The Pussy Trap 3
Page 4
“Yeah, let me get a glass of Hennessey Black,” Night said and then glanced at KoKo.
KoKo waited until the waitress left the area.
“So, this is what it is.” KoKo sat forward. “Night, I need you to be in Atlanta. I have a special project that I will present to you in a few days. I want you to get with Chico and have him introduce you to everyone, and then have Goldie show you the ropes of the club. She has a three-bedroom house. Stay there until I get you this other spot. But please don’t get her all fucked up. I need her for something else.”
“Get her all fucked up? What does that mean?” Night asked with a smile on his face.
“You know how you do. I need her focused. I have to send her after someone. I don’t need her distracted right now.”
“How you gonna tell a grown ass man what to do with his dick?” Baseem asked as the waitress returned to the table with the drinks.
“Tell her, Bas,” Night responded. “Fuck y’all!” KoKo shot back.
“Here you go,” the server said as she set the drinks down.
“Can I get you anything else?” She gazed in Baseem’s face. “Yeah, you can give us some fucking space,” KoKo stated.
The waitress looked at KoKo with wide eyes. In a low voice she said, “Let me know if you need anything.” She left the table in a hurry.
“Why you do that? That could have been some potential late night action.” Baseem picked up his drink and looked back at her ass. Turning back to the table, he began to sip his drink.
“Late night action. That bitch look like you might fuck around and find some more dicks in there when you get there,” KoKo said. They all started laughing.
“Whatever! So, what you want me to do?”
“I need you to stick close to me. I will have to leave town in a couple of days. They need to see us together and know that you’re on top of everything.”
“I got you.”
“How is Mugsy’s people responding to his death?” she asked.
“They taking it hard as hell. I told them we on it,” Night said as he brought his drink to his mouth.
“All right.” KoKo paused. “We putting it on them Marcy Boys. I got a connect over there who said they have this nigga they been trying to get rid of. So, his ass is getting it. I got Chucky on that. Just make sure they know Mugs was the one when he falls.”
“Got it.”
“So, when you want me to go to the ‘A’?” Night asked. “Tonight. Give your crew instructions to fall in under Baseem. Get down there and get settled. I will be down in a few days.”
KoKo got up to leave.
“Where the fuck you going?” Baseem asked.
“To get some KoKo time. After today, shit is about to get very chaotic. I need to see what it feels like when shit is normal. I’ll see you in a little while.” She walked off.
Once she was out the door and in her car, Baseem spoke freely. “So, what you think is up with KoKo?”
“I don’t know. But whatever happened the other night must have been real serious for her to kill Boa. She had that nigga on some big shit.”
“I think she needs to fall back and let us take some of this shit off her shoulders,” Baseem said as he downed the last of his glass and started on the other.
“You know that shit ain’t happening. KoKo needs the streets like she needs air. The only one to calm that ass was Kayson. The rest of us better get prayed up.” Night laughed.
Baseem sat thinking about what Night said. His thoughts drifted to Kayson and how much he missed his right hand. The feeling of disappointment came over him as he reflected on the danger KoKo was in and how much blame he would place on himself if anything ever happened to her on his watch.
“You all right?” Night asked, realizing that Baseem had zoned out.
“Yeah, I’m good. Pay the bill. I need to go holla at old girl. Because unlike yourself, KoKo ain’t in charge of my dick,” he said and walked off.
“Fuck you, nigga. You ain’t going to have to worry about KoKo if Zori catch that ass slippin’.” Night went in his pocket, pulled out a fifty, and tossed it on the table. He stood and stretched.
“Hating ass nigga!” Baseem shot back and kept on going.
Night took the rest of his drink to the head and then moved to the exit. On his way to the door, he also zoned out, thinking about Kayson and all the shit he left on KoKo’s shoulders and how long it would be before the weight of the world brought her to her knees.
- 7 -
Goldie’s World
Night touched down at Atlanta’s Hartsfield/Jackson airport around two in the afternoon. As he headed towards the shuttle to go get his bags, his steps were
light but his thoughts were heavy. He wondered why KoKo would choose to send him out of state and keep Baseem close to her. The implications could be major or they could mean nothing at all.
Placing his hands on his lap, he looked out the window thinking about the task at hand. He quickly forced the thoughts out of his mind, knowing that KoKo always put the best in position to do the best work.
After twenty minutes more, the cab pulled in front of Goldie’s house. He paid the driver and jumped out. Walking up her walkway, he wondered if he was going to have any problems out of niggas who were not willing to fall in, and how many he would have to put on their back before he had total cooperation.
Before he could ring the bell, the door came open. All his present thoughts disappeared when he saw Goldie standing there in a pair of orange terry cloth booty shorts and a matching tight tank top. The frigid air displayed her erect nipples, which stood up in his face like a welcome committee.
“Night, right? Goldie said as she extended her hand. “What’s up, ma?” he said, taking her hand in his. “Welcome to the ‘A’?” Her beautiful eyes gleamed.
“I’m feeling the love already,” he said, taking in all she had to offer.
“Well, come in.” She walked toward the kitchen.
“Got dam!” Night mumbled as he watched her ass shift and jiggle.
“I have two extra bedrooms. You can pick whichever one you want,” she announced, stopping at the counter.
“I’m a guest. Where ever you want me. That is where I will be.” He looked in her eyes.
“Okay, well you can have the one across from mine. It has a nice view of the park and pond.”
“That’s what’s up. I’ll get settled later. Right now I need something to eat.” Night rubbed his stomach.
“What you want?” Goldie smiled, noticing his flirtatious jester.
Night smiled. “Whatever you want to feed me.”
Goldie stood locked in eye contact for a few seconds. “Let me go throw something on. I’ll be right back,” she said in an attempt to get further away from the sexual tension.
Dammit, KoKo! Why you send this sexy ass chocolate nigga down here? she thought as she walked up the stairs remembering KoKo telling her to ‘stay focused and don’t get caught up’. “Shit!” she mumbled as she entered her bedroom. Goldie went into her closet and dressed in some tan linen capris, a white button up shirt, and threw on some Gucci open toe clogs. She grabbed a gun and a small black case from the closet. Tucking her .22 in her Celine clutch, she glossed her lips and sprayed her golden dreads that were up in a neat bun.
Coming down the stairs, Goldie looked around to find Night seated on her couch with his head back and eyes closed. She walked over to him and set the case down on the coffee table causing him to sit up.
“You ready?” he asked, standing up.
“I done wore you out already?” she joked.
“Never that. And even if you did, all I would need is a few minutes, and then you would be in a whole lot of trouble.”
“Maybe. Maybe not,” Goldie shot back. Again, the sexual tension was high.
“What’s this?” Night reached down and popped open the case.
“KoKo left this for you.”
Two guns sat neatly embedded in the velvet interior. He
grabbed one, tucked it in his back, and pulled his T-shirt down. Then he placed the small one attached to a strap around his calve.
“That’s why I love that woman. She always knows what a man needs,” he said, looking at Goldie.
“You ready?” “Always.”
“Okay, I’m driving. I’m going to hook you up with something real tasty, and then I’ll take you to see Chico at the club.”
“Lead, I know how to follow,” Night responded.
Goldie turned toward the side entrance leading to the garage.
Night followed close behind her, needing to dismiss the feelings of attraction. But he had already decided KoKo was going to have to be mad. Because if the opportunity presented itself, he was getting some of that. And from the looks of things, Goldie was not going to mind giving it to him.
- 8 -
Trust No Man
It was Friday night at the bike club and shit was flowing lovely. Niggas were dropping a grip on the tables and the dance floors were popping. Tonight, was slightly different, in that Baseem had opened a room in the club for private parties. He peeked in on the bachelor party that was in full progress.
Stopping at the bouncer, he questioned, “Niggas spending money up in here?”
“Hell yeah. They getting bottle after bottle and fuck making it rain. It’s a thunderstorm in this muthafucka.”
“All right. Don’t let anybody disrespect the girls. Watch their back, and if niggas get outta hand, usher they ass out immediately,” he ordered.
“I got you.”
Baseem watched the show for a few more minutes, threw a couple hundred at the dancers, and then moved out.
After running a security check, he headed to KoKo’s fifth floor office to wait for the crew to arrive.
One by one, they pulled into the bike area.
Chucky stood and waited for each man to pull in, and as they did so, he escorted them all upstairs.
“Damn, it’s bitchamania up in here tonight,” Savage said as he looked out into the crowd from the glass elevator.
“Man, when this meeting is over I’m getting white boy wasted,” Taz said, slapping hands with Savage.
“Them bitches ain’t fucking with y’all niggas. They can smell wife pussy on your breath,” Chucky joked.
“Fuck you, nigga,” Savage said as Taz laughed out loud. “We know you ain’t talking, latch key ass nigga. Yo’ wife
got a chastity belt on yo dick,” Taz blurted.
They all burst out laughing; even the security guard had to laugh at that one.
When the elevator stopped, they got serious as they piled out and went straight to the office.
“What’s good, my niggas?” Baseem said, greeting them with a half hug and handshake.
“Man, it is what it is,” Chucky said, taking the first seat. “We just trying to make this happen,” Taz said, taking a
seat next to Chucky.
“Fuck all that. Where the weed at?” Savage said, going for the wooden box. “Hell yeah. All my troubles are now null and void.” He grabbed the lighter and took a seat.
Baseem poured himself a glass of Patron and positioned himself on the other side of the desk.
“So how is the street responding to all the changes?”
Chucky went first. “Most of the crew is falling in, but you got the niggas on the skirts who are questioning their status and longevity in our organization.”
“Longevity? What the fuck they think we running? Blue Cross? We in the drug game. Ain’t no fucking longevity. These niggas better reevaluate the game. We been doing this shit for over fifteen years, and the only thing that comes with longevity is prison and death.” He paused, reaching out to take the blunt from Savage’s hand.
“So, what are we doing now?” Savage asked, blowing the remaining smoke from his lungs.
“KoKo said she working on some shit. We need to let these young niggas have these streets. We already put our stamp on it.” He passed the blunt to Taz.
“Is KoKo all right with all this shit? She taking on everything. I’m ready to step up,” Taz said, inhaling the thick smoke.
“Don’t worry. When the time is right she will let us know. Until then, hold your crew down. Keep them niggas calm and keep down suspicion and doubt,” Baseem affirmed.
“Me and my crew is down for whatever,” Taz shot back. “Make sure you can live by those words because shit is
getting ready to get wicked.” Baseem sat back, resting his head on the soft cushion.
“We done?” Savage asked, anxious to get to the party. “Go ‘head, nigga. Have fun.” Baseem smiled.
“I’m not in no rush, but I saw some tight ass jeans I want to get into.” He rose to his feet.
Taz stood up next, taking one last pull from the blunt and then placing it in the ashtray. “Ai’ight, we’ll be downstairs if you need us.” He slapped hands with Baseem and then Chucky.
Savage and Taz filed out the office like two kids at an amusement park.
Chucky looked back at the door to make sure it was closed. “I don’t trust that nigga, Savage,” he stated with a mean grimace.
“What you feeling?”
“I don’t know yet. But I don’t trust his ass.”
Baseem nodded up and down. “Watch that nigga. And if you see him step a centimeter off his square I want to know directly. Bring me all reports. KoKo got enough shit to worry about. If he ain’t right; we know what to do.”
“Got you,” Chucky responded, standing up and slapping Baseem’s hand. “Let me go make the rounds. I’ll see you downstairs.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right down.”
When Chucky left the office, Baseem sat thinking back on the last meetings they had with the crew to see if he remembered any inconsistency in Savage’s behavior. He couldn’t recall any, but now with Chucky pulling his coattail, he was going to be all over his ass. He checked the monitors, cleaned up, and headed downstairs.
After checking behind Chucky, he went to the main floor where the bike stunts were underway. Savage was posted up with a redbone chick that KoKo used for odd jobs.
Carefully, Baseem posted himself up behind Savage to get a good look at how he was moving.
When Tori caught his eye, he gave her the nod. She knew exactly what he meant and nodded back, confirming her acceptance of the mission. Baseem knew that if Tori was on that ass, within days he would know exactly what Savage was up to.
- 9 -
KoKo was wracking her brain and using the wealth of her resources to come up with a new drug supplier. She knew she had to have the money right to flip it
with the Japanese connect. Not to mention the laundry list of shit she had going on from state to state. She was so busy focusing on Kayson, that keeping focus on anything else had become challenging. Three weeks had passed since she last seen him; that alone had her thoughts a bit preoccupied and business was pressing.
“So, did we cover everything?” KoKo asked, walking around her desk and taking a seat. She had been on edge. Her conversations were short, and her tongue was sharp.
“Nah. But I need to holla at you,” Baseem interjected.
Even though KoKo had wanted him to stay close to her, she had been avoiding him.
She looked over at him and nodded. Her eyes gazed across the room, feeling for each man’s soul.
“Anybody else?” She directed her attention to Savage, Taz, Chucky, and their lieutenants.
No one said anything, but she knew that behind their calm was worry. After Boa and Mugsy’s sudden departure, the crew had been filled with mixed feelings. There were questions roaming the crevices of every man’s brain. However, each opted for silence, patiently waiting for their fate to be revealed. The room was filled with black. Not the décor, but the emotion. A thick cloud of gloom hovered like a weight threatening to choke the very life from them all.
When no one said anything, Chucky stood up and everyone else followed suit.
's it for now. We have a big week ahead of us. Everybody needs to stay focused. Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut.”
Each man nodded in agreement as they began to move out. “We’ll meet you downstairs in five minutes.” Chucky directed his voice in Baseem’s direction.
“Ai’ight,” Baseem responded from his seat in front of KoKo’s desk.
Everyone moved out, closing the door behind them.
When Baseem was sure they were gone, he started his conversation with KoKo.
“So, what the fuck has been going on with you?” he asked in- reference to her cold attitude and secrecy.
She sat looking over some papers on her desk as she tossed her options around in her mind. Even though Baseem was one of her most loyal and a true brother, she could not reveal her hand. Deep inside she wanted to put him down, but the Boss was back, and he had made himself perfectly clear about her keeping shit to herself.
KoKo didn't even look up. “What are you talking about?” She continued to go through her papers.
“You know what I’m talking about. Your ass has been off balance ever since you took that nigga out. I’m still unclear about what the fuck happened that night. I need you to tell me something.”
“Bas, it’s so much shit going on. I haven't had time to think.”
Baseem got ready to respond, but the intercom went off. “Mrs. KoKo you have an important call on line two.” Lori's voice came through the speaker.
KoKo hit the button. “Thank you.” She turned her attention to Baseem. “Hold that thought. Let me take this.”
Baseem chuckled and stood up. “Yeah, I know. Business first.” He walked over to the bar, got a blunt out of the cigar box, and lit it up.
“Hey Princess.” The voice rang through the phone and was music to her ears. KoKo had to fight to hold in her excitement. “Yes sir,” she said, holding a straight face as Baseem looked on.
“Mrs. Kitty called me this morning.” “Is that right? What did she say?”
“She said ‘Daddy, make me cum’,” he said real sexy into the phone.