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Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy Book 5)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Punishment for threatening him. I don’t understand.” She ran fingers through her hair, feeling like she was falling apart.

  “The Dentons are handling his punishment,” Owen said.

  “Gabriel called us and told us to take you back home.”

  She shook her head. “No. Take me to him.”

  “We can’t do that.”

  Emma glared at both of her brothers. “Listen to me closely. You will take me to Gideon right now. There’s no reason they should be punishing him.”

  “It’s family business.”

  “Clearly, you both felt I had a right to know because you wouldn’t have told me otherwise. Now get your heads out of your asses and take me to him.” She grabbed her jacket. “Don’t even try to pretend that you don’t know where it is. I know that’s bullshit.”

  “Let’s go,” Owen said.

  She didn’t question them until they got into the car and were out on the road.

  “Why did you tell me?” she asked.

  “Gabriel told us not to.”

  “So? I thought you liked playing the minion for him.”

  Owen put a hand to his chest. “That hurts. We’re not his minions.”

  “You were going to do as you’re told.”

  Wyatt snorted. “If we were going to do as we were told, we wouldn’t have said anything and just taken you out to dinner.”

  “Gabriel needs to realize that just because he has a better last name doesn’t make us any less. We’re not the ones at fault for our last name. He can try to make himself believe he’s a Denton, but he’s also a Colton. He was raised a Colton, and there’s a monster inside there that has nothing to do with a Denton.”

  She didn’t dispute it.

  Gabriel, being the oldest of them all, had been through hell with their father. Of course, now they knew it wasn’t really Gabriel’s father, but it didn’t mean for a second that their brother hadn’t been turned.

  There was a darkness within him that would scare the shit out of the Dentons, she was sure of it.

  “So, you and Gideon didn’t see that one coming,” Owen said.

  “Are you going to marry him? Have lots of kids?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Do you even love him? How does that whole legacy thing work? Do you feel connected to him as well?” Owen asked.

  “Can we not talk about that right now? Can we just get to Gideon?” She didn’t want to talk about the legacy.

  Gideon never did, and that was the way she liked it.

  Running fingers through her hair, she felt her heart racing as they came upon an old abandoned warehouse. She saw Gideon’s car though, as well as Gabriel’s.

  She also noticed several other cars that she recognized.

  Anger filled her.

  They were supposed to be brothers.


  Climbing out of the car, she didn’t give a shit about the consequences. She only needed to see Gideon, to stop others from hurting him.

  With her heart pounding, hands clammy, she found the entrance of the warehouse. Maddox had given her several codes in the time she’d worked for him, proving her loyalty to the family.

  Typing in the code she had seen him cover up for warehouses, she smiled as the door opened. She had one hell of a memory, and it had come in handy today.

  Rushing into the warehouse, she didn’t have to go far before she saw Gideon in the center of the warehouse. Lights were on, and she saw Gabriel, Jacob, Abel, Oliver, and Damian, along with Maddox and Stuart.

  Gideon didn’t have any weapons. His face was a mess, and she saw blood on his body.

  “Is that all you got, fuckers?” Gideon said.

  It was her brother, Gabriel, with a bat, who swung and hit Gideon in the chest.

  Without thinking, she charged toward her brother.

  “Leave him the fuck alone.”

  She’d taken them all by surprise, so no one stopped her as she shoved Gabriel hard. Being a Colton, Gabriel had trained her a little. She jumped onto his back, wrapping her arm around his neck and holding on tight.

  She distracted him enough to drop the bat, but he threw her off.

  This, she was used to. On the ground with the bat, she picked it up and stared at her brother.

  The monster the Dentons didn’t know about was right there, staring back at her.

  Standing in front of Gideon, she glared at Gabriel, aware of the change of tension within the warehouse.

  “You’re not supposed to be here,” Gabriel said.

  “Oops, you know how our sis is,” Owen said as he and Wyatt entered the warehouse.

  She gripped the bat tightly, staring at Gabriel, not letting down her guard.

  “You should leave,” Gideon said.

  “Not happening.”

  “Emma,” he said.

  “Shut the fuck up, Gideon. I’m not leaving you.” She stood in front of her man, keeping Gabriel in her sight. Even as he moved, she stepped to cover his target. He wasn’t getting to Gideon, not unless he hurt her.

  He could do it, but with Owen and Wyatt here he wouldn’t be able to do it for long.

  “This is family business, Miss Colton. You need to leave,” Maddox said.

  “What I see is a bunch of fucking cowards hurting one man. You didn’t even give him a weapon. Such brave men. I wonder how your women can even look at you.” She knew it was a low blow. “I wonder what Lou would say.” That was for Jacob. “Or Harper, I wonder what she’d think.” That was to Abel. “What about Ruby? Knowing what you’re doing.” She glanced over at Oliver. “I thought Mia had better taste, but I guess she doesn’t know the truth.”

  “You going to throw shit at me?” Gabriel asked.

  She turned toward her brother. “Don’t worry, brother dearest. I already know what a piece of shit you are. You forget, I grew up with you. I know what I’m dealing with.” Staring at all the men, she laughed, but it wasn’t from humor. She was disgusted by what she saw. “You think you’re good men because you’re Dentons. You’re no better than a Colton.” She threw the bat at the Gabriel. “Landon’s hurting, and all you want him to do is get over it. I wonder if you’d handle it any better if any of your women were taken from her. Maybe one day, you’ll all get a taste of your own medicine.”

  “Emma,” Owen said. The warning was clear.

  She was crossing a line.

  “No! Enough! I said fucking enough!” She stepped up to Gabriel. “You want to be a Denton, be one. Gladly. I remember where I come from.” She moved around him and went right up to Maddox Denton. “I’ve been a Colton from the very beginning. I’ve not changed who I am. You want to hurt my man, then fine, hurt him, but I swear to you, right now, right here, in front of everyone, I will hurt you back.”

  “You think you scare me, little girl? You don’t have a clue who you’re dealing with.”

  She smiled. “And neither do you, Maddox Denton. I know a great deal. You see, daddy-in-law, I’m your son’s woman, and what I noticed about all men in this room is none of you pay attention to the women. I have secrets. I know more about you and your family than I ever should, but that’s what I do. That’s what my dad knew I could do. I have a way of blending. Hurt me. Kill me. I dare you because I will make sure you will never forget that moment you betray me. You think I’m a little girl. I’m a nice girl, and I know how to make plans. Seeing the way Landon has turned out, it’ll be quite easy to snuff the life out of every single woman you all have.”

  Her father had once told her, while he’d been drunk of course, the best way to deal with a predator was to stare him in the eye, to not back down, and to wait for them to break eye contact. You know you’ve won.

  Right now, she couldn’t believe she was threatening Maddox Denton. He was a fucking force to be reckoned with.

  The thing was, Owen and Wyatt would avenge her. They would do what she asked. They were Coltons. United together.

  The moment Maddox looked away, he stared at his s

  She knew she’d won.


  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Gideon said, coughing and in pain.

  His dick was so damn hard though. He’d watched his woman take charge in that warehouse. The moment he got the call and parked up, he’d seen the look on his brothers’ faces and knew they were going to hurt him. That their father had made sure they knew what the hell was happening.

  He’d been expecting it.

  It was the first time he’d openly threatened his father.

  Now though, Emma had threatened their women. He didn’t for a second believe that was going to go unpunished. Something would happen, and he just needed to be prepared. Right now, he felt like he’d broken a rib.

  “I’m dying,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “I can’t believe you jumped on Gabriel’s back like that.”

  “Yeah, well, he shouldn’t have been hitting my man.”

  “I did hear you say that.” He reached out, taking her hand, locking their fingers together. “You shouldn’t have threatened their women.”

  “I’ve already organized a meeting tomorrow with them all. I want them to know what was happening. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t threaten them.”

  “What secrets do you have on my father?” he asked.

  She sighed. “I know where all of his businesses are located, along with bank accounts, and other contracts that he doesn’t want to make public.”

  “Why not?”

  “Influential people who wouldn’t want to be known as being part of such an organization. I know where to send the details, and I’m not talking the cops either.”

  “You’d do that for me?” he asked.


  “It’s fucking dangerous.”

  “I don’t want you to be hurting, Gideon. He was the one that started it. If I left, he was only going to hurt you some more.”

  “I may have deserved it.”

  “Why did you threaten him?” she asked.

  “He’s planning on marrying Tamsin off, and then there’s Landon. I don’t agree with that shit.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I need to be able to protect you.”

  “I can protect myself.”

  “Don’t be foolish. You walked away tonight, but I know my father. He won’t let this slide. You embarrassed him.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll deal with it.”

  “Damn it, Emma.”

  “I think I’m falling for you.”

  He paused, looking at her, and gritted his teeth. “You’re saying that to keep me quiet.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Only if you mean it.”

  “Of course, I mean it.” She winked at him. “I’ll go and get some more wipes.”

  She got to her feet and walked toward the door. He watched as she stopped, turned on her heel, and came back to kiss him.

  Her lips were heaven, even when he was in pain.

  “I couldn’t have anything happen to you.”

  In the next second, she was gone.

  He wasn’t alone for long as Owen and Wyatt entered the room. They both looked pretty grim.

  He coughed again. “I know the danger she’s in.”

  “She threatened the head of the Denton family, Gideon. There will be consequences, we all know that.”

  Gideon sighed. “I know.”

  “Do you have any idea how to stop this?”

  “Not right now. I need you guys to be like a rash around her. I’ll be okay tomorrow, but don’t let her go back to work.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can take care of myself,” Emma said.

  “Em, babe, I love you, and one day we’re going to be married and have kids, but you pretty much declared war on my father.”

  “It’ll be fine.” She smiled at him. “Have a little trust and faith here. I do in you.” She sat beside him, kissing his lips. “Trust in me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re doing.” He ran a hand over his face and came away with blood.

  Emma left once again and returned seconds later carrying a pot of water.

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Wyatt and Owen are going with you wherever you go though.”

  “I won’t argue.”

  “Gabriel’s pissed,” Owen said. “He’s already called us both a dozen times.”

  “He picked his side,” Emma said.

  “He was just doing what needed to be done.”

  “Gabriel doesn’t do anything in this world unless he wants to do it,” Wyatt said.

  “Don’t underestimate him, Gideon. He comes across as a wounded little puppy, but he is far from it.”

  Gideon looked at Wyatt, Owen, and Emma. He saw the warning in their stares.

  “He’s dangerous. Don’t think because he’s taking orders that it will last. There’s a reason our father used him to train. Gabriel is ruthless when he needs to be, and he’s not so sweet and calm either. There’s a temper there.”

  He noted their warnings.

  Emma helped him remove his shirt, which was filthy with mud and blood.

  “Does your mom know he does this?” Emma asked.

  “No. It’s not something we talk about.”

  She tutted. “I don’t like this one bit.” She continued to clean and wipe at the cuts and bruises on his body.

  Wyatt and Owen excused themselves.

  Reaching out, he twirled a curl of Emma’s hair.

  “I like that you took care of me,” he said. She was the first woman to do so. “I love you so much.”

  She didn’t say the words back, but that was okay. He didn’t expect her to.

  Leaning back, he let her attend to his wounds, playing the victim. The pain was already starting to lessen. Now he needed the time to plan.


  Gabriel stood waiting, knowing his brothers would arrive.

  Hands in his jacket, he watched as they parked the car, and headed toward him.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “Pissed off. Angry at you. Angry at all of them,” Owen said.

  “She’s going to be in danger,” Gabriel said.

  “What are you doing, Gabriel?”

  “I’m having fun, why?”

  “You’re not around all that much anymore.”

  “I want to know what Emma has on Maddox,” he said. He had his own plans. In the past few months he’d seen the way Maddox worked, and he didn’t like it. The old bastard was getting cockier with every passing day. With his talk of merging Denton and Savona, it didn’t sit well with him.

  Gabriel didn’t know whom he could trust.

  It certainly wasn’t the Dentons. With the way Emma just acted, he had a feeling she was the only one he could trust. He’d just hurt her man though, so that put them in a bad place.

  “Are you going to tell us what the hell is going on here, Gabriel?” Owen asked. “We don’t play like this. Keeping us in the dark.”

  “You’ll know soon enough. I’ve just got to wait for everything to be in place.” He wasn’t going to make a play for the top until he was sure of everything first.

  Stuart and Rick were a problem, both of them the brothers to Maddox.

  “Find out everything that Emma knows and keep her safe.”

  “We’ve already got those orders from Gideon.”

  “Good. He knows she’s in danger then.”


  Gabriel nodded. “I’ve got to be heading back. My job is to keep an eye on Landon.”

  “How is he?”

  “He’s not doing well, but at least he’s eating.”

  “You’re going to try to overthrow the Dentons.”

  “Dad always wanted a Colton on top,” Gabriel said.

  “Our dad was a monster, Gabriel. You’re a Denton now.”

  “Exactly, so I’m not really overthrowing anything.” He winked at his brothers, climbed into his car, and headed back to the
Denton home.

  There was no sign of Maddox’s car.

  Entering the house, he saw Tamsin on the stairs. She stared at him without saying a word.

  He’d noticed this little girl had a knack for getting in and out of places like Emma did. More often than not, she went undetected.

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

  “You hurt my brother tonight.”

  It wasn’t a question. He also wouldn’t treat her as a child and pretend he didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

  “Go to bed.”

  “I’m not going to always be so easily pushed aside. You, Dad, all my brothers, I won’t be treated like a kid forever.”

  With that, she turned on her heel and headed upstairs.

  Running a hand over his face, he turned to see Jacob watching him.

  Abel, Oliver, and Damian were there as well.

  “How is your sister?”

  “She’s alive.”

  “You think she’ll go through with her threat?” Jacob asked.

  Gabriel stared at the men he’d come to care about. He had no interest in hurting them. Sometimes he found the need for violence, but it wasn’t directed at them. Today, however, it had been fun to hurt Gideon. That piece of shit didn’t know when to shut his mouth.

  “You’re not going to hurt her.”

  “She can’t stand you.”

  He shrugged. “I’m still her brother, and I’ll protect her. Don’t for a second think any differently.”

  “Gideon called. He’s warned us to be wary of you.”

  Gabriel smiled. “It’s good to know one of you has some sense.”

  “What the fuck is going on right now?” Abel asked. “Cut the bullshit. We are over this. We’re a team.”

  “Well, some teams need to realize when to back the fuck off. Nothing is going on. Leave my sister alone. She’s passionate when it comes to the ones she loves.” With that, he turned on his heel.

  He would kill Maddox and all of the Dentons before he let them hurt his family. Emma may think he’d turned his back on her, but he hadn’t. He knew deep down that Maddox was a threat to them, always would be. They were Coltons. Regardless of his DNA, he would also be in the firing line.

  For as long as he could remember, he’d been caring for his brothers and sister, and would always do that. It now also included Landon and Tamsin. They were too young to care for themselves. What he wouldn’t do was act at the wrong time.


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