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Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3)

Page 17

by S Cinders

  I had to hand it to Puck, it was a brave man who would take on a ship full of pirates by himself. But he had only scoffed and said it was child’s play. I wondered how much of his confidence came from his magic? It didn’t honestly matter to me as long as we found the bloody map.

  I heard the clashing of steel and knew that swords had been drawn. With a small dagger in my belt I flew to the Captain’s quarters where my natural father Silver might have taken the map.

  It was much harder to search for something when you were gnat sized. I suddenly had a great appreciation for Tinkerbell and understood why she loved being life-sized. I had vowed to her that as soon as she wanted I would wish her big again. I never thought the day would come that I would count the woman as a friend.

  But she had become more than a friend. These crazy vagabond warriors that had banded together, were my family. They had my back and I would gladly have theirs.

  Taking one more look around the room, I decided that it wasn’t here. Silver had to have the map on his person. He was undoubtedly in the middle of the fray with Puck. I flew out of the door and up the stairs.

  The sight that I beheld had my stomach clenching. Blood ran along the decks of the Henrietta. Men were staring into nothingness, their necks—broken, their bodies lay in awkward angels that screamed of death. I could smell the acrid scent of metal in the air and knew that this would be a day I wouldn’t soon forget.

  Flying at top speed I raced to where Puck and Silver were sparring. Puck had a few cuts on his shoulder and one long slice across his face. I hoped they weren’t deep, just as much as I prayed that this hadn’t been a mistake after all.

  Peter was flying around with his dagger slitting throats before the pirates could beat him away. I pulled mine from its sheath and followed his lead.

  Taking a man’s life was at once horrifying and satisfying. It is hard to explain the tumultuous feelings. But I knew that every man slain was one that wouldn’t be putting a blade into my back or worse, Peter’s.

  I didn’t see the flat of the metal before it smacked me down. My body shuddering under the impact. I wasn’t sliced, but my head felt as if it were split in two.

  I felt my forehead and my hand came away bloody. I was captured in the hands of Black Dog and he was marching me over to where Tiger Lilly was already trapped in a cage.

  I tried to fight, but my head made it difficult to think, much less reason.

  I was dumped inside, and Lilly immediately came to my aid. She pulled off a strip of fabric from our already tiny skirt and wrapped it tightly around my head.

  “Ebony, are you alright?”

  I wanted to assure her that I was, but honestly, I wasn’t sure.

  “My head hurts,” I rasped.

  Her worried eyes gazed down at me, “You are going to be fine. Do you hear me?”

  I wanted to smile at her insistence. That was Tiger Lilly to the core. Always looking for the better in a situation, always finding the silver lining.

  The cage was opened, and Tinkerbell was tossed inside.

  “Fucking asshole!” she had a gash on her leg that looked nasty. But she continued to flip off Mad Dog who was stalking away from where we trapped in the cage.

  “Holy shit, Ebony, are you alright?” Tinkerbell dropped to my side.

  “Lil just asked me the same thing,” I grunted. “I will live.”

  Tinkerbell looked at me dubiously, but Lilly was already ripping another strip from her skirt to fix around Tinkerbell’s gash.

  She had little more than a belt now with the two strips pulled away. Her green panties fully exposed.

  “Did you see Peter?” I gasped.

  Tinkerbell nodded, “Puck changed him into another Hook and he is fighting.”

  “What about Alex?” Lilly asked quietly.

  Tinkerbell sadly shook her head, “I’m sorry doll. I haven’t seen him.”

  We huddled together, trying to figure out a plan, and not vomiting every time we heard a man cry out his last breath.

  I felt sick with worry and my head was throbbing.

  Suddenly, the cage was being lifted, and we were sliding around the unsteady surface.

  Black Dog had us.

  He walked over to the deck where Puck had his sword jutting into Silver’s neck. Peter was still fighting the last two men standing.

  Black Dog shook the cage and I screamed, the pain in my head too intense handle the rough treatment.

  There was a rustling behind us and then to my surprise I saw the end of a sword jutting out between Black Dog’s pectorals.

  Alex caught the cage before we crashed to the ground. He too was wearing a Hook glamour, but he was the only Hook I had ever seen with a large white daisy tucked into his black curls.

  With the broad side of his sword, Peter slew the last of the pirates remaining. Corpses and carnage littered the decks of the Henrietta.

  “You have lost, Silver,” Puck growled out. “We have your ship; your men are dead, and I even have your daughter.”

  He flicked his wrist and all the glamour’s faded away. The cage we had been trapped in vanished and I found myself in my own clothes with a green strip of fabric keeping the gash on my head closed.

  “Where is the map?” Puck demanded.

  “I will never tell,” Silver’s eyes held more than a hint of emotion in them. But I couldn’t tell if he was sad, or just angry he had been bested.

  “We will kill your daughter,” Puck bluffed.

  I took a step back anyway. He was one scary fucker when he was mad.

  Silver looked at me and then motioned me closer.

  I took a hesitant step forward.

  “Closer, girl,” he demanded as much as one can with a sword at his throat.

  I moved within range, to see the man whose eyes were so like mine. I wanted to scream at him, tell him that he was throwing everything away. That we could still make things work. I didn’t want him dead.

  But what he said next killed every bit of hope I had ever harbored about having a relationship with the man.

  “I don’t give a fuck about you or anyone. Best you learn that, girl.”

  I didn’t hesitate, didn’t even think before grabbing a fallen sword and sticking it though his gut.

  There was a gurgle of something and I saw blood trail from his lips.

  Then he smiled, “That’s my girl.”

  CHAPTER 39-Ebony

  WITH A NUMBNESS THAT had frozen every inch of my soul, I watched as the dead were heaved into the sea. I had shaken off any attempts at comfort that my friends had tried to give me.

  I had no wish to speak with anyone or to hear their pity.

  It’s funny how the world keeps spinning even if you have stopped. I’ve heard so many say that they couldn’t go on if this or that happened to them. But that is a lie. You do go on, and that’s the hell of it.

  Time and tide wait for no man, and certainly not for me.

  I wasn’t sure how long I stood on the deck. I had watched until the last body had sunk into the murky depths. Captain Silver’s eyes still held that mocking glint to them even in death.

  ‘That’s my girl,’ he had said after I had pushed a blade through his heart. But I wasn’t his girl. I wasn’t Hook’s or anyone else’s. I had spent my life trying to be something to Hook, and he never gave a flying fuck about me. Now I learn the same about my real father.

  I couldn’t say that I was sad. I supposed that would come later though. It was as if I were devoid of emotion. A machine that went through the routine without stopping to understand what or why.

  I helped to gather the weapons of the fallen. We worked in silence, only every once and a while Puck calling out orders.

  The map was nowhere to be found, even after Tinkerbell searched Captain Silver’s corpse. Had it all been for naught? I couldn’t help but wonder which side we were on, the good or the bad?

  I’d heard that every time you kill a man it tears apart your soul.

  That t
oo, is a lie.

  Every time you kill a man, a small part of his soul latches on to yours. You carry with you the image of their breathing coming to a halt. The smell of blood in the air, and the look of terror in their eyes, it will never leave you.

  Some men shit themselves, a natural reaction, but one that the storybooks don’t often talk about. Other men have a frozen look of surprise, as if they cannot quite believe that they are fallible.

  I wasn’t about to let this mission be in vain. For hours I searched for that blasted map. I ripped apart the Captain’s Quarters once again. Then searched the bulk head, the men’s barracks, even the stocks. But nothing, I couldn’t see it anywhere.

  Night was coming on and searching by candlelight wasn’t conducive to a thorough search.

  I felt Peter touch my arm, but I shook him off. I didn’t want to be like this, I wasn’t sure why I was like this. I couldn’t help myself.

  Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my body, and I was thrown over a broad shoulder like a sack of wheat.

  I snapped to the present, “Get your fucking hands off me!”

  Peter didn’t respond but he did tighten his hold on my legs.

  “I mean it, Peter!”

  He smacked my ass and continued to carry me below. He walked right into our old cabin and told Tinkerbell and Puck to get out. I didn’t even want to think about what they could have been doing in there.

  “Go and use the Captain’s quarters, I won’t be taking Ebony there.”

  I pounded on his back, outrage filling my soul. I was so angry. I couldn’t control the depth of my anger.

  He put me down but didn’t let me go.

  “You bastard,” I seethed, “How dare you humiliate me like that?”

  Peter’s handsome face quickly scanned mine. It was as if he were making a decision and I had just thrown down the deciding factor.

  There was one chair in this room, bolted to the floor.

  He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me inches off the floor until he was able to settle me on the chair.

  Quickly he bound my hands behind my back and linked them with the chair back. I could have gotten up had I wished to, but the angle would be painful, and I couldn’t get myself free.

  I screamed every obscenity I knew at him. But Peter ignored me. He went over to the berth, and to my shock, began to change the linens. My world was falling apart, and he was worried about the laundry.

  He stripped the bed and threw the soiled mass in the corner. Then searching the drawers, he found fresh linens and remade the bed.

  I seethed watching the muscles in his back as he did the work that servants usually did.

  He was meticulous in his movements. Then once finished he turned to me, the love and sorrow he had in his eyes would be my undoing. There wasn’t pity, but empathy by the truck load. The Lord knew that I needed someone, especially when I couldn’t recognize it myself.

  I began to shake, and his eyes widened. In seconds I was untied and in his arms. He didn’t speak. What words could be used in a time like this? He didn’t pretend to know what I was feeling or not feeling. He didn’t spout off platitudes that would likely piss me off.

  Peter held me.

  In that instant, the frozen silence that I had retreated to, shattered all around me. Great sobs racked my body, and he held me.

  I was a mess of tears, snot and who knew what else, and he held me.

  I raged against the injustice of it all, pounding on his chest, and he held me.

  He held me as if I would slip through his fingers if he wasn’t careful. His arms were strong and true. He tucked me under his chin so that I could sob into his neck and I clung to him. I was lost, but he was my beacon. If anyone could guide me home again, it would be Peter.

  I don’t know how long we stayed like that. Seconds, minutes, hours, honestly, I couldn’t reason with something as basic as time. All I knew was that his arms were the only thing holding me together.

  After I completely exhausted myself, he kissed my temple and whispered into my hair.

  “Sleep, my love,” and to my surprise, I slept.

  ***I wasn’t sure when I awakened, the sun wasn’t quite up yet, but I felt rested. Certainly, much better than the night before. My heart still ached for what could have been with Silver. But wrapped in the arms of my lover, I knew where home was, and that was with Peter.

  He had given of himself selflessly, and not complained once. I winced as I saw the scratches on his neck that I knew I had given him.

  His body was hard and hot beside me as he slept. I could still see the concern etched on his sleeping face and it made me love him even more. His cock as nestled against my belly, hard and insistent.

  I smiled thinking that even in times of heartache he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

  Suddenly, I needed to feel loved, I needed to have him buried deep inside of me. I needed his body worshiping mine as I worshiped him. I knew that taking advantage of a sleeping man wasn’t playing fair, but I was pirate, and pirates never played fair.

  I sank down and slid his briefs below his ball sack so that his massive cock was free. Then ever so gently I traced the tip with my tongue. He moaned long and loud in his sleep, moving to his back.

  I glanced up to see if he had awakened but he hadn’t. Smirking I continued my assault. Lick after lick, his musky taste filling my mouth and I wanted more. I wanted his precum sliding down my throat. I wanted to suck his dick as far as I could go.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I wrapped my lips around him and sucked.

  CHAPTER 40 – Peter

  I WAS AWAKE THE MOMENT Ebony broke free from my arms and slid down my long frame. I almost said something to her, but I remembered the night before and her terrible pain.

  Grief can cause people to do crazy things, and a part of me wanted to know just what she was up to. If she thought she could leave my bed without my knowledge, she was beyond misguided.

  When her small hands slipped inside of my underwear, my eyes flashed open, and I saw her gazing intently at my cock. I am man enough to admit that I had one small moment of fear that she was going to do something dreadful.

  Like I said, grief cause people to do crazy things. But what happened next made me glad I’d gone with my instincts. She licked the outer rim of my mushroomed head and then glanced up at me. I closed my eyes the second I saw her head tilt and prayed she would think I was still asleep.

  I wanted to know how far my little enchantress would go. I was not disappointed in the least. Her mouth closed over the tip of my cock, and she sucked for all she was worth.

  My hips shot off the bed as I cried out, “Fuck, Ebony, are you trying to kill me?”

  She smiled around my dick, and I swear I grew harder just at the sight. With bedroom eyes, Ebony closed her lips around me again and played with my length. Sucking rhythmically back and forth, taking little bits at a time, until I was panting.

  My fingers ached to sink into her hair, but this was her show, and I didn’t want to take that from her. With a pop she allowed my dick to free itself from the heat of her mouth and she licked my length like it was the best popsicle she had ever tasted.

  I wasn’t sure what garbage I was muttering. Something about her mouth rivaling the gods and fuck this, holy shit that, it was mass of cursing and pleading that had her feeling confident and proud.

  Ebony grasped the base of my cock and took the rest into her mouth again. Pulling up and twisting slightly she began to take my length further and further into her mouth. There was a tear, as I accidentally ripped the sheets, before giving up and sinking my fingers into her hair.

  I held her head and guided myself until I smacked the back of her throat and she moaned loudly. The vibrations had me wanted to shoot my load before I even had the chance to taste her.

  I wrenched her off my dick, her look of disappointment was so precious that I couldn’t help kissing the fuck out of her until we were both spiraling out of control. I needed to
taste her, had to taste her.

  So, I lifted her up and sat her small frame on my face, “Hold onto the headboard, Ebony.”

  She blushed, and I felt a fierce surge of possessiveness for the woman I love. And then I brought her hips to my face and began to lick her. Her juices were covering my face, coating my tongue, and spurring me on. The moans out of her lips had my cock aching, and the way she sensuously humped my face was something that I will never forget.

  I could spend days eating this woman and planned to wake her every morning with my head between her thighs. She was the nectar that I craved for existence. Her thighs tightened around my head, and I grabbed her hips forcing her to really ride my face.

  I knew that she was worried about smashing me, which was ridiculous. But after a little encouragement, she really got into it. I could taste the change as she came for me, it was thicker and sweeter than the clearer juices had been.

  Not wanting to pause for a moment, I flipped her around so that she lay beneath me. With the tip of my cock, I traced her folds. My lips found hers, and I knew that she could taste herself all over me. It was so fucking sexy that I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I slid my cock inside of her tight sheath and moaned at the pure bliss that was Ebony.

  My hands found her nipples, and I rubbed them with the palms of my hands feeling them bead up beneath my touch.

  The moment they became hard little points I tugged on them and reared my hips back to thrust harder, faster. Her legs wrapped themselves around me, and I tugged and pulled on her nipples using her moans of excitement to gauge what she liked.

  I showered her breasts with tiny bites and open mouth kisses to soothe the sting. Her body was clenching, but I didn’t want it to end, not yet.

  I pulled her up so that our chests were smashed together and then used my strength to lift and drop her on my cock. I impaled her as far as I could go, loving the way she clawed her nails down my back and screamed my name.


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