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Pierce's Claim

Page 13

by Jenika Snow

  He didn’t know if she’d ever get over her issues on what happened in the past, not fully at least, but Pierce had promised her he’d help her every step of the way, and he would. He wasn’t leaving her side, and he’d support her.

  She’d stopped stripping and was going to therapy several times a week, but he didn’t pressure her to tell him anything. When she wanted to open up she did, and when she didn’t, when she needed that space between them, needed her time to process whatever was going on with the therapy and her life, he backed off. He knew his place with her, knew that he loved this woman, had since the moment he saw her on that stage, that she was his. He just hadn’t known at the time that being in love made someone obsessed and so fucking possessive of them. It was what it was, and he wouldn’t change that.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Lucien said and stood. He had Callie by his side, pulled her close, and leaned down to kiss her on top of the head. The room was silent as they waited for the Brothers of Menace President to speak again. “This past month, hell, these past few months have been really trying. We went through a lot of shit, but we came out whole, stronger.” There was a round of applause and cheers from everyone. “I want to welcome all the new faces, and let everyone know this is a family, a brotherhood.” Lucien looked around the table. “I want to give credit where it’s due, and that’s to the old ladies that keep us in line, and give us the support our black souls need.” Lucien looked pointedly at Pierce and Fallina. “I also want to point out those Brothers that have risked everything to make sure a very dangerous wrong was made right.” There was another round of cheers.

  “Just make sure we all appreciate what we have, and that any minute it could be taken away.” Malice was the one to speak from his chair, and there was a soft, almost somber response from everyone.

  Pierce looked around the room, saw Malice lean in and kiss his old lady Adrianna, saw Kink and Cookie sitting close together, Kink’s arm around his woman, and saw Cain pull Violet on top of his lap. Tuck had Jana close to him, and Braden was on the other side of Tuck, the big biker having his arm wrapped around the little boy’s shoulders. This was what being happy meant, what it meant to be content, to have something meaningful in this world that didn’t revolve around blood and violence.

  This was his life, what he held close, and the woman on his lap, his old lady, was the missing piece to a life that had been nothing but empty. He had his club, and had felt a semblance of serenity while with these men, working beside them, and fighting to make their lives complete, but it was Fallina that had everything in him feeling like there was nothing missing anymore.

  He pulled her face close to his with a hand on her chin. She smiled down at him, her dark hair up in a loose ponytail, her bright blue eyes showing nothing but love.

  “I love you, baby,” he said in a voice low enough only she heard, even though the noise was deafening.

  She smiled wider, leaned in close and whispered in his ear, “I love you. And thank you.” She pulled back so she could look in his face.

  “For what, baby?”

  “For showing me what it means to not have to be alone.”

  He pulled her in for a hug and just held her. Damn, if only she knew that she was the one that had brought meaning into his life. He wrapped his arms around her even tighter, and just basked in the fact he was finally who he was supposed to be.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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