myself over to his quick movements as we shot out into the night.

  Chapter Twelve

  “River,” Nicholas groaned. His voice was deep and rough just like I liked it, and I quivered at the feelings it invoked in me, even as I secured the handcuffs that chained Nicholas’ wrists to the headboard of my bed. I wasn’t a fool. They were regular handcuffs so I knew that he could get out of them if he wanted, but the illusion of having him at my mercy was enflaming, and I was awed that he was going along with it. When I had pushed him down onto my bed and pulled them out of the drawer, his eyes had only taken on a wicked expression as he unbuttoned his shirt and asked me where I wanted him.

  “You agreed to this.” I trailed my fingers down his exposed neck and across his collarbone. I had divested him of his suit jacket as soon as we walked through the door of my house, and his shirt had gone the same way once he’d seen me take out the handcuffs. His suit pants were still on, but his shoes and socks were kicked off somewhere in the hallway where I’d left my stockings. My dress was still on, but the back zipper was pulled down thanks to our ardent kissing and groping session between here and the front door.

  “You always make me feel so good.”

  “I like making you feel good,” he groaned out when my fingers brushed across his left nipple. I’d pulled the skirt of my dress up to my waist so I could straddle his prone body. The thong I wore did very little to separate our bodies, and I could feel his cock easily through his pants. Both of his hands were pinned to the headboard leaving his chest gloriously bare and free for my roaming eyes and fingers.


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