Fossil records indicate that around 3.5 billion years ago the Earth cooled enough to support the first lifeforms on its surface. Over time, as the environment became optimal, more complex lifeforms began to appear, first as single-celled prokaryotic organisms, and later as multicellular eukaryotes. But the real question is, where did they come from? According to my research, this “seeding” of life likely came from a combination of both panspermia and intelligent outside influences. As hard as that may be for some to accept, ancient cultures across the world have frequently mentioned that “sky gods” originally seeded life on the planet and even assisted some of them during times of great disaster.
Consider for a moment the vast amount of life that’s still present on the Earth, even today. How could Darwinian evolution account for the millions of unique species we find in nearly every environment on the planet? Especially considering that these species would have had to survive through countless cycles of destruction and planet-wide extinctions. To me, this is further evidence to show that outside influences had to be involved in its early seeding and continued maintenance, or most of these lifeforms would have been wiped out long ago. Using this logic, it seems plausible that the process of complex life appearing and thriving on any given planet is more dependent on the specific “timing” of when its environment becomes optimal, and not merely the result of random macroevolutionary traits.
What that means is that as a planet’s climate becomes more favorable and less hostile, it could become a candidate for more advanced lifeforms to be seeded there. In fact, any physical changes that are observed with a species over time, based on its unique environment, is what’s known as microevolution and not macroevolution. Essentially, the only changes that can occur with a species happen on a very small level and not on a major one. That’s why I feel that in the future we’ll likely need to throw out the incorrect and antiquated model of evolution we’ve been taught and instead consider new theories for how complex life begins and changes over time.
Today, over eight million unique species have been recorded on the Earth, with new discoveries being made every day. If we consider for a moment the Darwinian model of evolution that has been adopted for hundreds of years by modern science, then how could it be possible that all these species originated from nothing more than primordial pools of sludge? Since geologic records indicate that mass extinctions have occurred on a cyclical basis throughout the planet’s history, it would have meant that nearly all of life would have been wiped out multiple times. That’s why I feel that the old doctrine we’ve been taught in school regarding the evolution of Homo sapiens is completely illogical if you account for the sheer complexity and unusual anomalies we see within our DNA, physical appearance, and chakra centers that would have been impossible without some kind of outside intervention. To me, these unique traits strongly suggest that human beings are the product of past DNA manipulation from a supreme race.
Consider for a moment that if humans are derived from nothing more than an evolved ape, as proposed by the theories of Darwinism-with no outside intervention, then why don’t we still see apes changing on an evolutionary level today? Yet throughout human history, no one has ever documented the existence of any apes that have been observed changing on a physical level through macroevolution. This strongly supports the hypothesis that evolution happens on a micro and not a macro level, and that larger changes are likely due to a combination of outside influences and panspermia, and not from natural processes.
The brilliant geneticist and researcher Lloyd Pye recognized many of these problems and inaccuracies that exist surrounding Darwin’s theories about evolution. Pye extensively studied both the human genome, as well as ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, and decided to dedicate much of his life to uncovering the truth about evolution and our past. His work became vital in understanding the link that exists between the abnormal genetic traits found within the human genome, known as non-coding DNA or “junk” DNA, with the large brain size common to Homo sapiens. What Pye uncovered strongly suggests that this non-coding DNA represents the direct connection back to the outside influences from advanced beings who tampered with the genome of early hominids over 300,000 years ago.
The reason the term “non-coding” or “junk” was used by many scientists was that this DNA doesn’t match any other species found on the Earth, and they were unsure of how to categorize it. Some have even gone as far to suggest that the term “junk” was deliberately used in order to hide its importance, since it may represent the lost connection back to what really separates Homo sapiens from the rest of the animal kingdom. That’s why the human genome contains only 46 chromosomes, instead of 48 like most other primates. This fusing together of our chromosomes would have been impossible in nature and provides strong evidence to show that humans have been genetically tampered with in the past.
This non-coding DNA is one of the most important aspects of what makes us human beings, even though it represents only a portion of our overall genome. Remember, in terms of understanding DNA, often the smallest percentage differences lead to the most significant physical and mental differences. By connecting these new breakthroughs in human genome sequencing, along with incorporating the information contained within the Atrahasis and Enuma Elish, we can begin to shed light on what’s known as the “evolutionary missing link” for human origins. When all this information is connected it begins to make sense as to why certain beings would have wanted to play the role of gods here, either helping to raise human consciousness or in some cases suppress it.
Expanding beyond the Allegory of the Cave metaphor which I extensively discussed in my previous book, The Illusion of Us, there’s another term that I frequently use in conjunction to help describe the truth behind the structure of our reality I call: “Darwin’s Cave.” The reason I specifically call it this is that the antiquated theories proposed by Charles Darwin became one of the most significant roadblocks hindering our understanding of early human origins, life in the universe, and our purpose here. To me, the evidence overwhelmingly supports a far more connected and intelligent universe than the mundane and close-minded viewpoints proposed by Darwin, which confidently states that throughout the trillions of other planets, moons, and star systems, nearly all of them are void of life, and exist as nothing more than lifeless rocks of dust. The far more logical conclusion to make, especially when considering the numerous global extinctions that have occurred in Earth’s history, and the theories proposed by Frank Drake, is that life is likely found nearly everywhere, and is far more complex than most realize. Let’s expand on these principles further.
Astronomical data shows that the Solar System is located on one of the outer spiral bands of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our closest neighbor, known as the Andromeda Galaxy, is located 2.5 million light years from Earth. To put that into perspective, if we had the ability to travel at the speed of light it would take roughly 2.5 million years to reach it. That time needed, combined with the distance of the location in space, is what’s known as “space-time.” These astronomically long distances are often used as proof by certain linear-minded individuals to claim that travel between distant planets and star systems would be impossible for any extraterrestrial beings.
On the surface, it would seem they’re largely right until you begin to study the properties of wormholes and artificially created stargates. These portals or stargates may represent ancient connections that once existed between distant locations in our galaxy. Could that be the purpose behind the Gate of the Sun in Tiwanaku, South America? Without these shortcuts through space, travel between these locations would be very difficult to achieve. To me, this is the most logical means for how any advanced beings from outside the Solar System could have come to Earth.
According to the Drake equation, scattered throughout the billions of distant planets, solar systems, and galaxies likely exists countless other civilizations, some far more advanced than our own. Meanwhile, at the same time, most o
f our society is unaware that any life exists beyond our planet, which is cleverly hidden behind a veil of ultimate secrecy and layers of our own ignorance. This false conditioning has helped to create the illusion that we exist in today, where we’re taught that our ultimate purpose here is to simply fight over dwindling resources, accumulate wealth, and waste our time and energy on frivolous activities. Once the truth is eventually revealed to the public, a great paradigm shift will occur within humanity, paving the way for a new collective mindset to finally take hold.
The theory of quantum mechanics states that everything in the universe can be defined by its vibratory structure and frequency. From the state of matter to the relative temperature and color of light, these properties can be understood through the lens of what their unique vibratory frequency is. At the same time, string theory states all matter can be categorized and reduced to various strings of energy vibrating at different rates. This is how reality can be defined on a purely holographic level to us, allowing all possible expressions and archetypes to exist at nearly the same time. However, that doesn’t imply in any way that space is fake.
From the darkest corners of evil, to the most beautiful moments of love, everything in the universe follows a particular vibratory structure to it. The expression and energy associated with love can only exist within a higher vibration, while at the same time, the energy associated with hate and evil is always reflected through a slower vibration. If an individual learns and understands these properties correctly, they will be able to achieve a higher state of energy and conscious awareness. This implies a connection exists between certain colors in the visible light spectrum, such as red and blue, that represent the energetic potential within a sentient being to reach either a higher or lower state. Allow me to explain.
Looking back through history at the colors associated with secret societies, flags, and even political parties, the repetitive use of red and blue can’t be ignored. In many ways, the colors of red and blue can be closely associated with the Gnostic understanding of the properties of darkness and light within the human archetypes. Because of the difference in how a human being functions based on their level of vibrational frequency, the colors of red and blue represent either a lower state of energy, shown through the red root chakra, or a higher state of energy, shown through the blue chakra.
It’s by no means a coincidence that the human chakra centers just so happen to perfectly match these colors of the visible light spectrum since the energy associated with creativity, wisdom, and self-awareness is represented through our higher chakras. Therefore, if a sentient being is kept in a state that’s dominated by their red root chakra through the means of fear, war, and preying on their basic urges, then they will almost always remain in their lowest state of consciousness. That’s the reason why Thoth refers to us as “the children of men” in the Emerald Tablets.
Consider the idea that advanced beings could have the capability of viewing and deciphering the different timelines that exist. Since human behavior can be somewhat predictable at times, a relatively accurate timeline could be plotted by understanding the various cycles of consciousness that occur due to solar changes, as well as the specific location that the Earth is located relative to the galactic center of the Milky Way. For instance, if a particular timeline for Earth features a large catastrophe or devastating nuclear war, sometimes certain events can be set into motion to prevent them from ever happening. On a much larger scale, oppression from continuous wars or extended periods of peace can also dramatically alter the potential future of a civilization. The term “as above so below” means that what happens in the higher dimensions and lower dimensions could become manifested into the physical third dimension of our reality. That’s why the third dimension represents the ultimate “stage” in the universe.
Throughout the vastness of space, from every distant star shimmering in the night sky, to the farthest known galaxy, there exists a cosmic hierarchy for all of life. The purpose of this hierarchy system is to maintain sovereignty and balance for the uninterrupted development of any sentient beings. The more advanced that a civilization becomes, the more inherent the need is for them to reach higher states of consciousness before self-annihilation or cataclysms occur. According to the Hopi, Maya, and Aztec, this has led to at least three different ages of mankind, which are all separated by terrible catastrophes, forcing civilization to start over again.
Somewhat hypothetically speaking, what would the outcome be if an advanced group of beings or entities diverged from this higher perspective, and instead decided to manipulate another sentient lifeform for their own personal benefit? What would human societies have looked like without the influences of the Anunnaki in the past? After all, they’re the ones who polluted our timeline by introducing extreme duality and war here. These are the types of questions we must ask in order to see the multitude of possibilities behind what our future could have been.
To better understand the means for how the realm of Earth became ruled by certain beings, and the various influences that the movement of the cosmos plays on the evolution of human consciousness, we must read through the ancient teachings left behind from Thoth to find answers. According to the Quetzalcoatl prophecy, along with the Mayan Calendar, there exist cycles of energy which are governed by certain “lords” or “cycle masters,” who determine the timing of when certain leaps in consciousness will occur. This information also corresponds with what other texts say written by Thoth, such as the Emerald Tablets, which extensively discusses his interaction with these cycle masters on several occasions. That interaction can be read in Emerald Tablet number 7.
Tablet 7 Emerald Tablets states:
“Learned I of the Masters of Cycles, wisdom brought from the cycles above. Manifest they in this cycle as guides of man to the knowledge of all.”
Thoth goes on to explain that these cycles are ruled by seven lords who govern the various energetic states that exist and then manifests them into mankind through certain timed human incarnations and progressive leaps in consciousness. I would like to point out that to me, it’s clear that it’s in no way a coincidence that there are seven cycle masters and seven colors in the visible light spectrum. This balance of reality and the significance of the third dimension, is what creates the framework for The Stage of Time, and the duality we see between the eagle and serpent. Figure 9 below shows the plumed serpent god known as Kukulkan in Chichen Itza, Mexico.
Figure 9
It’s important that I point out that there are likely other entities and beings, besides the Anunnaki, who are involved in this struggle on Earth, some of whom who are quite negative and don’t wish for the ascension of human consciousness. Thoth may have referred to them in the Emerald Tablets when he says they’re brought forth into this reality using dark magic and blood sacrifice. This practice of black magic and blood sacrifice is considered one of the major reasons for the eventual downfall of Atlantis and represents a warning sign to all of humanity in the future.
Tablet 8 of the Emerald Tablets states:
“Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.”
Looking back throughout history, a strong connection can be made linking the symbol of the eagle with both war and blood sacrifice. I’ve discu
ssed this concept in much greater detail in previous chapters, specifically revolving around the Maya and Aztec cultures. This dark path is likely due to the influences of certain entities and beings over time, who sometimes play a deceptive and malevolent role within our reality. Anytime that a religion is based on the consumption of the “blood” of another, it can often be traced back to this.
It should be no surprise then that locations such as Bohemian Grove in California practice mock blood sacrifices, in which presidents and leaders from all over the world regularly attend. Even the famous Manhattan Project can be traced back to its development at Bohemian Grove by Julius Robert Oppenheimer in 1942. This dark truth can be very difficult to accept, but necessary to understand. The more one looks all around us, the more they’ll see that war and blood sacrifice, in one form or another, rules much of our world. The Quetzalcoatl prophecy states that there exist certain realms that the cycle masters control energy and human consciousness through.
Tablet 9 of the Emerald Tablets explains these various cycles and dimensions, stating:
“Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and Nine are the cycles of space. Nine are the diffusions of consciousness, and Nine are the worlds within worlds. Nine are the Lords of the cycles that come from above and below.”
The Stage of Time Page 16