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Page 96

by Naomi Niles

“That sounds interesting,” I said. “So, the artists move to Austin?”

  “Well, yeah. That's how the deal I offer them works. Gives them the chance to focus solely on their music without worrying about a day job and how they’re gonna pay the rent, which means I get a better product to promote.”

  “Yeah, for sure man,” I stated. “That makes sense, and sounds like a great opportunity for the artists. So, who are you here to steal from Nashville?”

  He smiled. “Well, two seem to have a mutual friend. James Masters. Maybe you know how to get hold of her. I saw a clip on YouTube of her playing Thunder and Rain with James, and as soon as I saw it, I knew right away that she was gonna be a star – a star I need on my label, by any means necessary. Mackenzie Shea; you heard of her?”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I watched Andy and Chance driving away and tried to ignore the knot forming in my stomach. It was a strange feeling. I was genuinely concerned about Chance and found myself praying that he hadn't injured himself too badly. I knew first hand concussions were nothing to mess with. They could seem like no big deal at first and a few hours later, you were passing out and being rushed to the emergency room. That's why I'd insisted that he go to a doctor and have it checked out. I knew Chance's type – he was a man's man, and that type of guy wouldn't go to get medical attention unless his arm was hanging off and he was literally dying.

  Of course, his “man's man” personality was one of the reason's I was so attracted to him. In this day and age, it was rare to find a man who embodied so many characteristics of an old-fashioned gentleman. He was tough but gentle, strong but polite, passionate but not harsh, wealthy and powerful but generous and caring. I was still feeling guilty about totally misjudging his interaction with the woman in the white dress — Tina, as I was told her name was. Although, considering what I had seen, without having the benefit of actually hearing their conversation at the time, I think it could be deemed understandable that I jumped to such a conclusion.

  Nevertheless, I was glad it had all been cleared up. I felt comfortable with Chance... and it was feeling better and better. For the first time since before Brad, I wanted to let someone in. I wanted to open up to Chance in a way that I hadn't been able to with anyone for years. In so many ways. One way in particular had been gnawing at my mind with a delicious hunger. Okay, it wasn’t my mind that it had been causing a stir so much. A thrill rushed through me whenever there was any skin to skin contact. The touch of his hand was usually enough. But it rarely stopped there. Any time I touched his hard, heavily-muscled body and felt his powerful arms wrapping their strength around me, shivers of pleasure ran through me. It didn’t make it easier whenever he looked at me with those striking eyes of his, and I could see the raw desire mirrored in myself. I wanted him as badly as he wanted me – I think I just did a better job of concealing it.

  Now that I was alone here – with the exception of Cassie sleeping upstairs – I decided to have a quick look around the house. Not to snoop, just to get a better sense of who Chance Lawson was and what drove him.

  I'd already heard about his great-great-grandfather, the Civil War hero, but I wondered what other secrets this house held. I wasn't going to go looking around bedrooms or any personal spaces – that would be an invasion of privacy. I did, however, want to see what was on display in the more “public” areas of the house.

  I looked around the living room with a more aware eye. There were a few more historical artifacts and paintings that came from all sorts of eras. A few looked like they were done by the same person. When I looked closely at them, I saw a signature that looked like it said “A. Lawson” and I guessed it had to have been some ancestor of Chance's.

  I was about to make my way into another room when the sound of someone moving around upstairs interrupted me. I figured Cassie must have woken up, so I went upstairs to her room and saw her standing in the middle of it, rubbing her eyes.

  “Hello, Mackenzie,” she mumbled, beaming out a warm smile as soon as she saw me. “I had a nice nap. Now I'm not tired no more; now I wanna play!”

  I couldn't help but smile as a warmth grew inside me. She was such a sweet little girl.

  “Well that sounds like fun! What do you want to play?” I asked.

  “Let's play with my dollies!”

  “All right, get 'em out and we can play.”

  She pulled out a colorful little toy box and opened it to retrieve some of her dolls. She handed me a Barbie doll dressed like a cowgirl while she took out a Ken doll dressed like a cowboy. Then she got a baby doll out and set it between them.

  “Let's play mommy and daddy and baby,” she said.

  “All right,” I replied.

  “This is the daddy,” she said, holding up the Ken doll. “He's sad. And this is the daughter. She's sad too,” she continued, holding up the baby doll.

  “Why are they sad?”

  “Coz they lost the mommy,” she stated matter of factly as though I should have known.

  “But here's the mommy right here,” I said, holding up the Barbie doll.

  “I know,” Cassie replied, “but they lost the old mommy. They loved the old mommy very much. But then she went away to be with Jesus and the angels in Heaven, and she didn't come back.”

  “Well, I am sorry to hear that,” I said softly as I picked up the Barbie. “So, what about this mommy?” I asked, showing her the Barbie doll again.

  She smiled. “That's the new mommy. The baby and the daddy like her very much. They're gonna love her just like they loved the old mommy. She's pretty and nice and special. I don't want her to go away like the old mommy did.”

  I couldn't help but feel a stab of sadness tugging at my heart strings. It was pretty obvious what was going on.

  “Aww, sweet girl,” I said as I pulled her close to me and gave her a long, tight hug.

  “Do you think the new mommy likes the baby and the daddy?” she asked.

  “I am certain that she does. Very much.”

  She smiled. “That's good. Really good.” She paused for a moment as if she were contemplating something.

  “Are you hungry, Cassie?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I guess I am. I'm usually hungry after a nap. And thirsty too.”

  “Well, why don't we head downstairs and I'll fix us something to eat and drink. I'm gonna fix something special for your daddy too, for when he comes back.”

  “Where's Daddy?”

  I realized when she asked that I'd forgotten to tell her about Chance's accident.

  “Oh, well, Daddy had to go see the doctor.”

  “Is he sick?”

  “No, no, he's fine. He fell off his horse, though, and got a lil' bump on his head. He had to go see the doctor to make it better.”

  She frowned. “Why'd Daddy fall off the horse? He's real good at horse riding. He don't never fall off horses.”

  I obviously couldn't tell her that nasty people were trying to sabotage the ranch and setting traps all around the place. I didn't want her to worry about stuff like that.

  “Well, you know with horses, everyone falls off once in a while. No matter how good they are at riding. It just happens.”

  She contemplated this for a while and nodded. “I guess so. Can we eat now? I'm hungry. And thirsty.”

  “We sure can. C'mon, let's go downstairs and I'll fix us something.”

  We headed downstairs and I made her a cup of hot cocoa to drink and made sandwiches for us with stuff that was in the fridge. We then went to the living room where she showed me her movie collection and insisted that we watch Frozen, which is exactly what we did until Chance and Andy returned.

  “Hey,” I said as Chance walked in. Cassie rushed to tackle his legs with a hug, then just as quickly ran back to her spot in front of the television. I stood to greet him and was rewarded with a warm hug, which sent a rush of emotion through me as I pressed my body against his large, muscular frame. “So, what did the doc sa
y about your head?”

  “He said it's a concussion, and while it's not severe, it's not too mild neither. So, I need to rest up for the next few days.”

  “I thought as much. Well, I've made some sandwiches, come sit down with me and Cassie and eat. We're watching Frozen.”

  He smiled. “Perfect. I was feelin’ a little on the hungry side.”

  “Go sit down on the sofa; I'll bring you a couple of sandwiches. Would you like anything to drink?” I asked.

  “Sure, some more of that cold orange soda would hit the spot,” he replied.

  “I'll get some. In the meanwhile, go sit down. Doctor’s orders . . . remember?” I instructed.

  He headed to the sofa while I went to the kitchen, rounded up his food and soda, then took it to him. After he had finished eating, he gave my hand an appreciative squeeze.

  “You make a mean sandwich. Thank you. And thanks for looking out for Cassie, too.”

  “Not a problem. She was a doll.”

  Cassie was more energetic after getting some food in her.

  “Daddy, I wanna go play down by the creek. Can I?”

  “Oh, sweet pumpkin, Daddy's a little tired for that. But I can ask uncle Andy if he'll go down there with you if you'd like.”

  “All right! I like playing with uncle Andy!”

  Chance took out his phone and called up Andy, who was out in the stables. He agreed to come and accompany Cassie down to the creek and showed up a few minutes after the call.

  “How's your head, kid?” he asked Chance.

  “A lil' sore still, but not bad. You sure you're all right with watchin’ this one for the next hour or two?”

  Andy looked at Cassie and smiled. “She's like my own grandchild,” he replied. “Any excuse to spend time with her, I'll take. Come on, Cassie girl,” he said to Cassie, “let's go see what we can find down by the creek. Maybe some turtles, maybe some frogs?”

  “I like turtles!” she said as she ran up to Andy and took his hand.

  “See ya’ll later,” he said as he led her out of the house.

  “Would you care to accompany me upstairs to lie down for a bit?” Chance asked, taking my hand. “I feel like I need a lil' rest after everything that's happened today.”

  “That sounds good,” I replied. “Can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you, though,” I teased.

  “A man can dream,” he said with a wink as he stood from the sofa.

  We headed upstairs and Chance led me to his bedroom, closing the door behind us. The first thing that caught my eye was a massive stone fireplace. In a smaller room, it would have seemed to take up the entire bedroom, but this was no small room. He strode over and opened the drapes, revealing a nearly panoramic view of the ranch.

  “Wow, that's a breath-taking view,” I remarked.

  “Not as breath-taking as you,” he replied in that sexy as hell voice of his. He walked up to me, wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips firmly to mine. The kiss quickly grew passionate. That was it – the fire was lit like gasoline had been ignited inside both of us. Suddenly, heat was roaring inside me and blasting through my veins as we kissed and fondled each other's bodies, our tongues exploring as we gasped and pressed ourselves together.

  I began unbuttoning his shirt with eagerness as he swiftly undid the top few buttons of my checkered shirt and pulled it over my head. Seconds later, he unclipped my bra and flung it aside, my nipples already stiffening and swelling with anticipation and delectably sensitive to his touch. I shuddered the moment his strong hand cupped over my left breast.

  I managed to finish unbuttoning his shirt and slid it aside and over his shoulders until it was in a puddle on the floor. I knew the man was in good shape, but seeing him shirtless was still a pleasant surprise. Clothing had hidden just how sculpted and powerful his body was. I ran my fingers over his broad chest, lingering in the light coat of dark hair that covered his hard muscles before trailing down to the six-pack I didn’t expect.

  “Wow,” I purred.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he responded breathily. “God, you are stunning,” he added, tracing the backs of his fingers along my arm.

  He bent down and took my left breast in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and nipping lightly at it, sending waves of pleasure through me. I slid my hand down to his crotch, and felt his hardness throbbing and growing – and boy, was it big, just like the rest of him.

  He then reached down between my thighs and began gently and rhythmically massaging me through my jeans. The sensation was intensely pleasurable, and I grew hot and wet with arousal.

  It had been so long for me that the intensity of the whole experience was quickly becoming almost too much to bear. I wanted him inside me, and I wanted it immediately. We could do the slow and drawn-out way another time, but at the moment all my body was saying was that I needed him desperately.

  With fumbling hands, I unbuckled his belt and then his jeans, and yanked them down with an almost animalistic fury, all while managing to get out of my own boots using only my feet. I needed every barrier between us gone. ASAP.

  I kissed my way up his arm, pulling his head down so that I could reach his neck and then traced my lips over to his ear. “I want you, Chance, I need you inside me right now,” I whispered giving his earlobe a quick, teasing nibble after I spoke.

  He didn’t say a word, only smiled a compliant smile and lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him passionately. Gently, he lowered me onto his bed and positioned himself over me as I slid my hand into his boxer briefs and wrapped my fingers around his hard cock. I smirked beneath his kiss at the fact that I couldn’t get my fingers to touch and started stroking it slowly, teasing him, building up the speed and tightness of my strokes as we kissed.

  He made quick work of unbuttoning my jeans and slid his hand down them beneath my panties. One of his big, firm fingers slipped into me, a tantalizing prelude of what was to come. I gasped as a boost of pleasure tore through me.

  I couldn't wait for him to any longer. I shoved him onto the bed where he lay, his erect cock pointing up at the ceiling, and then I pulled my jeans and panties off so that I was fully nude.

  “My God you're beautiful,” he said, staring at me with hunger and appreciation in his eyes. “You're so incredibly beautiful.”

  I climbed onto him and straddled him, taking his long member in my hand and guiding it inside me. I shuddered and cried out as the magnitude of it attempted to fill me inch by inch. I eased myself down onto it, the girth stretching me more than I had ever known. Eventually, I fit all of him inside me, and then I started to ride him, slowly and gently at first as I got used to him being inside me, and then with more and more vigor as waves of sheer, intense bliss started tearing through me with a dizzying madness.

  He was groaning and grunting with pleasure and bucking his hips furiously in perfect rhythm with me, thrusting deeper and deeper into me, sending intense bursts of pleasure through me. The first orgasm didn't take long to arrive; I felt it swelling with rapidity inside me, deep in my core. Soon, a glorious explosion burst through like fireworks in the night sky. Wave after wave of ecstasy gushed through every fiber of my body.

  Two more glorious orgasms followed before Chance finally arched his body, tightening all his muscles at once, and cried out as he came inside me. Then, we both collapsed into a panting mess and fell asleep in one another's arms.

  Chapter Twenty


  Waking up beside Mackenzie was amazing. Making love to her had happened so spontaneously and so intensely – just the way I liked it. I could hardly believe how just being next to her made me feel. I almost wanted to jump out of bed in my birthday suit and run all the way to my radio station to give Terry a big ol' bear hug. If he hadn't set up that damn “win a date with Chance Lawson” contest on his radio show, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't be lying here happy, with one of the most beautiful, amazing women I'd ever ha
d the pleasure of meeting. I couldn't exactly run to the station but I had to thank him at least. I owed him that much.

  Climbing out of bed as gently and quietly as I could, because I didn't want to wake Mackenzie, I got my phone and went into my bathroom, closing the door quietly behind me. I called up Terry.

  “Hey, Chance,” he said, picking up quickly. “What’s going on, man?”

  “Hey there, sonny boy!” I said. “Actually, you aren’t going to believe this, but I'm just callin' to tell you how glad I am that I hired you!”

  He chuckled. “What song did I play on my show that's got you all worked up like this?”

  “Nothing – although I do appreciate your tunes, of course.”

  “Well, what have I done to deserve this praise then, Bossman?” Terry asked.

  “That date contest you set up as a prank on your show!”

  He laughed. “I take it that it went well?”

  “It went beyond well, Terry, beyond well!” I assured him.

  “You know... I had a weird feeling it would.”

  “When you sprang that on me all unexpected like, I wanted to run into that studio and punch your damn lights out, on air! I swear to God, I did.”

  His laughter grew. “But look how things have worked out.”

  “I know man, I know! Now all I wanna do is come and give you hug!”

  “Wow. Never took you for the hugging kind,” he joked. “Like I said, Chance, I had a hunch I was settin' up something good. And it seems I was right, buddy, I was right! What was the name of this siren who's gone and stolen your heart again?”

  “Her name's Mackenzie Shea, and—”

  “Oh yeah! I remember that name now. Wait! Isn’t she the one I saw—”

  “On the YouTube video with James Masters?” I added for him.

  “Holy hell. Man, half the country has seen that video. She's gonna be a star, that one. Voice like a damn angel! And gorgeous too, I gotta say. I think you've found yourself a keeper there, Chance.”

  “I’d be inclined to agree with ya. And I owe you a bottle a' fine bourbon to say thank you.”


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