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Warrior Daddy

Page 22

by Roberts, Laylah

  “Is it enough to get him to back off?” she asked him.

  He grinned at her. “Oh yeah, baby. It’s enough to fucking ruin him. This will get him off our backs. For good.”


  “You’re to stay behind me at all times, understand me?” Macca reiterated to her for about the fiftieth time since they’d gotten into the car. She wasn’t counting all the times he’d mentioned it this morning and last evening.

  She knew if he had someone he trusted to leave her with, he would have. If he had faith in the local cops, she was pretty certain she would be sitting in a police station right now. But the only person he trusted with her safety was him.

  And didn’t butterflies fill her tummy when he told her that?

  They’d drove up in front of a huge gray-white mansion nestled in the hills over a picturesque bay. This place looked like it cost millions. But it was so austere and ugly that she’d take Penny’s house over it any day.

  Her house now, she guessed. Except she still wanted to give it back to Macca. She didn’t need it now, after all. Because Penny had done what she’d set out to do. She’d found her a home. Anywhere Macca was, she was home.

  “I could lock you in the car, but I’d rather you were where I could see you.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. She knew if it wasn’t for her presence, he wouldn’t have any hesitation about walking in there. But she didn’t trust his dad not to hurt him, so she was glad she was going to be there as well.

  “I’ll stay behind you, Daddy,” she tried to reassure him. “And I will do exactly what you say.”

  “Exactly what I say.” He gave her a dark look. “You know what I promised if you didn’t.”

  She swallowed heavily. A spanking every night for a week, and even worse, no orgasms for the entire week. It seemed that over these past twenty-four hours since he’d told her he loved her that she’d turned into some sort of sex fiend. She was craving him like crazy.

  Macca climbed out of the car. This morning, they’d gone to the library and made a set of photocopies of the photos. They’d stashed the originals back in their hiding place under the tree and brought one copy with them. They’d also scanned and emailed a set to Macca’s boss in the States. Just in case.

  Christ, she was nervous as hell. She wiped her sweaty palms on her shorts as Macca opened her door and reaching in, undid her seat belt. He held out his hand and helped her out then kept hold of her hand as they walked into the house.

  Macca had called his father earlier to make sure he’d be home, telling him he wanted to talk about the house. No doubt the jerk thought Macca wanted to make a game plan on how to get the house away from her.

  Well, he was going to be in for a nasty surprise.

  He hated bringing her here. Hated exposing her to his asshole father. He should protect her from jerks like James McKenzie. And after today, she’d hopefully never have to see him again. He’d wanted to leave her somewhere safe, somewhere far away from here but there was nobody he trusted to watch over her. And he didn’t want to leave her alone and risk dear old dad doing something. Damn, he missed home. Missed his friends.

  He knew he’d breathe much easier once they were back on Sanctuary Ranch. Gigi would be safe there and they could concentrate on each other rather than everything else going on here.

  Without bothering to knock, he walked inside. Gigi better do exactly as she was told. She squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile. He knew she was scared. But he’d do whatever was necessary to protect her.

  “James?” he called out. He’d never call that man father again.

  “In the study.”

  He strode down the hall and into the study, keeping Gigi behind him for the moment. His father didn’t look up from his computer screen. A power play. He barely refrained from rolling his eyes at the old man’s juvenile behavior.

  Instead of waiting, he let go of Gigi’s hand to reach into the bag he carried and pull out a photo. Then he walked forward and slammed it onto the keyboard.

  “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” his old man roared.

  He looked at the screen and saw he was playing online poker. He rolled his eyes. Some things never changed. His father’s gaze didn’t move to the photo, instead he looked up and over Macca’s shoulder to Gigi.

  “What the fuck is that slut doing here?” He stood without looking at the photo. “Get out of here. Unless you’ve come to sign over the house. Because I’m not letting you steal my fucking inheritance.”

  “I’m not giving the house to you,” Gigi told him calmly.

  “You know, you should have taken my offer the other day because now, I’m going to make your life fucking hell.”

  “What offer?” Macca asked. He looked back at Gigi, but she was too busy staring at his father in horror to explain. She looked slightly green and he hoped she wasn’t about to be sick.

  His father smiled. A slimy, ugly smile that made Macca’s gut clench. “Didn’t the little slut tell you? I told her that she’d had a free ride long enough and that she could come work out her debt here. In my bed. But the bitch ran off soon as she saw my cock. Guess she couldn’t handle something that big.”

  Macca saw red. Was the asshole that dumb? Or did he simply think he was untouchable? Macca didn’t fucking care. He lost it.

  Hurt him. Stop him. Protect Gigi.

  “Macca! Macca stop!”

  The words came to him through a tunnel. He could hear her fear. Her worry. But something had snapped inside him.

  “Daddy, please, you’re killing him!”

  He finally broke through the haze to find he had his father on the floor, his hands wrapped around his throat. His old man’s face was bright red and he was trying desperately to pry Macca’s hands from his throat.

  It would be so easy to kill him now.

  But that’s not who you are.

  And that’s not who you want to be for her.

  Gigi had her hands on his arm, trying to tug him back. “Daddy, please. Please don’t kill him.”

  He let go of the bastard and stood up, holding Gigi close as she pressed against him with a sob, her body shaking. He kissed her on the top of her head, but didn’t dare take his gaze from the monster lying on the floor.

  “You disgust me. I don’t know how we are even related.”

  His father sat up, rubbing at his throat as he glared up at them. “I’ve asked myself that same question since you were born. I’m going to have you arrested for this, you little asshole. Then where will she be? Without a protector.” He grinned. “She has no chance against me.”

  Macca leaned down. “Even if you did have me arrested, which you’re not going to do, she has the whole of JSI at her disposal. You know who I work for and their resources. They would come to her aid at one word from her. She will never be unprotected and at the mercy of assholes like you again.”

  His father scowled, but watched him warily. “And why won’t I have you arrested? Because you’re my son?”

  Macca gave a humorless laugh. “Believe me, I’ve considered myself fatherless for a long, long time. No, the reason you won’t call the cops is because I’ll give them this.” He picked out a photo, letting it flutter down onto his dad’s lap.

  His father looked at the photo. It was one of him paying a bribe to a building inspector. Another photo. Then another.

  “What the hell is this?” his father’s voice was husky, strained. But Macca couldn’t force himself to feel guilty.

  “This, old man, is the reason you’re not saying a word to anyone about what happened here. It’s also why you’ll leave Nan’s will alone. The house belongs to Gigi.”

  “What the fuck!” His father stood, wobbled then braced himself. “I’m not leaving my mother’s house to this fucking whore!”

  “She is not a whore,” Macca roared. “And you will leave the will alone. Because if you don’t, the mayor is going to receive a photo of you fucking his wife doggy-style. Not hard to make out ei
ther of your faces. That’s the photo I put on your desk, by the way. Then I’ll send a few of you paying bribes to local building inspectors and contractors. Then let’s see what happens once some real inspections are done on those hotels and resorts you’ve built.”

  “You-you wouldn’t!”

  “Oh, I would. And just so you know, these have been emailed to another party. As security. Anything happens to Gigi or me and these go public. Let’s see how fucked you are then, old man.”

  “Wait. Wait.” He held up his hands. “Let’s not be too hasty here. Maybe we should come to an arrangement. I’ll pay you a fair rate for the house.” He didn’t bother looking at Gigi as he said this.

  Macca gave him a disgusted look. “So you can tear it down and build a resort? Or is the developer you took that deposit from cutting you out of that and going it alone?”

  “You know about that.” His father looked haggard. Old.

  “I do. You’re not tearing down Nan’s house.”

  His father turned to Gigi now. “Girl, it’s more money than you’ve ever seen before. Wouldn’t you like a fresh start?”

  “I have a fresh start. Your mum gave me that.” She spoke quietly, moving closer to Macca. “She loved that house and so do I. I’d never sell it to you.”

  His father’s eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth.

  “We’re leaving now,” Macca said before he could spit out more bile. “Everly and her son are going to move into the house. Do not contact them. Do not go near them. Do not step foot on the property. And do not think about contesting the will. Or pictures start getting released.”

  “I’m broke,” his father spat out as Macca turned away, tucking Gigi under his arm. “I’ll have nothing. This guy I took the deposit from, he’s not a good man.”

  Macca glanced over his shoulder. “That has nothing to do with me. This is goodbye. For good.”

  He walked out without another word.

  * * *

  She sat quietly in the car as Macca backed out of the driveway. About five minutes down the road, he steered the car over to the roadside and just sat there, staring out the window.

  She reached over and placed her hand on his thigh. “Honey? You okay?”

  He turned to glance at her, his eyes glittering with an emotion she couldn’t decipher. Not anger. Not sadness. Almost something in the middle.

  He took in a deep breath and let it out on a shudder. “I could have killed him.”

  She’d thought he was going to. Her mind had already been thinking of how they were going to get rid of the body. She probably needed to watch less crime shows.

  “I’d never have forgiven myself if I did that in front of you. I was supposed to protect you, and instead I blanked out in a rage.”

  “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had. He’s a terrible human being. And I was never at risk. You always protect me.”

  “You didn’t tell me everything that happened that day,” he said to her in a low voice.

  Uh-oh, he was feeling better if he was scolding her.

  “Um. No. I didn’t want to create more problems between you and your dad.”

  He just shook his head. “You didn’t create the problems. He did. And we were already estranged. What happened just now, all it did was give me that final closure. I know there’s no coming back here. I hated him before. But now, he’s nothing.”

  She sucked in a breath, hurting for him. Because no matter how brave his words or that he hadn’t seen his father in years, it still had to hurt. She knew that part of her was still broken over her father. Being treated so badly by someone who was meant to love you unconditionally, it was a unique kind of pain that maybe never completely went away.

  She just hoped over time, they could help each other heal.

  “You’re in trouble for holding back from me, little one,” he growled at her, leaning over to capture her chin with his hand. “I’m spanking that ass when we get home.”

  She settled into her seat, knowing this was the last time she’d probably sit comfortably today.

  And that didn’t worry her in the slightest.


  “I’m so nervous. What if I get plane sick? What if the plane has a malfunction? What if we crash into the sea? I can hardly swim,” she said, nearly hyperventilating.

  “Look at me, little one.” He grasped hold of her face between his hands. “Breathe with me. That’s it. Nice and easy. Slow and steady. I’ve got pills in case you get sick. Planes rarely malfunction. And if by some chance it does crash into the sea, I was a Navy SEAL, baby, swimming is like breathing to me. I’ll grab hold of you and swim with you to shore.”

  “Okay. . .okay, that’s good.” She knew he was humoring her, of course. But she was starting to feel better.

  Two weeks had passed since they’d confronted Macca’s father and they hadn’t heard a word from him. Everly and Nico were due to move in tomorrow and they were flying down to Brisbane the morning after. They’d had to stick around longer than planned because Gigi had needed to get a passport.

  She’d never flown anywhere before. And now she was flying all the way to the States. To start a new life. In an unknown place. With strangers. Her breath started to grow fast again.

  “Okay, you’re panicking. Come here, little one.” He slid her onto his lap. They were sitting on their favorite swinging seat out on the porch. Macca reached over to the side table and picked up the pacifier that lay there. She’d started off only really using it at nap times and when she was upset, but she’d grown to love it. Almost as much as she loved Bunnykins and Kiki.

  Macca had gone online and ordered a whole lot of things that would be waiting for them to set up a space for her in his cabin on Sanctuary Ranch. She couldn’t wait. She just wanted to start their new life together.

  She sucked on the pacifier and leaned against him as they stared out at the ocean. She would miss this place, though. This house was the first place she’d truly felt happy. But she knew that wherever they were, Penny was with them. In their hearts.

  They’d spent these two weeks packing up some of his nan’s personal things. They’d also done some sightseeing. And they’d just spent time together. Sometimes with her as big Gigi, but mostly as Little Gigi.

  She pulled the pacifier out. “We’ve got to remember to get a toy wombat for Eden at the airport.”

  “I won’t forget, sweet pea,” he told her. She’d spoken several times with the Littles back at Sanctuary. He knew it had eased her mind to hear how excited they all were that she was moving there. “And a koala for Abby. And a kookaburra for Ellie. And a kangaroo for Charlie. And a boomerang for Daisy. She thinks they’re easy to use after watching Crocodile Dundee.” Gigi shook her head at that.

  He had to grin as he brushed his fingers through her hair. “Hope we have enough room in our luggage for all these toys.”

  “I can leave some of my stuff behind, Daddy,” she said seriously.

  “Baby, I was just joking. You hardly have anything as it is. There’s plenty of room. Going to be a change going from this weather to the colder temperature in Montana. I’m going to have to get you some nice warm clothing and proper boots.”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll have to go on a few test drives before I’m going to let you drive on the opposite side of the road by yourself. Not that you’ll have to do any driving if you don’t want to. We’ll have to look into what you need to do about your license.”

  She stiffened.

  “What is it?” he asked. He tugged out her pacifier, even though she tried to hold onto it.

  “Oh, um, you see, I don’t actually have my license.”

  He straightened up. She snuck a peek up into his face. Uh-oh. Her bottom cheeks clenched together.

  “Say again?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I know how to drive,” she said hastily. “But I never actually got my license.”

  “You drove the day Nan died,” he pointed out.

“Well, yes.”

  “Without a license?”

  “But I know how to drive,” she protested.

  “You need a license to drive.” He gave her a stern look. “Driving without one is breaking the law, Georgina Marie.”


  He stood them both up, then to her shock he bent down and placed his shoulder in her stomach then stood with her swinging over his shoulder.

  “Daddy!” she squealed.

  He whacked her ass several times. “You are in so much trouble, little girl.”

  “No, Daddy, please,” she cried out as he walked along the porch. As he reached the entrance to the house, she raised her head and looked out to the ocean. A warm breeze hit her face and a smile lit her face.

  Her bucket was finally full. And she knew, with her man, her Daddy by her side, it would never be empty again.

  Cole’s Mistake

  Haven, Texas

  28th April 2020


  Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

  Cole Saxon wasn’t so sure of that. He’d burned so many bridges, he wasn’t sure anything he could do would be enough to make amends.

  Then fate brings him to Haven. To the brother he’d disowned and to the only two people to ever have a hold on his cold, black heart.

  Keira and Julian have been through hell. The road to recovery is rocky, filled with Julian’s paranoia and overprotectiveness, and Keira’s nightmares and panic attacks.

  When it’s suggested they could use help in the form of a Dom. One to help guide and shelter them, fate brings them Cole. . .

  Well, fate can just kiss their ass because he is the one man they will never trust again.

  MMF, contains a hot, alpha Dom looking to atone and two subs in search of safety and happiness.


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