“Look. I ain’t going anywhere. I been hustling since I was twelve years old. All I know is the streets,” Moe cut her off. “We all have been hustling forever. But it comes a time
when we have to look at this shit for what it is.” “I live this, and I’ma die this,” Moe responded.
“What the fuck is you talking about? Ain’t no honor in dying in the fucking street!” KoKo raised her voice. “You sound stupid as hell. Fuck is wrong with you? Yeah, we all live this. I got more on the line than all of you, but I also understand that at some point I’ma have to let the young boys have this shit. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder and killing niggas for the rest of my life.” She paused to let her words sink in. KoKo chuckled as a fond memory crossed her mind.
“My grandmother used to always say, ‘Don’t always think you’re bad, KoKo, because somebody else woke up with the same idea, and one day you will meet your match’.”
“I understand, KoKo. I’m just not ready to let go.” “I respect that. But know when to fold ‘em.”
“No doubt.”
“Alright. I am working on a new supplier. We have enough in the stash for about two months. Then we are going to be in trouble. I have something big up my sleeve. It will put us on a whole new level. Once I make the initial connect, Baseem and Chucky will take over. I will be falling back, but I’ll be available for council. Y’all will go through them. I will only speak up for you once, so don’t misuse my kindness. Don’t fuck up with them niggas. They aren’t as nice as KoKo,” she joked. “It’s time for me to change direction. Is everyone in this room with me?”
Each man nodded in agreement.
“I will warn you though. If you want out, leave now. Please don’t make me come down off my throne for dumb shit. I will not be patient or merciful with deceit.” KoKo got up, straightened her dress, and headed to the door. “If you will excuse me, I have to make one last round in this bad ass dress. Go ahead and have fun. Don’t waste my money. Get them dicks wet.”
KoKo heard a medley of laughter as she exited the room. She quickly made the rounds, passed out a few more instructions, and then she was off to her room. Baseem rode the elevator with her and watched as she got in safely.
When KoKo entered her room, the view took her breath away. There were different sized candles all over the room, creating a dimly lit setting. Soft music played in the background. She turned the corner and entered the bedroom. Kayson was sitting in a chair with all his sexy on display. KoKo looked him over, eyeing his smooth chest. Her eyes roamed his body, and her gaze set on his thick rod that sat up in his satin Polo boxers.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon,” she announced in a sexy, shy tone.
“I couldn’t wait for you to bring it to me. I had to bring it to you,” he smoothly stated.
“Is that right?” KoKo stepped out of her shoes. She slid her hand up her thigh, releasing her .22 and placing it on the dresser.
Kayson moved from his seat and met her in the middle of the room.
“I love this dress on you, but I think it goes better with the carpet.” Kayson undid her belt and opened her dress, allowing it to fall to her feet. Exposing all her sexy brown skin. Her white lace thong and bra increased his heart rate.
“You know everyone is here,” she whispered.
“You look so beautiful standing here.” His hands began to glide over her breasts.
“Keep it up, and I won’t be able to hide your little secret,” she said as his teeth sank into her neck.
“I got something else I need you to hide.” He took her hand and slid it down the front of his boxers.
Grabbing that steel in her hand, she enjoyed the thickness as her hands roamed all over him.
“Did you handle your husband’s business?” His tongue caressed her earlobe.
“Yeeesss . . .” she moaned as his finger found her spot of confession.
“Just hang in there a few more days. I’ma make this city bow to you, baby,” he confessed as he flicked effortlessly over her clit.
Gripping his shoulders tight, she closed her eyes in anticipation of erupting in his hand.
He removed the boundaries between them, allowing her bra and panties to hit the floor. Wet and ready, KoKo’s body begged for him.
Kayson walked her to the bed and laid her down. “Tonight, I want us to forget about all this shit. I just want to make love to my wife.” He slid down his boxers, allowing them to drop to the floor.
Crawling between her legs, he rested against her baby soft skin.
“Kay, I want this all to be over. I don’t want to hide. I need to have you with me.”
“I’m always with you,” he moaned, sliding her those inches as gently as he could.
“Baby . . .” she muttered, holding him tight.
Nibbling and kissing all over her heated flesh, he stroked long and angular, making sure to touch bottom with every stroke.
KoKo closed her eyes and drank up all his love. With him, there was no fear. With him, there was no grief.
Sensual, wet kisses filled the spaces where words could not. Hot moans caressed their ears as they matched each other’s strokes like a nasty tug of war. He needed her unspoken cries for mercy as much as she needed him not to hear them.
Tenderly rolling back and forth, each taking their place on top, they took turns pleasing each other’s heart and soul.
Timeless moments of hot dripping passion ended as two bodies quivered and shook. They swallowed each other whole, cumming long and hard.
Kayson lay buried inside her, raining sweet kisses on her face. KoKo put her head to the side and basked in the afterglow of their love.
“You and Quran are my everything. I am nothing without y’all. You have my word. I will protect you with my life,” he vowed as he rested his face on hers.
KoKo said nothing in return. Instead, she caressed his back and savored every minute.
When KoKo woke up, she was pleasantly surprised to feel Kayson lying next to her. She pulled his arm around her waist, bringing him closer.
Kayson snuggled against her warm body. “We leaving in a few hours,” he announced.
“Leaving? Where we going?”
“I need to see my son. Then we’re off to South America. It’s time for you to see where I’ve been and understand where I am taking this family.”
Again; KoKo said nothing. She just prepared her mind to face the secrets Kayson had been hiding, and what might develop if she ran into anything that would compromise her feelings for him.
KoKo reached over on the nightstand and grabbed her cell. There were several missed calls from Baseem. Apparently, he had been blowing her phone up all night.
Just as she was about to call him back, she heard a rain of knocks on the door.
“Who you expecting?” Kayson asked, holding her tight. “No one, but I think it’s Baseem. I told you he been in my ass.” KoKo moved his arm and got up. She grabbed her robe, closed the door to the bedroom, and headed for the entrance door.
She looked through the peephole, and just as she thought, it was Baseem. She tried to prepare herself mentally as she unlocked the door and pulled it open.
“What the fuck? You got drunk and passed out?” he asked, walking into the room and taking a careful eye to the candles and arrangement of KoKo’s clothes on the floor.
“What did you want?” she asked, pulling her robe tight.
Baseem was caught in thought as he looked up and saw her neck painted with passion marks.
“Hellooo,” KoKo said, bringing him back to the present. “Ain’t nothing. I was just checking on you.” He looked at
her suspiciously. “I’m good.”
“I bet you are,” he responded on his way to the door. “I’ll see you later, I guess.”
“No. I have to leave town. I’ll hit you when I get back.” KoKo opened the door for him to leave.
“Yeah, ai’ight.” He paused. “You seen Night?” He looked over at the close
d bedroom door.
“No, but if I hear from him, I’ll tell him that you looking for him.” She gazed firmly in his eyes.
After an uncomfortable few seconds of silence, he turned to walk out.
Closing the door, KoKo ran her hands through her hair. Kayson emerged from the bedroom. “Baseem?” He smiled. “Yes. You gotta get him off my ass. Now the nigga think
I’m fucking Night.” KoKo walked over to the floor and picked up her dress.
“I got it. Baseem is as loyal as they come. He is going to be on top of everything until shit pans out. Come lay with me.” He laughed at her little attitude.
“You think this shit is funny?”
“No, I just like to see you with those sexy lips poked out.” He pulled her into his arms, placing his soft lips on hers. “Don’t worry. I got it.”
- 18 -
The Introduction
KoKo rented a bungalow on the other side of the island. Nervously, she tapped her nails on the kitchen counter running her list through her mind making sure she had
everything. It was time to put Quran and Kayson together, and she wanted to make it as comfortable as possible. KoKo anxiously moved around the house setting things up.
She put the food away and then prepared Quran’s room. Quickly, she set up his bed, his video games, and a few new toys so he would feel at home.
After she prepared Kayson’s and her room, she lit a few tropical coconut candles and turned on some music. She tried to relax, but her mind kept coming up with questions. How would Quran act with his dad? She was happy to put them together, but at the same time she was nervous. The last thing she wanted to do was have a situation where Quran would be angry or upset.
KoKo sat for a few minutes. Then she blew out the candles and headed to pick up Quran.
When she pulled up to the house, a smile came across her face. Quran was standing in the yard with his backpack on, all ready to go. She could see him fidgeting with his hands and moving around like he was anxious for his outing.
Maryam grabbed his hand as KoKo pulled up in front of them.
One of the bodyguards opened the door, and Maryam placed Quran in his car seat.
“Hey, little face,” KoKo said, turning in her seat.
“Hi, Mommy,” he said, all excited as Maryam fastened him in.
“You ready, beloved?” She smiled. “Yup.” He shook his head.
“Maryam, I’ll be gone for the weekend. If anything goes wrong just call me. I’m not far.”
“Yes, Mrs. KoKo. Have fun.” She kissed Quran’s face and then closed the door.
KoKo drove in silence, occasionally peeking in the rearview mirror at Quran, who was smiling and looking out the window. KoKo knew from this day forward, his whole world would change.
Pulling into the house, her heart jumped when she saw a car in the driveway. Kayson had arrived. It was official; Daddy was home.
KoKo parked next to his rental, and then she walked around to let Quran out.
“Can you pick me up?” he said, jumping on KoKo.
“Boy, you are as big as me,” she said, swooping him up off the ground.
“I love you, Mommy.” Quran put his head on her shoulder. “I love you too.” She nestled him in her arms.
KoKo walked to the door and fumbled with her keys. A few seconds later, the door came open.
There he stood, peering down at them.
Quran looked up and a smile came over his face. “Say hello, Quran,” KoKo instructed.
“Hello,” he said, waving his hand. KoKo slid him down her hip.
“I have something to tell you.” She looked down at her son. Quran gazed up at her and Kayson.
Kayson moved aside as they walked to the couch. Closing the door, he too became nervous. Kayson joined them on the couch, sitting next to Quran.
“Quran, this is someone very special.” She smiled.
He looked up at Kayson, whom he had seen in New York, and in KoKo’s photo album.
“I know that, Mommy,” he said, all matter-of-factly. “What do you know?” she asked with a bit of sarcasm.
“Grandma said that’s my daddy, and one day he will come home.” He shrugged his little shoulders, looking up at KoKo.
She was at a loss for words. Here she was, agonizing over the introduction, and Quran was acting like it was no big thing.
“You know your daddy loves you, right?”
“Yes. I know, Mommy,” he said as if KoKo was getting on his nerves. “I love him too.” Quran looked up at Kayson.
“Well, excuse me.”
Quran took off his backpack and dug inside of it. “I made this for you.” He pulled a dry ball of clay out of his bag and passed it to Kayson.
“What’s this?” Kayson asked, holding the small orange ball in his hand.
“A ball,” Quran said. “Grandma said you like basketball.”
Kayson smiled and closed his hand around the ball. “Thank you. Can daddy have a hug?”
Quran turned and crawled up to Kayson’s neck and hugged him tight.
KoKo was full of emotion. She had to fight back tears. The moment she had been waiting for was finally here. So many nights she cried and prayed about how she was going to raise her little man all alone, and now they were in the same room hugged up like no time was lost.
“You know you have always been on my mind and in my heart, right?”
Quran shook his head up and down.
“You are my everything.” He held him close.
Unable to hold back her tears any longer, she released the water. KoKo smiled as tears ran down her cheeks.
Quran looked over at his mother. “Don’t cry, Mommy,” he said, reaching out for her.
KoKo leaned over and kissed his face. Quran wiped her tears and kissed her eyes. Kayson pulled her over to them, and they shared their first embrace as a family.
Not long afterward, she prepared dinner while watching Kayson and Quran play in the pool. Kayson was wearing Quran out. She knew after he ate and bathed he would be passed out.
After dinner, KoKo and Kayson put Quran in the tub. They sat next to the tub watching him play with his toys.
KoKo gathered his pajamas as Kayson walked him into the bedroom.
“Can you sleep in here?” Quran asked Kayson. “I can’t fit in your bed.”
“Yes, you can.” He laughed. “Mommy sleeps with me,” he said, jumping up on the bed.
“Your mother is short.”
“Whatever,” she said, pulling his shirt over his head. “You too, Mommy.”
“How about you sleep with us?”
“Okay!” He grabbed his pillow and took off down the hall. “I was supposed to sleep alone with Mommy tonight,” Kayson said, grabbing her into his arms.
“Mommy will take care of Daddy when he falls asleep.”
“Yeah, that Jacuzzi is calling our name.” He squeezed her soft body as his lips and tongue moved slowly around her neck.
“Is that right?” KoKo responded, melting in his embrace.
Kayson looked into her eyes and kissed her lips. “I love you,” he said in between kisses. “Thank you for my son.”
KoKo was overwhelmed. She didn’t know what to say. “Don’t leave us.”
“I promise.”
“Come on!” Quran yelled out. “Here we come,” KoKo yelled back.
“Let me find out we have a little blocker on our team.” Kayson released KoKo from his grip.
“That’s your son.” KoKo turned toward the hallway.
Kayson smiled. His son. He had never been this happy, and in reality he was scared. There was so much in the balance that could shatter their happiness. Kayson knew he needed to make his moves and quick.
KoKo popped some popcorn and then joined her men in the room. Quran made it through one movie. But when the second one started, his eyes closed, and he was out like a light.
Kayson wasted no time ushering KoKo outside. He needed some daddy time, and she was happy to give it to h
KoKo was settled nicely on Kayson’s lap and rested against his chest.
“I needed that, baby,” she cooed as his hands slid over her back.
“I think you just took advantage of me, but I ain’t mad at you.” Kayson relaxed with KoKo on his lap, and the hot water bubbling all over his body.
“You enjoyed every second.” She kissed his lips. “I damn sure did.” He gave in to her tongue play.
A minute later, he broke from her lip lock. “When we drop Quran off on Monday, we have to head out of the country.
You ready?”
“Yes, I’m always ready.” She went back to kissing his lips. “Somebody else is ready,” he warned as the Enforcer rose
for the occasion.
“Well, let me have it.”
“I’ma let you have it, but can you handle it?”
“I’ll try,” she responded as he switched to a more power position and gave her just what she asked for.
They moved back into the house and showered, and then dressed in their pajamas. Once they climbed in bed next to Quran they both passed out. The family bond was set. KoKo and Kayson just needed to remove anything that would threaten it.
- 19 -
Caught in her feelings, KoKo was unable to fall asleep. Some of it involved them dropping Quran off and taking a fight to South America. But what bothered her most was Kayson taking a phone call from a woman while KoKo was riding his dick. She sat up and looked over at Kayson, who was fast asleep. She stared at him, trying to figure out what he was hiding and why he was hiding it.
KoKo got out of bed, put on her slippers, and headed to the balcony. Opening the glass doors, the breeze blew the curtains as she walked toward one of the chairs and took a seat. KoKo watched the full moon that appeared to sit right outside the house. It was breathtaking. She had been in Guyana for only a few hours and had mixed feelings about what Kayson was doing down here and the fact that he was set up so well. She was also conflicted about them getting to the bottom of why he left in the first place.
“You couldn’t sleep?” Kayson asked, walking up behind her.
“Not really,” she responded.
“What’s on your mind?” He sat in the chair next to her. “Everything.”
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