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With This Wish (Windswept Bay Book 9)

Page 11

by Debra Clopton

  “I think they’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  She bit her lip. “This will be a first that the Calhoun Ranch or the stock company has ever been in the middle of a rodeo investigation.”

  She didn’t think that was a fluke. No, her dad, Ray Calhoun, had been one tough cowboy. He’d built this ranch and the rough stock business from the ground up and he was as tough as the bucking horses they bred. Her daddy was a hard businessman, a hard rider and a harder man when it came to being crossed.

  “There’s a first for everything,” Trip said. “But that doesn’t mean we have to like it or take it.”

  “Right,” she grunted. “I’m pretty certain nobody messed with Daddy simply because of who he was.” But she wasn’t her daddy. She was just his daughter trying hard to step into his boots and knowing no one could ever replace him. She fought off the sudden need to cry and wished she still had her back to Trip.

  “You’re doing a good job, Lori,” he said and took a step toward her but stopped. “Your dad would be proud of you for sticking around and stepping in for him.”

  For a brief moment it felt like it once had, when things were easy between them…before everything had gotten so complicated.

  She sighed. “I’m trying. But this isn’t helping.” She wanted desperately to live up to the expectation of her dad…her daddy. He deserved only the best she could give because that was what he’d always given to her.

  When Lori was two her mother ran off with another man and hadn’t wanted anything to do with Lori or her dad. He had tried to love her enough for himself and her runaway mother and that had meant he’d spoiled her in many ways but he’d raised her to be independent too. And when eventually she’d chosen to take a job in Houston instead of staying here and running the ranch with him, he’d given her his blessing. She’d been in Houston when she’d gotten the call that he was dead.

  Devastated had been too small a word for what she’d felt. What she still felt.

  She still carried the wound that she’d not been here on the ranch where she belonged when he’d had his accident. She didn’t think she would ever get over that.

  And now this.

  She focused on Trip, standing solid and strong as he waited for her to speak. For only a moment she wished again that she could rest her head on his shoulder and feel the support of his arms around her…but she pushed that thought out of her mind. This was not the time for regrets or a show of weakness. Instead, she pushed her shoulders back and yanked her big girl pants up tight—she was Ray Calhoun’s daughter. “What did the Knights say? Fill me in and let’s get on this. I do not plan to stand by and let vultures start pecking off bits and pieces of my daddy’s legacy.”

  Trip smiled. “Well, hello, Lori Calhoun. Where the dickens have you been lately?”

  Her heart clenched. “Having a pity party. And I just realized my daddy raised me better than that.”

  She thought she saw approval in Trip’s gaze. “The police said they’ll call if they hear anything. They’re on the lookout for the trailer, though I’m not holding out any hope since whoever did this probably changed the plates. If not, then I figure the trailer will be found abandoned somewhere empty. As for the Knights, Sean Knight was at the rodeo in case a veterinarian was needed since that’s his job. He’d already left the grounds but is hanging around the area and not flying home since the next WRC rodeo is in Fort Worth at the Stockyards next week. So he’s supposed to meet me at the arena in Mesquite at three.”

  “Great. I’ll join you, then,” she said, glancing at her watch. “When are we leaving?”

  “It’s a two hour drive from Ransom Springs to the arena so how about right after lunch?”

  “Perfect. I’ll meet you at the truck at one.”

  “Sounds good. I better go to my office and get a few things done,” he said, then without another word headed out the door of her daddy’s office. Her office.

  Unable to stop herself she moved to the window and watched him move with purposeful strides across the yard toward the stables that also housed the ranch manager’s office—his office.

  A decade old longing seeped over her. Their relationship was complicated. And she’d learned to live with things the way they were years ago after he’d headed off to college and left her behind. Thought she might one day get over him…

  And then her daddy had hired him on as manager and gone into business with him.

  And then he’d complicated things more by dying and leaving her here to sort things out.

  Complicated…her life in a nutshell.

  It took everything Trip had in him to walk out of that house without pulling Lori into his arms and try to comfort her. She was being too hard on herself, having lost her dad and then stepping into the ownership of the ranch and the rodeo stock company. She had a lot on her shoulders and trying to live up to the expectations of her father or others expectations was not making things any easier. And then dealing with him as ranch manager…things had been strained between them ever since she’d come home from Houston to deal with the ranch’s needs after Ray’s death.

  She had a life in Houston and he wasn’t certain if she planned to go back to that life when things were sorted out here or if she planned to stay.

  One thing he knew, his time was running out to bridge this canyon between them. And the horses being stolen wasn’t helping anything. It was just adding more burden on her already loaded down shoulders.

  He hurt for her…it was hard knowing his being here was adding more strain on her. At least he thought it was. It was hard on him. But he was determined to somehow make things right between them.


  More Books in the Windswept Bay Series


  Hurt by her failed marriage and dashed dreams, Cali Sinclair returns home to Windswept Bay with her heart wary and closed to the dreams of true love she so desperately wanted. Determined to never again risk her heart, she throws herself into running the family’s small boutique resort on the Florida coast, a place so full of romance that it’s a reminder every day of what she’ll never have. But when renowned artist Grant Ellington shows up to paint a mural on the wall of the resort, she’s swept away by her response to the artist. Suddenly, every time he looks at her, Cali finds it harder than she ever thought possible to keep her heart protected.

  Grant Ellington loves his ranch, his horses, and his life as a sought-after artist. But after walking away from a plane crash that killed his best friend and the young pilot, he’s still struggling with survivor’s guilt as he heads to Windswept Bay. Painting a sea life mural at the resort started out as a favor to his neighbor, but one meeting with the beautiful Cali and he feels alive again—and determined to spend time on the moonlit beaches with her in his arms…

  But, like him, Cali has her own emotional scars—can they learn to trust the love that sparks between them and move forward from this moment on?


  Sassy, opinionated Shar Sinclair is passionate about the sea turtles she rescues in the Windswept Bay area and as needful of her freedom as they are. She’s content with her life, helping run the family resort and looking out for the wildlife around her. But sometimes she wishes she had someone to share her passion, and passions, with. But that might mean giving up some of her freedom and she’s not sure she could do that for anyone…

  Gage Landcaster is a self-made millionaire used to getting what he wants, but lately there’s an emptiness and a restlessness to his life that he can’t seem to fill. While visiting Windswept Bay, he spies a beautiful woman on the beach, struggling to rescue a sea turtle tangled in fishing line, and goes to help. Gage is captivated by the fire and passion that radiates from Shar and he knows instantly he wants her. But this may be one time when what he wants might not be an option.

  Sparks fly on the sunset beach and sparkling blue waters of the romantic Windswept Bay as Gage and Shar battle through their at
traction. Gage is determined that this is one time he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. But can Shar open her heart to him? Can he convince Shar that love doesn’t mean shackles...but a lifetime shared with the one you love?


  A Windswept Bay Short Story

  A kiss is just a kiss…or so some say. But I disagree…this kiss, can change a life. It did mine.

  YOU are officially invited to the wedding of Shar Sinclair to the man of her dreams, Gage Lancaster…if the groom ever makes it to the wedding.

  Where is Gage?

  There’s only an hour until the wedding ceremony and no one has heard from Gage, and he’s not answering his phone. Now, Shar’s ready to go looking for her man, because something just doesn’t feel right.

  After Gage receives the message he’s been waiting for from a private investigator, Gage can’t help but make a life-changing stop on his way to his wedding.

  But, things quickly spiral out of control and everything about this wedding day is about change…


  Publicist Olivia Sinclair has been away from Windswept Bay for years busy helping the Hollywood elite get out of one scandal after another. But now, she’s in the middle of a scandal herself, involving a big name actor and suddenly, coming home to lay low in Windswept Bay is her own best advice to herself.

  Life has just gotten complicated for charter boat captain, Brandon “BJ” McCall. He’s recently learned he has a brother and he’s inherited half of a multi-million dollar corporation that could alter life as he knows it. Finding a beautiful, shorty pajama clad female, frozen in fear on the roof of her house is a complication he doesn’t mind at all.

  Terrified and stuck on her roof…and in only her pj’s and being rescued by a stranger who could rival any of her Hollywood clients isn’t exactly what Olivia had planned. She’s trying to get off the cover of the gossip magazines—not hold her spot for eternity! Falling into the arms of a stranger, who turns out to be the long lost brother of her sister’s husband—and is a walking news worthy scandal in his own right, is not a smart PR move.

  Not to mention the family complications it could make if things didn’t work out between them. Plus, she has plans to go back to Hollywood the minute she thinks the smoke has cleared.

  It’s all just too complicated.

  But, on the beaches of Windswept Bay romance is in the air and love is a complication that just might be undeniable.


  Jillian Sinclair needs a man and she needs him now. She dreams of being a mother-but the doctor just gave her the news that if she plans to carry a baby herself then her time is running out. She also wants true love like her sisters but will she have to settle for something less than that in order to get her baby? The last thing she needs is the only man she's loved and lost coming back to town.

  Undercover cop, Ryan Locke is back in Windswept Bay but for how long? He broke her heart once when he chose his career over her. Can he be the answer to her prayers or will his dedication to justice take him away from her once more?


  After her small son, Kevin, asked both God and Santa for a new daddy for Christmas, and then didn’t find him under the tree, schoolteacher Jessica Price is starting the new year out with a very unhappy six-year-old little boy on her hands. He can’t understand that she’s only been a widow for two years and she can’t imagine marrying again. But, unknown to her, Kevin has a plan and has decided that if God and Santa won’t give him what he wants, then maybe the police can! When the very handsome chief of police, Levi Sinclair, shows up as Kevin’s show-and-tell, he believes—as does she—that Kevin has asked him there to show him off as the police chief—it’s a little awkward when her son introduces him as his next daddy!

  Things are getting a bit complicated on the shores of Windswept Bay! Come join the fun in With This Ring, book 6 of this captivating series. You’ve watched the four Sinclair sisters fall in love; now it’s time to watch the five Sinclair brothers find the women of their dreams.


  School teacher Lana Presley has sworn off cowboys. Which should work fine since she’s relocated from Texas and is happily adjusting to her new life in Windswept Bay. After a bad breakup-that involved her using her cheating ex as target practice for hurling chocolate covered cherries at…she’s happy to be single. And happy not to have her protective brothers and dad meddling in her business. Settling down on the coast permanently, miles away from Texas, is looking perfect.

  Then the drop-dead gorgeous cowboy, Cam Sinclair, comes to her rescue…several times and sets all of her carefully made plans into chaos.

  Rancher Cam Sinclair is just in town for a few days on business then heading home to his ranch in Texas. He’s got finding the right woman and settling down on his mind. And from the moment he meets spitfire Lana Presley she has his attention. But she’s made it clear that Texas and cowboys are not in her plans for the future. Can a road trip and Cam...and love change her mind?

  Things are getting a bit complicated on the shores of Windswept Bay! Come join the fun in With This Promise book 7 of this captivating series. You’ve watched the four Sinclair sisters fall in love now it’s time to watch the five Sinclair brothers find the women of their dreams.


  After a special ops mission gone terribly wrong, Max Sinclair is home and facing the possibility of losing the career he loves serving his country. When he meets his brother’s new stable manager he is drawn to her and feeling more alive.

  After a bad situation with her ex-boss, horse trainer Kelsey Malone accepted the job of running the Windswept Bay side stables for Cam Sinclair. She’s attracted to his brother Max the moment she sees him at Cam and Lana’s engagement party. But her dad was career military and gave his life for his country-Kelsey’s vowed she’ll never go through that again and doesn’t date military men. But things get complicated when her ex-boss shows up and Max steps in to protect her.

  Can love heal these two wounded soul’s hearts? Welcome back to the beautiful sunset shores of Windswept Bay where the romance continues...

  About the Author

  Bestselling author Debra Clopton has sold over 2.5 million books. Her book OPERATION: MARRIED BY CHRISTMAS has been optioned for an ABC Family Movie. Debra is known for her contemporary, western romances, Texas cowboys and feisty heroines. Sweet romance and humor are always intertwined to make readers smile. A sixth generation Texan she lives with her husband on a ranch deep in the heart of Texas. She loves being contacted by readers.

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  With This Wish

  Copyright © 2017 Debra Clopton Parks

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotatio
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