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Succubus Rising, An Urban Fantasy (The Telepathic Clans Saga)

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by BR Kingsolver

  Succubus Rising,

  An Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance

  BR Kingsolver

  Published by B.R. Kingsolver at Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 B.R. Kingsolver

  Cover art by Mia Darien

  Previous books in this series

  The Succubus Gift

  Succubus Unleashed

  Look for Book 4 in the Brenna O’Donnell Telepathic Clans Saga in 2013

  Also look for Book 1 in the RB Kendrick paranormal mystery series set in the world of the Telepathic Clans


  Smashword Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Praise for The Succubus Gift, Book 1 of the Telepathic Clans:

  The novel itself is expertly written and an utter joy to read. The characters are all delightful. There were times while I was reading this that I laughed out loud, and other times when I held my breath in anticipation of what might occur. 4.5/5 stars – Night Owl Reviews

  This book had it all; lots of action, romance, suspense and humor. Loaded with intrigue and drama … 5/5 quills – Mel’s Book Blog

  Let me just start by saying WOW, because this book completely blew my expectations out of the water and then some. The initial synopsis plot struck me as interesting, but it didn’t prepare me for the utterly heart stopping onslaught of sex, violence and paranormal abilities … a great unique addition to the paranormal/urban fantasy genre and I’d definitely recommend this to fans of the genre! It had everything I could ask for, love, sex, violence, witty banter, supernatural abilities. I am so excited to see what Kingsolver does next! 5/5 HOT steaming cups - Tea and Text

  Well written, a story that kept me turning the pages and wanting to know more… I can’t give a higher rating save to add that you really should buy this book and follow this series… I would never have missed this for the world… A full five out of five pitchforks. -

  Praise for Succubus Unleashed, Book 2 of the Telepathic Clans:

  Succubus Unleashed is a wildly entertaining novel, full of the same dynamic and enchanting characters from The Succubus Gift. The story begins at a very rapid pace and never slows down. 4.5/5 stars – Night Owl Reviews

  Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! BR Kingsolver's second book is everything I would have hoped from reading the first book in the series, The Succubus Gift. 5/5 stars – Wren Doloro

  The Telepathic Clans series has a little bit of everything for everyone. International mystery, romance, political drama, paranormal abilities, epic smack downs and to-die-for shopping trips. I don't think I'll ever be disappointed by what Kingsolver writes ... 5/5 HOT steaming cups - Tea and Text

  It's like an even more surreal version of the princess diaries ...




  Pronunciation Guide to Names

  Some of the names in this book have been Anglicized, for others:

  Aine: aw-nya – delight or pleasure

  Aislinn: awsh-leen – dream or vision

  Aoife: eef-ya – beautiful or radiant

  Beltane: bel-tane – May Day, the beginning of the summer season, a springtime festival of optimism

  Brenna: bran-na – raven, often referring to hair

  Caylin: kay-lin – slender, fair

  Irina: ee-ree-na – Russian form of Irene

  Mairead: mah-rayd – Gaelic form of Margaret

  Morrighan: mor-ri-gan – Celtic goddess

  Poitin: po-teen – Irish moonshine

  Rhiannon: ree-an-on – Welsh for maiden

  Samhain: so-ween – The harvest festival, now called Halloween

  Seamus: shay-mus – the supplanter

  Sean: shawn – Gaelic form of John

  Sinead: shi-nayd – Irish version of Jeanne

  Siobhan: shee-vawn – Variation of Jeanne

  Slainte: slayn-cheh – ‘Health’ in Gaelic, a toast

  Tuatha De Danann: tu-a-tha de dan-an – The people of the Goddess Danu - The original pre-Celtic inhabitants of Ireland



  The Church never succeeded in obtaining universal acceptance of its sexual regulations, but in time it became able to enforce sexual abstinence on a scale sufficient to produce a rich crop of mental disease. It is hardly too much to say that medieval Europe came to resemble a vast insane asylum. Most people have a notion that the Middle Ages were a period of considerable license, and are aware that the religious houses were often hotbeds of sexuality, but there seems to be a general impression that this was a degenerate condition which appeared towards the end of the epoch.

  If anything, the reverse is the case. In the earlier part of the Middle Ages what we chiefly find is frank sexuality, with which the Church at first battles in vain. Then, as the Church improves its system of control, we find a mounting toll of perversion and neurosis. For whenever society attempts to restrict expression of the sexual drive more severely than the human constitution will stand, one or more of three things must occur. Either men will defy the taboos, or they will turn to perverted forms of sex, or they will develop psycho-neurotic symptoms, such as psychologically-caused illness, delusions, hallucinations and hysterical manifestations of various kinds. The stronger personalities defy the taboos: the weaker ones turn to indirect forms of expression.

  Perhaps the most remarkable phenomenon is the development of extensive fantasying about the idea of a really satisfactory sexual congress. These fantasies soon took the specific form of claiming that one was visited in the night by a supernatural being, known as an Incubus (or, in the case of men, a Succubus).

  The pre-Christian Celts were permissive about sex and accorded a high status to women; they did not, however, attempt to impose these views on those who differed from them. They worshipped a mother deity, variously known as Anu or Brigit. They had no spiritual superiors, for the existence of a hierarchal system of control is typical of patrism, but it is noticeable that Anu was served by priestesses, not by priests. It seems reasonable, therefore, to conclude that the Christian moralists were dominated by father identification, while the pre-Christian Celts provide an example of mother identification.

  – From “Sex in History” by Gordon Rattray Taylor



  In medieval legend, a 'succubus' (plural succubi; from Latin succubare, "to lie under") is a female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce them and have sexual intercourse with them, drawing energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death. This legend was an explanation for the phenomena of wet dreams and sleep paralysis. – Wikipedia

  Horrified, Brenna stared at the Senator, who unfortunately just stared back. She wanted him to do something more, such as breathe, but he didn’t. He just sat there, pants around his knees in his two thousand dollar leather chair.

  It had been a massive heart attack, and even with her power and skill as a healer there had been nothing she could do except push him off he
r. He fell back into his chair. She sat on the edge of his desk with her skirt gathered around her waist and gaped at him.

  Things had been going so well …


  Senator Carl Evans was a Midwestern farm-state champion of right wing, family-values politics with a reputation as a womanizer. He had put a hold on the nomination for a federal judgeship in West Virginia, a position Seamus O’Donnell, Brenna’s grandfather and head of the O’Donnell Clan, wanted to fill with his own man. The valley holding the O’Donnell estate was in that particular district, and the man nominated was a telepath who had grown up in the valley. Seamus had paid his college and law school tuition. Evans was unaware of that. He just put the hold in to be contrary and see who would come offering him something to release it.

  The offering was Brenna. She showed up at a committee hearing he attended. Using her powers to don a low Glamour and projecting Influence, she smiled shyly at him when he noticed her, then blushed and looked down at her lap. Throughout the rest of the meeting, she used Influence to pull his attention to her.

  As everyone filed out at the end, she hung back and then fell in step with him. She didn’t attempt to speak to him, but brushed his arm with her breast as they walked out into the hall, then strode off with a pronounced sway in her hips.

  The next day at another meeting he attended, she sauntered in swishing her skirt. When she passed him, she dropped her pen. Bending over to pick it up, she read his mind and saw her own ass as he saw it.

  “Is this seat taken?” she asked as she stood, indicating the chair next to him.

  He gave her his best smile and said, “I’m not waiting for anyone.”

  As the meeting progressed, she continued to read his surface thoughts and softly asked him a couple of questions.

  “Very astute questions,” he said afterward. “I was thinking the same things about that testimony.”

  “Some of what she was saying didn’t add up,” Brenna responded. Handing him her card, she said, “I’m Brenna O’Donnell. I’d like the opportunity to speak with you about a judicial appointment. One of our clients has asked us to check into the issue.” She gave him a slight puff of pheromones.

  He glanced from her cleavage to her card and back, then lifted his eyes to her face. Brenna gave him a look of what she hoped was earnest interest while using Empathic Projection to send him a feeling of her lust.

  “Call my office,” he said, his smile growing wider. “I’ll tell my appointment secretary to expect you.”

  She showed up at the appointed early-morning time, and his secretary ushered her into his office. Kicking her Glam up to medium low, she walked closer to his desk and sat in the chair offered her.

  “Senator,” Brenna said, leaning forward to provide him a better view of her cleavage, “my client has authorized me to explore what might be done to lift the hold you have on the fourth circuit appointment. Of course, some help with your reelection effort would be forthcoming, and I personally would be very grateful if we could find a positive resolution to the issue.” She released a burst of pheromones and increased her Glam.

  “I, uh, have some questions about, ah, his credentials as a strict constructionist,” Evans said, a light sheen of sweat breaking out on his face.

  Brenna rose and walked around his desk and leaned against it in front of him. Undoing the next button on her blouse, she said, “Oh, come now, Senator. It would be a shame if I walked out of here without both of us getting what we want.” She slipped off her panties and sat on his desk, lifting her skirt and leaning back on her elbows.

  Standing between her legs, driving into her, Evans suddenly stopped, his face turning bright red. He clutched his chest and fell forward, pinning her to the desk. Brenna lay there, with a large man lying on top of her, and tried to figure out what had happened. She entered his mind and felt it fade. Stunned, she sent her mind into his body and saw that his heart had stopped. Checking further, she saw large areas of ischemic damage, indicating previous heart attacks, and a spreading area of dead tissue from the current attack. She tried to stimulate the nerves and nothing happened. The last spark of life, the light of his soul, dimmed and went out.

  She tried to push him off her, but he was too heavy. She pushed with Telekinesis, and he straightened and fell back into his chair.

  Rebecca? We’ve got a problem, she sent to her best friend and leader of her Protector team, waiting in the halls outside the senator’s office. She provided Rebecca with an image of the senator.

  Oh Jesus, tell me you’re kidding.

  I wish I were. What do I do?

  Rebecca had a well-deserved reputation for extensive and creative cursing, but the string that ran through their mental link was impressive enough that Brenna momentarily forgot the problem sitting in front of her. Then Rebecca went silent. When she came back, Jeremy was with her, speaking to Brenna’s mind.

  First thing, put your panties on, came Jeremy’s calm thought, filled with dry patience. Then start blanking out the fact you were there from everyone in the office.

  Brenna edged off the desk, avoiding the Senator, picked up her panties and put them on. Should I have the secretary erase my appointment?

  Oh hell no, Rebecca responded. Things on a computer aren’t really erased. Just put in her mind that you called this morning and cancelled, and have her log the call.

  Oh, okay.

  Jeremy sent, Think hard, who saw you there? Is there anyone who can place you there that isn’t in the office?

  Yeah, one of the Senator’s aides, a guy named Donald Sorenson. He was leaving when I came in and he leered at me … hang on … okay, I checked with the secretary, and he was going to a meeting over on the House side.

  Jeremy and Rebecca sent a squad out looking for Sorenson, then stood in the hall and blurred the memories of everyone who walked by. Brenna fixed the memories of the office staff. She came out of the senator’s offices and they whisked her away.

  “I wonder how they’re going to explain him,” Rebecca mused.

  “I think the person who’s going to find him is one of the filing clerks,” Brenna said. “She goes in about ten every morning to give him a blow job, at least that’s what I picked out of the secretary’s mind.”

  “An upstanding family man, huh?” Jeremy snorted in disgust. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  As they reached the bottom of the steps of the Hart Office Building, an ambulance pulled up with its siren and lights.


  “Brenna, when I said to do anything necessary to make Evans lift the hold, I didn’t mean to kill him,” Karen MacIntyre told Brenna with a mock disapproving glower.

  “Karen, don’t. Please? I know everyone probably thinks this is funny, but I don’t. I need a drink.”

  “It’s not even noon yet.”

  “Oh goody, still time in the day for things to really go to hell,” Brenna walked over to Karen’s sideboard and poured herself two fingers of Irish whiskey, took a drink, then sat in the chair in front of her boss. Blonde, blue-eyed and pretty, Karen was slender, of medium height, with breasts almost too large for her frame.

  “I know I’m a newbie and I do some stupid things sometimes,” Brenna said, “but I suggest you remind people that although I’m the youngest and most junior lobbyist, I’m also Vice-Chairman of the Board. Laughing at me where I can hear it is probably not a good long-term career strategy.”

  Karen immediately laughed. “Oh God, honey, I’m so sorry this happened to you, but you have to admit it’s almost unbelievable. Cindy screws Congress for fifteen years without a single problem, and the first one of our elected gentlemen you touch croaks on you.”

  “I think I’ll have another drink.”


  Collin drove in from West Virginia that afternoon. He had been out of the country for his birthday, and Brenna had been geared up to take him on a hot date as a makeup. Finally seated in the restaurant, Brenna threw her original idea of ordering champagne out in favor
of whiskey.

  “I hear you had a rough day,” Collin placed his hand on hers. “Thanks for still trying to make tonight special.”

  “Honey, you are special. All day I kept thinking that if I just held on, you’d be here, and then everything would be better. Every time I kill someone, you show up and hold me and take me home,” Brenna told him, fighting back tears.

  He stood and walked around the table, pulled her to her feet and into his arms. She clung to him, feeling how strong and solid he was, marveling at how safe he made her feel.

  “You didn’t kill that guy today,” he whispered. “You just happened to be there when he died. Do you want to go home?”

  “No, I want to be here with you. I’m okay now. I’m always okay when I’m with you.” Giving him a weak smile, she pushed away and sat back down. “Thank you.”

  They had a nice dinner and talked of other things. It was late when they got home, and she was in a much better mood. He took her in his arms and kissed her. Passion flared and she pressed against him, running her hands over his broad back and opening her mind to him. Their minds merged and they read the need each had for the other.

  He pushed her against the wall, his mouth on hers and his hands all over her. Her sweet scent rose to envelop him. The silk of her hair and the smooth soft feel of her skin against his hands sent flames through his body. She clutched his hard buttocks in both hands, and then his hand was up her dress between her legs. She gasped, pressing against it.

  He took her right there, standing with her back against the wall, his hands under her bottom and his face buried in her hair. It had been over a week since they’d last seen each other, and it seemed like an eternity. She could feel what he felt in his mind and knew he felt her pleasure as well. When his climax came and his energy flowing into her triggered her orgasm, she touched that place in her mind that channeled his energy back into him, changed and enhanced by her Succubus Gift. They soared, pleasure building until they felt they might explode with it. Their souls touched, merged and became one.


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