Blazing Star
Page 43
Ashburnham, John 99
Aubrey, John 167, 349
Balfour, Andrew: accompanies Rochester on European Grand Tour 40–6; background 40; Letters to a Friend 40–1; relationship with Rochester 40; view of France 43–4
Ballers 116, 117, 129, 138, 204
Barrow, Isaac 90, 186, 298
Barry, Elizabeth 159–61, 168; acting career 159, 160, 172, 208, 235, 277; background 159; death 277; ending of affair with Rochester 256, 276–7; gives birth to daughter 255, 256; love affair and relationship with Rochester 160–1, 162, 170, 172, 202–3, 208, 220–1, 234, 236, 238–9, 242, 244, 252, 255, 256; Rochester’s letters to 202, 208, 220, 221, 234, 236, 244, 252, 256–7, 276; and seizure of daughter by Rochester 276–7; tutoring of by Rochester story 159–60; unfaithfulness to Rochester 220
Baxter, Craig 361
Baynton, Henry 341
Bedloe, William 273
Behn, Aphra 234; Abedelazer 234; ‘The Disappointment’ 235; eulogy to Rochester 336–7; relationship with Rochester 235; The Rover 235
Belasyse, John 19
Belle Fasse, Jean-Baptiste de 283–5, 308, 309, 323–4, 331
Bennet, Henry 120–1
Bentley, Richard 333
Bergen, Battle of (1665) 84
Berry, Phineas 32
Betterton, Thomas 159
Black Death 82
Blandford, Walter 30
Blenheim Palace 347
Blount, Charles 274, 274–5, 327; correspondence with Rochester 304–5; An Historical Relation 274–5
Boileau, Nicolas 43, 172, 351
Book of Common Prayer 89, 94
Book of Isaiah 324–5
Booth, Sir George 51–2, 53
Boscobel House 3
Bowman, Thomas 336
Boyle, Robert 184, 188–9
Boyle, Roger 160, 176
Brand, Russell x
Breda, Declaration of (1660) 54
Bridges, George 221–2, 237
Bridgman, Orlando 57
British Tract Society 356
Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre 360
Browne, Thomas 188
bubonic plague 81–2, 90
Buckhurst, Lord Charles 73, 91, 95, 118, 124–5, 162
Buckingham, Duke of (George Villiers) 1, 2, 77, 91, 109–14, 138, 157–8, 161–2, 203; background 110; Cabal Ministry of 181; character 111; and Charles II 240, 275; death 347; dislike of Clarendon 110–11; as poet and playwright 112–13; power of 111; relationship with Rochester 111, 138, 240, 252; release from Tower by Charles 243, 244
buggery 169–70
Bulkeley, Henry 221
Burford Grammar School 22
Burnet, Gilbert 23, 32, 64, 84, 87, 111–12, 118–19, 126, 186, 257, 297–304, 306; contempt for Charles II 339; A History of My Own Time 334, 339–40; History of the Reformation of the Church of England 298, 339; The Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester 36, 58, 299, 339; relationship and conversations with Rochester 297–304, 306; and Rochester’s deathbed conversion 320, 323–6
Byron, Lord 354–6; Don Juan 215, 355–6; ‘She walks in beauty’ lyric 356
Cambridge University 29
Cartland, Barbara: A Serpent of Satan 360–1
Cary, John 14, 28, 146, 306, 319
Castlemaine, Barbara (Villiers) 63–4, 68, 70, 78, 87, 88, 118, 140; mocking of in Signior Dildo 163
Catherine of Braganza, Queen 61–2, 64–5, 271, 273
Catholicism/Catholics 45, 168, 171, 189; and Charles II 270, 343; see also anti-Catholicism; Popish Plot
Catullus 18
Cavalier poets 95
Cave, Nick: ‘There She Goes My Beautiful World’ 363
Cavendish, William 122
Chambers, Robert 354
Character of a Quack-Doctor, The 230–1
Charles I, King 2, 8, 9; trial and execution 11–12, 56–7
Charles II, King xi, 42, 73–4, 342–4; achievements of reign 343; affair with Nell Gwyn 87–8, 118, 241–2, 343–4; affair with Villiers/Castle-maine 63–5, 88–9, 118; attempt to regain throne and treaty with Scottish Covenanters 13; attitude towards bad behaviour at court 262; banishes Rochester from court and forgiveness of 166–7, 171–2, 207, 219; and Catholicism 270, 343; challenges to regal authority 240, 241; character and attributes 5, 65–6, 68, 343; and Clarendon 65; clothes and dress style 66–7; collector of astronomical items 206–7; court of, see separate entry for Court of King Charles II; criticism of 181, 206; death and funeral 342, 343, 344; and death of Henry Wilmot 24; and death of sister (Henrietta) 126; decline in popularity 88–9; destruction of sundial by Rochester 206–7, 292, 298; and Disaffected Persons Bill (1675) 203, 206; and Dryden 293; escape from Worcester after defeat by Cromwell and life on the run 1–4, 12–13, 55–6; escape to France (1651) 4–5, 52; finances 60; and foreign affairs 61–2; and French-Anglo relations 125; granting of pension to Rochester 38, 60; healing power assumption 151–2; ill-health 165, 282; illegitimate children 6, 62; love of food and drink 69; marriage to Catherine of Braganza and treatment of 61–2, 65; mistresses and sex life 6, 62–5, 68–9, 119–20, 125, 165, 210, 219–20, 343–4; ‘Old Rowley’ nickname 69; and Popish Plot 269–72, 307; reign of 148, 342–3; relationship with Henry Wilmot 2–3, 5, 6; relationship with Rochester 4, 38, 81, 82, 86, 119–20, 166–7, 213–14, 239, 318, 343; religious reform 89; response to personal comments made about 165–6; restoration of and entering London (1660) 31, 32, 51–7; revenge taken against those who wronged him 54, 57–9; rewarding of supporters 59–61; Rochester’s satire on and reaction to 163–5, 166–7, 210, 262; satires on 148–9; and Second Anglo-Dutch War 83, 88, 108; sets up new court at Oxford during plague outbreak in London 82; treatment of wife 65; Whig party opposition to 162
Church of England: re-establishment of under Charles II 89
Cibber, Colley 159
Civil Wars 10, 11, 14
Clarendon, 1st Earl of (Edward Hyde) 55, 58, 59, 197, 341; and Anglo-Dutch Wars 88, 108; association with Rochester 38; and Charles II 65, 108; death 109; dislike of Buckingham 110–11; downfall and sent into exile 108–9, 341; on Rochester’s father 5–6, 7–8
Clifford, Sir Thomas 84, 92
Coleman, Edward 270, 273
Coleridge, Samuel 356
College, Stephen 272, 273
comet (1664) 46–7
Committee for Compounding 14
Commonwealth 1–2, 5, 13, 14–15, 18, 19, 51, 66
Convention Parliament 53
Conversion of the Earl of Rochester, The (religious tract) 356
Conway, Edward 306
Cooke, Charles 353
Cooke, Sarah 94
Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury, Earl of
Country Wife, The (play) 201
Court of King Charles II 66–9; banquets 69; criticism of -licentious atmos-phere and decadence of 88–9, 94; etiquette and manners at 68; fashion 66–8; masquerades 118–19; moves to Oxford during plague outbreak in London 82; return to London 90; typical day of a man or woman at 70–1
Coventry, Sir William 280
Cromwell, Oliver xi, 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 14, 29, 52 death 27–8; declares himself Lord Protector 18, 27; destruction of Anglican Church 14; and execution of Charles II 11, 12; exhumation of remains and hanging of 59; interest in music 15–16; and Oxford University 29; regime under 14–16; Royalist rebellion against 19–21; tolerance of the Jews 15; turning country into police state 18–19
Cromwell, Richard 28, 33, 51
Crowne, John 176
Danby, Earl of 270, 277–8, 279
Davenant, Lady 159
Davenant, William 69, 159
Davenport, Jack 362
Davis, Richard 336
de la Rochefoucauld, Franço
is 43
de Saint-Évremond, Charles 106
Declaration of Indulgence (1672) 148
Defoe, Daniel 350
Depp, Johnny 361–2
Derby, Alfred Thomas: The Death of Rochester 356–7
Derby, Earl of 1
Descartes, René 188
Dexter, Colin xiii
Disaffected Persons Bill (1675) 203, 206
Ditchley Park 6, 7, 9, 13–14, 80, 101, 145, 158; demolishment of 347
Donne, John 183, 305; ‘The Apparition’ 144; ‘The Flea’ 81
Dorchester, Marquess of 110
Dorset Garden Theatre 159, 208, 234, 276, 339
Douglas, James see Arran, Earl of
Dover, Treaty of (1670) 125
Downs, Billy 222–3
Drury Lane theatre 139, 148, 172, 201, 232
Dryden, John 96, 107, 133–4, 150, 157–8; ‘An Essay upon Satire’ 286–9, 291, 292; attack on by Rochester in ‘An Allusion to Horace’ 214–15; Aureng-Zebe 214; brutal attack on and linking of Rochester’s name with 291–3; and Burnet 301; The Conquest of Granada 133, 134–5, 214, 274; The Indian Emperor 176, 214; Marriage-à-la-Mode 134, 157; patronage of Mulgrave 214; portrait of 107; relationship with Rochester ix, 134, 157, 214–16, 291–2; stolidity of 133
Dugdale, Stephen 272
Dunbar, Battle of (1650) 13
Dunbar, Viscount (Robert Constable) 158
Eliot, T.S. 358
Etherege, George 160, 201, 217–18, 221, 222, 247; The Comical Revenge 217; The Man of Mode xi, 217–18, 359
Evelyn, John 14, 56, 58, 126
Exclusion Crisis 275, 279, 285
Fairfax, Thomas 8, 20
Fane, Francis 204, 257; Love in the Dark 204
Fanshaw, Will 204, 253, 257, 261, 264, 315–16, 317, 321, 323
fashion, court 66–8
Fell, John (Bishop of Oxford) 323
Fielding, Henry: Shamela 351; Tom Jones 351
Fifth Monarchist group 57
Fire of London (1666) 93–4
FitzRoy, Charles 65
FitzRoy, Charlotte 62
Five Mile Act (1665) 89
Fletcher, Jon 97, 265
Florence (Italy) 45
Foster, Elizabeth 142
Fourcade, Florence 152
France: relations with England 61, 125; rule of by Louis XIV 41–2; visited by Rochester on Grand Tour 41–4, 46
Frazier, Cary 244
Gadbury, John 6–7
Galileo 188
George I, King 350
Giffard, Francis 17, 22, 27, 32, 39, 187
Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 270, 291
Gosse, Edmund 357
Gramont, Philibert, Comte de 160, 171, 349–50
Great Fire of London (1666) 93–4, 105, 272
Green Ribbon Club 275
Greene, Graham 107; Lord Rochester’s Monkey 358
Greer, Germaine 361
Grey, Edward 19
Guy, Henry 213
Gwyn, Nell 63, 87–8, 118, 148, 165, 220, 241–3, 262, 343–4
Halifax, Marquess of (George Savile) 77
Hall, Reverend Francis 206–7
Hamilton, Anthony 349, 349–50; Memoirs of the Comte de Gramont 350
Harrison, Major-General Thomas 57
Hart, Charles 88
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 343
Hawley, Sir Francis 78, 80–1, 95, 101, 105
Hayward, John 224, 358
Hazlitt, William x, 354
Hearne, Thomas 31–2
Henrietta (Charles II’s sister) 42–3, 46, 125–6
Henrietta Maria (Charles II’s mother) 4, 6, 8
Herbert, William see Pembroke, 6th Earl of
Herrick, Robert 95
Hewit, Beau 218
Hill, Henry 149
Hinde, Captain 3
Hobbes, Thomas 11, 110, 182, 188, 197, 343; The Elements of Law 16; Leviathan 11, 16, 182, 189
Holland 61, 88 see also Anglo-Dutch Wars
Hollander, Tom 362
Holmes, Sir Robert 60
homosexuality: and Venice 45; at Wadham College 31, 36
Hoole, Charles: A New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching School 22–3
Hopkins, John 89
Hopkins, Matthew 10–11, 168
Howard, Sir Robert 151, 217
Hoyle, John 235
Hume, David 352
Hunt, Thomas 21
Huysmans, Jacob 62, 70, 106
Hyde, Edward see Clarendon, 1st Earl of
Hyde, Laurence 341, 362
Ingoldsby, Richard 33, 35, 53
Ireland 2, 52, 61. 242
Irving, Henry 242
Italy: visiting of by Rochester during Grand Tour 44–7
James, Duke of York see York, Duke of
Jeffreys, Stephen: The Libertine 361, 362
jewellery 67
Jews: tolerance of under Cromwell 15
Johnson, Samuel x; Lives of the English Poets 53, 360
Johnston, Sir Archibald 58
Jonson, Ben 95
Jowett, Benjamin 357
Joyce, George 8
Joyce, James 358
Julian, ‘Captain’ Robert 96
Juvenal 284
Kérouaille, Louise de 125, 148, 165, 210–13, 219, 292, 343
Killigrew, Elizabeth 62
Killigrew, Thomas 60, 62, 120, 253
Kirkby, Christopher 270
Knight, Mary 163
Kox, Hans: Rochester’s Second Bottle 363
Kynaston, Ned 362
Lamb, Jeremy: So Idle A Rogue 362
Lambert, General John 51, 53
lampooning 204
Lauderdale, Earl of (John Maitland) 260, 297
Leavis, F.R. 349
Lee, Edward 255
Lee, Sir Francis Henry 6, 316
Lee, Nathaniel 23; The Princess of Cleve 339
Legge, Henry 61
Lely, Peter 64, 70, 251
Libertine, The (film) ix, xii, 361–3
Libertine, The (play) 361
Lichfield, Earl of, Edward 332
Lilburne, Sir Robert 20
Lisburne, Viscount (John Vaughan) 341
Lisle, John 58
Locke, John 188, 343
London: bubonic plague 82, 90, 93; entering of by Charles II (1660) 56–7; Great Fire of (1666) 93–4, 105, 272; overcrowding 93; prostitutes 72, 116
Louis XIV, King of France 41–2, 61, 121, 206, 277
Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth see Kérouaille, Louise de
Love, Harold 361
Lovelace, Richard 95
Maastricht 161
MacMillan, James, others see us.... 363
Magalotti, Lorenzo 45
Magdalen College (Oxford) 31
Maitland, John see Lauderdale, Earl of
make-up 67–8
Malet, Elizabeth see Wilmot, Elizabeth
Malkovich, John 361–2
Manley, Mary 64
Manning, Henry 22
marriage 79
Marston, John 36
Marston Moor, Battle of: (1644) 20
Marvell, Andrew 58, 115, 173, 183, 222, 349
Mary of Modena (Duchess of York) 162
Mary, Princess Royal 37–8
Massinger, Philip: The Guardian 34
Mauleverer, Richard 21
Mazarin, Cardinal 41
Mazarin, Duchess of (Hortense Mancini) 219–20
eres, Sir Thomas 191
Mill, John Stuart 191
Milton, John 58, 188; Lycidas 184; Paradise Lost 115, 168, 181
Ministry of Pleasure, The (play) 361
Mohun, Charles 307
Molière 42, 43; L’École des femmes 42
Monck, George see Albemarle, Duke of
monkeys 107
Monmouth, Duke of 279, 282, 285
Montaigne, Michel de 43
Montagu, Edward 55, 56, 78, 82, 84–5, 91–2, 94
Montagu, Ralph 121, 126
Moore, Thomas 353–4
Mordaunt, John 53
Morice, William 58
Morton, Samantha 362
Muddiman, John 138, 139, 142
Mulgrave, Earl of (John Sheffield) 123–4, 192, 204, 252; aborted duel with Rochester 123–4, 126, 192, 288; attack on by Rochester in ‘My Lord All-Pride’ 280–2, 286; background 123; ‘An Essay upon Satire’ 286–8; mocking of by Rochester in ‘An Epistolary Essay from MG to OB upon their Mutual Poems’ 290; relationship with Rochester 280
Mustapha (play) 160
New College (Oxford) 31
New Model Army 8, 10, 28
Newton, Isaac 188
Nézel, Théodore 360
Nonconformists 89
Northumberland, Lady (Elizabeth Percy) 139
Nyman, Michael 362, 363
Oates, Titus 269–73, 278, 284, 286, 342; see also Popish Plot
Oblivion and Indemnity, Act of (1660) 57
Oldham, John 351
Order of the Garter 56
Ostend, Battle of (1666) 92
Otway, Thomas 159, 205, 342; Alcibiades 208; The Orphan 277
Ovid: Amores 136
Oxford University 28–31
Padua University 40, 46
Page, Damaris 116
Paisible, James 253
Palmer, Roger 63, 64
Paris: visiting of by Rochester during Grand Tour 41–2
Parliamentarians 8–9, 10, 11, 54
Parsons, Robert 314–15, 319, 332, 334; sermon at Rochester’s funeral 224–6
Pawlet, Miss 306–7
pederasty 35–6
Pembroke, 6th Earl of (William Herbert) 78, 291
Penruddock Rising (1655) 21
Pepys, Samuel 2, 4, 56, 60, 99, 169, 338; diary of 55, 64, 66, 69, 73, 80, 82, 116, 119; pet monkey 107; view of Rochester 120, 158
Percy, Elizabeth 163
Philip IV, King of Spain 61
Philippe, Duke of Orléans 42–3, 125–6
Pierce, Thomas 322–3