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Quickies: A Collection of Short Fantasies

Page 3

by Abigail Grey

  Her day at the store had taken a turn for the worse. With the flu going around, she had stepped into the sales floor position at the boutique she managed, barely able to keep up with that in addition to her supervisory responsibilities. The added paperwork made this daily re-entry to her house just a bit more difficult.

  Closing the door with a kick, she used the same movement to step out of her high-heeled shoes. When she turned into the kitchen, a small force barreled into her, making her drop the carefully balanced files and spreading the papers onto the linoleum.

  “Mom, guess what I did! Miss Jenny and Brent let me have gum and a candy cane!” Cat’s son, a 5-year-old reason for grey hair, seemed to not breathe through his speech. “And we went to McDonald’s and I had chocolate milk and then we went to the store and I got to see the fish and they let me play video games and I want a new game…”

  Cat sighed. “I know, honey.” Setting her bags on the counter, Cat pushed her curly hair out of her eyes and smiled slightly at Jenny, her babysitter, who sat at the kitchen table.

  “And now I’m gonna go play downstairs, Mom. Come play with me!”

  “In a minute, buddy. I’m just going to talk to Miss Jenny a minute.” Cat heard the feet thundering down the stairs moments later. “Thanks for taking him to McDonalds, Jenny, but I usually try to avoid the chocolate and sugar. I’m sure you can see why.”

  Jenny laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t think he could get anymore hyper! I’ll definitely be watching his snacks a little better from now on. He almost wore Brent out.”

  Cat nodded with a chuckle. “Yeah, he does that.” Cat started to take her wallet out.

  “Um, could I borrow a book? We were looking for movies earlier and I saw one on your bookshelf that I’ve wanted to read.” Jenny looked over Brent, who smiled enigmatically.

  Cat shook her head at her own snap analysis. She must have been reading too much into their expressions. Being rather close in age- only 6 years apart- it made sense that Cat and Jenny would have similar tastes in books. Perhaps they found it funny that Cat, so straight-laced and professional, would read the serial romance novels. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’ll go look and maybe you can borrow a couple good ones.”

  Jenny seemed to stifle a laugh. “I bet we’ll find some good ones.”

  Cat led the way to her bedroom, asking questions about what movie they chose and how Jenny’s classes were going. Upon entering her room, Cat noticed a few things out of place. Three framed pictures lay on her bed, disturbed from the usual place on the bookshelf. She felt light-headed.

  “Thought you hid them pretty well, huh?” Jenny’s question was laced with intent.

  Cat regained her composure. “You can understand why. I have children. I hardly want them to run across them.”

  Jenny ran her finger down the spines of Cat’s erotica collection. “Bondage on a Budget. Exit to Eden. Yes, Sir. Herotica. Taboo.” Selecting ‘Love at First Sting’, Jenny turned back around. “Cat, are you a freak?”

  Cat lifted her chin. “Yeah, I am.”

  Jenny laughed. “That is so cool.”

  Brent joined in. “I told you so, Jen. I called it.” His position in the door seemed imposing, his arms crossed over his chest. The menace in his posture belied the wide smile on his face.

  Cat was surprised into her own laughter. “What are you talking about?”

  “Brent is really good at reading people. It’s annoying sometimes. But he bet me you were kinky even before the first time we came over here.” Jenny bounced a little, an odd reaction for a girl who easily stood at 5‘8“. “Can we get coffee or something and talk about it sometime? I have so many questions for you!”

  Cat relaxed. “Yeah, absolutely.”

  After paying Jenny and changing from her work clothes, Cat played with her son, laughing about the strange reaction.


  “Okay. Wow, where do I start? I have so many things to ask, it’s ridiculous.” Jenny sat at the small table across from Cat. The remains of dessert and drinks sat between them. The restaurant was busy and loud, perfect for drowning the topic of conversation.

  “Well, we better make it short for Brent’s sake. Are you sure he’ll be okay? At the house by himself seems to be harsh initiation. You know how Carson gets.” Cat drummed her naturally long nails on the table. She dressed in a way that whispered class.

  Jenny laughed. “No, they have fun together. And after bedtime is hardly stressful for daycare. But, yeah, I’ll make it quick.” Jenny pulled index cards out of her back pocket, surprising Cat into loud laughter.

  “Are you kidding me? You made notes?”

  Jenny shrugged. “It works for my classes; I figured it might for this too.” Still laughing, Cat made a motion for her to continue. “Okay, first, when did you get into all that?”

  Cat took a quick drink to calm her. Her wine helped relax her, smooth and tart. “I was pretty young. Young enough that I didn’t know better when guys were really dominant. I was trained before I realized it, then I wanted more so I found someone who trained me as a slave.”

  “Wow, really? What do you mean?”

  “I’m position-trained, my orgasms were controlled, and I was trained to respond to certain touches, toys, and feelings.” Cat toyed with the stem of her third wine glass, unable to meet Jenny’s eyes. She knew her cheeks were already burning with the intake of alcohol, and she prayed it wouldn’t get obviously worse with the topic.

  Jenny seemed to think for a moment. “Okay, so you’re a slave?”

  Cat shook her head. “No, I don’t have the right temperament to be a real slave. I am too independent in my daily life to submit twenty-four hours a day.” Taking a sip of wine, she continued, “I’m just a submissive who went through the training as a slave for the experience. I am something of an experience junkie.”

  “How did you know you wanted to be submissive?” Jenny seemed a little hesitant to ask this question, leading Cat to the conclusion that Jenny felt turned on by the concept of submitting.

  “Actually for me it was very natural. My first time was with a very dominant man and I seemed to attract men who were similar. It took me quite a while to realize it, though, and at that point I found it was so natural to me to submit I became completely turned off by the opportunity I once had to dominate. Even now, years after my last relationship with that dynamic, I can’t even consider being the dominant partner. It feels so unnatural.” Cat shrugged, having explained the situation as well as she could.

  “Well, but are you turned on by it? It doesn’t seem like it would be very fun to just do what someone tells you they want. What does it do for you?” Jenny leaned forward, letting Cat take in the bright eyes usually accompanying an alcohol buzz.

  Cat smiled, a little secretive. “Actually with the extent I trained, it’s the only way I can really get pleasure: by giving it. The orgasm control is the most frustrating. Two things have to be present, no matter what, for me to be able to get off. And it’s not something I find easily.”

  Jenny leaned closer. Her eyes opened wider. “Will you tell me?”

  Cat toyed with her glass, not looking up. “No. That’s a little too personal.”

  The younger girl shrugged. “Okay. Well, at least you can get yourself off, then.” Cat felt her face heat more, signifying her blush. She heard Jenny gasp. “You can, can’t you?” Cat shook her head. “Oh my God. How long has it been?”

  “A little over a year.” Cat’s voice was small, but carried well enough for Jenny to hear it.

  You haven’t cum in over a year?!?” Jenny’s shriek drew laughter and incredulous looks from the other tables. Cat bit her lower lip and closed her eyes in shame.

  “Sorry.” Jenny lowered her voice. “I can’t even imagine that.”

  Cat shrugged. “You live without it. I mean, I enjoy myself; it just tends to build up until I forget about it. It’s fine.”

  Jenny sat back in her seat. “You’re amazing. I couldn’t do that. Being traine
d so I couldn’t even masturbate-” she drew more looks from other tables, particularly the frat boy-types at the table next to theirs- “sounds horrible and unnecessary.”

  “Well, it’s the mental side of sex. I mean, psychologically, the power to control someone so completely must be a heady feeling. Guys like to feel powerful and there’s not much more power than to control another human. It’s understandable.” Cat again shrugged, her fingers tapping at the table.

  “You like that, though, don’t you? I could see you being really into the mental stuff. You know, like being blindfolded and Pavlov-ed into things, right?”

  Cat laughed. “That’s a great way to put it; it’s exactly like training animals. And yeah, the mental side does turn me on much faster than just the physical.”

  “Oh, me too!” gushed Jenny. “Brent talks. I can’t get over how hot it is when he talks dirty to me.”

  Cat adjusted slightly on her chair. “Really? He does? Like what?”

  Jenny noticed Cat’s movement, watching her lean closer to the table. Smiling slightly with the knowledge, Jenny leaned in. “He tells me how he’s going to fuck me. And he calls me-” Jenny watched Cat lean even closer- “names like bitch or cunt or slut. It’s so crazy when he does it.”

  Cat took a deep breath. “Yeah, that would be hot.” She leaned back in her chair. She stared down at her plate, her teeth closed on her lower lip again.

  “It’s even better if he does it when he’s fucking my ass.” Jenny watched the reaction as Cat’s muscles all seemed to tense simultaneously. “Or pulling my hair. Or choking me.” Her smile grew with each obvious reaction. She leaned closer, beckoning Cat to lean in also. “But the best time we had lately? Was when he let me take charge once.”

  Cat stood up so fast, people around them started. “Sorry. I really need to use the bathroom.” She gave a nervous-sounding laugh. “Too much wine.”

  Jenny watched her walk away slowly, like she needed to concentrate on her steps. Taking out her cell phone, she sent a quick text message to Brent.

  ‘I got her.’


  Cat juggled the bags and papers another night the next week. Going through the ritual, she smiled at Jenny and Brent where they sat on the couch.

  “Hey, guys, thanks. That meeting went a lot later than I expected.” Cat faltered when she saw the winning grin on Brent’s face. Jenny stood up, straightening her shirt.

  “That’s totally fine, Cat. I got some studying done and Carson’s in bed. We just popped in a movie. I got kind of into it. Would you mind if we stuck around to finish it?”

  “Oh, no, that’s okay. I’m just going to go change and grab something to eat and I’ll join you. What are you watching?” Cat moved to a position where she could see the screen. The shot was paused, frozen on a scene she was extremely familiar with. The movie had been on the same shelf as her books. Cat felt herself tense, could hear her breathing shallow, and heard the small giggle come from Jenny behind her.

  “You don’t mind, do you? I was still curious after our talk.” Jenny’s voice sounded innocent.

  Cat shook her head, her throat unable to open in allowance for words. She left the room, on auto-pilot to her own bedroom. She changed quickly into some comfortable yoga pants and a t-shirt. She stood at her window for a moment, staring out over the snow-covered yard. She’d had no idea, when she hired Jenny to baby-sit, that all this would come back to her. It had been sixteen months since her last session with the dominant she was in relationship with. It still hurt to know that her status as a mother had destroyed the status she had held as his submissive. Since then Cat had buried those needs as much as she possibly could. She began to feel proud that her knowledge might be helping another young woman discover her own nature. She recalled the feeling of her first training sessions: the vulnerability, the sense of shock when she was forced by pain to do something he wished, the pride of doing it right finally. There were so many emotions tied to those memories, things she wished fleetingly that she could experience again. Things like his voice, the deep baritone with just a hint of raspy quality left from his few years as a bartender, the words he would say to her, and most of all, the memory Jenny had invoked with her mention of names.

  Cat closed her eyes and remembered the sound of him commanding her.

  “Cunt, kneel.”

  Like reflex, Cat folded gracefully to her knees before the window, her hands clasped behind her back, shoulders back, chin up proudly. After a moment of blind terror, Cat’s eyes widened as she realized the voice had been audible. Immediately after her realization, she heard the gleeful laughter coming from her doorway. She turned, breaking her position and putting her back to the wall.

  Brent leaned against the door jamb, a smile on his lips. Jenny bounced a little behind him. “I can’t believe that worked!” she squealed. “I was so sure it wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, I knew it would”, Brent said quietly, in that same voice. It was lower than Cat knew it to be normally, and held a smooth cockiness.

  Cat chuckled nervously. “Silly reflex. I was just so lost in thought. Pretty funny, huh?”

  Jenny came into the room and sat on Cat’s bed. “Actually I was so excited by our conversation; I wanted to do some research. I mean, I didn’t ask you much about position-training and stuff, so I looked it up online. And the funniest thing happened.” She got up off the bed, pacing as she monologued. “I ran across this blog. It talked all about what I wanted to know, which was perfect. But then I found something interesting. The submissive in the entries sounded awfully familiar.”

  Cat could feel her face begin to heat. What were the chances?

  “I read some of the stuff to Brent. The guy was a really good writer, by the way. It read almost like fiction.” Jenny pulled a piece of paper from her pocket and began to read. “’Tangling fingers in my pet’s brunette curls is very near to the most effective way to move her. She will only let it pull to the point of tightness, never hard enough for her hair to begin breaking. She moves with grace even then, under that pressure, proving her hidden passion. Tonight I talk to her about it while pulling her hair to inspire her technique. Her mouth on my cock never fails to inspire me, after all, as these entries prove.’” Jenny looked back to Cat. “Do you know, he described things in such detail that we might know your body better than you do now?”

  A low moan welled out of Cat. She lowered her eyes to stare at the carpet in front of her. She heard Jenny move closer. Squatting next to Cat, Jenny’s lips were next to her ear. “My favorite one was where you described your fantasies.” Cat gasped, her eyes closing. “Do you want it? Do you really?” Jenny asked, her voice sounding excited with the anticipation.

  Cat hardly dared answer. Three loud footsteps and Cat felt her hair being gripped. With a surprised squeak, she struggled to stand to avoid the pain of her hair being pulled.

  “Answer her, bitch. Or I’ll make you. And if you lie, I will make you hurt.” Brent’s voice was calm and insistent.

  Jenny stood also, moving closer to Cat to allow her body to brush against the others. “What do you say, Cat? You want a woman to dominate you? You want a couple to take charge?”

  Cat opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. “Y-y-yes.”

  Brent released her immediately. “Strip”, he commanded.

  Cat obeyed slowly. A sharp slap to her ass spurred her. She turned, naked, nervously crossing her arms over her breasts. Brent moved behind her and Jenny snickered.

  “Oh, look, honey, she’s trying to hide her wrists.”

  Cat’s hips swayed slightly as she felt her pussy pulse lightly. Brent’s hands took her wrists, bringing them above her head before getting a better, tighter grip. As his fingers closed tighter, Cat’s eyes fluttered shut. Over her panting breath, she heard Jenny comment, “I wish we had some cuffs. That would be so nice.” Cat felt fingers tracing over the shaved skin of her pussy. “Spread your legs, little cunt. I want to feel how tight a year would make you.”

/>   Cat released a small cry as she did as directed. Jenny’s fingers slipped over her clit to her wet hole. One finger went in easily but had Cat begging for more in just a couple strokes. Jenny added another finger, reveling in the keening moans escaping Cat’s lips.

  With a smile at her fiancé, Jenny said, “I want to make her cum. Fast.”

  Brent nodded and pushed Cat toward the bed, his hands still at her wrists. She heard the flurry of clothes and Jenny got on the bed, her ass on Cat’s pillow. “Over here, slut”, Jenny commanded with a giggle. Finding herself released, Cat struggled for a moment before crawling up the mattress to Jenny.

  “Hands under the pillow.”

  As Cat obeyed, she realized where the position put her. Jenny grabbed Cat’s hair, pulling her into her pussy. Cat’s tongue began to work on Jenny’s clit.

  A slick of cold gel was getting worked into Cat’s ass moments later. Cat squirmed, her hips reflexively humping back for more as fingers skipped across the sensitive hole. When she felt the hard cock behind her, she froze. One fast thrust brought the shriek bubbling from her, muffled by the force with which her face was pulled into Jenny’s cunt.

  With each stroke of Brent’s cock into her ass, Cat whimpered and felt the wetness from her pussy leak onto her thighs. The torturously slow tempo he started made Cat begin to hump her hips back harder, trying to get him to fuck furiously into her.

  “Look at you.” Brent’s words took her by surprise. “Look at the way you just can’t get enough, you hungry little slut. You can’t wait to get fucked, can you, bitch? You want to get fucked like a bitch, too, don’t you? On your knees like a fucking dog.”

  Cat’s eyes began to roll back in her head, her lashes fluttering down. Her tongue worked into Jenny’s pussy, sucking the oozing wetness from her. Her breathing changed from whimpers to grunts as she continued to fuck back at Brent’s dick.

  “That’s right, cunt, eat out that pussy. Show me you know your fucking place. You are made for this shit, fucking, sucking, and licking. Make me want to let you cum, you little bitch.”


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