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Bound and Freed Boxed Set

Page 13

by Nikki Sex

  Tarnish his soul? John gave an internal snort, well aware that he couldn’t afford to blacken his soul any more than he had already, sick perverse fuck that he was.

  Like a military officer following orders during wartime, John always heeded André’s advice to the letter. Thus when John dominated a scene his focus was always on using pain to increase sexual stimulation, with attention at all times directed toward orgasm. Still, nothing gave John more pleasure than hurting a sub and making him or her cry from administering pain. He had always sought that - a submissive that was willing to accept his torment in their desire to please him. Such tears were a profound gift. There was nothing more beautiful.

  Except for Kelly, he thought. I spent the entire night having sex with Kelly, and never even thought of hurting her, much less felt my customary desire to do so. I still don’t want to hurt her. What I want to do is fuck her. That is the biggest change of all. Could loving Kelly have transformed me?

  If so, he was on board with it. Kelly was good-hearted. She was the best person he knew – and all that purity came naturally to her. Even as a child. That was what had drawn him to her in the first place. Kelly was like the sun, bright with joy, and love and happiness. How did she do it?

  John was Kelly's opposite. For years he had been buried in darkness and hate, that despite all his efforts, he simply couldn't exorcize. Sighing, John knew that he was still learning to like himself.

  But if someone as good as Kelly wants me, he thought, I can't be all bad, can I?

  4. Suffering

  The 'Managers Office' was clearly labeled and pleasingly fitted out in an office worker palette of blues and creams. Coming in directly from the dungeon-like BDSM play areas just outside this room could be a shock, but it helped to make the adjustment from play to work. Colin had a large wooden desk with an 'in,' 'out' and 'pending' basket on it, two cream colored filing cabinets, a high-back black leather executive chair, with two comfortable visitor's chairs in front of this desk. A small sink, kitchenette area was in one corner.

  The only concession to this strictly office atmosphere was a framed poster on one wall, of a blindfolded and cuffed, naked female sub, lying across her master's lap, clearly enjoying a spanking. Underneath this erotic scene was inscribed:

  'Sometimes what seems like surrender isn't surrender at all. It's about what's going on in our hearts. About seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it, whatever the pain, because the pain of not being true to it is far, far greater.' Nicholas Evans, The Horse Whisperer.

  John liked the quote very much and felt it was rather apropos to his own circumstances. Walking over to the small fridge, he pulled out a small bottle of water, twisting the top off and drinking every drop of it down. John's mind remained on the words from the poster: Seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it.

  While John wanted Kelly Flynn, and needed her submission he knew the opposite was true as well. In his heart he had already surrendered to Kelly completely. Yet he wasn't free to tell her that. Not yet.

  John's manager had the drip-feed coffee maker ready to go. Colin put beans from the fridge inside, and flicked the switch to on. With the smell of fresh coffee brewing, they sat down together and discussed the evening's events.

  "I won’t be attending tonight," John said.

  "No problem." The machine was sputtering, indicating the coffee was ready. Colin moved to pour cups for both of them, getting sugar and half-and-half out of the fridge. Everything edible was kept in the fridge so they didn’t inadvertently attract pests.

  "Has Kelly Flynn signed up for another month membership?" John asked.

  "Not yet."

  John's mug was red with green letters that said, 'Anal Sex: a pain in the ass.' Hiding his smile John stirred milk and sugar into his coffee. "I want you to contact her Monday. Tell her to come in and see you Monday or Tuesday – wherever she isn't working and is available." He took a sip, and realizing he was still thirsty, took another.

  "Okay," Colin said, surprised. Then he frowned and narrowed his eyes, displaying a curious, calculated look.

  The man was completely transparent to John, which was part of the reason why he had hired him, that and his squeaky clean background check. In the Middle Ages Colin would have been a knight; he just had that sort of chivalry about him. Honest, hardworking, married, two children and faithful to his sub – Colin was a 'what you see is what you get' kind of guy. John liked him for that and paid him very well. If the club made money, Colin did too in the form of generous bonuses in addition to his salary.

  John smiled, fully aware of exactly what his manager was thinking. Colin's response to John's wry smile was to give him wide eyes. Colin rarely saw John smile.

  "Colin, my friend," John said. "It is as you suspect. I have a thing for Ms. Flynn. I want her on a permanent basis. The woman is mine - she just hasn't realized that yet. I have a plan however, to get what I want."

  Laughing out loudly, Colin set his large dark green mug down. It had 'Bondage: Knot for everyone' written on the side of it in big red letters.

  Colin's good-natured grin broadened and he settled back into his chair. "That's fucking fantastic, John," he said. "In the four years I've known you I have never seen you want anyone, ah… you know. Like that. Honestly you have always seemed a little lonely to me. I don’t know where I would be without my Donna. Anyway, you’re a private person, John. No one even knows you own the club. But for what it is worth, I'm really happy for you."

  Still smiling, John said, "Thank you, Colin. I appreciate it." He then explained about the elevator, and the events that occurred with Kelly because of it. Also Kelly's unfortunate discovery of her personal file at his home.

  "Wow," Colin said. "So she used her safe word, didn’t let you explain, and now she thinks you are a stalker?"

  John shrugged. "That about sums it up, but Kelly wasn't far wrong. In fact I rather think her Spidey Senses are absolutely correct. I did bring her file home to study. Have you ever known me to do that with anyone else's personal details?"

  Colin laughed some more and slapped the desk in his enthusiasm.

  "I want you to give Kelly a month free membership if she doesn’t plan on signing up again," John said. "If she does plan on staying at the Basement, let her pay her own way, or maybe offer a discount. I don’t want to show my hand yet if I can avoid it. Think of the best way to tell her that I own this club. Maybe leave her file and a few others out where she can see them? I rely on you in this, Colin. Talk it over with Donna. You know how to get the message across, but less is more when talking about me."

  John swallowed the last of his coffee and stood up. "Oh, and get on to the manager of the building about that elevator. Nothing will happen today as its Sunday, but if you notify him, something will be done first thing Monday morning."

  Colin stood up also and shook John's hand. "Leave it to me," he said. "And what are you going to do with Kelly? Wait for her to make the first move? Talk to her? What?"

  John looked at Colin well aware that he had made no attempt to hide what was probably an evil, sadistic little glint in his eyes. "I'm going to make that poor girl suffer," John said.

  Colin just stared at him with a little frown between his eyes. Clearly his Manager was uncertain of how to take that remark.

  Unfortunately, John thought as he left the office, in punishing her, I rather suspect that I will be suffering, too. But it can't be helped.

  5. Phone Call

  John walked to the car park, unlocked his silver Mercedes sports car, and got into it at exactly noon. He settled himself comfortably and then hit speed dial on the blue-tooth for his mentor, André Chevalier.

  "Bonjour! Oui?" came the pleasant melodious sound of his mentor’s voice.

  "André? It's me, John."

  "John, mon ami, comment allez-vous?"

  "You have time to talk, André?"

  "But of course."

  "Well then,” John said,
“I wanted you to be the first to know. I love someone, André. I love her so much that it hurts."

  "Vraiment? Bravo, John! And she loves you?"

  There was a long silence. "She is confused right now, but I know that she loves me." John explained about the elevator breaking down, Kelly’s panic, and how he had handled it. Then he told him how he had brought her home and had amazing sex all night long. "Sex is more wonderful than I could ever have imagined, André. I could never have conceived of such pleasure."

  "This is a cause for much celebration my friend, n'est pas? You have made me - a happy man - much happier. Mon Dieu, more than I can say."

  "Thank you,” John said, feeling an unexpected ache in his chest. “Me too. I wanted to tell you first."

  "And second?"

  "My counselor. In time I'll explain it all to Kelly. I don't want secrets between us."

  "Ce qui est excellent. It is best to begin a relationship in the manner in which you intend to go on. But your secrets, John? Très difficile. It is good that you do not mean to alarm her, by telling her too much, too fast. Do you still visit with your counselor, Maria Lopez?"

  "Twice a month, André. On my honor, I have always followed your every instruction to the exact detail. You told me that this day would come. It seemed, how shall I say it? Well, unlikely. But I decided to have faith and trust that you knew what you were talking about. You did. I have so much to thank you for."

  "You are most welcome,” André replied warmly. “And does your Kelly enjoy pain, mon ami?"

  “I don’t care. If I need to, I'll teach her, but it doesn't matter, André. It honestly doesn't."

  The sound of André’s soft joyous chuckle filled John’s car. "This very much sounds like true love, my friend."

  "Yeah, well, she isn’t really talking to me at the moment." John explained then about how Kelly had found a file with her name on it and all her personal details in his room. Also how she had used her safe word and left in a panic.

  "Merde! Why did you choose not to account for your actions, John? Of a certainty, it seems to me that this would have been a simple task."

  "Kelly didn't want to hear it,” John said. “There is a saying André, that it is a waste of breath to argue with someone who is angry. When people are angry they are simply not ready or even willing to hear the truth."

  "Eh bien, this sounds most sensible. And so, you are calling perhaps to ask my advice?"

  "No. Only to share my happiness with you."

  "Merci beaucoup. And Kelly? How do you intend to settle this issue with her?"

  "I know how to deal with a disrespectful sub, André. Trust me on this. You trained me, after all, and I'm a good student. I’ll take care of this problem with Kelly."

  When John hung up he was grinning.

  Even as he hit 'end call' on his steering wheel he could still hear the deep, musical sound of André's laughter echoing throughout his car. John's mentor had been laughing at full volume in that playful, carefree French manner that was uniquely his.

  6. Manager Meeting

  Tuesday night, Colin Wilkins, the Basement's manager, had left word with Security at the entry to the club, to text him the moment Kelly Flynn arrived. Colin had called Kelly on Monday, and found that she intended to renew her club membership. They had made an appointment to meet up together tonight, as she was working Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, and would come to the Basement on the alternate nights.

  Christ almighty, Colin thought, nervously pacing outside the ladies' change area. I so don’t want to screw this up.

  This was the first instance in the entire time that Colin had known John Taylor, that he had seen his boss display actual interest in anyone – male or female. For all he knew John was gay, or bi, because he certainly never showed an obvious preference. John seemed to be the curiously peculiar kind of guy that could reach down someone's pants and be satisfied with whatever he found there.

  Colin had gone over the plan of how to deal with Kelly Flynn in his mind, considering many different possibilities, discussing how to handle things with his wife, Donna. Donna had been a rock, and she had given him the female sub perspective on the best plan of action. After much discussion, they had decided to go ahead with her concept.

  It is a simple arrangement, Colin thought. So why am I so nervous?

  But he knew the answer. John Taylor was important to him, and not just because he was his boss and gave him a generous salary. Colin had grown to admire and respect him. The young man was twisted, bent out of shape by something probably from his childhood. Anyone with a drop of humanity could see that. While every sub of both sexes wanted him, the young man remained totally self-contained and completely alone. Colin just knew that John was lonely.

  He and Donna had had John over to their house for dinner, but just the once. It had been an excruciating and agonizing experience for all concerned. John was like a Redneck attending a Gay Support meeting, he sooo didn’t fit in. Not that there was anything Redneck about John. Colin's boss just didn't seem to know how to interact with people outside the confines of the BDSM environment. It was as if he had no experience with such normal, social, human activity.

  Colin smiled. Donna of course immediately set about thinking of people that she could set John up with, the little matchmaker. "The right woman will iron out those peculiar little character flaws of his," she had pronounced. "Someone social, with a bit of life and zest, will brighten that dour personality and make him laugh. The right woman would teach John exactly how to behave." Colin's dick twitched as he recalled the erotic spankings he had given her as a result of that fixation. "Leave him alone," Colin had demanded. "He'll figure it out on his own."

  Donna simply wanted John Taylor to find the happiness that she and Colin had found together, which was completely understandable.

  When Kelly exited the ladies' change room Colin was pacing nearby, waiting for her as he had been forewarned by text. Of course he tried to appear as if their meeting was casual and unexpected. "Kelly," he said, noticing the young woman looked a little drawn and pale. She was dressed in an olive and rust colored bustier, something new, and it really set off her hair and pale freckled skin. "Are you alright?"

  Kelly gave him a wan smile. "Oh, I'm a little off my game at the moment, Sir. But I'm getting there."

  "Love the new bustier," he said. "Yowza. You're looking pretty damn fine, girl."

  "Why thank you, Sir," Kelly said, brightening. "See? I feel better already."

  Colin placed his hand at her lower back to escort her. "I'm glad I caught you. Come into my office and we can go over the membership thing, alright?" he said.

  "Sure thing, Sir," she said.

  Colin was glad to find Kelly happy to attend to this business without demur. Naturally submissive, she had a powerful need to please, which Colin as a Dom had instantly picked up on. Was that what John was attracted to? The woman was no beauty. Even as young as she was, compared to Donna, Kelly didn’t match up to his own wife's good looks.

  Meh, he thought indifferently. Orange hair, plain round face, medium breasts, a zillion freckles. The girl had some meat on her, and that was good. Kelly was probably a size twelve to fourteen. Colin didn’t like skinny women because he liked nice, soft curves. Unfortunately Kelly had more of a straight, boyish figure rather than the classic hourglass shape. One thing she did have going for her was that damn fine ass. Kelly Flynn would totally ace an international 'Most Perfect Butt' competition.

  "How is the evening going so far, Sir?" Kelly asked, looking less pale and more herself. "All good?"

  Colin laughed. "I have the best job in the entire world, Kelly. Who wouldn't want to be me? I love this place. I'd come to the Basement all the time, even if I didn't work here." Colin opened the door to his office for her, politely guiding her in. Gesturing to the nearest chair across from his desk, he motioned for Kelly to sit down. She did.

  "Can I get you a drink? You look like you need one."

's pink lips curved and her pale blue eyes twinkled. "That depends," she said with a tilt to her head and a mischievous expression. "What's on offer?"

  Colin suddenly could see John's attraction to the woman. Kelly Flynn had something going for her alright. She was striking when she smiled with that ridiculously large mouth of hers. The girl did have personality, and when it showed, she could be extremely attractive.

  Speed dialing his cell, Colin spoke to one of the Basement's regular bartenders, "Hey, Daniel, do me a favor and bring me a Rum and Coke and a…" He looked over at Kelly.

  "Tequila Sunrise."

  Colin gave a low chuckle, "..and a Tequila Sunrise. Thanks my man." He hit 'end' and said, "Well, that should take the edge off, Kelly." He went to one of his filing cabinets and made a show of rummaging around. "I wanted to talk to you because we always survey new members after their first month. I like to do the survey myself; just to see if anything can be done to improve your experience here at the Basement."

  Colin looked over to her as he brought out two files - one of another recent new member and Kelly's own file, placing them casually on his desk. "I'm glad you're going to stay on with us," he said.

  Kelly blinked and then recoiled slightly. In a very short moment the color drained from her face, making her naturally pale complexion whiter than ever. Good, Colin thought with approval. She's recognized her own file from John's house. I can tick another step off the plan.

  Colin sat down in his own chair. Appearing not to notice Kelly's astonished reaction to viewing her file, he continued speaking in a chatty manner. "It's nice to attract young members to our club. In fact, we have a special at the moment, a thirty per cent discount. You'll be able to take advantage of that."

  "I'm sorry, Sir," Kelly interjected. "Do you mind if I ask, what is that file with my name on it?"

  "What, this?" Colin said casually, picking up her manila folder. "Oh. Well you know how you signed a waiver allowing our security firm to perform a full security check on you? Including police records? This is simply what they give us back as a result."


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