“I missed you.”
“I'ma make it up to you. I promise.” Kayson held her in his arms for a few more seconds. She pulled back.
“Let me ask you something. Why? And what was so crucial that you couldn't tell me?”
“Yeah. It’s two contracts on my head. And until I figure out who has them, I have to move in the background.”
“Move in the background?” She chuckled. “So, you’re the ghost in the darkness running around hitting niggas behind my back?” KoKo thought back to that night she and the crew got attacked at the club in New York. There was definitely another gun out there and it had saved her life.
“Hell yeah. They was trying to come for my baby. I had to make them feel me. Sheeit . . . you better be glad I was in the shadows. I been putting them niggas on their knees. I was right where I needed to be.”
“But wait a minute, you said contracts. I handled that shit a year ago. One of those contracts came outta Cali.”
“That Cali shit was a smoke screen. And that nigga, Terrance. He was just a pawn. It’s somebody with way more power than he had behind this shit. And I think I'm very close to finding out who.”
KoKo thought about his mother and started to reveal her hand, but hesitated, not knowing how much he already knew. “So now what? You sure can’t just show up talking about ‘I'm back in charge. Niggas fall in’.”
“Don’t worry about now what. First things first, I need you to keep moving like you been doing. Second, secure all assets and make sure the count stays right. When we finish this shit, we gonna have to get the fuck outta New York. Third, call a party a month from now. We need to bring all the troops together. I'm sending in fresh eyes. I have a whole new team. Last, get the immediate team together tomorrow. Tell them what you need to tell them. I got the rest. When we get more time together, I will tell you a little more.”
“Okay, I got it.” KoKo hesitated. “So, what about us?” She lowered her head, thinking about what she had been doing while he was gone.
“Baby, it’s okay.” He placed his hand under her chin, bringing her eyes back to his. “I know you have been doing what you need to do, but you’re still my wife.”
KoKo looked down again. “Ain't no love lost, baby. However, don’t give nobody else my pussy,” he firmly stated.
“Well, you left it.” She quickly regained confidence.
“Oh, don’t worry. Daddy know how to make it his again.” He leaned in for another kiss, relishing the softness of her lips. Kayson gripped her thighs while placing soft kisses on her chin. He released her from his grip.
“Now back to business.” Kayson sat back in his seat in serious mode. “I need all reports. And sit on the boss’s lap while you tell me.” He pulled her to her feet.
“Oh, so you think you can just show up and get some pussy?” she shot back as she sat seductively on his lap.
“When I want it I'ma take it.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“You already know. Now run your mouth.”
KoKo began giving him the gist of the business she had going on, and the behind the scenes information that he didn’t know. After about thirty minutes of back and forth conversation, Kayson asked, “So is that all I need to know?”
“Yes. For now.”
Kayson knew it was something she wasn't telling him but decided not to press. He knew time would reveal her hand. “Ai’ight, I gotta go.”
“What are we about to do with Boa?” she asked, looking over his shoulder.
Kayson sat quietly, searching her eyes for the reason she was showing concern for the next nigga. The silence became eerie.
“What do you want me to do about him? Send his family a fucking fruit basket? Call the crew and have them clean this shit up.”
KoKo looked at him sideways. “Don’t get cute with me.”
“Lift up.” He moved KoKo to her feet and stood up behind her. “Where you going?”
“I gotta handle some shit. You gotta stay on top of niggas. They need to see you and get instructions before niggas start moving on their own. With this nigga dead.”
“Where will you be?”
“I'll be in the background. Don't worry. I'ma send for you in a couple days. In the meantime, handle your husband’s business.”
KoKo folded her arms and nodded in agreement.
“Come here,” he said and pulled her close. He held her firmly in his arms, and she held on tighter as if it was her last time. Kayson could see KoKo wasn't ready to let him go yet, so he held her for a few more minutes. Just the idea of being in her presence caused the Enforcer to come to attention. “See what you do to me?”
“I need to get some of that,” she said in a sexy tone.
“Don't worry. I got some shit planned for that ass. Just do like I said. I'ma make that pussy talk in tongues.”
KoKo laughed. “I love you, Kayson.”
“I love you too. Now go ahead. Be careful. I gotta go put some pain on the streets.” With that, he kissed her once more, and then she walked him to the door.
“Another thing, I want you back in my bed.”
“Kayson, I have my own house now.”
“You heard what I said.” He left out the door, pulling his hood over his head. Kayson got on the elevator, both worried and relieved. He went against all orders and revealed himself to KoKo, placing her in as much danger as he was in himself. But fuck it. He wasn’t going to be led by anybody. He was a Boss, and the streets were about to feel it. He walked out the building, hopped in his truck, pulling off with the mission in full focus.
- 2 -
Business Not Personal
KoKo sat in the chair staring at Boa’s body as the thick, crimson liquid seeped into her carpet. Time stood still as the reality of the night’s events played in her head.
She rose from her seat and went into the bedroom and threw on a pair of leggings, a T-shirt, and some sneakers.
Grabbing her phone from the dresser, she placed the call to the crew.
“Hello?” Mugsy answered in a slurred speech, as if awakened from his sleep.
“I need you to round up the cleanup crew and come to my apartment.”
Mugsy sat straight up in his bed. “You alright?”
“Just hurry up!” she stated and hung up the phone.
Within an hour, they were at KoKo’s door. When the door opened, Mugsy’s heart sank to his feet. “What the fuck!” Mugsy said as he moved toward Boa. His boy and second in charge lay there lifeless.
Night and Savage filed into the living room, leading the three guys on clean-up inside. The last guy shut the door.
“What happened, ma?” Night asked, looking on with a wrinkled brow.
“He said the wrong shit. The rest is self-explanatory.”
“Fuck you mean ‘self-explanatory’?” Mugsy asked, apparently feeling a little caught off guard.
“Who the fuck is you talking to?” KoKo shot back.
“I’m just saying . . . this nigga laying on your floor dead.
What the fuck happened?” Mugsy raised his voice.
KoKo tilted her head, and Savage went for his gun.
“Hold the fuck up!” Night yelled. “Yo ass need to calm the fuck down.” He directed his attention at Mugsy. “This shit ain’t personal. It’s business. Now everybody need to get their head together and treat this nigga like any other muthafucka we done put on their ass.” He gave Mugsy a long, hard stare.
Mugsy huffed. “Yeah, ai’ight. But we need a sit down real soon.”
Savage eased his hand from his back and rested it at his side. He stood with Mugsy in his scope, and for the first time he held hatred for his boy.
Night briefly turned his attention toward the clean-up crew. “Y’all get this nigga cut up and in those bags. Hurry up! We gotta get this shit done and get the fuck outta here. Savage, call Bas and tell him to meet us at the office. KoKo, come with me for a minute.”
Savage turned the music up. He pulled out his phone, then his nine, and posted himself up by the door. As he dialed Baseem, he held a wicked stare in Mugsy’s direction. Musgsy had just put himself in a deadly position and didn’t even realize it.
Once inside the room, Night closed the door and looked at KoKo while waiting for her to reveal what happened. After about a minute of intense silence, Night began his interrogation.
“Damn, ma. What happened?”
“That nigga got outta line. So, I chalk lined his ass.” KoKo looked at Night to see where his head was at. “I know we ain’t got a problem with how I take care of my business.”
“Look. I’m on your side. I’m just trying to find out how to handle shit.”
“We go on with business as usual.”
“You know Boa was supposed to meet with the Colombians in a week for the new deal.”
“I will meet with them. You just make sure these niggas stay in line.” She moved to the closet, grabbed her gun holster, and placed both nines in it. KoKo put her vest on and a baseball cap.
“You gonna be alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Night just looked at KoKo as she moved around the room without emotion. He knew she could handle her business. His only worry was how long could she be strong before she finally broke?
- 3 -
Niggas Better Get Right
Baseem sat in KoKo’s chair waiting for the crew to return from the mission of burying the treachery that had reared its ugly head. Night sat in a chair placed in
the far corner. Each one of them carefully plotting and planning the next move. Times like these were the most crucial. On the level; they were playing the game, bitching and moaning about the fallen was a bitch move. They had both learned early that if a nigga wanted to burn a bridge, sell that muthafucka some gasoline.
Just when he had decided to place a call to find out what was taking them niggas so long, in walked Savage, Mugsy, and Pete, all in black sweat pants, hoodies, and boots. Mugsy walked over to the bar, poured himself a drink, and then turned toward Baseem with a wicked scowl on his face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Night asked as he picked up on Mugsy’s fucked up mood that lingered on from earlier.
“I’m good,” he half-heartedly stated.
“I hope so,” Night stated. “KoKo will be here in ten minutes.” He paused to look down at his watch.
“Y’all niggas get comfortable.” Baseem got up and walked to the bar, grabbed a blunt out of the wooden box, and lit up.
Twenty minutes later, KoKo entered her office. She stopped to take a look around. Savage, Mugsy, Pete, and Night were already posted up and in full investigation mode. KoKo took a deep breath, walked to her chair, and took a seat.
Folding her hands, she looked down and then back up to meet eyes with Night.
“All right. Let’s begin. Chucky called. He will be here in a minute. I will catch him up later.” Baseem said, “We need to regroup. Split Boa’s crew up. Put someone in VA and the rest in Atlanta. Leave his top lieutenant here to handle any pending business.” Baseem got quiet to make sure everyone was processing the information.
“So, what the fuck happened last night?” Mugsy broke the silence.
“He said some shit I didn’t appreciate. You know the rest.” She looked at him. “I need you to do damage control.”
“. . . I got you,” Mugsy reluctantly answered, putting his head down. “But I need to know something. That shit was business, right? Not personal?”
KoKo frowned. “Fuck you mean was it business or personal?”
“No disrespect. But damn. Shit was kosher when I left y’all. Then, you call me talking about come handle some shit, and I show up and see my nigga stretched the fuck out on your floor.”
Night looked back and forth at KoKo and Mugsy. Savage was also on high alert.
Again, Mugsy shifted in his seat and took in a large amount of air.
“Nigga, if there is a problem. Speak on it.” Baseem got loud.
“I guess not. Shit. Niggas sitting around making new plans like we didn’t just bury our brother.”
“That muthafucka don’t mean shit to me!” Baseem growled. “Besides KoKo, all y’all niggas are replaceable.”
“Just as I thought,” he mumbled.
“Fuck is that supposed to mean?” Night said, now losing his voice of reason.
“Fuck it, since we all on the table with shit.” Mugsy stood up. “It don’t bother y’all that at any minute KoKo could wake up and feel we ain’t needed. Then it’s our ass on the other end of a clean-up.”
“Nigga, have you lost focus?” Savage chimed in.
“Focus? It ain’t going to be shit to focus on. We killing everybody.”
“This muthafucka done lost his mind.” Baseem chuckled. “Nigga, we built this shit. When y’all niggas was playing with your baby nuts, we were building the foundation. And not me, or this nigga here”—he pointed at Night… “is going to sit by and let no pussy ass nigga’s conscience destroy it.”
“Fuck is you talking about? I put in work just like the next nigga. And I’m loyal. But I guess loyalty ain’t in your fucked-up foundation.”
“Loyal? Nigga, I’m the definition of loyal.” He pounded his chest and moved deadly close to Mugsy, who also did not back down. “My brother Kayson saved my life. I breathe because of that nigga’s sacrifice. My loyalty lies with him. I don’t give a fuck about you, or Boa’s dead ass,” Bassem yelled, taking the atmosphere from heat to lava.
A flurry of comments went back and forth. Baseem and Mugsy were on the brink. Night stood up to come between them, and before he could extend his arm, Baseem grabbed his gun and shot Mugsy in the face. His body fell into Savage and then hit the floor.
“What the fuck!” Pete yelled out.
“This muthafucka was having trouble making up his mind. Nothing a hollow point can’t solve.” He looked around the room. “Does anyone else have something they would like to get off their mind.” Baseem stopped to give each man a cold stare.
“Nah, we good,” Pete answered.
“I’ma ride this shit to the muthafucking end,” Savage chimed in.
“Good. Because after this moment, I don’t want to hear shit else about Mugs, Boa, or any other weak link. And if one of you niggas wake up feeling conflicted. Kill ya self because I will not have a problem helping you with your suicide.” Baseem sat in his chair, not budging on his offer. The game had changed, and so had the players. He wasn’t giving anybody a break. If anyone showed a minute of weakness, it would be their last.
KoKo stood up and looked around the room. “We good?” she asked. And when nothing but nodding heads held her gaze, she announced, “Meeting adjourned.”
- 4 -
The Next Move
Ever since Kayson felt KoKo in his arms, his whole mission had changed. His whole world had just got turned upside down. He was comfortably seated on the
plane and looked out the window as he prepared for the landing.
“Can I take your glass, Mr. Wells?” the woman with the bright smile asked.
“Thank you,” he responded. Kayson turned his attention back to the view. He prepared his mind to relay the news to his refuge that he went against all orders and revealed himself, literally placing everyone he loved in grave danger.
Once the plane landed in Georgetown, Guyana, Kayson walked out the front of the airport, grabbed a driver, and headed to his house. He had gotten himself a nice compound on Wakenaam Island. Pulling to the edge of the ocean, the driver parked the car and let Kayson out.
Kayson tipped the man and then headed toward the speedboats to catch a thirty-minute ride to the island. He took a seat on the back row and watched as the natives loaded on with fruit and bags from their day’s work.
The waves struck the edge of the banks, and the birds flew by, only an arm’s length away. A calm came over his soul, a feeling he welcomed as the intensity of
the last twenty-four hours began to dissipate.
When the speedboat came to a stop, Kayson waited for everyone to get out. He made his exit, again hailing a driver.
After the twenty-minute bumpy ride to his estate, he welcomed the feeling of the moist dirt under his feet. When he stepped inside of his plush baby palace, he hit the lights and took in some air. Throwing his keys on the long black granite countertop, he hit the central air and stepped out of his boots. Then he pulled his shirt over his head and walked down the hall to his bedroom. As he unzipped his jeans, his heart got heavy again thinking about leaving KoKo behind. For a brief moment, he even felt guilty, but quickly regained his footing with the thought that his wife was just as much of a beast as he was. Confidence settled in his gut as he headed for the shower. Resting his arms on the wall, he embraced the water as it covered every inch of him. Kayson put his head all the way down, allowing the water to pound on his neck and shoulders. At that moment, he released all doubt. It was decided. He was moving forward, and he would be doing it his way. And if killing everyone who was against him lay in the balance, come what may. After carefully lathering his skin several times, he rinsed off thoroughly, stepped out, and quickly got dressed.
Kayson grabbed his guns, tucked them tight, and headed to his truck.
After traveling for an hour, he was at the door of his mentor and confidant.
“Mr. Wells, how was your trip?” the butler asked as he held the door open wide for Kayson to enter.
“I made it back safe,” Kayson responded.
“Mr. Odoo is awaiting your arrival in his study.”
“Thank you,” Kayson said as he proceeded to the study. He stopped and took a minute to look at a new painting hanging right outside the door. It was of Mr. Odoo and his wife. It appeared to be their wedding picture, and again, Kayson’s mind went back to KoKo.
“Come, my son,” Mr. Odoo yelled out as soon as he felt Kayson’s presence.
Kayson snapped out of his reverie and entered the room. “Welcome home. Is everything okay?” the small stature-
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