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The Pussy Trap 3

Page 7

by Death by Temptation (retail) (epub)

  When he approached his Pagani, he hit the alarm and popped the trunk. Tyquan threw in his briefcase and slammed it shut. As he turned to grab the door handle, he was met by a hooded man.

  “Make any sudden movements and I’ma make it hard for you to collect your thoughts.” Kayson forced his .45 to his father’s head.

  Tyquan froze in place as the cold steel rested against his temple. His heart pounded in his chest. “If it’s the car you want, just let me pass you the keys. I ain’t see shit, so you can be on your way.”

  “Nigga, you ain’t got shit I want but information.” “Information?” he repeated the man’s words. “What does the name Monique mean to you?”

  “Ummm. That’s a name that brings a man many happy thoughts.”

  Kayson wrinkled his nose and squinted. Then in one move, he hit him in the mouth with the butt of the gun, forcing him up against the car. Placing the gun under his chin, he warned, “Muthafucka, don’t get cute with me.”

  Breathing heavy and tasting a mouth full of blood, he focused on the man that stood before him. And when those hazel eyes gazed back at him, he spoke. “Kayson?”

  “Yeah, nigga. Your worst fucking nightmare.” “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I’m here to settle all scores.” “You ain’t got shit to settle with me.”

  “You hurt my mother, and for that you pay with your life.” He cocked the hammer.

  “Wait!” he yelled out. “Please let me explain.”

  “Explain what? The only decision left to make is open or closed casket.”

  “Your mother was a treacherous bitch.” “And you about to be a dead one.”

  “You sticking up for a woman that caused you to take the lives of innocent men.”

  Kayson paused to listen. “I took the lives of men who were well deserving of death.”

  “I’ma tell you like I told your wife. Open your eyes.” “Make the shit plain.”

  “I didn’t leave your mother. She left me. No disrespect, but that was the most expensive pussy I ever had. She cost me everything. Even my best friend.”

  “And who would that be? Malik?” Kayson chuckled. “No. Edwin.”

  “What the fuck is you talking about? That nigga raped my mother, and he paid with his life.”

  “Did he?”

  “What the fuck you mean ‘did he’? I was there,” he growled.

  “But did you really see what you think you saw?”

  Kayson went back to that day and began reviewing the events. “I know what I heard.”

  “That shit was an illusion. That was her thing. That man didn’t rape her, son.”

  Kayson lowered his gun and allowed Tyquan to explain. “Being the man that I am, I stood by her, gave you my name, and took very good care of you. Until one day she took all of that from me.”

  Kayson’s head was spinning. Here, the woman he loved and cared for and made every possible sacrifice for to give her the world had deceived him, and then made him kill her enemies without good rhyme or reason. How could she?

  “Son, listen. All this shit is bigger than you know. Your mother has connections on top of connections. She had been manipulating everything for years.”

  Breathing heavy and now full of rage, Kayson said, “I need proof. I can’t ride with this shit you telling me.”

  “What the fuck do I have to win by revealing my hand? The only thing I have ever wanted was to tell you this years ago. I stood back and let you grow. But when I found out you were dead; my silence began to kill me. I reached out to Nine and instructed him to tell your wife everything.” He paused, grabbing his handkerchief to wipe blood from his mouth. “He is the one who holds all secrets.”

  “I’ma give you a pass today. But if I find out that you lied to me, the pain that you’ll receive will be of epic proportions.”

  “I see where KoKo gets all that attitude from.” “You met my wife?”

  “Yeah, she came and threatened my life.” He chuckled. “Yeah. When you get to the bottom of all this shit, find out why your mom stooped to the level of fucking that young boy.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Yeah, the nigga that came after your wife. Boa, that’s

  Mo’s little flunky.”

  Kayson was now livid. He needed to get some answers and quick.

  - 13 -

  Careful Eye

  Before KoKo left for Atlanta, Kayson needed to get into her ear. He left Tyquan ASAP and went straight to the mansion. As Kayson and KoKo sat in the back of the cab heading to the airport, he grilled her for the missing information.

  “Who was it that brought Boa to you?” “Night, but he was already on my radar.” “Did the nigga take you to meet anybody?”

  “No. But I had niggas all in his business. That was how I found out he was foul.”

  “But did you find out he knew my father?”

  “Yes. When I went to see him, he gave Boa up.” The cab came to a stop at the airport, and the driver jumped out to open her door. “Why? What’s up?” she asked inquisitively.

  “We will have to see. Keep your eyes open. I’ll see you in a couple days.”

  KoKo leaned over and kissed his lips. “Baby, be careful.” “Be good,” he responded.

  “I’m always good. Even when I’m bad.”

  “That’s the problem.” Kayson gave her a little smile, smacking her ass on her way out of the cab. He watched her until she was no longer in sight. “Let’s go,” he instructed the driver and sat back.

  KoKo planted her feet on Atlanta soil with mission in hand. She knew there were too many loose ends dangling in the air, and she needed to begin tying them up. One of the main things she needed to handle was the investigation that she and her organization had hanging over their head. With careful examination, she had found out who was the leading detective, a man named Greg Warren and she was about to unleash Goldie on that ass.

  KoKo’s first stop was the club. She needed to get with Chico and make sure Night was getting all the assistance he needed to keep everyone in order.

  Pulling up to Golden Paradise, she noticed a few females arguing with the bouncer. She looked down at her watch that read 11:30. It was apparent the females were angry they missed ‘ladies free before 11 PM’ and were acting a damn fool. Patiently, she watched as the man on the door tried to calm the situation. When she saw one female in the crowd of three spit in his face, and he began tossing her around, KoKo sprung from her vehicle and went right into action.

  She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. Everyone within earshot looked in her direction. The bouncer threw up his hands and backed up.

  The female who was the most indignant threw her hands on her hips and rolled her neck. “Who the fuck she think she is?” the woman turned and said to her friends.

  “Is there a problem?” KoKo calmly asked as she approached the irate woman.

  “Yeah, it’s a muthafucking problem. This country bama nigga won’t let us in,” she slurred and stepped back.

  Apparently, she had already had a few before she got there, and she was about to get herself in a whole lot of trouble.

  “Randy, what’s going on?” KoKo turned her attention to the bouncer, who was wiping his face with a napkin.

  “We told the young ladies we at capacity right now and that they missed the free before eleven. But she ain’t trying to hear that,” he said, glaring at the woman like he wanted to take her head off.

  “Miss. Look, we at capacity. You missed the eleven o’clock special. So, you can either wait until something opens, or come back another time.”

  “Nah, fuck that. That nigga Jeezy here tonight, and I got a ticket. Now, y’all need to go in there and snatch some of those other bitches out and let us in,” the woman barked and moved a little too close to KoKo.

  KoKo pulled in some air and reached around her back. She pulled out Midnight and slapped the shit out of the woman with her gun.

  The woman fell up against a ca
r, holding her head.

  Gasps filled the air as the nosy onlookers watched in surprise.

  KoKo moved close to her and the lesson began. “Bitch, I tried to give you an opportunity to get your shit together. First, you disrespected my people.” KoKo slapped her again. “Then you disrespected me.” Another forceful blow hit her again, almost knocking her out.

  Panic stricken and bloody, the woman pleaded for KoKo to stop. But unfortunately, she had just brought herself an ass whooping, and KoKo was making sure she got her money’s worth.

  Placing the gun under her chin, KoKo pushed the woman’s head back.

  “Now, like we both told you, we at capacity. Which means we filled the fuck up. And if you ever try that bullshit again, I’ma fill you the fuck up.”

  KoKo pulled the woman to her feet. Bloody and shook up, she dragged the woman to the bouncer. “Apologize!” KoKo barked.

  With fear and tears in her eyes, the woman mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

  “He can’t hear you. I want you to use the same loud, belligerent tone you used to disrespect that man to now rectify this situation.” KoKo held the woman tight by the arm.

  “I apologize for disrespecting you,” she said, as embarrassment filled her gut while glancing over at her two friends.

  KoKo turned her around, lifted her face by her chin, and looked in her eyes. “You could have avoided all this bullshit. But you wanted to act like a gotdamn fool. Let this be a lesson to you. Even when a nigga piss you off, always conduct yourself like a lady.” KoKo reached in her pocket and pulled out a knot of hundreds. “Usually, I would kill a bitch like you, but you caught a bitch in a good mood. So today you get a pass.” KoKo grabbed her hand and put the money in it and closed it tight. “Randy, let me get some VIP passes for the next big show.”

  Randy reached in his back pocket and pulled out three passes.

  “Give them to her,” she ordered.

  Once they were securely in her hand, KoKo commanded, “Thank him.”

  “Thank you,” the woman said through her sniffles.

  “Go get yourself cleaned up, and the next time I see you, there better be nothing but respect dripping off your tongue.”

  “Get ya bitch,” she said to her friends. They rushed to the woman’s side, taking her under the arms, and leading her away.

  The crowd looked on in amazement as KoKo took some napkins from Randy and cleaned off her gun. Tucking it back in place, KoKo made a final statement before entering the building. “These bitches gone learn today.”

  Randy chuckled. “Let me find out you watch Kevin Hart.” “Yeah, every so often I try to be a regular person.” KoKo

  half smiled and walked inside.

  Randy put the call in that KoKo was there and for them to also fix the tapes as he started to let a few people in the club.

  KoKo stopped at the bar and grabbed a drink. She was pleased with the crowd. Jeezy was set to take the stage in an hour, and shit was jumping. As she moved to the offices, she noticed a dude looking her over.

  KoKo took note of his features. He stood about 5-feet 9- inches, and he was pleasantly put together. Short, nice cut, pretty brown skin with a thin outlined beard that led to his goatee. She had to admit the nigga was fine. She caught his gaze and humored him with a quick smile. He returned it, and she kept it moving.

  Before she could get a few steps, Chico was on his way to her and moving fast. “Everything all right?” he asked, looking KoKo over.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Sorry for not meeting you outside. I got caught up with counting money and making sure Jeezy and his crew are straight,” he humbly stated.

  “It’s all good. I’m a big girl. I handles mine.”

  “All right, come on.” He took her by the arm, leading her to his office.

  “So, what’s good?” she asked as he closed the door.

  “We doing good with the club. We had His and Her Entertainment down here from Jersey twice. They threw a banging party. They know how to cater to the celebrities, so that is a weight off my mind.”

  “Okay, see if you can get them on contract for the winter shows.”

  “Got it.”

  Chico walked over to the monitors for a minute, but then turned his attention back to KoKo.

  “I do see a problem coming out of Diablo’s corner though.” “Speak on it.”

  “She got new blood, and they don’t want to bend to the territory split.”

  “What’s been said?”

  “It’s not what’s said, it’s what’s not said. Niggas attitudes is shifting. I had to bring in more muscle, and I moved my family out to Marietta.”

  KoKo sat for a minute, contemplating. “Alright. Change the way we move. Times, places, and people we deal with.” She paused. “Light something,” she ordered.

  Chico pulled out two fat blunts from his drawer. He lit one up and then passed it to KoKo.

  Inhaling deep, KoKo carefully plotted her next move. “We need to make a good example out of somebody. They think we out here playing.”

  “You just say the word.”

  “Nah, not you. I need to put something in between us and them. We gotta throw down some red herring.”

  “Red herring?”

  KoKo shook her head. “Do me a favor. When you off, read, nigga.” KoKo chuckled.

  “Ai’ight.” Chico laughed.

  “I don’t know how you niggas expect to get to the next level without intelligence.” She got serious. “Red herring is something that you do to throw a hunter off the scent. We need to paint the situation with another nigga’s blood, so they get off our asses.”

  “Ummm . . .” Chico said, nodding his head.

  “Don’t worry. I got it. Let me get with Night and sit on it for a couple days. Plus, I need to sit down with Diablo and feel her out.” KoKo pulled hard on the blunt, savoring the flavor.

  “Always remember . . .” She blew out the heavy smoke. “Always find out what they know without letting them know what you know. Then use both to fuck them in the ass, hard,” she spat.

  “Got you,” Chico responded. He looked at KoKo like: pass that shit.

  “You might as well light something else. This shit is stuck to my fingers.”

  They both burst out laughing.

  Lighting the other blunt, Chico again turned his attention toward the monitors.

  “How is Goldie?”

  “She good,” he answered, turning back to KoKo. “She been with Night. She comes through to check shit out, but other than that, she is with him.”

  “Is that right?”

  Chico quickly picked up that maybe she hadn’t been following KoKo’s orders.

  KoKo pulled hard, staring at Chico. She knew she had made her orders clear, and it was apparent that Goldie was getting a bit sidetracked. She needed to pull that ass back. KoKo couldn’t afford to have her catching feelings for Night. It could compromise her whole plan.

  After burning a few more stems, KoKo prepared to leave. “So, you good?”

  “Yeah, I’m straight.” She walked to his bathroom to freshen up.

  “So, you not going to slap nobody around on your way out?” Chico joked.

  “Sheeeit . . . I didn’t want to slap that bitch around. I’ve been trying to cut back on my slap-a-ho medication. But every time I do, a bitch jump up volunteering to be a case study.”

  “Oh shit!” he said.

  KoKo walked out the bathroom drying her hands. Her eyes settled on the monitors. “Who is that nigga right there?” she asked, referring to the dude who caught her eyes earlier.


  “Him.” KoKo pointed to the screen.

  “That’s some cat that’s been coming up in here every weekend for the last month,” Chico stated. “I been watching that nigga hard. Why? What you see?”

  “Nothing yet. Keep close to that nigga. Put some pussy on him. I need to know where he rest and who he know.”

  “On it. I got the perfect chick.”
Chico rubbed his hands together.

  - 14 -

  Playtime is Over

  The next morning KoKo awakened with a tight game plan formulated in her mind. This was gonna be some gangsta ass shit, all she had to do was implement it then sit back and watch muthafuckas unfold. Smiling at her own cleverness, she got up and went to get her nails done and did a little shopping at Phipps Plaza. When she returned to her hotel room, she placed a call to Night, letting him know she was on her way over, and the meeting with Diablo was set up. KoKo went into the hotel safe, pulled out the credit cards and IDs that Ralphie made for Goldie.

  Moving through the lobby, she devised a plan that would throw everyone off course. Diablo had given her word that she would not go against KoKo. However, time revealed that not only had she gone back on her word, but she also planned on running KoKo’s organization out of Atlanta altogether.

  KoKo ate a good lunch and then got geared up to make her daily rounds. She jumped in a cab and settled into her seat, knowing from this point on playtime was over. These muthafuckas were about to feel her wrath.

  When KoKo pulled up, she heard loud music and laughter. It appeared that Goldie was having a pool party. She looked around and took note of the two trucks in her driveway. Somewhat curious, she moved toward the side of the house heading to the backyard. She scanned the area, taking note of everyone in attendance. Several girls from the club were splashing around in the pool. A few dudes sat at a table playing cards with Night.

  KoKo moved smooth over to the gate and just stood there.

  Goldie walked over to Night, handed him a beer, and then sashayed over to the grill. When she looked up and saw KoKo staring in her direction, her heart skipped a beat.

  Immediately, she moved to the gate, tapping Night on the shoulder on her way by.

  “Hey, KoKo,” she said, hitting the switch turning off the electric fence. Goldie opened it wide for KoKo.

  “What’s this? A day off?” KoKo sarcastically stated with a mean mug.

  “Yeah, we do this every Saturday before the club opens. Just a little something I started to give the girls a break,” Goldie responded as she reset the gate.


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