This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Nene Capri Presents Publishing, LLC
PO Box 743432
Riverdale, GA 30274
[email protected]
Copyright 2011 © by Ne Ne Capri
All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.
ISBN-13: 978-1530716500
ISBN-10: 1530716500
Cover design and layout by Oddball Design
Book interior design by [email protected]
Contributing Editors: VIP Editing and Rosalind Hamilton
This book is dedicated to my daughter Princess Khairah.
Everything I do is for you.
Mommy loves you.
All praises due to the most high, I am blessed to have the favor of god shine on everything I do. To my Beloved I am a better me because of you, thank you. To my mom, Birdie, all your sacrifice allows me to chase my dreams; I could not do anything without you by my side, thank you. Princess Khairah thank you for sacrificing some of your time to allow me to write and go to school, you are the best daughter in the world, just know I am doing the things I have to do now, so you will have great things later. Wahida Clark we doing it again, twenty years I’ve been on this journey with you and I don’t regret one second, thank you and I love you. Dad thank you for giving me your strength of mind and character, you showed me what a man is supposed to be and for that I am grateful, love you.
To my readers, it is your love and support that fuels my pen. I am grateful and honored to have you grace my pages. Thank you so much for reading my work. This book is for you. To my Editor Linda, you have put my pen on another level thank you so much.
To my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Neville, thank you for being the rock of the family, because of you two our family has guidance and direction may the Lord bless you with many years to serve him. Princess you never let me down, you have a heart of gold and a mile to match, love you. Iman and Boobie I admire you, always listen to each other and thank you for giving us Yuri. To my nephews Jawhar I am so proud of you can’t wait to watch you graduate from college. Qadir you make my heart smile keep up the good work. Nagee my Capricorn love, you are the best of your mom and dad, make them proud. Rashad always remember you are destined for greatness, you can do it. Khair my heart, you are so smart and special I love you.
IRoka my baby brother you are everything I’m not, the day mommy brought you home was the best day of my life I love you from a special place in my heart. Angel I was just holding you in my arms now you’re in college, love you my precious baby sister.
Tiko and Tiombe I am blessed to have 32 years of friendship with you. Our memories fill my mind with daily joy and happiness I love you. Chucky everyone should have a brother like you, stay up. KeKe (Kisha Steel) every conversation with you makes me smarter I am honored to have you a true friend, p.s. you are very spoiled lol. Uncle James I got you I see you standing over KeKe shoulder saying what about me, Love you big brah. Budah my precious godson you have a big heart fill it with the best and always reach for your goals. India Brooks you are going to be my Lawyer. I love you Jameer.
A special shout out to all the book clubs. Because of your hard work and dedication new and seasoned authors get their voice to the readers: DJ Gatsby you’re the best, Cyrus Web I owe you one. Joey Pinkney you continue to inspire me, thanks for all the support, Mack Mamma you are a beast on the Radio, Diamond Eyes, Slyce Book Club, Sistas on-lit Papaya thank you, Readers R US, Kindle Reading Club, Urban Book Lovers, Ossa book club, Urban Fiction Lovers, Reading Royalty Book Club, Sistah Reading Sistah Book Club, Let’s Talk Relationships & Books, AAMBC, Teamambitious, WCP Divas, True Reviews/interviews, All For one authors supporting authors, Readers Club, Nook Readers, Kindle and paperback lovers, and to all the hard working promoters of Urban fiction I salute you. Sisters of Essence you rock!
To Our WCP Divas, you are the best you go hard for Wahida and all the Authors at Wahida Clark Publishing. Erica, Char, Jess, Micole, Cass, Leah, Shatisha, Tanny Tee, Sonia, Monica, Young-lit, we love and appreciate you, you are Urban Fiction.
Hey Pashion Allen I see you. Paris Robinson (smile), Lissha you are so sweet, Courtney Lawson, Carlene, Boo Jackson you keep me laughing, Brandon Spivey (BFF) you are one of a kind, Robyn Mitchell much love, Brenda Tashae, Brandie Davis thank you, Wynter Chene (smile), Tiffany Byers thanks for giving me my first interview.
Let’s shout out some of my favorite people, Dc Book Diva I love you, K’wan and Charlotte you’re the best, Treasure Blue if they want to be successful they better listen to you, Eyon Williams you make this look easy, Al-Saadiq Banks, T. Styles, Ashley and JaQuavis I look up to you, Raheem Brooks, WCP team thank you for being the back bone of Wahida Clark Presents, Sherry Porter, Nuance Art I am so proud of you, You did ya thing on this cover, Brenda, Jabar, Shahid Pushbuttoniz, Hasana, Rosalind, Jennifer, Rahman, Baeem, Omar, Razzaq, Hussein, Intelligent Allah thanks for all your help, Cash thank you for always taking the time to read my work and give me an honest review. Anthony Fields, Mike Jefferies I got your back. Victor L. Martin thanks for the support. Stay up!
- 1 -
Fatal Attraction
KoKo stood between two atomic bombs threatening to go off at the slightest movement. Her knees became weaker by the second; her heart beat in her throat. The
intensity between the two men had become so thick it felt as if the walls would collapse.
“KoKo, fuck this nigga!” Boa yelled.
“No, nigga. Fuck you!” Kayson stepped forward.
“What the fuck you wanna do?” Boa asked, moving toward Kayson and closing KoKo in tightly between them.
“Pussy nigga, you don’t know what you asking for,” Kayson said just as smoothly, not even breaking a sweat. He gripped the nine firmly in his hand.
“Boa, please. You making shit worse!” She put her hand on his chest.
“Move, KoKo!” he ordered, quickly knocking her hand away.
KoKo turned and put her hands up against Kayson as he leaned forward. With insistent eyes, she looked at Kayson, praying he would accept her plea for mercy.
Turning back to Boa, she calmly stated, “We not doing this shit, Boa. Now back the fuck up! I need you to leave so I can talk to him.” KoKo focused on Kayson and his gun.
Boa tilted his head to the side and raised one eyebrow. “You putting me out for this nigga?” he asked, keeping both fists balled tight.
“I need you to back the fuck up and get the fuck out.”
KoKo asserted herself and turned her attention back to Kayson. “Baby, please. Stay right here.”
KoKo grabbed a T-shirt and jeans from a drawer and snatched up Boa’s boots. She placed them in his chest as she pushed him out the room. Kayson and Boa kept their eyes locked until Boa was out of his sight.
“So, what the fuck? You just gonna take this nigga back?” Boa asked.
“I have to hear what he gotta say. I owe him that,” she answered.
“Fuck you mean, you ‘owe him’? That nigga left you.” His voice echoed throughout the living room.
Hearing Boa’s tone, Kayson walked up behind KoKo. “Ask him why he ain’t tell you, KoKo?”
The crease in her forehead deepened as she turned in Kayson’s direction. “Tell
me what?” She slowly turned back, staring at Boa with cold, piercing eyes.
“I ain’t got shit to tell her,” Boa said in a smug tone. “Is that right?” Kayson smirked.
“You got something you need to tell me?” KoKo asked Boa.
“This nigga was paid to come for you, KoKo,” Kayson announced, releasing the safety on his gun.
“Look. I am who the fuck I am,” Boa said as he stepped into his jeans.
“So, you’re the muthafucka that wants me dead?”
Boa stared at KoKo for a minute. “Yeah, I was sent after you.” He chuckled. “But I had to stop and see what that pussy do.” He pulled his shirt over his head.
Kayson looked at Boa sideways and then at KoKo.
“See, that’s the difference between me and you.” Boa locked eyes on Kayson. “You got love for this ‘ho. A dangerous emotion for business.” He then turned his attention back to KoKo.
“I was going to give you a chance to be on my team. But I think you served your purpose. So, fuck you and this nigga. Y’all ain’t got shit for me.” Boa stepped into his boots, and he walked toward the door. As he reached for the doorknob, he chuckled again. With his back turned, he decided to leave them with some parting words. “One of my nigga’s asked me did I love KoKo. Sheeit . . . All niggas love wet pussy, and if it can make you money, even more so. Catch y’all muthafuckas when I catch you.”
KoKo looked up at Boa’s back through rage-filled eyes. A half smile formed on her face. “Boa, wait!” she commanded. “There is an old saying: Those who laugh last, laugh best.” She took the gun from Kayson’s hand. “I know who you are. I have known the whole time.” She caressed the trigger with her finger. “Sadeek. Your father. He took my father’s life.”
The hair on Boa’s neck stood straight up.
“At seven in the morning you were going to get a call telling you that they found your mother dead. Her body is in the house, and her head is in a small garbage can out back. A suitable place for a bitch that would sleep with trash.” KoKo took the opportunity to chuckle, while raising her arm with the nine firmly in hand. “I would have told you sooner, but I wanted to see what that dick do.”
Boa’s hand slid off the doorknob. His knees weakened, and the blood in his veins surged through his body fast and hot. Breathing rapidly, his shoulders quickly rose and fell.
“You fucking bitch!” he yelled as he charged KoKo, but was stopped short by the heat that exploded from the gun hitting Boa in the shoulder. He fought through the pain to reach her. With the silencer in place she stepped back and continued shooting, hitting him with every shot. When his lifeless body fell at her feet, she looked down. With all the pleasure and pain in her body, she uttered, “Check mate.”
KoKo glanced up at Kayson and squeezed the trigger, shooting Boa in the face. Gripping the gun tightly, she stood breathing heavy. A stream of tears rolled down her cheeks. The color had drained from her brown skin as if she were shell-shocked. Kayson reached for the gun, and she turned the gun on him.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” she said with the gun extended toward his chest.
Kayson slowly put his hands up to appear as non- threatening as possible.
“Baby, it’s me. Lower the gun,” he ordered in a calming tone.
“I ain’t lowering shit! And you better not move.”
“Look at me, ma. It’s me.” He moved a few steps in her direction.
Shaken and traumatized, KoKo stood firm. “Don’t make me do it,” she said as tears ran down her face.
Kayson leaned his chest into the barrel of the gun as he locked eyes with KoKo.
“Follow what your heart says,” he barely whispered. Time stood still as the faint sound of Eric Benet singing “Sometimes I Cry” played in the background.
Sometimes I cry, babe,
When I’m all alone with this heart of mine Sometimes I cry, babe,
Although you’ve been gone for a long, long time.
KoKo’s heartbeat echoed through her body. She felt as if it were shutting down. Overwhelmed with emotion, the only thing she could do was cry.
“Let me have it, baby,” Kayson spoke softly.
KoKo looked into his eyes. The anxiety of having him standing in front of her quickened her breathing. Her teeth slightly chattered.
He slowly placed his hand on the gun and gently pulled it away from his chest. “It’s just me, baby.” He lowered the gun until it was at her side.
Taking her hand in his, he placed it on his chest. “Feel that?”
KoKo continued to stare in his eyes. “That’s our love, baby. Feel it?”
“Why you doing this to me?” she softly mumbled.
“I need you . . . I need you,” he repeated as he moved closer.
“Why . . . are you . . . doing . . . this?” She cried harder. “Living without you is not an option,” he said.
KoKo stood in place as her shock turned into anger. “What am I supposed to do? Just act like all this never happened? Do you have any idea what the fuck I have been through?” her voice boomed throughout the living room.
“Baby, I know, and I'm sorry.”
“Well, sorry ain't good enough. You fucked up, Kayson!” she yelled, turning in his direction.
Her words pierced his heart. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do, and he was well-prepared to tell her everything, until he saw the pain in her eyes. Kayson moved toward her in an attempt to cut the distance between them. When he got up on her, she went in on him.
“What the fuck happened to you? Why would you just leave me by myself? Where have—” Kayson’s soft lips, which he placed on hers, stopped the million questions, instantly paralyzing her mind. His tongue parted her lips and intertwined with hers.
KoKo tilted her head. Kayson relished the kiss he had been waiting to give her for almost three years.
Placing his hands on her face, he kissed her deep. She felt like she had been lifted out of her body, and yet she closed her eyes and savored the moment as his tongue danced with hers. His very touch ignited her soul. Death never tasted so sweet, she thought.
Her reasoning overpowered her emotion. Breaking their embrace, KoKo pushed him back.
“How could you?” She moved further away from him.
“I'm sorry, baby.” He searched her grief-stricken eyes for any sign of welcome.
KoKo looked at him as if she didn’t know him. Kayson reached out to her, and she moved away.
“How the fuck you gonna just show up?” she asked with fury filling her gut.
“Let me talk to you, KoKo.” He followed her. KoKo’s head was spinning.
KoKo moved close to him with low eyes and gritted teeth. “You gonna play fucking dead, then show up, pull out a gun demanding shit, and turn my shit upside down. So, what? We supposed to just pick up where we left off?”
“Baby, I’m sorry. Just let me explain.” “Explain what!” she yelled.
“I never meant to hurt you. This shit we in is serious.” “Well, no shit, Sherlock. I have been catching shit left and
right for the last two years. While your ass been doing what, hiding the fuck out?”
“KoKo. Baby, you gotta trust me.”
“Trust you? You want me to trust you? You left me here shot and pregnant with your son. Your son!” She got louder. “I've been doing this shit alone! Niggas coming for my neck, shit falling apart. And you show up talking about trust you. Get the fuck outta here!”
For the first time Kayson couldn't see the love in her eyes. He knew this shit was going to be hard no matter when he told her, but the pain he was feeling right now was worse than anything he ever felt in his life. As he watched her standing there about to explode, tears and sweat running down her face, he knew his next move had to be the right move. In one quick motion, he stepped forward and grabbed her in his arms.
KoKo tussled with him. The more she struggled, the tighter he held her. “Let me go. Get off me!” she yelled as he squeezed tighter.
“No, not until you calm down.”
KoKo continued to struggle, tiring herself out. Then he did what he knew was all it took to get her to submit. He bit hard into her neck.
“Kayson, stop!” she pleaded.
Walking her over to the wall, biting harder with every step, he held her tight as she continued to struggle. “You gonna calm down?”
“Stoooop . . . let me go!” she yelled as she tried to free herself.
“Not until you calm the fuck down.” His order vibrated from her head to her feet.
“Okay. Stop, you hurting me!”
Slowly releasing her from his grip, he asked, “You gonna allow me to explain?”
She nodded up and down, unable to speak as she wiped her face.
Kayson grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. He pulled a chair out for her and put his hand out for her to sit down. Then he pulled the other one out and sat right in front of her.
Sniffing and wiping her face, she stared at him. For a moment, they just looked at each other. KoKo broke their silence.
“I needed you,” she calmly stated. A knot rose in her throat as tears again flooded her cheeks.
“I know. And I’m sorry. There was no other way around it.” He took her hands in his. “When I woke up and you were not there, I almost lost it. Then knowing that you were pregnant and I couldn’t come near you . . . that in itself almost killed me.” He looked down, feeling ashamed. Kayson brought her hands to his mouth and began planting a few gentle kisses on them.
“He looks just like you,” she said through a shaky voice. “I know. I saw him.” Kayson smiled.
“You saw him?”
“I had to see my son.”
“He’s so smart.” She tried to force a smile. “Just like his mother.”
A strong pain formed in her gut.
“I love you,” he said, leaning in and kissing her lips again. This time every emotion came rushing back. The intensity of their love caused their hearts to become heavy. KoKo wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.
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