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The Pussy Trap 3

Page 11

by Death by Temptation (retail) (epub)

  “Speak on it.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to be out of the country. I have so much pending, and I have to cut some time out to spend with Quran. Maybe you can handle this without me.” She looked over at him.

  “That’s not an option. I need you for this. I want you to work with Yuri. I need someone I can trust to be right in the mix.” He looked in her eyes in an attempt to read her emotions.

  KoKo looked at him for a few seconds and then looked away.

  “Look. Just make this first meeting. Feel her out.” “I hope you weren’t feeling her out.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “I hope you weren’t feeling her out.”

  “Don’t play with me. You should know me by now. I would never fuck another woman and then put her in your face. I don’t roll like that.”

  “I would hope not.” “Have I ever lied to you?”

  “No. But you taught our son to.”

  “That was different, and we didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you everything.”

  “Why did you allow your mother the freedom to move our son around without my permission?”

  KoKo frowned. Just the thought that he was sneaking around behind her back with that bitch, upset her whole situation. She sat thinking, What the fuck was he and his mother hiding?

  “I know what you’re thinking. No, my mother didn’t know the whole time. I told her a few weeks before her trip to New York. I wanted to see my son, and I didn’t want her to travel down here. I knew you would flip if you couldn’t find them. I set up a spot in the city and met them there.”

  “Why would you do that? You put them both in danger,” KoKo stated, feeling a bit betrayed.

  “I did what I needed to do. Plus, I had to get some information from my mother. She needed to be in the city to take care of some things for me.”

  KoKo’s mind was now all over the place. All the pain from his mother’s deceit came to the surface, and she had gotten a major attitude. “Look, I have a lot of questions, but I’m going to save them for a time when I’m not pissed, because I don’t want to say something I will regret.” KoKo got up.

  Kayson grabbed her hand. “Don’t let nothing come between us.”

  “You already done enough of that for the both of us.” She looked in his eyes. “I’m tired. I need to lie back down.” She gently pulled her hand away.

  Kayson turned and stared out over the water. He wanted to go after her and tell her everything, but he couldn’t. There were still so many pieces he needed to put into place, and her knowing everything would only make her go after the people he needed to complete his mission. It killed him to see her in pain, but it was a sacrifice he had to make to pull shit off without a flaw.

  Kayson got in bed behind her and put his arm around her stomach. “Please know everything I do and have done is for us. I promise I will tell you everything when it’s time,” he whispered in her ear, and then he kissed her shoulder.

  KoKo didn’t respond. She just closed her eyes and tried to doze off. She had already decided her hunt for answers was going to begin as soon as her feet touched New York soil.

  The next morning, Kayson and KoKo moved in silence around the house, preparing for the day. KoKo got her mind right for this so-called meeting with a woman that she didn’t know and wasn’t trying to know.

  When the driver pulled up and rang the bell, Kayson opened the door.

  “Wait by the car. She will be right with you,” he instructed. Turning his attention to KoKo, he said, “Look, just hear her out. We need to make this move. I need to know how you feel and what you see.”

  “I’m always about my business. But when we get back, we need a sit down.”

  “I got you.” He kissed her forehead. KoKo walked out and got into the car.

  Kayson gathered his things and prepared to meet with Mr. Odoo and his son Peppa. Mr. Odoo was old fashioned. He wanted the men to work together and the women to do the same. He had given his daughter a lot of power, but she was still very green when it came to negotiating and thought with KoKo by her side she would get the confidence she needed to make bigger moves.

  As KoKo pulled in front of the house, she took a breath and prepared her mind. She was still dealing with the conversation she had with Kayson. She quickly tucked that shit away and went into business mode.

  Walking up the driveway, her eyes explored the surroundings. Everything was beautiful. The lawn was perfectly manicured, and every flower looked like it was planted in its rightful place. She approached the door and grabbed the huge metal ring and banged it a few times.

  The door came open.

  At 6-feet 1-inch tall and approximately 145 pounds, all curves, Yuri smiled, looking like a Brazilian goddess. She wore her hair long, brown, and curly. Her features were exotic. Beautiful long legs, small waist, a fat ass and double D breasts, leading up to a round face with mezmerizing brown doe-shaped eyes, a thin nose, and pretty pink lips glossed over just right.

  “Hello. You must be KoKo,” Yuri said as she opened the door wider to her mansion, allowing KoKo to enter.

  “Yes, I am,” KoKo stated as she moved past the entrance. Yuri closed the door, giving KoKo the once over.

  KoKo walked into the foyer and began to take inventory. She marveled at the brown and tan marble staircase that led to a balcony which gave access to two different hallways, one on each side. The tall ceilings were accented by several bamboo ceiling fans, which were all turning in unison.

  “Welcome to my home.” She smiled. “Please, come this way.” Yuri began walking to a large room that housed an all- white pool table that sat up on four small golden lion heads. Across from it was a large glass table with a throne-like chair on each end, and a gold chess set in the middle. “Please be seated.”

  KoKo sat down in one of the burgundy plush armchairs and crossed her legs.

  Yuri walked over to the bar and poured a drink. “Would you like something before we get started?”

  “No thanks,” KoKo said, remaining quiet and trying to figure out her angle.

  Yuri poured a drink from the medium-sized, clear glass bottle. She replaced the lid, and then walked over and sat across from KoKo.

  “So, KoKo, did Kay tell you what everything entailed?” Yuri’s use of a nickname for Kayson immediately put KoKo in a bad mood. Everything this bitch had to say from here forward was going to be carefully scrutinized.

  “Look, I came a long way, and running small talk is not on my agenda. So, with all due respect, say what you gotta say. I got shit to do.” KoKo looked at Yuri with one eyebrow raised. “Fair enough. I will get to the point. My father loves Kayson like a son. He has a huge deal coming up, and he wants him by his side. For some reason, he thinks we need to work together.” She paused, taking a sip of her drink. “To be honest, I am not looking for a sidekick. However, if I can get you to sit up straight and pay attention, then maybe we will be a good team.” She tried to come for KoKo, but was sadly misinformed about how crazy KoKo was.

  “Bitch, you must have bumped your muthafucking head.

  You don’t know shit about me!”

  Yuri smiled. So, young, so ignorant. “I'm quite sure Kay has explained to you many times that a lady needs to be patient and allow the strength in her silence to speak louder than her words.”

  “And I'm quite sure he has explained many times to you, that a bitch with her head in a lion’s mouth shouldn't shake her ass.”

  Yuri chuckled. “Cute.” She paused. “With a little more time I'm sure he will be able to dress you up and take you somewhere.” She brought her drink to her lips while staring in KoKo’s eyes.

  KoKo sat back and rested her hands on the armrest, squeezing them tight while struggling to remain calm.

  She slowed her breathing, and then went in. “I don't give a fuck how much of my man’s dick you sucked. Say some more shit outta the way to me, and I'ma upset your whole dental plan.” KoKo rose from her seat.

“What makes you think I sucked his dick?” Yuri smirked.

  KoKo gave a half smile. “I’ve seen your kind before. You’re not original. Plus, if he fucked you, your mouth wouldn't be so slippery. See, you’re the type of bitch that’ll suck a nigga’s dick and sit around waiting for that comeback.”

  Yuri twitched in her seat, trying to maintain her calm demeanor, but on the inside she was heating up. But one thing was for sure. She thought very carefully before parting her lips.

  When she didn’t respond, KoKo responded for her. “Yeah, I thought so. Fuck outta here.” KoKo started toward the door.

  Yuri rose from her seat. “Maybe one day you will thank me.”

  KoKo quickly turned and moved toward her. “We don't have to wait for no one day. Shit, you ain't said nothing. I would like to thank you right now. I know my man was away from me. And I appreciate a bitch keeping his dick right while lining my pockets. Bitch, I’ma Boss, and therefore, I know how to stay in my lane. Your shit is sloppy, and you all over the road. A boss bitch can fuck your man and smile in your face. A thirsty bitch gotta make it known. The only reason you’re still alive is because I respect the relationship Kayson has with your father. But don’t get it twisted. I am the wrong bitch to fuck with.”

  The two women stood eye to eye, neither wanting to back down. KoKo smiled. “Just as I thought. A thirsty bitch.” KoKo turned this time, exiting the room. She walked out the door, hopped in her car, and headed back to Kayson’s house. She packed up her shit and flew straight back to New York.

  Later that night . . .

  Kayson slid his key into the door, closing it behind himself. “KoKo! Baby,” he yelled as he moved from one room to another. He was interested in finding out if she had gotten the details and was moving on the shit he needed done.

  When he got to the last room and saw that KoKo’s shit was missing, he became agitated. Immediately, his thoughts went to Yuri and what type of shit she must have pulled. He grabbed his phone and called KoKo, but got no answer. He hit her back to back three times. He stood thinking for a minute, and then placed a call to Night. “Yo. Where your sister at?”

  “She about to be in the front seat of my car. I'm picking her up from the airport.”

  “Ai’ight. When you get her in the car, hit me.”

  “Everything good, Boss?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle. Hit me as soon as she get in the car.” Kayson disconnected his call, grabbed his shit, and headed to Yuri's house.

  Kayson pulled up to the security system and rang the buzzer. After a few seconds, he heard her voice ring through the speaker. “Yes.”

  “Don’t fucking play with me,” Kayson said, and the gate opened. He sped to the door, got out, and walked inside. Yuri was standing there waiting for him. “What the fuck you tell my wife?”

  “What are you talking about?” She walked into the game room. Kayson was right on her heels.

  “I asked you to bring her up to speed, and instead you do the total opposite.”

  Yuri poured herself a tall glass of white wine. She then walked to the couch and sat down. “I didn’t get a chance to tell her anything. She’s the type of woman that thinks she knows it all, and I let her go with it.”

  “Fuck is you talking about you ‘let her go with it’?”

  “She got the impression that I sucked your dick. And in the moment, I let her believe what she wanted to believe.” She seductively crossed her legs and licked her lips.

  Kayson was quiet. He watched Yuri bring the glass to her mouth, giving him that sexy, yet sneaky smile.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t play with my wife.”

  “She is not on my level. She needs to respect me.”

  “No, you need to respect what the fuck I told you to do. Because unlike the rest of my team. She don't give a fuck about killing a bitch and then going right on with her day.”

  “She isn’t the only bitch with a gun.”

  “Tell your father to call me. I can’t work with you.”

  “Why? You scared you might get into something you can’t get out of?”

  Kayson chuckled. “Bitch, you must be crazy. You got the wrong nigga. Pussy don’t excite me. You had your chance, but you can’t hang with a real boss. Now your ass is bitter.” He paused and laughed. “Crazy, bitch. Let me get the fuck outta here.” Kayson looked at her and shook his head. Then he headed for the door.

  Yuri was furious. She jumped up, slammed her glass on the table, and swiftly walked behind him. “No. I don’t have the wrong muthafucka. You got the wrong bitch. You work for us. We call the shots. You exist because we say so.”

  Kayson turned quickly, grabbed her by the throat, and pinned her up against the wall.

  “Don’t ever fucking threaten me!”

  Yuri grabbed at his hand in an attempt to loosen his grip.

  Tears rose up in her eyes as she gasped for air.

  “Talk shit. Who exist because of who?” he asked as he watched her struggle.

  “Let . . . me . . . go,” she tried to say, while pulling at his arm.

  “Don’t play with me! Stay the fuck away from me and my family.” He held his hand on her throat a little longer then released. Turning to the door, he said, “And don’t fuck with my money, or we will have a real problem.”

  Yuri fell to the floor, gasping and coughing. She looked up with tears streaming from her eyes. “Fuck you, Kayson!” she yelled.

  “Suck my dick!” he said, not even turning around. “Oh yeah, that’s right. I won’t let you,” he said, and slammed the door.

  Yuri pounded her hand on the floor and cried. She was pissed, but not only at him, but also at herself. She had wanted Kayson to be hers, and instead of playing it cool, she allowed her jealousy of KoKo to cloud her vision. She sat back on her feet and cried. The more she cried, the angrier she became, as the realization set in. Now she had to tell her father she may have jeopardized the mission. Pain struck her chest. Her father’s orders were clear and rang loud in her mind. Don’t fuck this up.

  Mad as Hell . . .

  Kayson jumped in Night’s car, closed the door, and rolled down the window. He was beyond pissed, and now he had to face KoKo and clear up the shit Yuri had put out there.

  He pulled his hoody back and ran his hand over his face. “So, she mad as hell, huh?”

  “Hell yeah! She got in the backseat and didn’t say shit. I tried to get her to call you, but she pushed that phone right to the side, sat back and looked out the window all the way to the house. Got out my shit and slammed the door so hard I almost shot her in the pinky toe.” He cracked a half smile.

  Kayson ran his hands over his face again. He knew he hadn't done shit, but with him being gone and all the shit that surrounded that, plus the new business he had set up that he could not tell her about, caused KoKo to be very insecure. “Yeah, I almost had to break that bitch’s neck. She got KoKo thinking we fucking.”

  “Get the fuck outta here!” Night said. Kayson got quiet.

  Night looked over at him. “Did you?”

  “Nah. One night I almost slipped, but I don’t eat where I shit. Plus, I can’t do my baby like that. I put that shit in check real quick.”

  “Yeah, ai’ight, nigga. Don’t make KoKo act like a fool. You know she crazy as hell. Fuck around and wake up with a dog head in your bed.”

  Kayson pulled his hood down, turned and looked out the window. He needed to get to KoKo and fast.

  When Kayson got to the mansion, she was nowhere in sight. There wasn’t even a trace that she had been there. He quickly went to the basement and hit the safe behind the bar. He scanned some paperwork, stuck it back inside the safe, and closed it up. Kayson knew that KoKo always did the disappearing act when she was upset. He figured he would just stick to his plan until she cooled off. He just hoped the shit Yuri did wasn’t irreversible.

  - 20 -

  Southern Comfort

  KoKo’s mind was all over the place. She arrived in Atlan
ta around two o’clock in the morning and hailed a cab. She needed to go someplace where she could sit

  and think. And she knew just the place.

  As soon as the cab was within a few blocks of her destination, she hopped out and began to walk. She reached the house and rang the bell and waited.

  The lights came on, and a calm came over her mind. KoKo knew she had made the right choice, and she would be able to put everything into perspective.

  The locks clicked and the door opened. “Why you always at my door in the middle of the night?” Rock asked as he opened his arms to greet her.

  “Can I come in?” she asked, moving from their embrace.

  “Of course. You alright?” he asked, recognizing her bloodshot eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just need to sit and think.”

  “Well, you know you can stay here as long as you need to.” “Thank you.” KoKo moved to the couch and sat down.

  Rock sat next to her, grabbed the remote, and turned on the satellite radio.

  KoKo sat for a minute. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a blunt. “Do you mind?”

  “Nah, baby, go ahead.”

  KoKo lit up, took a few hard pulls, and stared off. “You ever did so much shit that you wish you could turn back the hands of time? But realized, if you did, the shit that you love would also be gone?”

  “I have made my mistakes. But the good thing about them is they make me who I am.”

  KoKo chuckled. “Yeah, and mine make me who I am. But the woman I see everyday, I am not proud of.” She took a few more pulls.

  “You are a brilliant woman. You are only playing the cards you were dealt. If at anytime you feel like you keep getting the wrong hand, change the game,” Rock said and put his hand on her shoulder.

  A tear rolled down her face. She reached up and caught it with her hand.

  “It’s okay to cry sometimes. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone that the toughest woman I know, cries.” He chuckled.

  “I am so embarrassed.”

  “For what? You’re human. You have things on your shoulders that most men can’t handle. It’s okay to be soft sometimes.”


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