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Warrior Daddy

Page 18

by Roberts, Laylah

  “You think so?” He peeked over her shoulder then placed his hand down on the photo she’d been studying. “Hey, no looking at my nudie photos.”

  “But they’re so cute,” she crooned.

  There were photos of him with a young woman that had his hair and eyes. Sometimes his dad appeared, he was usually glaring into the camera as though he’d been dragged into the photo. And never once was he holding Macca.

  A number of the photos were with a younger Penny. Gigi ran her finger over one where she stood in a floral dress. A tall, handsome man stood next to her, his hand on her shoulder as he stared down at her adoringly. Macca, who looked to be about two and was adorably chubby, clung to her hand.

  “That was my grandfather,” Macca told her, pointing to the handsome man. “He died when I was three, I don’t really remember him but my nan loved him. She never even looked at another man.”

  “The way he’s staring at her, it’s easy to see he loved her too.”

  “Yeah. Not sure how they managed to raise an asshole like my dad.”

  She reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “I’m so sorry she’s gone, Macca.”

  “Me too. But at least I know she’s with my grandfather. She missed him horribly.”

  Gigi placed the photo album down and moving on instinct, climbed into his lap. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck. He buried his face in her shoulder, like he had yesterday. Only this time, she felt the hot splash of tears against her neck. She didn’t say anything, just held him tighter and let him grieve.

  “She was a great woman,” she whispered to him.

  “The best. She was the best. I’ll never forget her.”

  “Neither of us will. I promise.”


  She sat on the porch, staring out at the ocean.

  Today had been hard. Yet beautiful at the same time. It was her first funeral. Well, that she could remember anyway. Her grandparents had died when she was young, but she didn’t remember that.

  Saying goodbye had been hard, but the ceremony itself had been beautiful. So many people had come to pay their respects and it had shown her how many lives Penny had touched.

  Today was the first time they’d seen Macca’s father since Penny had died. They’d had to put on a pretense with everyone around. She knew it had been extremely difficult for Macca to act like he was on good terms with him after everything his father did, but he managed it. Even if he had been kind of cool and detached all day.

  She couldn’t blame him for that. She stood with a sigh and stepped down off the porch onto the grass below. She walked barefoot through the strands. She still didn’t know what she would do when she left here. The reading of the will was in two days, something that was a little unusual now, but apparently Penny requested it that way. And she’d wanted Gigi there. She had no idea why except maybe Penny had left her some jewelry or something. It would be nice to have some small token to remember her by.

  She just didn’t want to think about what came after that. She hadn’t had time to think about a job or getting a new place to live.

  And she really didn’t want to think about saying goodbye to Macca.

  “Gigi? Gigi, where are you?”

  She turned at his voice and stepped down on something sharp. A cry of pain escaped her lips before she could contain it and she dropped onto her bottom, grabbing at her foot and turning it towards her. That’s when she saw the wasp lying in the grass. Obviously, it had stung her.

  Tears dripped down her face as her foot burned and throbbed. Without thinking about it, she threw back her head and yelled. “Daddy! Daddy!”

  “Baby girl, what happened?” Macca crouched beside her, looking concerned. It was the first time he’d called her baby girl all day and her heart grew lighter.

  “A w-wasp s-stung me,” she managed to get out through her heaving breaths.

  “Oh, sweet pea. That must hurt. Let’s get you inside and put a cool cloth on it,” he crooned to her.

  “H-hurts, Daddy.”

  “Daddy will make it all right, baby girl,” he promised as he lifted her in his arms. “That naughty wasp. I’ll give it a stern talking-to.”

  “I-I think I k-killed it,” she cried dramatically.

  “Sh, baby. You’re gonna make yourself sick crying like that.”

  Was it selfish of her to want his attention? To want her daddy back when he’d been absent all day? Probably. She was supposed to be taking care of him, after all. But looking at the way his face had lightened, she wondered if this wasn’t exactly what he needed.

  He walked with her into the living room and set her down on the couch, placing her foot on the coffee table. She pulled it back.

  “D-daddy, I not supposed to put my f-foot on the c-coffee table.” Her breath was still heaving in and out of her lungs, tears streaming down her face. No doubt she looked a mess. She reached up to wipe under her nose.

  Macca caught her hand, giving it a light tap. “We don’t wipe our nose like that, little one.” He grabbed a tissue and then picked her foot back up, placing it down on the coffee table once more. “And you can put your foot here, just for now. Your poor feet have been through the wars. Blow.”

  He held the tissue to her nose and she blew into it loudly then scrunched up her nose. “Yucky.”

  “Let’s get you an ice pack for your foot.”

  “And Bunnykins and Kiki,” she said quickly.

  “All right, baby girl. Good idea.” He ran his hand gently over her head.

  Her foot hurt something fierce and she sniffled to herself miserably until he returned with her two stuffed toys and an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

  “Hm, might be best if you lie on your tummy on the couch, sweet pea, and I’ll put this on the bottom of your foot,” he told her.

  She rolled around onto her tummy, and he laid the ice pack on her sore foot. Instantly the burn started to ease.

  “Better, baby?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said with a smile.

  He leaned in and kissed her cheek before sitting on the coffee table. “Now, you want to tell me what you were doing walking around outside in bare feet?” he asked in a stern voice.

  “Oh, um, I like walking in the grass in bare feet.”

  “Which isn’t very safe, is it? And I thought I’d made it clear that you were to put on shoes before walking or running around outside.”

  Oh, shoot. He had said that. She was in trouble. She stuck out her lower lip. “You wouldn’t punish me when I’ve got a sore foot would you, Daddy?”

  “Well, luckily, your foot is far away from your bottom, isn’t it?” He patted her bottom lightly.

  “Daddy, that’s no fair!”

  “You knew the rule.”

  Her stomach, the traitor, took that moment to grumble. Macca frowned and glanced at his watch. “Did you eat lunch?”

  “Um, I think I had something to eat after the funeral.”

  “You think?”

  Between the funeral and the gathering afterwards she hadn’t even thought about food. In fact, she hadn’t really eaten all day.

  Uh-oh. This wasn’t going to go well for her.

  “Maybe not,” she admitted.

  “Did you have breakfast?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t feel like eating, you know?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said with a sigh. He ran his hand through his hair, messing it up. “Today was even tougher than I thought. Having to say goodbye to Nan and then having to be around him. I neglected to look after you.”

  “What? No!” She attempted to sit, but he reached over and placed a hand on the small of her back.

  “Stay still, baby. I want you to wait until the redness dies down before you move. You’re not allergic to wasp stings, are you?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  He frowned slightly. He moved the ice pack to look at her foot. “Doesn’t look so bad now.”

  Well, it still felt terrible.

bad, huh?” he said with a warm glint in his eye.

  She sighed. She was starting to think she’d never gain control over her mouth.

  He ran his finger over her lower lip. “Like I told you, I like that you blurt out most of your thoughts. Means I don’t have to guess what you’re thinking. It’s refreshing.”

  “Glad you think so, I think it’s embarrassing.”

  “Did you take your meds this morning?”

  She winced. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  He gave her a stern look. “Georgina Marie.”

  Uh-oh, full name. That couldn’t be good.

  “It’s not good. It means you’re in big trouble, little girl, and you better get used to that position you’re in right now because it’s probably how you’ll spend the rest of the day.”

  Really, really not good.

  “With everything going on, I just forgot.”

  “Not good enough,” he told her sternly. “You can never forget, no matter what. This is partly my fault. I should have remembered.”

  Now she felt terrible. “No, you have enough going on. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Is that so?”

  “Yes. But I’m doing a terrible job,” she wailed. “Instead, here I am with you looking after me. Again.”

  “I appreciate you taking care of me. I’ve never had someone run me a bath before. And that massage the other night. . .” He winked at her and she blushed, uncertain whether he was talking about the one after the bath or if it was a euphemism for the hand job she’d given him in the bath.

  “I’m glad. You’ve done so much for me. I just want to help you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Gigi,” he told her seriously. As he spoke his hand was rubbing her bottom. It stirred her. Made her wish she could feel him inside her, taking her, claiming her.

  And she didn’t agree. She owed him more than she could ever repay.

  “Lift your hips up,” he ordered her in a husky voice. Then he tugged her shorts and panties over her bottom, revealing the creamy skin. Her breath caught. What was he going to do? Was he really going to spank her? Or was he going to do something else?

  He gave her right cheek a squeeze then a light tap that made her groan. It was more arousing than painful. He did the same to her left cheek.

  He crouched next to her, lightly kissing her lips. “I’m going to go get us both something to eat and your meds. I want you to lie just like this, because for the rest of the day you’re not allowed to wear any bottoms.”

  Her heart leapt into her throat. Was he kidding her? But as she glanced up into his face, she saw he was deadly serious.

  “But. . .but. . .” Shoot! Why hadn’t she worn a longer t-shirt today? Something that would cover her ass and pussy? But no, after getting home she’d gotten changed into shorts and a tight tank top.

  “Lie there. Do not move.” He gave her a harder smack this time and she groaned. This was totally not the way she thought this day would go. He quickly returned with some ham and cheese sandwiches and her meds. He helped her sit on her poor, aching bottom then hovered over her until she’d taken all of her medication. Then he sat on the coffee table and held a sandwich to her lips.

  “Eat, little miss.”

  She slowly and silently ate then waited until he’d cleaned up and returned to address her, uh, lack of clothing.

  “Can I put my shorts back on, Daddy?”

  He gave her a stern look. “You heard what I said.”

  “But. . .but I can’t go around half-naked all day.”

  “Well luckily for you it’s getting late so it’s only a few hours. Also with how red and sore your bottom is about to be, you’ll probably thank me.”

  Oh, that wasn’t ominous sounding at all.

  “I need a few supplies. I’ll be back in a minute. Make certain you don’t move.” He checked her foot before he left. “That’s looking much better. Good. Means I don’t have to wait to punish you.”

  She groaned into Bunnykins’ belly. “Help me, Bunnykins. Don’t you have any special bunny magic that will make Daddy realize he doesn’t want to punish me?”

  Bunnykins was no help.

  Damn rabbit.

  “Are you cursing your stuffy, little one?” Daddy asked as he returned, holding a bottle of lubricant and a. . .an anal plug.

  Oh, fuck. She was in so much trouble.

  “Daddy, I think we should talk about this,” she said nervously.

  “Time for talk is over, baby girl. You do the crime; you do the time.”

  “All I did was forget my shoes,” she wailed.

  “You were told not to go walking around without something on your feet last time that happened, though, weren’t you? And we’re not just talking about forgetting your shoes. That might have gotten you a few smacks on the butt, but you forgot to eat and you forgot your meds. Now, that was partly my fault for not reminding you. Which is why I’m only using my hand and not getting Nan’s wooden hairbrush out to use on your naughty bottom.”

  She definitely did not want a repeat of the hair brush.

  Macca placed both the lube and anal plug on the coffee table then he lifted her lower half and slid beneath her so her middle was lying on his lap. Her ass perfectly positioned for him to spank her.

  And do other things. . .

  Her mouth went dry and she gave a small gasp as he dragged her underwear and shorts down her legs and threw them onto the floor. Then he grasped hold of her ass cheeks.

  “Spread your legs. That’s it. Good girl. I’m going to do some exploring. Your job is to stay nice and still. You don’t have to remain quiet, in fact I insist that you make as much noise as you like and hold nothing back.” He pushed her ass cheeks wide and she made a noise of protest, knowing he could see her puckered entrance.

  “Daddy,” she groaned.

  “Sh. There isn’t a part of you that doesn’t belong to me. That I don’t want to touch and explore. Nothing that is dirty or forbidden, understand? You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.”

  Easy for him to say. It wasn’t his asshole on display. He ran his finger down over her bottom hole and she clenched tight.

  “Relax, baby girl. Let Daddy in.” He leaned forward and grabbed the lube and anal plug. Then he placed the plug by her hand. “Hold onto this for Daddy.”

  “I. . .I can’t hold onto it!” Was he crazy?

  “Why not? It’s brand new. It’s soon going to be inside your pretty little bottom, so you might want to get used to it.”

  He was crazy. Insane. Unbelievable.

  And she had to be all those things too because she was so turned on right now. She carefully took hold of the anal plug, holding it gingerly.

  “Easy, baby. It won’t bite. I promise.”

  She scowled and stuck out her tongue, safe in the knowledge that he couldn’t see her.

  “Did you just stick out your tongue?”

  She gasped. “How did you know?”

  “Daddies always know these things.”

  Uh-huh. She glared and looked around, only to spot her reflection in the mirror above the fireplace mantel.

  Macca grinned at her unrepentantly. Even giving her a finger wave. She snorted. Daddies saw everything, huh?

  “We have our ways,” he told her in a deep voice. “You’d do well to remember that, little girl.”

  She watched in the mirror; eyes wide as he parted her bottom cheeks with one hand then squirted the lube directly onto her asshole. She squealed as the cool liquid hit her.

  Oh hell. Oh Christ.

  She gave a low moan as he pressed his finger against her bottom, slowly pushing the digit inside her. She should probably close her eyes. Probably shouldn’t watch the finger disappear inside her ass. But it was so hot. Her clit throbbed. She wanted that finger to breach her ass while his cock took her pussy. Her thighs rubbed together as she wiggled back and forth.


  She let out a small screec
h as he slapped his hand against her ass cheek. “What did I say about staying still?”

  “I can’t,” she moaned as he moved his finger. In and out. Slow, steady movements. She was on fire. She needed more. She was so greedy for him. She couldn’t get enough.

  As if he seemed to sense her thoughts, and she was fairly certain she hadn’t said that out loud, he added another finger. The burn, the slight pain. . .

  It was delicious.

  Her breathing grew erratic. “Please, please, I need more.”

  “More what, sweet pea?”

  “I need to come. I need your finger on my clit. Please. Please.”

  “Hm, I’m not really sure that naughty girls get to come.” He drew his fingers free and she let out a loud groan of protest. He couldn’t be for real, right? He didn’t mean it?

  “Please! That’s so mean!”

  “Tut-tut, do you really think that naughty girls get to come when they’re being punished?”

  His hand landed on her ass without waiting for her reply. Smack! Smack! Smack! He didn’t give her much chance to catch her breath, he just continued to smack her bottom until the sting became a deep burn, until she was wriggling back and forth, trying to get away from him, her voice crying out her protests, tears dripping down her face.

  Eventually, she stopped fighting and just lay there, accepting her punishment, her bottom a throbbing, swollen mess. He slowed, his spanks growing lighter until they were more like caresses. Still he didn’t say anything. She waited for some words of reassurance. Something to tell her all was forgiven, but there was nothing.

  “D-daddy?” she glanced in the mirror to find him staring down at her bottom with a frown. “Is e-everything okay?”

  “You worry me, baby girl,” he told her, now rubbing the tops of her thighs. “Not remembering to take your meds or eat could be very detrimental for your health. And I. . .”

  And he wouldn’t always be here to remind her. She stiffened up. That seemed to bring him out of his thoughts.

  “This is one sore, red bottom. Why did you get a spanking?”

  She rubbed the tears off her cheeks. “B-because I went outside without s-shoes.”

  “What else?”

  “And I forgot my m-meds and to e-eat.”


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