Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets indicate that the nine dimensions of our reality are controlled and ruled over by the Anunnaki who each maintain unique roles within our reality. The abzu, or Duat, is largely governed by the beings of Enki and Nergal, who together play the roles of both a positive and negative influence in the underworld in order to maintain balance. These roles of duality are mirrored in the higher dimensions as well, which forms the basis for the phrase, “as above so below.” That’s the reason why the tunnels and shafts found underneath the Sphinx and pyramids of Giza still remain such a mystery since they represent the literal gateways to the underworld. In fact, Thoth states in the Emerald Tablets that these underground tunnels are the location where the famous Hall of Records were kept.
As I discussed previously, the Earth is likely only one of an overwhelming number of habitable planets in our Milky Way Galaxy that contain sentient life, let alone the billions of other galaxies we’re just now discovering today using the Hubble Telescope. Even if an individual decides to ignore all the evidence pointing towards outside intervention, it’s still illogical to conclude that we’re all alone. Especially when taking into account the theories of the Drake equation, and the sheer abundance of carbon-based molecules found throughout the universe.
Using this specific logic, along with the evidence found in cylinder seals and ancient texts, it seems highly probable that there are beings and entities who continuously monitor and watch over humanities progress. The Igigi perhaps? Based on the sheer abundance of lifeforms and genetic diversity found on Earth, it may be considered a type of DNA library for some of them. This hypothesis leads to the larger question of whether or not all the species on the planet originated from there, such as humans. To me, this theory is much more plausible than those proposed by Darwin, especially considering the global mass extinctions that have regularly occurred throughout Earth’s history, which would have made macroevolution nearly impossible here, at least on a large scale.
This “living library of Earth” as it has been called by some, most likely originated through the means of both panspermia, as well as the outside influences from advanced beings who came here in the past. According to the Enuma Elish, the Anunnaki were responsible for disrupting this delicate harmony and balance with Mother Earth when they arrived here hundreds of thousands of years ago, attempting to play the role of God by tampering with species, the energy of the planet, and bringing with them war and extreme duality. This is where the term “fallen angels” originates from since these beings were severely punished for their actions here.
The Anunna, as they call themselves, then proceeded to take control of the energy and soul reincarnation cycles on the planet, allowing them to decide which human beings could ascend, while the rest remained trapped in an endless loop as low vibrational-energetic slaves. How could that be possible? One clue to help explain this comes from studying the specific ratio of our moon to the Earth, which is considered highly unusual compared to other planets we know of. In fact, tests that were done to determine its composition have found that the moon may be completely hollow inside. That means that the moon could be partially artificial and being used as a construct to lower the vibrational frequency of the Earth. This explains how the natural harmony of the planet could have been disrupted long ago, as well as why human consciousness has been trapped in such a low vibrational state. These rules for conscious ascension weren’t necessarily created by the Anunna, but they found ways of manipulating them to use for their benefit. The ultimate purpose of this tampering was to force human beings to exist in a state of energy and consciousness that they don’t belong in.
This task of managing the energy cycles and balance on the planet was given to Enki, which is why he was “assigned” to the realm of the underworld. The Anunnaki assumed the role of gods to humanity since they consider themselves to be the original progenitors and parents of them. But were they really? Some would argue that what these beings did was unethical and wrong and that if left alone our species would have eventually reached this point on our own. My personal belief is that the truth is somewhere in between.
Just as the Nag Hammadi Scripture states in the chapter “The Hypothesis of the Archons,” the Anunna became the “rulers of our reality,” controlling how we perceive the world and universe around us. Consider for a moment the idea that another planet, similar to Earth, could exist in the galaxy that has another developing hominid species like us. Are they dealing with the same type of control and manipulation of their reality as we are? How common is this throughout the universe? As difficult as that may be to wrap your head around, it’s certainly possible given how advanced they became on an interdimensional level.
This theory would also help to explain why they seem to disappear from human history for thousands of years, existing beyond what we perceive as linear time. Perhaps that’s why the Igigi are tasked with continuously monitoring humanity in the first place, to keep track of the changes here. On clear nights I often stare in humble amazement at the twinkling starlight from countless other star systems and planets and wonder, who else is looking back? Could they be asking the same questions that I am?
According to the laws that govern the universe, as well as our understanding of complex biology and planetary environments, I theorize that the development and evolution of an extraterrestrial species is heavily dependent upon the relative age of the star system they originate from. In general, the older that a star system is, the more potential it has for highly evolved and advanced civilizations to develop there. This is assuming, of course, that they didn’t destroy themselves first. As these civilizations mature both consciously and technologically, their potential influence on the development and timeline of other less evolved societies greatly increases as well. Compared to most others around us, the Solar System we reside in is still considered relatively young.
Because of the powerful forces that govern duality in the universe, as well as the rules of free will, the human timeline has likely become interwoven with countless other sentient beings, not just the Anunnaki. In fact, some of these beings; including the Anunnaki, could have potentially come from anywhere in the galaxy, or perhaps even another universe. This common interest shown towards Earth is largely fueled by the sheer importance of what humanity could become. This is what the cosmic struggle over free will is all about. With all this competition that exists around the outcome of Earth and the human race, the real question becomes, what lies ahead for us in the future?
Considering the enormous distances, time, and complexity needed to reach interstellar planets (known as space-time), it’s only logical to surmise that a certain level of intelligence and technological sophistication is required to reach them. On a higher level, the more advanced beings become, the more inherent their responsibility becomes to positively influence others they encounter. That’s why certain rules must be followed to allow the independent development of any sentient being. The bottom line is, if a society is ruled by the unsustainable mentality of war, conquering, and material gain for too long, eventually they will annihilate themselves. Only time will tell the direction that humanity will take and if we’ll finally decide to seize control of our own destiny before it’s too late.
Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets state that the Anunnaki referred to Earth as “Ki,” which became an important soul incarnation planet for humans. These souls, such as you or me, could have potentially come from anywhere in the cosmos, and we shouldn’t be so quick to define our origins to one single location in time and space. After all, consciousness resides on a multidimensional level. That’s why the Earth is so important to so many of these sentient beings, as it’s literally the “key” to the future. Think of humans as being eternal conscious creators, who are trapped in a physical body until they can grow and ascend beyond the third dimension. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, the deck has been largely stacked against us.
Some researchers theorize that the Anunnaki may b
e part of an ancient race of beings that are potentially millions of years old. This concept may be hard for some to wrap their heads around, especially considering the relatively short lifespans humans have now. However, according to the Sumerian King List, this may not have always been the case. The most important question becomes, where did these beings originally come from? We don’t have a lot of concrete evidence, but there are clues. The best evidence comes from several sources, including the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the story of the Dogon and Nommo, and even the findings from Pioneer 10. I would like to point out at this time that some of this is based on pure speculation, but I still feel that the reader deserves to know that these possible connections exist.
The astronomical data gathered by Pioneer 10 provides compelling evidence to not only show that the Solar System is actually a binary star system, but that its history may greatly differ from what we’ve been told. So why is that important? The reason it’s important is due to the specific wording that was used in the image shown in the 1987 New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia, Vol. 18, describing the discoveries made by Pioneer 10 which depicted the existence of a new planet, along with a dead star found more than 50 billion miles from Earth. I’ve shown this iconic image in several of my videos, and I highly encourage everyone to check those out.
The term “dead” star means that its potentially far older than our Sun but has likely already lost much of its fusion core over time, becoming either a brown or red dwarf. This evidence supports the hypothesis that this dead star is part of what’s called an invader solar system, that developed a long elliptical orbit after becoming trapped here millions to potentially billions of years ago. In fact, binary star systems are quite common in the galaxy and occur roughly 80% of the time.
Since this invader solar system is potentially far older than our own, it provides evidence to support the theory that Planet Nine may be somehow connected to the Anunnaki. Could this Ninth Planet act as a sort of outpost to observe the Solar System from afar? After all, the Igigi are commonly referred to in the Book of Enoch as “The Watchers” of Earth. However, despite this, I still don’t feel that the evidence is conclusive enough to support Planet Nine being their place of origin. So then, if the Anunnaki didn’t originate from Planet Nine, where could they have come from?
To answer this difficult question I’ve identified some key pieces of evidence which I feel helps to shed light on this area. The first piece of evidence comes from Mali, Africa with the Dogon tribe and their connection with the beings they called the Nommo, which I discussed in the previous chapter. When comparing the various depictions made of the Nommo, strong correlations can be found linking back to the Mesopotamian god known as Oannes, whose frequently portrayed wearing a type of amphibious fish suit. Based on this logic, it seems highly plausible that both Oannes and the Nommo are in fact the same being. This “fish suit” was largely seen as a symbolic representation for the Zodiac Age of Pisces, and was considered one of the original symbols held by Ea, who was later known as Enki. Eventually, this important symbol was adopted by the Christian church and turned into the religious Mitre Hat we still see worn by the Pope today.
When reviewing the explanations given by the Dogon people for how these beings arrived on Earth, they clearly state that they came from the Sirius star system, which is part of the Canis Major constellation. In fact, the Nommo even provided detailed descriptions of Sirius’s three stars and their relative orbits in space. So how could a primitive tribe in western Africa have known these precise astronomical details without the use of a telescope? This would also have been especially difficult considering that Sirius C hasn’t even been discovered yet. This evidence supports the hypothesis that some of the Anunnaki may be connected in some way to the Sirius star system, primarily those affiliated with Enki. This could explain why Enki has historically held a lower ranking among the Anunna than Enlil since he was only considered his half-brother.
Just as the Nommo imparted extensive knowledge about Sirius to the Dogon people, the ancient Egyptians also worshipped the same star system and even designed their early calendar system around its orbit. So then, the most important question is, where did the rest of the Anunnaki originate from? We may never actually know for sure, although some believe it could be connected back to the Orion constellation, or possibly even the Pleiades. Why else would these star systems be worshipped by so many cultures and civilizations throughout history? Was it just because of their fascination with energy cycles and the precession of the equinoxes? For now, many of the secrets contained within the Great Pyramid of Giza still remain somewhat of a mystery, but hopefully, in the future, more information will come to light that answers these difficult questions.
There will undoubtedly still be some individuals who read this book who feel there isn’t enough evidence to support many of my theories and claims. To those naysayers, I point towards an unlikely source that many may have overlooked or simply not understood which I call “the big picture.” In order to achieve this, one must develop an expanded awareness and comprehensive understanding of the fundaments which govern our reality, and then have the ability to objectively separate out any unusual anomalies that don’t correlate with the available evidence. Unfortunately, this usually means sacrificing a considerable amount of one’s time to study and observation, which most don’t have the ability or desire to do.
The most significant of these anomalies revolves around the specific means by which societies’ perceptions of reality have been carefully manipulated for countless generations, creating a population who is largely governed by ignorance, blind nationalism, and misinformation. This is due to the fact that many have been taught through a greatly antiquated and inaccurate education system, that’s heavily based on conformity and obedience rather than critical thinking and accuracy. Like a flock of sheep being endlessly led around in circles by a farmer, the version of reality we see today is the result of thousands of years of misinformation, conditioning, and war. Some may be wondering how exactly this proves outside intervention? Allow me to explain.
The sheer complexity by which our reality has been carefully engineered around controlling the information surrounding history and religion, as well as consciousness levels, is far beyond the capabilities of any secret societies or powerful governments. They clearly help to maintain the status quo but aren’t the original architects. Not to mention Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets clearly state that kingship, and the acquisition of knowledge regarding agriculture, laws, mathematics, and astronomy all originated from advanced beings or entities who reside in “heaven.” How is it possible that cultures around the world just so happen to share the same symbols, knowledge, advanced building practices, and gods? The only logical conclusion that makes sense to me is that human civilizations have been influenced by these “ordainers of destinies” from the very beginning. How else could they have acquired all of this knowledge?
In the end, the more one looks at the perfect rhythm and dance shared between light and dark energies, the more they begin to understand that the entire multiverse represents an infinite storyboard of possible timelines, all playing out on a grand stage according to the law of free will. In many ways, the human epic represents one of the most important stories of all since it has the potential to affect so much of the future. Despite the sheer boldness of that statement, many of the ancient texts from the past overwhelmingly support the importance of mankind finding balance and achieving higher states of energy, in order to finally reach the next stage of our conscious evolution.
However, I would like to point out that I fully recognize that the complexities of our history and the multiverse may be far too sophisticated to fully comprehend at this time. That statement isn’t meant to cast doubt on the conclusions derived within this book, but rather to acknowledge the fact that we still have so much to learn about the nature of reality. But isn’t that the point? The endless search to acquire knowledge and seek answers? H
opefully, someday, we’ll collectively reach the level of consciousness needed where we can perceive our purpose and existence within the multiverse and leave behind the shackles of our limited awareness.
That’s why it’s important to remember that every action and decision we make contributes in some way to the direction that this great ship of human consciousness will take, as we wade through an endless sea of possibilities. Each person has the potential within themselves to change the entire course of history, becoming the heroes of our collective story, and allowing those accomplishments and sacrifices to echo for all of eternity. The way that you decide to spend your time is your choice. Will you spend it following a path dominated by darkness or light? In the end, it all comes down to how you’ll use your precious time and energy here on this great stage of Earth.
Slowly step by step, humanity is embarking on a new chapter in its story, one that will hopefully illuminate the path towards Aquarius and pave the way for our infinite future. The true purpose of free will means that we must wander into the darkness to find our way back to the light. For without the wandering, there would be no catalyst to help us grow and change on a fundamental level so that we can finally transcend beyond the limits of time and space, to become creator gods of reality.
Ancient Texts and Images Index
Ancient Texts Index
1) Atrahasis: 73,74,75,76,124,125,126,127,128
2) Book of Enoch: 46,77,82
3) Code of Hammurabi: 104,105
4) Enuma Elish: 73,87
5) Legend of Etana: 117,118,119,120,121
6) Sumerian King List: 36,37,71,83,117,121
The Stage of Time Page 17