The Pussy Trap 3

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The Pussy Trap 3 Page 9

by Death by Temptation (retail) (epub)

“French fry pussy? Whatever, KoKo! I gets mine.” The woman waved her hand, trying to bow out gracefully.

  “Let me school y’all bitches on my way outta here.” She adjusted her vest. “See, a common bitch like yourself will suck a dick anytime any place, but a boss bitch like me. I make him beg for it, make him crave for it, and then when he least expect it, I take that shit to the back of my throat and then make him pay for it. Sheeiit . . . if y’all ‘hos sucking the skin off dick and ain't got your name on some shit, then bitch, kill yourself.”

  KoKo chuckled. “Gonna pull out some bullshit ass paper and flash, talking about you get yours. All my cards are black and my money is long, just like the dick I didn’t have to suck to get it.”

  Benita just held her hand over her mouth, floored.

  KoKo turned to walk out. “I gave y’all that for free. Remember, all y’all quick-to-suck-a-dick bitches are a duplicate. I’m an original. Pussy so good have a nigga moaning I love you, and he don’t even know where I live.” KoKo shook her head. “Fuck outta here. Bitches in here celebrating ‘cause they suck dick. Keep on being a nigga’s expectations, all you gonna get is a dick in your mouth.” She turned back to Benita.

  “Next time, you come to my house. This shit is depressing,” she said, heading to the exit.

  The women sat in their seats bewildered. They had just had a cup full of KoKo raw and uncut.

  “Why you let KoKo come in here and go off on customers?

  These sensitive bitches can’t handle all that,” Nikki joked. “Bitch, it’s your fault. I told y’all bitches not to get her

  started.” Benita laughed. “Come on, girl. Get in this chair,” she said to KoKo’s victim. “The rest of y’all get to work,” she ordered with a smile. KoKo was that bitch and Benita was loyal to her for life.

  As KoKo walked through the salon, she hollered at a few cats on the way out. While engrossed in a conversation with one of her workers out of Queens she saw the same dude from the club looking at her through the shop window. She brought her gaze back to Hak and when she looked back up the guy was gone. KoKo ended her converstion and headed outside.

  When she walked out the door she threw on her shades and adjusted her eyes from the blinding sun. Looking in both directions she saw no sign of him. It was the second time she saw him on her turf and she needed to find out who he was and why he was on her ass. KoKo rested her gaze on a female that was picking in the trash.

  KoKo squinted. “Can’t be,” she mumbled, and then headed in the woman's direction. KoKo stood by the woman, who was engrossed in her mission. “Excuse me, are you Chocolate?” she asked the woman.

  The woman slowly looked up. “I'm not bothering nobody,” the woman yelled. Then she realized it was KoKo. Tears welled up in Chocolate’s eyes, as shame overcame her. She looked away, wishing to be as invisible to KoKo as she was to herself.

  “Damn, Chocolate. Why you ain't reach out to me?”

  “The only person who would ever help me no matter what is gone,” she said, continuing to look away.

  KoKo reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple hundred. She grabbed Chocolate by the arm and placed the money in her hand.

  “Get yourself a room for the night and get some rest. Come to the pool hall tomorrow and ask for Savage. He’ll get you straight. This is a one-time extension. You fuck up, that’s it.”

  Chocolate looked up as tears flowed down her face. She broke out into a smile, and KoKo could see the spaces that were left after Fred knocked her teeth out. “Thank you, KoKo. I won’t let you down.”

  “We’ll see.” KoKo walked off and hopped in her car.

  Chocolate looked at the money in her hand and had to fight the internal struggle to either get right or get high.

  “KoKo, Fred has been looking for you. You need to go see him. He’s been asking for you,” she yelled. “Yeah, I’ll get over there.”

  “Go soon. He’s at the end.” Chocolate turned to go her way.

  KoKo sat in her car for a minute, reflecting on the fact that Maryam said her mom was talking about Fred. Then she runs into Chocolate, one of Fred’s women. What was the connection? She needed to get to Fred, but first she had to handle something a little more urgent.

  - 16 -

  Dress Rehearsal

  Look. Let’s get in here and get our shit and get back,” KoKo ordered as she and Baseem emerged from his truck.

  “I only got shoes to pick up. You the one got shit to try on.” He chuckled.

  “Whatever. I just want to get this shit over with, so we can move to the next level.” Even though she was against this party, she knew she had to do things just the way Kayson told her. So, she could strengthen the organization and smoke out any deceit lurking in the shadows.

  KoKo and Baseem moved through the mall parking lot swiftly. She needed to handle this, so she could catch a flight to GA to meet up with Goldie and Night. Also, she needed to get back for the party.

  “What store you going in?” Baseem asked her.

  “I’m going in Neiman Marcus,” she responded, moving quickly to the entrance.

  “I’ll meet you over there.” “Ai’ight.” KoKo kept moving.

  She walked in the double doors and headed straight to the dressing room. There, Amy had the three dresses waiting that KoKo ordered and had sent to the store.

  “Hey, Amy,” KoKo said as she approached.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. KoKo,” she responded with a huge smile on her face. “Just come this way.” While mentally counting her commission, Amy guided KoKo to a back dressing room, which was larger than the rest. KoKo walked in to see her usual setup, a bottle of wine and a small fruit tray.

  “Thanks, Amy.”

  “No problem. Call me if you need any assistance.” She pulled the curtains shut and left KoKo to handle her business.

  KoKo poured herself a glass of wine and took a few sips. After having a bite of cantaloupe, she pulled her shirt over her head, took off her shoes, and then pulled her jeans down. Bending over to place her shoes to the side, she felt a breeze.

  “Amy, I didn’t even get started yet.” She turned in the direction of the doorway. When she looked up, Kayson was standing there smiling.

  “Oh shit! What are you doing here?” she asked, looking past him. “You gonna get busted. Bas is with me.” Kayson pulled his hood back and moved toward KoKo. He walked up on her, pinning her to the wall.

  “Kayson,” she whined as he grabbed the sides of her panties, slowly twisting his finger in her strap, giving her his intense stare. KoKo’s heart raced in anticipation as she looked up, falling into his gaze.

  He pulled tighter, popping the strap. She inhaled deeply. Kayson placed his hands on her waist and lifted her in the air, placing her at dick level. She wrapped her legs around him, ready to receive all he had to offer. “Why didn’t you wait for me to bring it to you?” KoKo asked while Kayson’s soft lips caressed her neck.

  “Fuck all that. Daddy need to get wet.” He pulled out the Enforcer. Wasting no time, he slid in and went for that spot. KoKo was full of emotion, the fear of being busted, accompanied by the longing to feel him put her body in a trance, which intensified their encounter.

  “Mmmm . . .” she moaned as Kayson handled his business.

  “I love you, baby,” he whispered in her ear as she hugged him tight.

  “I love you more.”

  KoKo began to cum. Her breathing increased as pleasure dripped from her vocals.

  Amy approached the doorway and was stopped in her tracks by the sound of KoKo’s moans. She covered her mouth and nervously turned around, moving away from the door as quick as possible.

  Once they both released, Kayson held her tight and allowed his tongue to taste the sweetness of hers, stopping to suck on her bottom lip. “You gonna be able to take care of everything tonight?”

  “Yes, I got it.” She forced the words out, not wanting to speak or stop.

  “Handle it then.” He released his firm grip, removin
g the Enforcer from his favorite spot, allowing her to slide down.

  KoKo planted her feet on the floor and tried to balance on her wobbly legs while Kayson fixed his clothes.

  “I need this to be over, baby. I need you to be able to hold me every day.”

  “Hang in there, little mama. It’s almost over.” He kissed her lips again.

  KoKo closed her eyes and enjoyed his hypnotic touch. When he pulled back, she had to talk shit. “Yeah, and don’t be doing no drivebys on a sistah no more either.”

  “Sheeeit . . . you know I don’t play. I woke up this morning and looked out the window and Mrs. Kitty sent me a bat signal.”

  “You so stupid.” KoKo burst out laughing.

  “Let me get up outta here. I’ll see you in a couple days.” Kayson pulled his hood back over his head and moved out.

  KoKo sat down, picked up her panties, and looked at their condition and chuckled. “That man . . .” She shook her head and set them on the chair next to her. She grabbed her jeans, put them back on, and then just stood there.

  Amy stood outside the curtain listening to see if it was cool. “Knock, knock,” she attempted to announce herself.

  “Come on,” KoKo yelled back.

  “So, uh, did you decide on anything?” she asked, avoiding eye contact.

  “Just wrap all the shit up. I’ll meet you at the counter,” KoKo said, feeling relaxed and satisfied.

  Amy collected the dresses and headed to the counter. As soon as she walked out, Baseem walked over to the door.

  “What’s taking you so long, and why you look like that?” He looked at KoKo, who appeared a little disheveled.

  “Excuse me?” she responded with a serious look, covering her breasts.

  “I’ve been waiting out there for twenty minutes.”

  “I had to try shit on, Bas. Go ahead. I have to finish getting dressed.” KoKo tried to dismiss him. Baseem took a quick survey of the area, and his eyes settled on KoKo’s thong sitting on the chair. He didn’t say shit. He just took note.

  “Yeah, ai’ight. Hurry up. I got shit to do.”

  “I said I was coming. I got shit to do also.” She put her shirt on as the curtain closed. She had to giggle herself. Here it was she had just had a surprise visit from the Enforcer. “Bitch, you bad,” she said, looking herself over in the mirror. After KoKo slipped on her shoes, she exited the room.

  When she looked over at the counter, Baseem was standing there talking to Amy.

  “What’s up?” she asked as she approached.

  “Nothing. I wanted to treat you,” Baseem said, taking out his card and handing it to Amy.

  KoKo glimpsed the sneaky look on Baseem’s face, and knew he was up to something, but could not tell exactly what it was. Then a figure caught the corner of her eye. Her brow wrinkled, and she tried to quickly avert her gaze. Baseem turned to see what had gotten her attention. Outside the store, he caught a hooded figure as it passed the door.

  KoKo realized he had been alerted. “Bas,” she called out.

  “What the fuck is you hollering for?” he said, turning his attention back to KoKo.

  “Grab those for me.” She moved over, allowing him to take the dresses from Amy.

  Baseem looked at KoKo like she was crazy as he took the bags. “I’ma get you checked the fuck out.” He turned back to the door, but the person was gone.

  “Thank you, Amy,” she said, taking the card and the receipt.

  “Anytime.” She winked at KoKo.

  KoKo acted like she had no idea what she was talking about as she passed Baseem his card. “Here.”

  KoKo threw her shades on and walked away from the counter.

  As KoKo and Baseem walked out the store, KoKo’s eyes were all over the place in search of Kayson, but he had done what he did best . . . disappear.

  - 17 -

  The Organization

  Time had tested the organization's strength and the loyalty of its members. Some had failed the test and were rocking headstones as a result. Others had proven that they were built for the challenges of the game, and had not wilted under the recent pressure. In acknowledgement of their allegiance, KoKo blessed them with a little something to show her appreciation.

  She rented the Living Room Bar at the ‘W’ New York in Manhattan. The futuristic patterns of silver, crystal, and glass sparkled against the contrast of gold and red, setting the relaxing mode KoKo was pushing for.

  Each crew arrived by state wearing an array of dark red. By 11 PM, each crew was checked in and escorted to the party area.

  KoKo sat patiently in her suite waiting for the perfect time to make her appearance. When the clock struck twelve, she slipped into her dark red, draped, belted dress by Derek Lam, which accented her shoulders and toned legs. She wore a pair of all black Giuseppe Zanotti for Anja Rubic punk rock classical high heel sandals with piercings and a gold-colored chain. Twirling from side to side, KoKo checked herself over before carefully tucking her gun.

  Entering the elevator, she rehearsed the information she wanted to cover with the organization. She needed to be confident and serious. There were plots against them leering around every corner, and she wanted to impress upon them that now was the time to either tighten up or get the fuck out.

  KoKo entered the room, and all eyes were on her. She moved gracefully through the crowd, stopping only briefly to smile and say a few words. Night and Baseem watched her move around like a seasoned politician.

  She looked over at Bassem, who then moved to the DJ and signaled him to lower the music. Stopping at the bar, he requested the servers deliver the glasses of champagne. When everyone had a glass, KoKo took to the middle of the room to make a toast.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would first like to thank you for coming and for your dedicated service to support the organization. I know we have had some trying times these last six months, but I reassure you that smoother days are coming. Please enjoy the weekend I have set up for you with all the amenities the hotel has to offer. Everything is on me. To life, love, and riches. Salute.” KoKo held her glass in the air and toasted at the many glasses that were raised.

  Once she had made her presence known, she gave Night the nod.

  Night walked over to Chucky and gave him the order to gather all the heads of each city and have them meet them in a private boardroom downstairs.

  When KoKo entered the room, each person was comfortably seated at the table. She walked past the men and straight to the head of the table.

  “Okay, gentlemen, I am going to make this shit short and sweet. Moe, you are still in charge of Miami, and Slim you are still in charge of the NO.” She nodded at Baseem who walked over and set a briefcase full of money in front of KoKo. “And here is a bonus.” She clicked the locks on the case, and it popped open. Reaching inside, KoKo grabbed a few stacks and set one on her left and one on her right.

  Baseem slid the money in front of each man. He positioned himself back at KoKo’s side.

  “Chico, you are officially in charge of the ‘A’. I want you to maintain leadership down there. However, I am going to be sending Taz down to help you go to the next level. Give him your full cooperation. Chico, I will also need your help with my Florida move. Chucky, I want you to switch places with Pete. Pete, you are reassigned to Virginia. Chucky, I need you here in the city all the time.”

  Chico, Chucky, and Pete nodded in agreement.

  “Now, down to the business at hand. It has come to my attention that we have a few unhappy workers.” KoKo scanned the table, looking each man in the eyes. “Sabir, you are no longer needed in DC, and Amin, you are no longer needed in Jersey.”

  KoKo grabbed a few stacks from the briefcase and tossed them down the table.

  “What the fuck is this?” Sabir angrily asked, as he looked at the pile of money.

  “It’s called buyout money. Or as I like to put it, so I won’t have to kill yo’ ass money.” KoKo folded her hands. “See, I can deal with a lot of t
hings, but treachery is not one of them. “You two muthafuckas are out.”

  “Hold the fuck up. I need you to explain what’s going on, because I ain’t feeling this shit right here.” Sabir pushed the money back to the center of the table.

  “What you think? Because I got a skirt on you can fuck me?” she asked with squinted eyes.

  “Nah, it’s not like that at all,” he nervously responded. “Good. ‘Cause you know I will come from up under this muthafucka with something hot,” KoKo barked.

  Sabir’s heart jumped.

  “I know y’all had a meeting. You want more area. Amin wants more money.” KoKo paused. “Yeah, nigga, don’t look all surprised. The next time you decide to talk shit. Don’t take your side bitch with you to the meeting, then beat her ass a week later.” KoKo gave him the side eye.

  Amin grabbed his stack and looked it over. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  “I don’t care what you do with it. You can shove it up your ass if you feel like it. However, you will be escorted from this hotel to the tunnel. I don’t want to see you or hear from you. And all the protection is off. Get they raggedy ass out of my face.”

  Chucky and Taz stood behind them, waiting to escort them out.

  When they got to the door, Sabir made one last plea. “I was loyal to you, KoKo. I just wanted to upgrade my situation.”

  “Well, you should have talked to me. I keep telling y’all niggas no secret council. If you’re unhappy, talk to me. I can respect a man who comes at my face, but if you come at my back, I usually take your life. I’m in a transition period, so you get a pass.”

  “We cool, KoKo?” Amin asked. “Time will tell,” she shot back.

  Feeling defeated, they both left the room to face their fate. The doors closed, and every one turned to face KoKo. “Now, this is where we are going. I got a lot of legitimate

  business coming down the pipe. I want y’all to start thinking about what you want to do next. This shit right here is a young man’s game. We all have families and children. Kayson was always trying to get something going so we could wash this money and then be comfortable.”


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