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Claiming His Mate

Page 4

by M. Limoges

  Dropping his head to her shoulder, he fucked her harder. With one last thrust, he pushed deep and came inside her, growling her name against her ear. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tight, while shudders racked his frame.

  Michelle had no idea how long they stayed joined together leaning against her shower wall while water continued to pelt the bottom of the bathtub. And truthfully, she didn’t care. Next month’s high-ass water bill would be a small price to pay. She ran her hand over his back, caressing his damp skin. He nuzzled her neck as he massaged her ass.

  Finally, he lifted his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips that made her heart skip a beat. When he slid out of her, she groaned at the loss. He lowered her to her feet, holding her steady, his body pressing her to the shower wall.

  A devilish gleam lit his dark eyes. “Still think I’m gay, sweetheart?”

  Chapter Seven

  Michelle’s mouth dropped open, and she turned a striking shade of red. He loved it when she blushed and pursed her lips. Hell, he loved everything about her.

  “I thought…I saw you in the woods with Stephen,” she blurted, staring at the showerhead over his shoulder.

  He frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  Her fingers tapped against his chest in her agitation. “Last month on one of my walks through the woods behind my house, I saw you…and Stephen.”

  Jace lifted an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

  “You didn’t have a shirt on, then Stephen took off his pants…I didn’t stay to see anymore. I got out of there.”

  Oh, that explained a whole hell of a lot. He’d racked his brain, wondering what he’d done to make her clam up on him weeks ago. He’d worked damn hard to coax her back into the comfort zone of their easy friendship.

  Now, he wanted to curse and laugh at the same time. He supposed to a human it might appear that he and Stephen were up to something more than just undressing to go for a run in the woods in their wolf forms. If only she knew how far from the truth she actually was. Hell, if she’d stuck around a minute longer, she would’ve seen the truth with her own eyes.

  Crap, he was going to have to tell her soon. The sooner the better, in fact. Especially since he’d just taken with her without a condom, but holy fuck, he couldn’t resist the feel of her tight, silken pussy wrapped around his cock.

  “Listen, Michelle. That day in the woods, it’s not what you think. Trust me, Stephen and I are definitely not gay. There’s a reasonable explanation.” Well, it seemed reasonable to him. “But I’ll save it for later. Let’s get cleaned up first and get something to eat. Okay?”

  Her narrowed eyes told him she wanted to argue, but he shifted their positions, letting the shower spray the back of her head. She squealed in surprise and clung to him. He grabbed a bottle of shower gel from the corner of the tub and squeezed the flower-scented soap in his palm.

  Jace stepped back and took special care rubbing and cleansing every delicious inch of her body, paying special attention to her hot, little pussy and those pert breasts of hers. He turned her around and placed her hands on the wall. Repeating his motions, he lathered soap on her shoulders and down her back. He ignored his aching cock and rubbed the sweet curve of her ass with his soapy hands.

  Damn, he’d never get enough of her. Mother Nature knew what the fuck was up when she presented him the gift of Michelle as his mate. His shy, blushing bookworm had a sexy streak in her a mile wide. He pulled her back to his chest and let the spray of water wash the soap from her body.

  He shut off the shower, gathered her into his arms, and stepped out of the tub. Once he placed her on the bathroom countertop, he wrapped her in a towel. She meekly allowed him to dry her, squinting her eyes in an attempt to see every move he made. An idea sprang to mind as he picked up her glasses and slid them on her face.

  “You know, I think I’ll have you leave these on next time.”

  She scrunched her nose. “Next time?”

  Jace shifted in between her legs and let his cock rub against her sweet spot. “Oh fuck yeah, sweetheart. I can guarantee many more times.” Her eyes rolled back in her head, and he knew he had her. He leaned forward and nibbled on her ear. “Do you have any condoms?”

  She shook her head. “I’m on the pill.”

  Even fucking better. Damn, he had to stop before he took her again. The next time, he’d mark her. It had been a testament of strength not to sink his teeth into her shoulder when she came around his cock.

  He stepped away from her, and her eyes fluttered open, blinking at him in bewilderment. “Come on, baby. Let’s grab some food, then we’ll talk.”

  Jace helped her off the counter and slapped her ass when she turned to walk into her bedroom. She jumped then threw a scowl over her shoulder. Laughing, he grabbed his pants from the floor and yanked them on.

  In the kitchen, he leaned against the counter with his arms crossed while she flitted around, spouting off the contents of her kitchen.

  “Hmm, well what do you feel like?” She stood in front of the opened refrigerator.

  “I tell you what. How about an omelet? Those are quick and easy. I’m starving. You’ve depleted my energy, woman.”

  She smacked his bare chest with the back of her hand as she passed by with a carton of eggs. “No one told you to be a determined sex master or something.”

  Jace threw his head back and laughed, then shoved away from the counter and stalked toward her. He placed his palms on the counter, trapping her in place with body. “Determined sex master? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Michelle shivered and he knew it wasn’t because the room was cold. “You like to be in control.”

  He grew hard again from the husky tone of her voice. Damn, she was certifiably sexy without a lick of effort. Sweeping her blonde hair aside, he lowered his head and licked from the base of her neck to her ear. “Only with you, sweetheart. You drive me crazy.”

  She laid her hands on his chest and stared up at him with those innocent eyes that soothed some part deep inside of him. “I’m glad you’re not gay, Jace. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I’ve been lusting after you since you first came into the store.”

  “Me, too. Thank God, you were drunk and blurted it out. Otherwise, there’s no telling how long we would’ve danced around each other.”

  She grimaced. “Speaking of which, I’m sorry about last night.” Then she squinted her eyes. “Wait…. How are you here today? I know you got me into bed when you brought me home, and you were here when I woke up. So were you still here when someone tried to break in?”

  Jace took a step back and jammed his hands in his pocket. “There are things you need to know, Michelle. Things about me. About the guy that broke in last night. We’ll eat a late lunch and go for a walk. Then I’ll explain everything. I promise. Deal?”

  Michelle studied him a moment before she stuck her hand out for a shake. “Deal.”

  He silenced her giggle by grabbing her hand and pulling her into his arms, thoroughly kissing her. She jerked her mouth away and pushed at his chest before he could deepen the kiss.

  “No more of that. We’ll starve to death at this rate.” She shooed him away. “Go sit down. I need food now.”

  Jace snorted and turned to make his way to a bar stool. Then she shocked him by slapping his ass. Hard. He looked over his shoulder and scowled.

  She winked at him. “You’re not the only one who likes asses, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Eight

  Michelle grabbed her coat from the hall closet and made her way to the back porch where Jace waited for her. She’d expected an uncomfortable silence between them after what occurred in the shower, but there hadn’t been any awkwardness. Instead, she’d relaxed in his company while they’d eaten. The conversation flowed easily between them as they spoke of their childhoods, bantered back and forth, and laughed at the pranks he’d played on his sister in their youths.

  Not to
mention, she reveled in the attention he paid her. She’d never felt so desired in her life.

  However, apprehension loomed like a dark cloud in her mind for what was to come. It had to be bad if he’d put off telling her. They’d established he wasn’t gay. She shook her head and allowed a smile. Absolutely not gay.

  But what troubled her the most was that he’d stated he knew things about her early morning intruder. How? What could he possibly know? Shit, what if he’d sent the man to break in? Her hand paused on the door knob as a dozen alarm bells roared in her head.

  He called from the other side of the door. “Are you coming, sweetheart?”

  Hell, just get it over with, Michelle.

  Paranoia and a sense of self-preservation goaded her to grab one of the forks they’d eaten with from the other side of the bar. Jamming the silverware in her coat pocket, she straightened her shoulders. Opening the door, she stepped onto the porch, and then pulled up short.

  Jace stood on the top step wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, pair of jeans, and nothing else. Including shoes.

  “Where are your shoes?” She practically shouted. “How are you not freezing to death?”

  The cool autumn air chilled her to the bones. No sane person in their right mind would walk through the woods without their damn shoes on.

  He shrugged and winked. “I run a bit hot, baby.” He lifted his hand to her, palm up, the invitation extended.

  Michelle stared down at his large, calloused hand for a long moment. Then she found her backbone and stepped forward, placing her hand in his. He linked their fingers and led her down the stairs, through her backyard, and onto the trail leading into the woods. It seemed so natural to stroll, hand in hand, with him through the forest as sunset drew near.

  Once they’d walked what felt like a mile, he pulled her to a stop in a small clearing off the trail. He guided her to a fallen tree and untangled his hand from hers.

  “Give me a minute, okay?”

  “Uh, sure.” She was confused as hell why he needed a minute and nervous as shit, waiting for him to just spill it. Whenever someone needed a minute, it hardly boded good things. She jammed her hands into her pockets, her left hand grazing the cold silverware, and sat on a log behind her.

  Her anxiety grew as he paced back and forth, raking a hand through his short brown hair. He stopped in front of her. The usual playfulness in his gaze was absent. In its place was a serious urgency that worried her.

  Jace motioned to himself. “I’ll start by telling you about myself.”

  “Oh-kay?” He better not be an axe murderer.

  “My family and I are a bit different….” He frowned at the ground beneath his bare feet. “We were born with…extra stuff.”

  Why did that sound so damn ominous?

  She studied him in silence as his agitation increased. He rubbed his forehead and chewed on his bottom lip.

  After a few tense minutes, he dropped his hand to his side. “Fuck, it’s just easier if I show you.”

  His hands went to the hem of his shirt.

  “Hey, wait. What are you doing?”

  “Just watch. Please, Michelle.” His eyes pleaded with her to understand. “I would never hurt you. Ever. Remember that.”

  That was an odd preface, but she nodded for him to continue.

  He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head, tossing it on the ground at her feet. His hands worked the button free on his jeans, and he slid down the zipper. He pushed the material over his thighs and let them drop on the ground.

  Michelle’s mouth fell open in shock. A fully nude Jace stood before her, his groin at her eye level. Her gaze shot to his, and she expected a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Instead, he wore a vulnerable mask of uncertainty. He stepped backward until he was several feet away from her.

  “Just remember what I said.”

  She watched in disbelief as a strange glow emanated from his chest. Each and every one of his muscles quivered and a low hum vibrated through the air between them. In horror, she watched as he dropped onto his hands and knees in one fluid motion, his limbs and features contorting shape. Hair sprang from every inch of his new figure, all in the span of thirty seconds. If she’d have blinked she might’ve missed it. In the place where Jace stood was now a wolf. A fucking large, black wolf.

  The very same from the night before.

  This isn’t real. This isn’t real. The words flashed over and over in her head.

  Her heart banged against her ribcage. She bolted to her feet and clutched the fork in her pocket with a shaky hand.

  The beast lifted its head and speared her with its dark brown eyes. Jace’s eyes.

  He paced forward and she stepped backward, stumbling over the log behind her. She fell onto her ass and cried out. To hell with her bruised tailbone. This was way too fucked up for her head to work out at the moment. She scrambled to her feet and jerked the fork from her pocket, holding it in front of her to ward him off.

  “Stay back!” She waved the fork.

  The wolf paused and sat on his hind legs. His mouth opened and his tongue spilled out, lolling to the side.

  Michelle stepped over the log and walked backward toward the trail leading to her house. She made it to the pathway, whirled around, and hauled ass to the safety of her home. She threw a quick glance over her shoulder to see the wolfJacewhatever, loping behind her. The sight made her push her body more.

  The report of a shot thundered through the wood, scaring the shit out of her, followed by a high-pitched yelp. Despite her fear, the latter sound caused Michelle to skid to a halt. She pivoted and the air ceased in her lungs. The black wolf lay on his side on the forest floor.

  Fuck! This couldn’t be happening. Her gaze darted around the woods, searching for a trace of the person who’d shot him.

  The sensible part of her brain screamed at her to run. The crazy bitch side prodded her to go to Jace. Regardless of her indecisiveness, she found her feet moving toward him almost of their own volition. Her head might not yet understand what Jace was, but her heart knew better. She couldn’t leave him.

  Damn it.

  Michelle sprinted to his outstretched body and knelt at his side. Blood seeped from a wound on his shoulder, spilling onto his black fur. Pain cloaked his half-closed brown eyes. She slowly lifted her hand then hesitated. Seeking her touch, he raised his head, his fur tickling her palm. She lowered her hand to the side of his head and rubbed his ear. His quiet whimpers tore at her. Shit, she couldn’t leave him here. She had to get him to safety.

  Tears slid from her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Jace.” She stroked the side of head. “I always seem to have to apologize to you.”

  He turned his head and licked the underside of her forearm. The action broke her heart in two. Determination pumped through her veins, and she swiped the tears away from her eyes.

  “We have to get you out of here, Jace. Can you walk at all? I can’t carry you on my own.”

  The strange source of light radiated from his chest, and shudders racked his frame. As quick as before, he shifted back to a human under her hand. He lay on his side, panting, with a gaping wound through his shoulder.

  “Can you make it?” She caressed his pale cheek as tears continued to run down her face.

  He rolled onto his back with a grunt. “Don’t worry.” His voice was gruff and laced with pain. “I’ll be all right. But there’s a hunter out there. We need to move.”

  Michelle helped him sit up and eased his good arm around her neck. She used every ounce of her strength to help him rise to his feet. He leaned his full weight against her for a moment before he gained enough balance to stand. The blood oozing from his wound had slowed to a trickle.

  They’d made it twenty yards when a lean, middle-aged man in hunting gear stepped onto the path in front of them, holding a scoped, high-powered rifle. Jace’s body stiffened beside her, and she squeezed as close to his side as humanly possible.

  The hunter smiled a too
thsome grin at Jace. “Well, you are certainly not what I was expecting.”

  Michelle’s mind spun. “Who are you?”

  He tipped the brim of his cap. “Carl Marston. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sanders. Though I hadn’t anticipated meeting you in person. The idiot I sent over last night never showed up for work or returned my calls this morning. I could only presume he hadn’t succeeded with the task I sent him to complete. And so here I am, ready to finish the job.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jace’s fury mounted, quashing the pain from his shoulder, and spread to his limbs, infusing him with a resurgence of strength. Michelle trembled like a leaf beside him which only served to increase his burning hatred of the man blocking the trail. Jace lifted his arm from Michelle’s neck and tugged her behind him.

  “What do you want?” Michelle squeaked out from around his shoulder.

  Marston laughed. “The land, of course. But you had to be a bitch about it.”

  Jace’s hands curved into fists at his sides. He needed an opening. Any opening, so he could take the fucker out. His gaze flickered to the left of Marston.

  “Don’t try a damned thing, or I won’t miss this time. Nor will I hesitate to put a bullet in Ms. Sanders’s head.”

  Michelle’s nails dug into his lower back. “Why the hell’s so special about the land? And how the crap do you plan to get it if I’m dead?”

  “Trust me, my partner and I have our ways. Had you just sold Cecelia’s land as planned, we wouldn’t be in this predicament now, would we? But, no. You had to up and decide to move here.” He aimed a pointed glare at Michelle. “Your aunt was just as hard-headed as you are, and you see what that got her.”

  Michelle gasped. “You killed Cecelia? For a piece of land?”

  Marston chuckled. “Not just any land. It’s prime hunting ground, of course. Now I see why the citizens of Los Lobos were never inclined to sell.” He narrowed his eyes at Jace. “What the hell are you?”


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