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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 13

by Gray, Beth

  Terri’s phone rang. “Yes.” She cupped the phone. “Give me a minute.” She turned and walked away, wanting space.

  Chad took the opportunity to face LeAnna. “We have a long week ahead of us.”

  “Yes, I know this yacht is costing us a fortune, but I think it will pay for itself many times over. It also gives us a way to work together all week. We need to make a big splash quickly, or it will die. We have a lot of Buffers to sell.”

  “Relax, it will happen.” Chad pointed to Terri. “I think she has everything under control.”

  “I hope so. This has drained me and will reflect on my other lines.”

  Chad resisted the urge to ask her about her divorce. He had heard her husband was fighting the divorce and costing her a ton in legal fees, as well tying up some of her money. “I think we need to have fun and enjoy the moment.” He moved in closer, hoping his smile would make her relax. He thought more champagne would help and looked for a glass.

  Terri returned. “Let’s make our way up. Remember, you are going to have your photo taken thousands of times. Guard against any sour faces or angry stares, no matter what anyone says.”

  LeAnna went first, and Terri followed closely behind. Chad studied Terri’s butt. Thoughts of having her again dominated his desires. When this promotional tour was over, he had to find a way to see her again.

  The crowd on the next floor had thinned. Chad decided to take charge with a loud voice. “Okay, everyone, it’s show time, and you need to find a spot. I know it is going to be crowded.” The room complied immediately as he held the two women back with him. He knew the presentation would not start until they arrived.

  Chad spotted Charlie off to one side, surrounded by spa and gym owners, performing his task perfectly, keeping them happy and drunk. In contrast to the others, he dressed in gym attire, adding a full fitness presence to the group.

  The main sundeck was where the presentation was going to be held. It allowed the most exposure. Some of the crowd huddled in the captain’s deck above to look down on them. As they reached a holding point on one side, the MC walked to the center of the stage area, holding his hands high above him to silence the crowd.

  “Hello, everyone. How is everyone enjoying the champagne today?” A roar of approval rocked the ship.

  “Good, before we get started I want to introduce to you the people responsible for making all of this possible today.” He waved at Chad and LeAnna, motioning for them to walk forward. “I would like to introduce world-renowned clothes designer LeAnna Tabot.” He waited on the clapping and yelling to abate before he continued. LeAnna raised one arm to wave at her fans.

  “And the genius that holds the patents on many of the gym equipment advances many people take for granted, Chadwick Edwards.” Chad grimaced at hearing his full name being used but stepped forward to the roar of the crowd.

  The MC raised his hands again, showing his master skills of entertaining the crowds. “Let me ask you a question.” He paused, allowing the rumble to die to a deathly silence. “How many here love to see guys and girls that really look…buff?

  One of the guys in Charlie’s corner yelled, “Who doesn’t?”

  He pointed around the stage. “And how many want that person being lusted after to be none other than—themselves.”

  Two other guys, as if on cue, stood next to Charlie and flexed their massive muscles.

  “Honestly, we all know it is impossible for most of us to stay in the gym all day to stay—buff.” He walked over to one side of the stage. “Chad, you’re a genius.”

  Chad raised his hands in the air again.

  As the crowd quieted down again, the MC continued. “I’ve one more question for you to consider. Are there any women here that get excited when they buy a new purse?”

  Another round of cheers erupted from a crowd on the captain’s deck above.

  “I thought so. Okay, guys, I know many of you don’t call it a purse. It’s a backpack or a gym bag—right?” The MC received some reaction, but not nearly as much as from the women.

  “Okay, now for the moment you have all waited for. I hope you like the selection we have for you today. Who wants to see a modeling show?” As the crowd erupted again, the MC pointed to the other side of the stage. Several models lined the edge.

  Waiting for a cue from a director, the first two beautifully developed girls walked forward, carrying Buffer Bags with bold double B symbols drawn into the side. Chad could barely see the attached brass chain holding his brand identification of Edwards patents but knew it was there attached to the strap.

  Making it to the center, the girls pulled the shoulder bags off and exhibited them to the crowds. Chad heard the women praising the bags—good! The models turned to each other slipped their feet under the bags and into foot straps as they reached for the handles. While stretching them, the models looked like they were doing a Pilates exercise. The girls quickly shifted from one exercise to another to demonstrate how versatile the Buffer Bag was.

  As they walked off, two hunks walked on stage. One carried what looked to be a modified gym bag and the other a modified backpack. Both sported the same symbols of the double B. They soon demonstrated the same type of routine, but flexed much larger muscles. Yes, the band had to be stronger.

  Strutting around for several minutes much as a Chippendale routine would, they moved to one side of the stage.

  A lone slender guy made his way to the center. The MC waved his hand around the crowd. “I think you all see how different the two bags are. But now I think it would be interesting for you to see just how easy it is to switch from one band to another to adjust the resistance to your personal needs.”

  The thin, no-muscle guy, begin the first demonstration, barely having to pull. He changed the bands or handles in seconds and showed how hard it was to advance to the next level. The last band didn’t even budge. He performed perfectly as a comedian, giving the right amount of theatrical interpretation. Without saying much, he knew the crowd understood slim but fashionable men would love the combination.

  Several men rushed boxes of the Buffer Bag on stage. The MC shouted to the crowd, “I know the only way you can truly understand how great these are is to come try one. But first, I know many of you have questions. Please welcome Chad and LeAnna again on stage.”

  Chad walked forward and stood in front of the crowd. Questions came in from all directions. He tried to answer. LeAnna tried to answer. But the crowd became too out of control to handle answering correctly. After many attempts, Chad pointed to the MC.

  The MC added in a loud voice, “They are going to be here all night, and I’m sure will answer your individual questions. Please come forward and give these a try.” This is what they all wanted. Chad looked at LeAnna, hoping she would be happy with the enthusiasm of the crowd. It was hard to read her face.

  * * * *

  Terri rushed to handle the damage caused by the crowd. She realized they had too many people on board and not enough help. However, the frenzy might be a good thing. It would be a party many would talk about for some time. The crowds shifted from place to place as the night progressed. Chad managed to hook up with his old buddies. She wondered if he ever thought of their time together in Colorado. He did a great job in covering his thoughts.

  Terri made one appearance after another, making sure all guests enjoyed themselves. She saw Chad leaving his buddies and decided to join him as he ascended to the next level. “Hey, stranger, how have you been?”

  He looked at her with a puzzled expression. Well, maybe stranger was not the word she needed to use. “I’m…fine.” Chad had shared one glass of champagne after another with friends all day. She knew from experience he had a great tolerance, but hours after hours of partying had to catch up with him some time.

  “How much champagne have you had tonight?”

  “I don’t even know. I’m just doing my part.” He stumbled, making it up the stairs.

  “If you want to lie down for a wh
ile, you know you can. We’re going to be on this yacht for a week.”

  “I know. I think I just need some air for a while.”

  “Okay, I could use some, also.” She helped stabilize his walk.

  The lights around the marina came into view as they walked out onto the open sun court. While some people floated around, the massive crowd of people left a few hours ago. His hand grabbed hers as he leaned against a rail. “So, how do you think it went today?”

  “For a first day—not bad. I know the kinks we have to work out now. We have ten more presentations over the week. “

  The wind picked up, and the cool breeze scattered her hair. With Chad staring out into space, she took the opportunity to study his face. His features remained flawless, but his eyes cast a distant stare of an unfocused guy. She snuggled closer to him.

  Without releasing his stare into nothingness, he leaned over and kissed her forehead. He felt warm. She knew they could only disappear for a moment until they were found. She wanted to talk—she wanted him to talk. Somehow, she would find a way to break this impasse. She needed to know what he wanted. But, more importantly, she needed to know what she wanted. Time stood still as she enjoyed the quiet minutes, knowing it would not be much longer now.

  With his eyes still dazed, he turned to face her. She took the initiative and leaned over to kiss him gently on the lips. He kissed back, but without much fire. She realized he was much drunker than she thought. “Here, let me help you to your room.”

  He didn’t object as he moved toward the steps. She stayed close in case he started to fall. She needed to talk to him tomorrow about his drinking. He needed to learn to control the amount he consumed. She didn’t feel condemning. She didn’t feel like a mother hen. Deep inside, she understood what he was going through. At least, she thought she knew.

  On the next level, Charlie walked over to them. “Hey, buddy, how is it going?” He acted much like Chad.

  “I think both of you need to call it a night.”

  Charlie stood straight, his eyes blinking with a comical attempt of pretending to be sober. “The party is not over yet.”

  One late-hanging girl, one of the models, walked over to them. “Hey, Chad, you look like you need someone to tuck you in for the night.”

  Chad smiled without answering.

  Charlie stared at the model, his eyes obviously undressing her. “Wait on me, and I might take you up on that.” He winked at Terri and Chad.

  The girl smiled and walked back over to the few others drinking at one table.

  Terri leaned toward Charlie. “I think you are totally incurable.”

  “Me? I’m just trying to have fun. There are two women onboard I like, and both are giving me the cold shoulder.”

  Terri shook her head. “It’s amazing how men sometimes don’t have a clue.”

  Charlie’s face muscles tightened. “And I’m sure you will explain it to me.”

  “Yes, if you want. Both women I think you’re referring to like you, but also have a long-standing relationship. Both will not risk hurting the other’s feelings. Until you decide which one you really want to settle for, they will keep their distance.”

  “But I’m not ready to settle for any one person. I just want to have fun and enjoy life. I thought they did also.”

  “You know, sometimes not making a decision can lead to more problems than making a decision. For now, I suggest you simply be a friend to both. Time will tell if there is more that will develop later. As the old saying goes, it is hard to have your cake and eat it, too.”

  “It sounds too complicated for me.” He looked behind him. “I’ll think about what you said.”

  “Good, now I need to help Chad get to his room.”

  Chapter 20

  Chad walked around the yacht. After a week on board, the captain and crew had worked their butts off to make sure the promotional cruise was a success. Key people in the thousands had been invited to party and experience the Buffer Bag up close. He knew they should be receiving some great orders. It had to be one hell of a success. However, he noticed a worried look on LeAnna’s face the last few days.

  Terri had confided in him that her husband was causing her problems. If it became too successful, she would have to account for it in the settlement. She would also have a terrible time putting a value on it they could all agree to. Her attorney had come on board several times.

  They would soon be docking at the marina where they started. The last night aboard was reserved for the ones directly involved in the project. It would take him a while to get the poison out of his system. When he made it back to Atlanta, he knew he would spend days in the gym sweating and recovering in the steam rooms.

  Over the week, the photographers seemed to be in front of him all of the time. He had no periods of time to relax and be with Terri. She had partied with him almost every night, and they laughed until he simply had to sleep. She had proved to him she could stay up with him. He needed time to think.

  He walked to the front of the ship and watched the condos in the distance. It would be nice to move here one day. Lost in his thoughts, a movement at his side started him. Terri snuggled in next to him. “I thought you could use some company.”

  He reached around her, feeling a body he yearned for more than he could admit. The hugs of the past week became second nature to him. He reflected on the week and how they had not had sex even once. He never hit on her, and she never attempted to seduce him. Was it possible they would coast into a friendship and leave their hot sex nights behind them?

  With Bobby attached to Penny, he saw him very little on the trip. Charlie hit on one girl after another. He felt sure he would hear about all of the details later. Terri had become his best friend on this trip. He felt comfortable simply standing still and watching the scenery slide by the yacht.

  “We’re heading back to Atlanta first thing tomorrow morning. I have so much I need to handle as we push the national advertising. I’m sure you will want to view the photos from the trip.”

  “Yes, I plan on taking a break from work and working out for a while. Time to hit the health farm and get back in shape.”

  “I have been worried about you and the amount of drinking you have—”

  “Don’t, I know.”

  “Okay. I won’t, I just care about you.”

  Chad turned to study her face. Her eyes penetrated his as he had to look away. “Thanks.” He pulled her closer. He wanted to talk and tell her how he felt, but…

  * * * *

  Terri rushed to gather her belongings. She forced her head to clear. Why did she book such an early flight? Yes, the warrior in her. She wanted to get started on the national advertising. Jessica and Penny had already checked in on her. She closed her carry-on bag. With a little coffee, she could make it on board. Hopefully, she could get an hour or two of sleep on the plane. She rethought her intentions of going straight to her office.

  She walked past Chad’s room. She wanted to knock on his door and wake him to say good-bye, but knew he was more exhausted than she was. He had to be. She leaned her head against his door and rested.

  A hand massaged the back of her neck. She turned to see Penny, her eyes full of compassion. “I don’t know why you do this to yourself.”

  “Do what?”

  “Deny yourself what you really want.”

  “Perhaps I don’t know what I want. I can’t see how you managed to make such an adjustment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for you and Bobby.”

  “Bobby and I have a great sex life. We enjoy each other. But more importantly, we let each other do our thing when we are not together.”

  “Sounds like heaven.” Terri stared at the door. “And what happens if the advertising does not work and he decides to let us go?”

  “Don’t worry. It will.”

  “I hope so.”

  Chapter 21

  Chad rushed to the front door to answer the ringing doorbell. He had anticipated the photogra
pher for over an hour. He had accumulated what he and Terri considered to be the best of the photos from the promotional cruise. He had felt like working from home today and was glad the photographer agreed to come see him there.

  A short balding man waited on him as he opened the door. “Mr. Edwards, I’m Alan Herman. We met before.”

  “Sure, I remember you. Come on in and call me Chad.” He led the way to a den he also used as an office on days he wanted to work at home

  “I talked to Terri a few minutes ago, and she is not far behind me. I want to thank you for allowing several of the assistants working for me to cover your promotional cruise.”

  “You’re welcome.” From a previous conversation, he wasn’t sure Terri would be there are not. He had not seen her in the two weeks they have been back in Atlanta. He wanted to call her, but hesitated, still not sure of where they were heading. He still didn’t know where he wanted to go with their relationship. Yes, they had talked on the phone and acted friendly, but it felt restrained and not like he could say what was really on his mind.

  Alan hauled a large bag with him that Chad assumed was full of photos for him to review. “What do you think of the photos?”

  “I think we have everything you might want and more. The press was also there all week, and they have photos filling the tabloids now also. We don’t have much control over those.”

  Chad grinned as he pointed to a collection on a coffee table. “They make it look like we had one hell of a party. I’m not sure the product was highlighted like we wanted.”

  “By picking and choosing, I’m sure Terri will get the message out for you. She is very good at what she does.”

  Alan scanned the den, and the exercise equipment on every square inch of available space. “It looks like you live in a gym.”

  “I receive a lot of free equipment and need to have it close to inspire me to design something a little different or sometimes very different. “

  Alan’s attention rested on the nude painting on one wall. “I’m sure that will do great in inspiring you.” He rubbed his chin. “I saw this before. Isn’t this the one Charlie painted and showcased in his gallery exhibition in Miami?”


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