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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 4

by Gray, Beth

  Chapter 5

  Bang, bang, bang. Chad shot up straight in the bed, startled and confused with the surrounds. What the hell.

  Bang, bang, bang. “Chad, get up,” the voice yelled on the other side.

  Chad eased out of the bed. His head hurt. The plush bedroom resembled a totally different look than what he was used to back in Atlanta. For a brief moment, he understood why he had insisted on renting the three-bedroom condo near South Beach. “What do you want?”

  “Unlock the damn door and let me in. I just got a call,” Bobby growled through the door.

  Chad unlocked the door and watched his friend emerge from the other side. A professional model is not what he looked like. His hair scattered in all directions, a dark shadow of facial hair covered his haggard-looking face. The redness in his eyes showed how much booze they downed during the night before as Bobby stumbled forward in his black boxer shorts.

  Chad glanced at a clock on the nightstand. Nine thirty was too early to get up. He had only been in bed for a few hours. “What is it, Bobby?”

  “Alan, the photographer, just called me. He has a potential job for me this afternoon, but wants to see me this morning. If you remember, you were supposed to call him, also.”

  Chad fell back into the bed. “The product sounded kind of stupid last night, but you never know. What time does he want to see us?”


  “That’s shitting not going to happen.”

  “He made it sound like I had a great chance to model for a clothing line. One of the executives from there is also the one working on this play ball type product they want to produce.”

  “Oh hell, let me get up and get ready.”

  “Easy for you to say. I don’t think we have enough red-eye drops to cover this.”

  “Well, it’s up to you.”

  Bobby stumbled as he walked out. “I’ll be ready in about thirty minutes if you want to go with me.”

  * * * *

  “I don’t know why I had to come along.” Charlie slouched in the backseat.

  “It was your booze that got us all fucked up last night,” Chad shouted over his shoulder as he turned into the small parking lot next to a warehouse-looking building in the garment district.

  “I didn’t see you complaining then.” Charlie never opened his eyes.

  “As soon as we finish here, we need to hit the gyms and some of the newer spas.” Chad enjoyed the taste of the mocha he picked up minutes ago.

  “Well, can I at least sleep while you are in with the photographer?”

  “No,” both replied at once.

  All three struggled out of the rental car as Chad checked his watch. It would soon be time for lunch. “Bobby, what is the name of the woman bringing in the prototype?”

  “Alan said her name was LeAnna Tabot. He thinks she is working with an advertising firm scheduled to be in town later today. “

  “It does sound like a good contact for all of us.”

  Chad opened a plain white door to a different world on the other side. The ultramodern waiting area did double duty as a photo gallery of Alan’s work. The pure white carpet forced him to stop and check his shoes. Maintenance on such had to be tough. Spotlights highlighted his work, consisting of some fantastic photos of models as well as framed copies of magazine covers.

  The flair for presentation made Charlie come alive. “Wow, this is what I need for my work.”

  No one ventured out to meet them as they wandered along the wall. Two closed doors greeted them at the end. Chad knocked on the first one. No answer. He knocked on the next and waited.

  Bobby pointed to some of the work. “It would be nice to have my photo on this wall.”

  A door opened and Alan joined them. “I was hoping you would make it before we finished. You almost missed her. Come on and I’ll introduce you.”

  The next room looked so plain compared to the one they left. However, they all knew this was where the real work happened. Lighting equipment lined one corner to the other. The ceiling stretched two floors high. Background walls lined the far-back side. While parts of the room appeared totally incoherent, Chad realized how busy such as operation could become.

  With several assistants running around, Chad attempted to isolate the woman he came to see. Following Alan to another corner, he saw the product table where several guys were arranging lights and taking light readings.

  Alan spoke over his shoulder as he walked.”I told her a little about you. She agreed meeting you would be good.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  LeAnna Tabot stepped to one side as they approached. “I assume this is the guy you wanted me to meet today.”

  Alan turned sideways. “Yes, this is Chad, whom I met yesterday, Bobby, a model I used yesterday, and Charlie, a fantastic painter that has his work currently on exhibit here.”

  LeAnna studied Chad as she moved closer to him. “I heard you have many patents on exercise equipment.”

  Chad recognized the look questioning his age again. Sometimes it felt amusing, sometimes insulting, but always expected. “I have several.”

  LeAnna turned her stares to Charlie and Bobby. “Alan mentioned he had a friend that was a model.”

  Bobby smiled and leaned forward, extending his hand. “That would be me.”

  Referring to Charlie with her eyes, she continued, “Alan said you were a painter. Too bad, you have a great body for the new line of exercise clothing we’re working on today. “

  “Modeling is one thing I’ve never tried. I much prefer to stay on my side and paint.”

  “I can tell you spend a lot of time in the gym, working out.”

  “Well, painting and working out are the only two items I have much interest in.”

  LeAnna turned to the small ball on the table. “We do a considerable amount of advertising, and this should make me some extra money. It might be interesting to see how you like it.”

  Charlie stepped forward to examine it. When he attempted to pick it up, the expression on his face changed. “How much does it weigh?”

  “That depends on what you want it to weigh. It holds an inner pocket that you can change out the central weight with.”

  Charlie pulled the ball sideways, holding on to two handles, and everyone noticed the flexibility of the ball. “That’s weird.”

  “The ball incorporates many of the moves of a pilates workout and a medicine-ball exercise. It is the combination of the two that makes it unique.”

  Charlie grinned. “I think I could understand how it might work. But carrying a lot of different-size steel balls around would be a nuisance.”

  “If I had that problem worked out, what do you think?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Chad reached over and touched the ball. He understood she had figured a way to vary the weight without having to carry around a lot of weight. Her prototype would be the perfect example of an idea that would be easy to obtain a patent on. “Have you applied for a patent on this?”

  “I’ve had a reserve applied for, but still need to follow up with getting it finalized. That is why Alan suggested I talk to you.”

  “The process of obtaining a patent is not easy. The work involved in maintaining your rights is much harder. Are you planning on franchising your rights or producing this ball yourself?”

  “I see. I hope to produce it myself.”

  “I suggest you get a good lawyer.”

  “Which law firm do you use?”

  “Occasionally I will hire a specialist when needed, but we have a staff of lawyers taking care of our patents, headed by my dad.”

  “Wow, it sounds like you are into this much more than I realized.”

  “If you are not prepared to fight for your rights, your patent will not be worth much to you.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “Let me consider buying your patent and relicensing it back to you.”

  “What? That doesn’t make sense.”
br />   “Actually, it does. I have the knowledge and resources to defend other from infringing on your invention. It will free up your time to simply promote your—ball.”

  “Perhaps, I see some logic to it, but not sold yet. Let me think about it.”

  “Not a problem.” Chad produced a card and handed it to her. “My cell phone number is on the card. We plan on being here for a few more days.”

  LeAnna studied the card. “I see you’re from Atlanta.”

  “Yes, home sweet home and all that.”

  Picking up on the Atlanta base, Alan stepped forward. “The advertising firm coming in shortly is from Atlanta.”

  LeAnna pocketed the card. “I’m the major stockholder in a clothing company based in Miami. You may have heard of us.” She handed him her card. “We design formals, starting with a basic design and customizing it. In deep contrast, we have one line for sports-active women, not ready to call an end to such activity due to increased age, but possessing unique requirements. Our advertising firm has proposed a new campaign that might work well. We will see.”

  Chad wondered how long he would be stuck here now. He hoped to be in and out quickly. However, he did isolate one potential idea for patenting. The details would take some time, but might be worthwhile pursuing. He studied the ball as the rest of the group drifted into talking about the advertising project.

  With several assistants hustling around, Chad hoped to find a way to leave them for a while unnoticed. As he turned for the door, he bumped into someone he recognized immediately—Terri. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, I should ask you the same thing, since you never called me.” She held her ground in front of him.

  Chad pointed toward the ball. “I’m here on business.” It dawned on him she must be with the advertising agency from Atlanta. Looking past her, he noticed the other two women waving at him. Penny reached over to hug Bobby, and Jessica headed for Charlie.

  LeAnna spoke up. “I assume introductions are not in order.”

  Terri stretched out a hand toward LeAnna as she eyed Chad. “We’ve met…once.”

  The word “once” stung. He should have called her, but was not sure how he would have been received. “I think my work here is done, and I know you have business to take care of.”

  LeAnna motioned toward Charlie. “I would like for you to stay for a minute, if you can. I want to get Terri’s opinion on something.”

  “Sure.” Charlie rubbed his chin.

  Chad glanced around again and backed away from the group. “Call me when you are done. I need to make a few stops while I still have time.”

  Bobby added in, “Don’t worry about us. I’m sure we can find a way back if you get tied up.”

  Chad didn’t know how long he could keep a straight face as memories of the night with Terri resurfaced. “Okay.” He turned and walked away.

  Chapter 6

  Several days later, Chad eased around one obstacle after another along Beach Drive, looking for a nice place to sit and talk with Charlie. The restaurant seaters were already out in force, hawking their food. The late afternoon glow added to the bustle of the early crowd coming off the beach for a drink before the nightlife started.

  He saw one place he had stopped before that offered him a fantastic lobster. Why not? He enjoyed the energy of the crowds passing by, and the weather looked incredible. He slipped into a seat and watched Charlie smile in appreciation. “I thought you might end up here.”

  A beautiful dark-haired girl walked over and handed them a menu. “What can I get you guys today?”

  “Mojitos sound great.”

  “Absolutely,” Charlie confirmed as he opened his menu.

  The waitress eyed them and lingered for a minute. “My name is Anita. I’m looking forward to taking care of you tonight.”

  Chad knew she was the one that would love to be taken care of. She had to be in her early twenties and reminded him of so many other girls hunting for nothing more than empty dreams and with claws intent on hooking someone. He blinked his eyes. Maybe he was wrong in his thinking.

  He watched Anita walk away. Her pert ass swayed easily below a very slim waist. He raised a closed fist and did a quick bump with Charlie. “Have you heard from Bobby?”

  “Not since he got on the plane earlier today. It’s about time for him to reach Vegas.” Charlie retrieved his cell phone and hit a speed button. “If Jessica didn’t have to go back to Atlanta, I might have tried to talk her into making it a foursome.”

  “Hey, you’re an animal.” Chad realized that would have left him all alone with Terri. He knew she was still in Miami, but as much as he struggled, he couldn’t call her. His memories of their night together brought back fantastic feelings, but lacked details. He thought he made love to her, but knew a possibility existed he passed out first. If so, he would be a laughingstock of his friends, an experience he would love to avoid.

  The waitress returned with the drinks. “Here we go. I’m sure you and…your friend will enjoy these.”

  Chad’s southern-bred manhood kicked in, forcing him to set the record straight. “We work together. So, tell me. Which one of us do you like the best?”

  Her eyes sparkled as she shifted from one to the other. “Either or both.”

  “Ahhh, Anita, you’re a wicked woman.”

  “Enjoy your drinks.” She licked her lips and cocked her hip to one side.

  “We will. And I think we could use a seafood sampling platter of some kind to eat while we take care of some business.”

  “Where did you see that on the menu?” She leaned forward.

  Charlie handed her the two menus. “Chad hardly ever looks at a menu. I’m sure the chef will take care of us.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Do you always get what you want?”

  Chad answered, “Always.”

  As soon as she walked out of hearing distance, Charlie whistled. “Nice, but she’s a hanger.” Yes, definitely the kind who hung around and made it hard to get rid of.

  “I just hope Bobby know what he’s doing. How long is he planning on staying in Vegas?”

  “Who knows? They have been humping it for the last several days. He has to come up for air soon. However, I think tonight we’re going to have some good luck. I know just the place.”

  Chad hated to admit it, but he needed to go over these figures again tonight and get ready for the meeting tomorrow. If he went through with the proposal, it would be the first time he tied up his own money on actually producing something. He wanted to be sharp. The fact that Terri would be attending dominated his mind. He wanted to see her and wondered if he could start over. She actually looked very good to him and would not be a hanger. He knew all he had to do is suggest some activities she could not handle, and she would drop off as so many before.

  Charlie straightened his back and yelled into his cell phone, “Bobby. You dog, you. We were talking about you. Have you checked in yet?”

  Chad’s mind drifted back to Terri as Charlie’s conversation faded. He knew the chances were strong they would go out dancing after their meeting tomorrow night. The time he danced with her before remained firmly implanted in his memory. Her body had felt so well toned and firm. She followed his lead, dancing well for an older lady.

  Charlie held out the cell toward Chad. “He wants to talk to you.”

  Chad accepted the phone. “Listen, do me one favor. Don’t get drunk and get married.”

  “Who told you?”

  “What?” Chad blinked to clear his head.

  Bobby laughed, followed by a muttered conversation. “Got ya.”

  “Very funny. How long are you planning on staying out there?”

  “Just the weekend. Listen, Penny wants to talk to you.”


  Penny laughed as she started talking. “How are you, Chad?” Her voice slurred, indicating she had been drinking.


  “Terri will probably kill me for this, so mak
e me a promise this is just between you and me.”

  Chad waited and decided not to answer.

  “I know the last time you two were together…well, she was drunk. She normally never drinks that much. It’s your fault for offering her so much champagne. Anyway, I think she really likes you.”

  Chad laughed but managed to cover the phone. “I think we all were.”

  “You should give her a chance, you know. She can be a lot of fun.”

  “I’m sure she can.”

  “She’s hard to keep up with, but…well, I think I’ve said enough. Don’t tell her I tried to help get her laid.”

  “My lips are sealed.” He heard the phone line die as he turned toward Charlie. “I think Bobby has a hanger, and one wanting me to join in.”

  “If we don’t hear back from him in a day or two, we may have to go get him.”

  “Agreed.” Chad maintained a stern face, but his mind raced close to redlining. Had Terri been talking about him?

  Charlie pulled out the file he had carried with him. “I think this is what we need to concentrate on now. LeAnna wanted me to make sure you received this today. She is a strict, no-nonsense businesswoman. She wants you to buy half ownership in the patent and then provide the expertise to make the patent enforceable. She is willing to pay for the work involved in perfecting the patent. An outside company will produce the balls, but all marketing is the responsibility of the new company. There are naturally some major concerns in doing this, but the rewards could also be high.”

  Chad processed the information, allowing Charlie a moment to rest. “It appears that the key to this is the promotion and advertising.”

  “Exactly. That is why she wants us to meet with her and Terri tomorrow. If we do this deal, it is going to make things complicated, seeing how I’ve been sleeping with Jessica some, and Bobby is now off with Penny. Not to mention you having been with Terri.”

  “I can set this deal off in a separate company and manage it without you and Bobby involved. I’m not sure about Terri’s two friends. However, I’m sure Terri’s and my one night together can be forgotten. We were both very drunk that night, and between me and you, I can’t remember anything.”


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